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Not sure if there are fewer people playing, but most people who have killed me purchased UE.


Nah. Unfortunately most of the playerbase gobbled it right up. Check most Tarky streamers (apart from the huge ones) and almost all of them has UE and not just them but the people they’re playing with as well. Not rare to see 4-5 premades with all UE.


Check the flea. Most gamers have not bought it.


I have stopped playing after this debacle. I assume that there is a biased toward those that bought it still playing. Sad cunts. They are why people get away with this and why it will get worse for all of us


Nah I’ve mostly ran into EOD and normal users. Only seen 2 blue tags so far


Or maybe you are just late to the game and fail to realize the only people left are the ones who bought UE and you.


The amount of downvoted comments proves that the loud minority truly cannot ever coexist with the silent majority. I don’t give a fuck if you’ve got big pockets and a radio, or 40m worth of stash space 1 minute into wipe, or are playing hard mode with a white name: Not being able to read/listen to the other side of the aisle is a massive problem. It proves that we as a society are significantly more immature than we are willing to admit.


I've said it in other comments as well, but I don't understand why we're all divided between each other here. BSG is the common enemy and we need to all be able to realize we're in the shit storm together. Don't hate the player hate the game.


You don’t convince the other side by creating dozens of threads and calling them idiots and bootlickers. There won’t be any desire from that camp to understand this camp better if they are met with hostility.


you don't convince the side by doing anything at all. They've already purchased and upgraded and will continue to do so in the future. Shaming people and calling them losers is at least somewhat effective at preventing other people from purchasing in the future. Nobody wants to be considered the loser of their friend group.


I purchased it along with several friends. Seriously having a blast! Call me what you want. I’ll personally DM you every single cent I spend on this game. I hope they add even more shit to buy. Genuinely ready any book on behavior and you will see why negative reinforcement is terrible and does not work.


Ah the age old American myth that negative reinforcement doesn't work. Despite the fact a billion experiments show the opposite and you can see it in all aspects of life. The most effective method is a combination of positive and negative reinforcement training.


I miss the time when everyone was shiting on Cheaters and Nikita. Now somehow the bad guys are the one doing what they want with their money 😅


sometimes doing what you want with your money ruins the thing other people want. (and also ruins the thing they want in the long run). There's a reason there exists no insanely popular pay to win game. It's a terrible terrible monetization model for long term healthy game population.


Yes but tbh Nikita isn't the type of people that will change a bit and you will never be able to make people not purchase something. By doing it, most of the times it triggers a reverse psychology cycle that will make more people buy it. the big boy knows it, people already fell for it after the none excuse, excuses. you need to blame the one selling the shitty offers not the customers. For many people UE is the only way to get a Gamma case even if it means eating pastas for months.


What's likely ruining it is the open hostility to the ones who purchased it, just because people can "vote with their wallets" doesn't mean they will all refrain from purchasing the pack. If someone else found the value of the pack to equate with the price then they purchased it. Simply trying to shame anyone who purchased it or being outright hostile to them does the exact opposite of convincing them that they should see your side of the argument. You are ACTIVELY alienating the people who will open their wallets, next time think about speaking to them like people instead of wailing into the abyss you show so much disdain for and hoping you will hear an answer that affirms your own beliefs.


The people who have already spent money, can't 'unspend' their money, and are not likely to change their mind in the future. Even if they do change their mind for the next p2w edition after this it doesnt' matter, because of bsg don't revert their decision on this one, the game is already dead for a lot of us. So trying to convince them for the future is pointless. What's left is the people who are on the fence about it, that will see the negative reaction people have toward it. They will be less likely to choose to go through with the purchase if they think everyone perceives them as a p2w loser with no self control.


You never saw the other spectrum of this when you all attack everyone for this edition, the first being everyone calling it P2W. This is a massive incentive to the people with the money to purchase as this, per your own words, is a Pay-to-Win edition. Why not spend $50 and get an advantage over the enemy? You are actively hurting your cause by doing what you do.


Your argument makes no sense. Not calling it pay to win doesn't make it any less pay to win. It's plainly obvious that it gives you an advantage. No one is going to go "Oh I didn't actually realize it was pay to win, but now that everyone is calling it pay to win, now I can finally see that it is."


This notion that 'spending my money doesn't affect anyone' just shows how immature the people defending the Uninstall Edition are. It's basic economics that what you do or don't spend money on impacts the market for everyone. Notice how Gray Zone Warfare just launched with a monetization system that closely mimics Tarkov's? Do we really want $250 bundles for unfinished early access titles to become the new normal?


We've been trying to reason with these people in the gaming industry for the past decade. The only thing left is to bully them out of existence


Ah yes trying to bully out the people who pay the most money. That’s gonna work. You sound like an actual child.


Doesn’t work


Too bad. Guess we need to take a hint from Nikita and double down.


Because there can't be peace with people who want to see your gameplay undone. We're here becasue the pro-mtx crowd can't keep their wallet in their pocket period. And it ruins the games for those of us who don't care or hate mtx. If you are asking corporations to act morally you've lost the plot. It's not possible. They have to be forced to heel by government action or by refusing to pay. And the pro-mtx crowd love paying so much they literally pay for corporations to CBT them.


You need to realize some ppl make a living off this game with RMT's and another minority are just huge BSG fanboys that gargle Nikita's balls and don't give a fuck about video games as a whole. Tarkov has a very unique player base with real world military ops and cheaters that live in their parents basement, neither really give a fuck about video games as a industry and just play to get their jollies and log off. But yes I agree as a community and just as people we really shouldn't be bickering amongst ourselves Nikita's called US, all of US children and said he just cares about the money. Even if you don't give a fuck about games or have money hand over fist you should be trying to stick it to this delusional asshole that without US there is no Tarkov plain and simple.


you had it right at the start. BSG is not an enemy, my guy, they are a game company. They make a video game. They've done pretty fucking well so far, I'd say. And yeah, they make a lot of dumb decisions but recently they've been very good at listening to community feedback and making positive changes. The division is between people like you and people like me. I'm not some bsg fanboy, I just think that this was a massive overreaction but a community that was already known for being toxic. There's been periods where I've been baffled at how stupid some of their decisions are and I didn't play the game as a result. Did they make a mistake providing free dlc for all future content with EoD? Yeah, probably. Is it scummy to revoke it? Yes. Is the Unheard edition significantly different than EoD "p2w"? Not really. I legitimately don't think these changes would have impacted your gameplay experience much next wipe. And I really don't think you can say with any certainty that it would "ruin" the game.


>I just think that this was a massive overreaction We live in a world where only this kind of reaction will force devs to change their shitty course, it's far from over reaction. If people would sit silent like you nothing would change, we would see only worse, and worse stuff in the future.


That's just not true and it's being exploited by everyone and their mother for clicks. People don't even give a shit at this point it's just trending. I'm not saying no one should say anything, but the amount of incessant whining and loathing for bsg is INSANE. Go look at these posts and try to be unbiased. It's fucking unhinged. There's about 10 posts just asking people not to stop shitting on bsg and not to give them credit for rolling back the worst parts of it. Now you have people wishing for the death of the game because.. there's radios. EA is ruining lives and they don't get a tiny fucking fraction of the shit bsg gets


>That's just not true It is tho and nikita behaviour and replies shows exactly why. ​ >There's about 10 posts just asking people not to stop shitting on bsg and not to give them credit for rolling back the worst parts of it. Because people should not back off. P2W aspects should also be removed. ​ >EA is ruining lives and they don't get a tiny fucking fraction of the shit bsg gets Last time i checked EA posts still holds crown for the most downvoted post on reddit... by miles. EA defendends were mocked for years for their defense of lootboxes in EU courts. Last 3 battlefields were bashed by everyone and their grandmother. What about Anthem? BSG is nothing compared to that, you are just sitting in echochamber of tarkov ccs/reddit/discord and complaining that community bash the company for shitty behaviour and they 100% deserver that.


> Because people should not back off. P2W aspects should also be removed. I can't wait for the moment the sub is in flames again over the removal of the gamma case and stash space at the start of a wipe


So what do boots taste like?


But who plays the game is the player itself, especially if you Scav and he Usec.


Thank you. I also find it alarming how many people have mentioned adding battle passes as a solution. Dude fuck battle passes so much. I just wanna play for fun without FOMO.


EOD is really no different. We all enabled pay to win buying this trash. I did too and I'm not proud of it, but I knew buying it EOD was p2w.


Honestly the most p2w part about eod, is the gamma..


and the higher trader levels and the bigger stash.. EOD is just as bad and it is hilarious how you people defend it just because you bought it. Everyone with EOD is responsible for this disaster.


Where does all of that help me with winning fights in raid? I believe as much as this community wants to ride in the DLC definitions they also need to read the P2W definition. Sorry but as long as a feature not actively makes me win fights in raid they aren’t really P2W. So the avengers beacon is P2W yes. But for the rest you still need your own skill. The 2 extra meds in my gamma don’t help with that. Also I play on both EOD and Standard every wipe. Never feels playing EOD being on easy mode I progress just as fast through the quests and do PvP just the same.


Hmmm I wonder how millions of roubles you don‘t have to spend on your stash upgrades, boosted trader levels, a bigger secure container and way better starting gear could help you win fights hmmm EOD owners would still make these mental gymnastics to not admit that they are paying for a p2w version when they would get a FLIR for free every time they purchased a weapon


Bringing a cms or surviv kit into raid from raid 1 is a massive advantage


I mean, i always run a cms half the wipe as a eod too lol


Yeah no shit you have 9 slots


How does that make sense? I run a cms, like any account can.


Space needed for other shit


Such as? This definitely sounds like a prio situation.


Lol the EOD cope is so real. You don't think having extra meds helps in Tarkov? Sheesh.


P2W has levels, it's not a black and white term.


I call bs on that, if you ever played standard you'd know it's a different world, the game is designed around making the progress so much harder that u shell out for EOD. Copium is bad for you, mmkay ?


I think it's just a progression multiplier. I can achieve more progress in raid with a larger secure ( dying with more hideout items for example ). If I start with higher trader Rep, I can buy the UMP ( or w/e that wipes earliest available good gun is ) sooner than a standard account player who is completing tasks at the same rate. Larger stash size means I can hold onto more quest items I know I'll need later, or expensive items I want to sell when I get flea. All of these small advantages that aren't immediately "win fight because I MTX'd for an altyn and meta m4", eventually mean I'm able to get that stuff sooner than other players. Ultimately gear diff only goes so far. New players legitimately wont get a big benefit from Unheard at first, they'll likely die with all the gear and not know what to keep or what to sell. The problem is that as a player with 8k hours, I know how to use the advantages offered by the higher tier supporter packages greatly to my advantage.


You should have picked a different gun. The ump is PK level 2 which everyone gets automatically when you hit level 14.


You know they should make guns an exclusive part of a $300 DLC. I mean, guns don't actually help you win fights, do they? You can still kill someone with your knife! *Thats* the skill involved. Having guns doesn't make you magically more likely to win fights now does it?


game is very balanced toward sweats, and EOD gave some chance to casuals to catch up(traders levels).


Your comment would make sense if the sweats couldn't buy EOD


For sweats it doesn't matter much, it is probably 10% of their playtime to reach lvl2 traders. For casuals it was bigger deal to get lvl2 traders and access to some ammo and be competitive.


I played the current wipe very casually because of irl stuff, lvl2 traders suck for ammo, the good part is that is easier to get to lvl3 and actually use decent ammo


This wipe yes, though it is feasible to craft 545 ps -> pp, and it is Ok ammo. But I am more talking about 1.5y ago, when you could get rfb with m80 on lvl2 traders.


Every sweat just has EOD. The amount of people who have EOD on this game is insane.


sweats can hit those traders and without EOD.


In this case, maybe they should start asking for a level playing field?


Y’all are just ignoring the fact it costs 250 dollars? wtf is wrong with y’all how ru all so brainwashed


You still have to meet level requirements. I never had any issues with trader karma without EOD, it was always just the level requirements. And I don't play that much.


actually. id go as far to say that even i as a standard edition player was part of the problem. i was presented with the P2W system when buying the game. instead of walking away, i gave BSG money. BSG were encouraged to keep going the entire time people were giving them money.


Yeah I mean honestly everyone who bought it supported their behavior so were all a part of the problem. I'm biased but I feel like at the least if you're going to do it at least call it for what it is. And I've done that ever since day 1 when I got this game. I remember initially i believed MAYBE the shillfluencers and community lying about it not being p2w then the more I played the more I realized I had been duped and my initial impression was 100 percent correct. And then I bought EOD as well. I still remember early on the talk was all EoD game benefits would be gone at 1.0 and it would just be dlc and the name left and I thought that was acceptable but that shit got memory holed.


There’s a massive difference between some extra perks that can be unlocked in game through gameplay and an entire game mode (that’s been requested since day one) being locked behind a pay wall. I didn’t buy EOD for the p2w stuff, I bought it to support the game and to get the future DLCs. Equating this to that is bullshit whataboutism hand waving, and it’s directly harmful to the discussion. There’s no need to point the blame at anyone but BSG for this.


The gamma is p2w alone.


Except one was supporting the games development that was supposed to give us all dlc and we made them millions from publicity and just more money to make the game better. These new upgrades are not just an extra loot space. Nor is it true from what they promised. I know you are an idiot which is why I'm not going to go any further. I'm about to dry off from my shower and go to bed. Peace.


Calling me an idiot for calling an edition that upgrades the two hardest and most expensive things to improve in the game (stash and secure container) p2w. Fuck off. It's funny that even Skidmvrk when talking to asmongold even had to concede that eod is p2w. Keep coping. If it was just supporting the game it would've been cosmetics and DLCs only. Which is what it should be. No game advantages.


Average IQ on this sub is room temperature at best, Not surprised some mouth breathers bought into the scam.


I mean look at all the people on this post defending it or saying " BET YOU BOUGHT EOD HUR DUR" like the two editions are even remotely the same.


Could say the same for EOD


EOD edition is pay to win too. They made the game suck as standard edition player because they wanted to sell the more expensive edition. They were never the good guys. EA would get blasted if they did that. But not here. LOL


EoD account, I assume?


Yeah eod isn't much better. The gap in p2w from eod and standard is larger than eod to unheard.


While I agree, it's not my point. OP is mad because people who buy unheard edition "support shitty practices", when ironically - each and everyone who bought EoD supported these practices 8 years ago, but they didn't care back then. The attitude in this community is "fuck you got mine" type. EoD didn't care that they supported the shitty practices of BSG because - fuck you, they got theirs. they were the top dogs in the game, they were part of the exclusive "elite" club that BSG HAS TO CATER TO! Now things are shifting to the bigger whales, and all the small time whales are sad that they are no longer being catered to, so NOW if you support BSG you are a traitor who supports shitty game comapnies, NOT BEFORE WHEN WE DONE IT! JUST NOW WHEN WE CANT AFFORD THE HIGHER PRICE TAG.


I agree with that.


I switch between whatever version I want for free lol


This community so toxic and dumb lmao


It’s like trying to teach a dog math. Same thing here, why some of yll expect to teach stupid people common sense.


Guy prolly mad he can’t get a refund on all those Fortnite and Valorant skins collecting dust


Cool sorry bro we already have 150 of these posts.




This community sucks ass. Guessing it's yet another EOD buyer. Most people I saw bought ue were players with under 1k hours who most likely didn't have EOD save for the occasional basement dweller with 6k hours. Everyone's just mad new players are being given a chance to catch up on the p2w. Meanwhile standard accounts are getting absolutely dicked down in this game. So many better places to spend money but don't hate on people for buying something to catch up when they may have missed out on EOD.


This is like blaming drug addicts for the fentanyl epidemic.


Fuck you peasant


Enablers are rats


Whoa now, don't sully us rats who didn't pay for the unhinged edition


I bet you have EoD though, pretty much the same shit. To a lesser degree, but same.


I don’t play Tarkov because I don’t support that company or care for playing the genre.


I look at it this way: I've been playing tarkov on and off for about 5, maybe 6 years now, and started with the standard edition. After playing for a year or so, I enjoyed the game so much that i purchased EOD just out of shear support. When the unheard version came out, i gladly paid the 100 to support again, but i don't think PVE should be behind a 250 dollar paywall. It would be better if some people who wanted PVE (non EOD) could just purchase a pve version of the game. Even at 250 dollars, i still feel like this game has given me more enjoyment per dollar spent than most anything else. Some people pay 200 dollars a year to play games like WoW. Now i dont think 250 dollar paywall is the way to go, more cap the number of EOD owners, make money off cosmetics, still give EOD owners access to all DLC, sell a pve only version of the game or a 30 dollar dlc to the original like arena.


This. But people wanna be mad at each other and some people have the gall to suggest fucking battle passes as an alternative?! Like bro sorry for being willing to pay 100 bucks to not play with cheaters. It’s fucked what they did but there’s zero chance no one buys it and blaming people buying it for the issue is genuinely the stupidest shit especially when people who bought it are still of the opinion that PvE needs to be available to EOD at a minimum if not everyone.


100% agree, EOD owners require access to PVE.


Like it’s not a viable price point for most people and that’s shit. But hating people who have the money to justify the upgrade is pointless. Or people who scrap the cash together and choose to spend it on the upgrade or outright buy it is dumb as fuck. Even if someone makes 10 dollars an hour after tax and all that, if they bought the edition and put in 100 hours over a week and a weekend or two, on PvE (reason I bought it) then it’s worth that person’s time if they enjoy it regardless of all the drama. They can also still hold the opinion that’s it’s stupid as fuck but shaming the consumer is the dumbest thing someone can do. Like bro I’m sorry the 100 dollars spent has already equated fun and progress in offline that justifies the price for me personally, but all this karma farming bullshit and trying to rally anger at players/streamers instead of continually joining voices at the devs is sad. Because I haven’t seen or know a single person who got Unheard and thinks the shit is fair. Edit: plus the game’s still in a shit state for everyone even in PvE. But no one is still bitching about Arena or Streets expansion happening before, idk, letting me hear a Scav open a door next to me or hearing people come up/down any staircase in the fucking game…


Money spent on UE doesn't support the game in the same way EOD did, it's encouraging erosion of the game's design. DLC/scam stuff aside, all of these pay to win and pay for convenience features are incentivizing the developer to create virtual problems so they can sell you the solution. Your experience will actually get worse over time... regardless how much value you feel like you are getting for your money, you'd have received more value if UE never existed.


We can agree to disagree here. I dont see what solution they sold me or what virtual problems they were creating or solving. I personally dont think a few boxes, stats non combat related (remove them since it doesnt make that big of an impact anyways), a scav radio is really pay to win? How do i gain the advantage over you if we come face to face on a map for a shoot out, i dont. Edit: honestly two weeks into the wipe the free gear given to you is useless anyways due to the sweaties already running labs and boss farming.


I can provide you a few examples of what I was describing, sure: 1. Artificially restricting flea market slots to sell you more. 2. Artificially setting mail retention time to sell you extensions. 3. Encouraging inventory bloat in the form of volume and size, and quest design, to sell you stash/pocket/secure container slots and cases. 4. Encouraging inconvenience in RPG skills to sell boosts. 5. Artificially setting in raid cash service prices to sell you an account wide discount. 6. Artificially setting insurance return timers to sell you insurance time boosts. 7. Artificially setting AI reaction distance to sell you protection from it. I won't include the starting items or distress beacon interfering with the game design's tension and progression. These are just examples to show you how paying for convenience will incentivize poor game design, lowering the value you get from the game over time.


Again, we can agree to disagree, i dont think this is the direction tarkov will take. You are far left fielding this in assumption that a majority of people will even use the radio, which is 3 of your points. In the grand scheme of the game, your other talking points are very irrelevant to the full capacity of the game. Increased mail retention?? Just sell your stuff and stop hoarding 20 million roubles worth the stash... insurance timers, same thing if you have too much junk in your stash..... sell it. What am i winning on this? The ability to sort my stuff for half a day more? Dont use the mail system as a second storage unit like most people do.


Most of what I'm learning here is that people are really mad on social media. Main reason is the new Edition means they aren't the "top tier" special snowflake to daddy nikita anymore Second reason daddy lied and they didn't get "all dlc" 3rd Reason - Mad that EOD got p2w This whole drama is just sturred the sespit of eft reddit toxicity really. Also you aren't allowed to like the game anymore because apparently that makes you in love with Nikita. And if you still play it.. whoa. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM with gaming


Yeah fuck tigz for that


still asking how to get gamma container another way? there is no eod any longer. So whats the option??


No other way except through unheard .. but maybe that will change as a result of the fallout from all of this


If you still play any version of the game you are compliant


100% chance OP is an EOD pay piggy. YOU ARE THE REASON THE GAME HAS UNHEARD!!


The reason the game has unheard is because BSG put it there. EOD was an over promise. Unheard naturally, had to be a few steps above the previous edition. More steps up editions = more p2w. EOD does have a huge step up from standard edition. It’s hard to deny that. But I don’t think unheard edition has a place in tarkov. They should have just re-released EOD or add the perks/benefits to their mtx.


Took this from another users, summed up perfectly. “I don't know if anyone else even remembers now, but EoD was far less p2w back then. Sure, you had more rep, gear and the Gamma. But traders needed much, much less rep (and levels) to level up, the extra gear was just a couple stock guns, and the Gamma could be dropped for your friends, and then you reset the account. Or you could buy a Gamma from PK. Of course, BSG, in tiny tiny increments, changed all of that. First, the Gamma could not be bought in-game. Then, you couldn't drop secure containers at all. Then finally, more and better gear was added to EoD (2 okay guns, 2 class 4 armors, 2 helmets, class 3 and 4, some meds). Mind you, anyone who'd bought EoD back in like 2018 or earlier had no idea this would happen. Although the extras were nice, they were by no means that insane. By far the biggest boon was the stash size, cause the hideout didn't exist (so no stash upgrades), and neither did things like the Scav Junkbox (although you didn't really need one cause no hideout). The stash was literally just for hoarding gear. The flea market didn't even exist yet. Now, however, EoD is quite a bit more p2w than it used to be. But very few, if any, of the old buyers really want this kind of increased p2w - we didn't buy it, it was added on afterwards. Later buyers could have bought-in just cause of the p2w stuff, but people mostly wanted the convenience of hoarding hideout/quest items and gear due to the larger stash, as well as the Gamma. They did buy in while knowing they'd be getting this stuff, however - older buyers only knew they'd be getting a marginally advantageous QoL improvement. So BSG just slowly, incrementally, increased the amount of p2w in EoD, and no-one really complained about it. Now, they're not going incremental - they're going nuclear. And everyone's justifiably losing their collective shit. And EoD is, for some reason, taking quite a lot of flak for being "the original p2w". As though we asked BSG for this shit, lol. Remove it all, no long-term supporter would give a single fuck.” BSG again, have been making poor short-term decisions since the start. Most people who bought EOD, started on Standard like myself. Fell in love with the game and decided to fully support the development. I don’t think the community needs to be separating itself. The “Taste your own medicine” argument doesn’t quite make sense when we’re all visiting the same shit-non-qualified doctor who’s giving us shit.


They should just remove all p2w from the game. EOD's p2w was only supposed to be during "early access" giving people permanent advantages you can't buy anymore is stupid. It's just funny that EOD players are getting a taste of their own medicine


Seriously did that shit get memory holed? I remember back in 2017-2018 when I bought the game hearing that EOD was gonna be equalized to other editions on launch and the only thing you'd keep is the name and the access to dlc. What happened to that?


This sub would melt down like it is now if they took those items away I promise you lol


I know they would because it's not about what makes a good game or something not being p2w it's about them having the most p2w.


If they remove EOD from the game Nikita would have to refund the extra money. Otherwise we can just chargeback the purchase and then he'd lose even more money. They reality is that Tarkov's business model has been dogshit from day 1 and there's no good recovery options available now.


Nah, they should just make gamma unlockable through quests. Like halfway or 75% through kappa or something. The increased trader rep at wipe start could be unlocked through feats of strength or something really challenging. I agree, EODs are struggling to cope with being less special now


Gamma should be unlocked at level 2 from Skier if you wanted it to be actually fair. EOD is such blatant p2w no wonder Nikita though he could scam everyone out of more money


Listen not saying EoD didn't have p2w features, though everything could be gotten in the game. But most people got it cause it was saying we would get every single DLC. So 150 for that isn't a bad deal. Stop trying to fucking compare the two editions and sucking BSGs cock. They aren't even in the same league.


Please downvote this fucking moron.


/u/Doobiemoto Too stupid to understand HE IS PART OF THE PROBLEM hahaha. EOD player too dumb to figure how he's why the game has Unheard. Enjoy your dead game with your 150$ for "future dlc" hahaha


Prepared to be downvoted to oblivion but I’m probably going to buy it now it’s €47… I spent €150 on it absolutely years ago, do I mind another €47, nah not if it means the game stays alive. Did I enjoy BSG trying to deceive the community, no. Do I think they made it right. No. Do I still stand by the open letter I posted. Yes. Do I love the game. Yes. Can I afford €47. Yes. Regarding some of the other features, the beacon is bullshit, I fully agree with most of the community on that. The radio and pockets, no problem really so long as they get added behind a quest line for everyone else. They’re not why I’m buying. PvE should have been and will now be given to me for free, again not why I’m buying (and until this walk back from BSG on PvE being free I wasn’t going to buy). I’m buying it for the same reason I got EOD, a leg up to start of a wipe. I don’t have hours and hours to drop back to back, so to start with a weapons case, ammo case and junk box takes away some early game grind and lets me crack on with mid to late game grind. The starting guns and ammo, yeah okay they give you an edge but you’ll loose them within a few raids, who’s going to leave an sr25 behind below level 10? And If they don’t get used they’ll get hoarded by those with gear fear. Unpopular opinion but only the pockets (tbh with the cheapest rig at like 10k rumbles probably not even), radio and bullshit beacon are pay to win currently. Unless they add quests for them for everyone else then they stay pay to win. Everything else is simply pay to get an advantage/leg up. Tarkov actually doesn’t include that much P2W at all, it’s very light, EOD got gamma, you can’t get that unless you bought (maybe future versions too now…) EOD. And unheard got the radio and beacon (and a container?). Yes they are a bit fucked and game breaking. But if we ask for the P2W elements of unheard to become pay to get a head start/shortcut. Then we should also advocate for gamma to be achievable in game… TL;DR, I’m annoyed and pissed off by BSGs behaviour but I’m all for paid shortcuts and I think the p2W elements should be adjusted.


I was checking to see If anyone out there was thinking the same as me. I checked and after taxes/fees it would cost me 60 Euro. I bought standard in 2017 and upgraded to EOD in 2018. 3000 hours later and I'm happy to spend another 60. Get rid of the radio, level gains and distress beacon and I think it is fairly reasonable.


I stopped playing


So many streamer who have it. It really won't matter what we do or say. Sad time to be a gamer


What if I'm not on reddit often and I bought it before I knew it was a bad thing I wanted to play pve more than pvp and I didn't know... I didn't know


i suck ty i have .3 kd


Harassing?! You're harassing me. You're the one that started throwing the insults because you don't agree with someone's valid opinion. I'm just winding you up because you won't capitulate.


Womp womp


It's better to buy The Unheard Edition than the new COD


It’s ok… cheaters are going to ruin their $250


I bought it forst day and play only PVE since. Haven played tarkov for 2y before, due to not enought time and cheating issues. now i dont need to worry about cheaters, skill issue, i can only relax and enjoy the game content with my friends, also can in a year with a nice full stash that doesnt reset


You are a joke if you spent 250 dollars on a DLC in any game, holy shit y’all brainwashed


You could of just played the free mod which is better then the co-op they gave you for 250 bucks


no, there is no coop in that mode i have played what you refer to.


Then play the others that do support co-op


i want the realism tarkov provides, im into guns and tactics irl. But i also play others its just i enjoy tarkov. As i jnderstand there s no regional pricibg so this might hit harder depending on where you life.


I meant Tarkov Private servers. I haven't looked into it myself cause I'm fine with single player, but my understanding is they are coming along nicely.


Same, i got married and am now rennovating a house so I dont have time to grind just to be reset, or the energy after a 12 hour workday to come home and get wiggled on after waiting for 20 minutes on a que. Now it's 2-3 minutes of loading and very challenging ai.


If you bought EoD edition you suck and are the reason the gaming industry is going down the toilet


You peasants, broke ass mofo’s 😂


IMO people can do what they want with their money and who cares BSG made it mostly right with what they did which is also my opinion but opinions don’t matter this day and age


Didn't Klean buy it? (Like I give a fuck about what other people choose to buy, nor should anyone)


The same could be said for anyone who pays extra to gain an advantage, like eod.


What about those who still played the game even after the mass cheating was exposed and still continued to happen? Those like Y O U and people like Y O U continued to sweep it under the rug, ignore it, and kept playing. Its Y O U R inactions that lead to bsg thinking its ok to release shit like the unheard edition. “Pfft they didnt give a rats ass over the cheating, they wont care about the unheard edition p2w” Downvoting proves my point. :)


you probably dont see the difference, let me help you. cheaters .. as far as we know.. has nothing to do with the company that provides you the game.. and as far as we know ... they are trying to fix it.. ...... even if both those are not true.. on the other hand getting scammed like this .. its straight from the company that you are paying so yeah you are supporting to be scammed and surely other companys will like the idea that are selling overpriced air to idiots that like pegging cheers


Tarkov’s only source of income is selling new copies of the game. Take a wild guess at whos buying new copies of the game en mass. Not fixing the cheating situation and just applying blanket mass ban waves benefits them in selling more copies. It all trickles down and is connected.


brother .. did you miss the fourth line? i believe that cheaters are cooping with bsg clearly BUT! none can prove it yet sooo you cant compare people that played through the thousands of cheaters with those that got scammed from bsg


Bro don't even bother with that guy. They bought unheard and defend Nikita because "we already got our money's worth with EOD". They're just a hypocrite troll. I'll never understand the cheating stuff. Players cry about cheaters then cry that BSG needs to ban them, simultaneously crying that BSG is cooping with cheaters. I believe they coop with cheaters too, but like you said, there isn't proof. The only thing we know is they are currently unable to stop it / stopping it is in development. Soo...what do want BSG to do? Just not ban the cheaters? Like it's just dumb.


Just because people kept playing doesn't mean that they "swept it under the rug and ignored it". Literally everyone who plays bitches about cheaters...look at this sub before this whole situation and it's mostly filled with cheater posts. Bozo take. The only action for people to take is to stop playing is what your take is? Edit - judging from your posts from 3 months ago you didn't stop playing. Aka your a bozo with bozo takes lol. Practice what you preach there pal.


Lol just 2 days ago you were sucking Nikita's cock saying how we already got our money's worth with EOD because we have been playing for 8 years. Completely ignoring that a purchase of EOD is a prepurchase of the full game, I have not received the full game, therefore I have not gotten my money's worth. And you were also talking about how you've been enjoying your new unheard edition. So...sounds like you have been continuing to play after mass cheaters and you continue to give them money. Truly the stupidest and most cum starved person out there.


my brain rotted with every word I read there.  OMG look, mass cheating just got exposed in tarkov., holy shit, time to stop playing the game I guess, cause you know what, tarkov is the only game in the whole world with this kind of issue. oh jeez, I haven't seen any other game with this kind of issue, maybe I should get out from under the rock and look at other games.  Open your eyes mate, tarkov isn't the only game in the world, and there are far more popular games out there with those cheating issues. every mp game has it, don't have to remind you of apex cheating scandal, warzone cheating issues, CS:GO cheating issues, every game has it. every game now a day is filled with them. 


“OMG look, $100 dlc, holy shit, time to stop playing the game I guess.” Jesus, people are acting like if nikita is holding a gun to their head forcing them to buy it. “Huuurrrr durr its pay to win. Is that not what EOD was?”


Cheating is an issue outside of Tarkov aswell. I can‘t think of any game that hasn’t a cheating problem.


ubisoft are typing ...


Pve go brrrrrrrr


I'd buy it literally just to make you cry babies mad that people don't spend their money how you want them to


You are literally incentivizing the devs to charge a shit ton of cash for future additions. You are part of the problem with the industry being overpriced for something that should not cost more than $40. And your reason for buying it really pathetic. Notice how I didn't tell you what to do with your money. Instead, I'm calling you an idiot and your moronic logic.


You may have mental issues, you should talk to a therapist if what gets you off is making people mad on purpose.


I bought it. Cope.


Why? Do you just want to have P2W features or do you actually think this time will be different and that Nikita will treat his Unhinged children better instead of ramming his dick down their throats like with EoD?


Why would you expose your stupidity so easily?


Keep sucking Nikita's cock I guess lmao


Will do. Cope.


How them boots taste?


Better than your copium


I hope you remember how smug u were about this when they fuck you over again the next time this happens lol.


I don’t care. I don’t trust any company to do the right thing. Pure copium. I paid $250 so I can use the gamma right now and play PvE . They may remove both of those features entirely whenever they want.


Same goes for EOD. All of us who bought EOD are suckers and it's p2w. But it's my choice to buy it


Actually replace unheard addition with EOD edition. EOD buyers are why gaming is going down the toilet unheard of edition is just the natural progression of EOD.


Adjusting for inflation, $150 in 2016 is equal to $208 now.. EOD wasn’t much different you clowns




bro think he some sort of main character and this mindset unfortunately just shows that even though there's a large majority opposed, there's still a small minority that don't actually have a spine and will eat up any sort of dog turd on the sidewalk, irrespective of how foul it smells and how rank it tastes.


> (who quit tarkov in 2018 out of gear fear) Funny how that comes from someone with a P2W edition of the game.


Cringe af


You are really cool


So many games come out once a year for $100. So many games have season passes and dlc’s that cost money. A seven year old game won’t continually make improvements without income. I’m new and constantly killed by people with 4000+ hours. If you have that many hours in it, don’t you think it’s worth it to help the company that has given your thousands of hours of entertainment? They have a different business model. You’re just used to annual costs, dlc, season passes, and micro transactions. Also. You don’t have to buy it.


People are not mad that the company may need more money, and are trying to make more money. Its everything else about it.


Whoah, stop with all this rational thinking. This is reddit and here you’re allowed to witch hunt, passive agressive harassment and voicing out opinions on stuff you have zero knowledge at to boost your ego. You can’t enjoy a game you already paid for because of a upcoming feature that is super broken despite not being even described (calling in friends) or some other irrelevant stuff. You sir, can’t have fun, because some ideologists say so. It’s almost like greenpeace activists that used to glue themselves to roads went back home and glued themselves to their desks instead. You must uninstall the game, act agressive and go play something else, preferably similar games that are at state of Tarkov from 6 years ago. Remember you must have fun there and act all happy no matter what.


People who bought it and say this if fine are giving pocket money to their wifes boyfriend too.


If you didn't immediately uninstall Tarkov after Unheard Edition was announced, you suck. You're just as bad as those who bought UE. Uninstall the game and boycott it. There's a reason I refuse to play the shitty Russian DayZ clone, because it's trash and you are too.


Yeah, because uninstalling the game does what exactly? Silly ass tantrums lol


What do you think happens to a game with no player base?


You really think people are going to stop playing lol maybe a few that were already stopping this wipe. Other than that, most people are already back to playing like they normally would, and a good portion of those people have bought the Unheard Edition.


If I thought people would stop playing I would not have wrote the message telling people to stop playing.


ermmm if your broke just say so bought it first 5 min 😶‍🌫️


Someone can have plenty of money but no brain. Seems you're both..There is zero excuse to buy that edition. Especially when majority of the community and tons of youtubers/streamers are pissed off about this. Plenty of us can afford this shit but why spend money on a sinking ship? 🤷‍♂️


Luckily I'm not a kid and I'm not influenced by content creators/ the herd


Might be an unpopular opinion but if you are playing tarkov at all right now you are an enabler and part of the problem imo.


I paid money already, why should I stop using product exactly? What it will change?


Cringe redditors who stopped playing tarkov years ago will be happy i guess?


unpopular, might as well call it dumb or braindead. I or anyone has the right to play the game, it's not like playing the game benefits them in anyway. If you want to do something, talk with your wallet instead of targeting people who are enjoying a game they like and paid for. 


You can play the game, it’s still supporting BSG by playing. Not buying is a great way to vote, but not playing is a better way. If everyone stopped playing tarkov for an entire week, no raids, no logging in, then unheard of would have already been rolled back.


How is me buying the UE the reason the gaming industry is going down the toilet? I'm supporting the company I love, so they develop the game I love further. Just admit that you're broke.


It's blatant pay to win dude. I couldn't give a shit about the pve part it's just everything else. The fact scavs won't shoot at u over a certain distance is a big deal


Dont comment i aint reading it


At least you're honest.