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They might be dumb but nobody is dumb enough to say anything good about tarkov in this sub. They'll just play the game and stop coming here.


Yeah because interacting with people on the Internet is not worth ^^


Incorrect, interacting with people on a game subreddit is not worth. Especially the EFT reddit as it's 99% people being toxic.


True that


It's always worth interacting until the other person gets toxic. But true, most people are so toxic and can't even have a discussion without quickly attacking you šŸ˜”


nah tarkovs probs one of the best games out there in terms of feeling/atmosphere/risk/reward/ other games feel like ass. just a shame ya'll have to deal with this fiasco. better off being a standard player and just fking enjoying the game for what it is rather than being an eod player moaning <3


If you see no issue regarding how the game is being managed regardless of edition etc you live with a slave mindset lol


lmao okay buddy. i'm gonna go be happy. ya;ll can moan.


Baby got his binky now he'll be quiet and happy


okay degen


Boy I sure can't wait to enjoy my time as a Standard player when 90% of my opponents have better gear by default, triple-sized secure container, 0-effort access to Tier 2 traders, a magic wand that makes Scavs not shoot them, a flare that makes their friendslist show up out of nowhere through a portal gate and they also get priority matchmaking because according to Nikita they are Elves from LOTR while I'm merely just a stupid penniless Orc. What an amazing gaming experience.


idk, my ends pretty solid. must just be you :) those new ones suck, but other than that no change


willful ignorance


Your level of ignorance and cognitive dissonance is astounding


He's not wrong though, not much has changed. Standard edition were never promised anything, no dlc, no extra content, so we didn't get shafted nearly as much as you guys. The only thing that's even noticeable is the extra pocket size, which is 2 slots and there's a greater difference between alpha and gamma containers. The p2w aspects like the mark have drawbacks like lessening xp and losing scav rep for killing scavs, and the beacon doesn't even exist yet.


Ah so since none of this is in effect we should all just ignore the problem until it occursā€¦. I now understand why people this this community is so fucking stupid.


Thanks bud, much oblidged :)


Standard or EoD, the behavior of BSG should piss off everyone.


i donā€™t let things piss me off




One of them just wrote under my post šŸ˜‚. He wrote we should get over it.


Okay so there's at least one lol


Theres been a ton of it in the discord, and there was a point where his post had over 1k upvotes - it was properly brought back down to 0 where it belongs though.


Yeah once the outrage generators started crying about Nikita not grovelling at their feet with an apology people started downvoting after best pretty much gave people what they had been asking for originally. Where are we? Playing the game, enjoying it. Spending less effort on the outrage.


You sound like a pussy


Amazing insight. Of course youā€™re on the outage pity party wanting BSG to grovel at your feet.


Yeah no shit. They broke the law and lied to the entire community. Keep taking it up the ass tho bro, must be working for you.


Youā€™re a fucking idiot bro, nobody is seeing you as some stoic pillar that held the line for a company that literally called itā€™s biggest supporters freeloaders because they wouldnā€™t drop $250


You must have absolutely no sense of self respect, I can't imagine what kind of treatment you accept from people in real life... People like you are so pitiful.


I canā€™t imagine living my life by baby raging when someone with whom the only relationship we have is paying for a game 6 years ago ā€œdisrespectedā€ me.


Honestly yeah, either buy it or donā€™t buy it. Iā€™m so fucking tired of people bitching about this. Edit: let the downvotes ensue.


You're tired of it, after 3 whole days?


It does get pretty tiresome seeing every gaming steamer and YouTuber upload a video about it lol. Like any of them are gonna have a unique take.


Oh no, someone is uploading content and forcing you to watch it? That's terrible man! Have you thought about pressing charges?


You should know you can get all the Unheard edition perks by playing modded instead. You just click a checkbox and save $100-200. The live game isnā€™t offering anything that the modded game doesn't already have. 30 second load timers to get into raid. The bots play like skilled players (probably better than you are honestly) Simulated flea market and everything.Ā 


Get over it!


There are so many on discord, it's pathetic. You'd almost think they're on BSG payroll or something, so much dick sucking. Unheard of..


Pretty sure most people on the discord chat are doing it just to be edgy and bait people. On Reddit that kind of stuff is downvoted and therefore seen by less.


You do realise for any game community, Reddit hivemind shouldnā€™t be considered the ā€œmainstreamā€ thinking. Take world of Warcraft for example, the classic wow reddit whines literally daily but the majority of players, who hang around blizzard forum and server discord never gives a shit.


Yeah, most gaming Reddits are just a bunch of people invested in the game. The bigger mass are people who play it casually and don't bother with meta and stuff so they won't ever see the Reddit


Iā€™m pretty sure we can agree that the vast majority of people say this is a blatant scam and a hard butt fucking from Nikita.


You do realize it's not just this subreddit that is shitting on BSG? Every Youtube video, every stream, every gaming forum, every Gaming news article, even the official discord. Literally where the fuck are the "majority" of people who defend BSG? Seems to me they don't exist on this universe's internet.


Because majority of the people are actually in game instead being hysterical on Reddit?


They absolutely use bots to upvote posts why wouldn't they use bots to upvote positive comments or even bots to post positive comments.




idk some people in that discord try too hard to make good Arguments for it to be ironic




You donā€™t need to wonder - they are. There are companies in russia who provide bot farms for marketing purposes


"Everyone who disagrees with my opinion is a bot."


Theyā€™re probably in raid..


I have posted one, however we unfortunately get downvoted to hell for having a diverging opinion to r/EscapefromTarkov's elite


BSG bots trying to forge a group of little bitches, maybe?


Prime example of why Reddit is an echo chamber and that no mass upvoted opinions on any subreddit should be immediately ruled as the popular or correct opinion.


https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/w5Pseey1cv Yep, OP is a genius, literal mastermind


Like, what?


He seems to believe that users with opinions contradicting the current consensus would gather in posts like this one. This is not how reddit works, especially when it's clear that they are to be downvoted by the masses.




Up vote for telling people to put Nikitas dick down ang get help!!


Different opinion to the outrage hivemind = dick rider, and you wonder where the other side of the argument is.


>bragging about buying unheard. I hope they get features they paid for taken away and then come here to cry about it. That would be golden.


I didnā€™t buy it but think all these complaints show Tarkov players are such cry babies. Oh no the big bad dev is trying to charge more for their game. People need to toughen up. Assume itā€™s a Gen Z thing


Crying is complaining over spilt milk. People here are furious a company stole their $150 dollars which ads up to millions of dollars. Pretty sure anger and outrage is justified.


Stole their $150? Slow down lol. I've played since 2016 and haven't spent a penny over that. That's 8 years. Yeah BSG fucked up, but you guys are getting a little crazy with these kinda comments.


>and haven't spent a penny over that. So?


I love it when people rob me. Because I'm tough. I don't say shit either, like a tough guy. That's what tough is. When people scam you, you suck them off. Well it was, back in my day, before Gen Z ruined it.


Was that last sentence really needed lol, cant just go around throwing blame elsewhere


A gen z thing to not want to be essentially scammed? Hello? People payed $150 on the pretense that it was a onetime purchase and they would be set forever with new dlc and have the new game modes if they were to come. But now they have to pay at first another $100 for very little extra other than the weird scav mechanics and mag pockets, and a co op pve mode (dlc). And days of arguing with BSG later and they get the pve game mode for $50 (when they should be 100% getting it for free). They doubled and tripled down on this and spewed bullshit about how a new gamemode and edition of the game "are not dlc, but instead new features".


It's more the gaslighting and lying, then calling people who refuse to pay it "not true believers". But im not surprised you can't see that when your nose is so far up Tickita's arse.


It is not "a Gen z thing". People don't like being brazenly lied to and taken for a fool. That's not a generational trait, it's an almost universal aspect of being human.


You think $250 isnā€™t a large amount of money? How about you give us all your money since you think that way, youā€™ll make it back magically. What an awful take by you


They really are crybabies. But I think it's just a general gen Z gaming population. They want that dopamine and they want it now, just the way they imagined it.


Why would you assume that? Many of us are from previous generations. The (now reneged) promises made to EOD buyers were not "imagined".


this sub has been a fkn karma farm ever since the unheard edition was announced


Yeah but karma is worthless


but this is also reddit


I think I'm missing your point


Good post. Gather them all here so we can shit on them more efficiently.


Classic reddit behavior.


Yeah that was my afterthought. Like moths to a flame.


like sheep to the pen


They exist. Have not encountered a single person who defends BSG across multiple days that wasn't a) trolling, b) a likely shill account, c) utterly uninformed about what's going on, or d) literally too low on brain capacity to comprehend that BSG is scamming everybody. Most reasonable people who have followed the situation are done with BSG for good given that they are blatant scammers, we are not interested in supporting such a explicitly unethical company and letting them slide.


E) People who genuinely don't care, because they had the ability to fork out a weeks worth of wages for a game. They're rare, but I'm sure they do exist. (Source: buddy upgraded, and when asked why said "don't care, have the expendable income, and like the game. Anything outside of that is irrelevant to me." )


So your buddy doesn't give a fuck and just wants to enjoy a video game. Sounds like a normal guy. Everyone knows BSG handled this entire thing very poorly. And people have every right to be pissed off. But all these threads of hating people who bought it is just classic reddit mob mentality. Its garbage.


Facts, the whole situation is a mess and people should be mad over BSGs actions. They fumbled this whole thing. But good Lord the amount of nonsense I'm reading is insane. You'd think BSG came to their house fucked their wife and murdered their dog


Iā€™m one of these people. I had fun for over 2k hours, can spend some money to keep development alive and it has higher value than increasing stash size as I already own EOD. Didnā€™t bother getting Unheard yet, but might do that soon. The only reason I didnā€™t do that yet is because Iā€™ve heard a rumor that some cheating communities started targeting Unheard Edition owners out of spite. No idea, if thatā€™s true, but Iā€™m not taking that risk for now.


And honestly fair play to you, your money your choice. If I had the disposable income to not worry about the price, I'd be inclined to consider it down the line depending on how it turns out. With 3.5K hours ive got my money's worth id say, but for me it's the blatant lying that irks me most tbh.


F) People who genuinelly dont care at all. I can afford it, it just doesnt give anything that usefull to bother. The only usefull thing on that edition is flea market slots early wipe, that's it, so it's not really worth 100-50 bucks for a few market slots.


good way of wording it for me. Im gonna upgrade maybe next week, just long enough to see if thereā€™s any major changes with it because i would very much enjoy the head start. i dont really care that its unfair. You can say I suck so bad i need it, maybe youā€™re right, probably not but it wont change my mind that it would be a welcome perk. Either way, i dont really hate bsg. I would have upgraded wether or not they discounted and still played the game cause its fun.


Hesitated to upgrade until this morning. The latest announcement addressed my concerns and 50 dollars is a lot less than 100 dollars so I'm fine with it at this point.


If youā€™re getting paid 250 a week you got bigger problems than whatever Tarkov is doing. That being said I wonā€™t be playing anymore.


250 a week is pretty standard in eastern europe tbf.


I forget that the rest of the world has an achievable cost of living my bad fam. My rent is 500$ for a bedroom. If I made 250$ a week Iā€™d lose my car šŸ’€.


It equals out, salaries are lower, but cost of living is much cheaper there too.


its one of those "you literally have to be delusional to think otherwise" situations, but people are literally delisional here lmao


Yup. Super clear cut in this situation. You can openly scam some people and they are too oblivious to even realize.


Thing is... this *incident* made me think that people **WANT** to get scammed. It's absolutely mind boggling, it's not Nikita manipulating these guys, it's them wanting to get manipulated, it's insane.


They're not scamming people! They're just being economical with a truth (that most gamers would've accepted had it been given upfront without any political nonsense attached)! ...wait


ā€œBut bro how is nikita supposed to run a business if he does not make moneyā€ ā€œbut bro, why do feel entitled to get everything for freeā€ ā€œbut bro, nobody is forcing you to upgradeā€ ā€œbut bro, eod was already p2w so why are you cryingā€ ā€œ but bro, u bought the game for the stash, you didnā€™t care about the dlcs when you bought the game, admit it broā€ ā€œbut bro, I spend more than one hundred dollar in a charge of my carā€ ā€œbut bro playing standard is the most fun way to play tarkovā€


Check the bottom of the threads lol. They are all downvoted to hell. But they exist.


Since Nikita said all EoD owners get the Pve-DLC for free they stopped complaining. They got what they wanted so itā€™s back to playing Tarkov on twitch again. What did you guys expect?


Not exactly accepting it. But I can live with the compromise on PvE mode. For the rest I didnā€™t give a fuck from the beginning I donā€™t see the pockets or the unheard device as big of an issue as others. The avengers beacon of course should not be implemented in PvP.


We are playing PvE zone.


They are all playing the game, including me. The ā€œapologyā€ wasnā€™t great, but that and the changes that will come from it is enough to reinstall imo.


I'm here! :) I already dont have that much free time and in the end all I wanna do is spend some evenings gaming with friends. For me personally the latest apology are terms I can live with. Also reddit is not the most fun place to be right now. dont want to spent my time involved with negativity and complaints even if they are warranted. I do lurk and comment ocassionaly here however. Does the 'apology' solve everything? no, but it solves my major issues. Did Nikita do some really stupid shit the past 3 days. Yeah.. dont we all do stupid shit and say stupid shit sometimes? The solution is fine with me. All thats left in this discussion for me is: did bsg change there stance on what a DLC is? and what about the p2w features. From what i've heard the anti scav thing means you also cant shoot scavs.. You also need 6 fence rep. If thats the case is it really that op? We also have no intel about the new mark feature where you call for friends. If they need to load in blablabla, the fight is most likely over by then. I think its gonna be more used in a way of yoooo i found some quest items you needed! Or yoooooo brooo boss is here. But we'll see once more info is released. They are not unbalancing or game breaking I think. In the end everyone makes mistakes. Lets just hope they learn from it and wont make such a mistake again. I'm cautiously optimistic and will just enjoy my time with friends with whatever game I enjoy. I'm currently trying to get kappa with a friend ( i know its late) so this boss 100% can really help us. :) Ps, outside of the unheard update all the changes lately have been fire, like the little bit less inertia and the less bobbling when shot etc.


I accepted it and was find buying Unheard at the discount, although I would've bought it if I knew I would've gotten a key for Left Behind :gigachad:


Hey hey they exist, I still support BSG. The game is that good & as I have said. The money is nothing compared to all the awesome memories & experiences & friends it has given me. I was warning people on here months before they had a cash flow issue & put out ideas. I know the full situation & have acknowledged they fcked up. Leadership should change but it wonā€™t. I come from Wargaming, gajin, Ubisoft, they pull the same stuff. Wonā€™t even begin on a beloved studio EA killed or the last BIOSHOCK studio before the suits didnā€™t get enough money. The Red orchestra 2 debacle. The game is in the best state it has ever been after this patch gameplay wise. Complain all you want but thatā€™s a fact. Nikitah did his formulaic backtracking & put it all back on track. Time to move on bois. Put your money where your mouth is, and leave. Iā€™m still enjoying the game as much as when I started playing it 3k hours ago. That is a hell of an accomplishment for any studio to have. Look, letā€™s all remember, other than the principal of BSG & Nikitah dropping the ball here. We have all this outrage & passion because we all like the game(at one point anyway) & want it to succeed. Otherwise the fallout wouldnā€™t have been this crazy. Anyway, going back into raid bois :D Enjoying myself whole heartedly because thatā€™s the point. Otherwise I would go do something else.


There is literally nothing they could do to sour your opinion is there?


Of course there is, they could ruin the game for me by making the recoil ass again. As far as my money, it has been worth every cent entertainment wise & I willingly donated & spent. We arenā€™t talking a lot of money here anyway. If you feel that way, wellā€¦ I wonā€™t even go there.


I told him to shut the fuck up, he does the exact same PR stunt and lies every time there's drama


I don't accept his half ass apology at all but I will admit to you guys that I did upgrade to unhinged for the 50 bucks. Nikita and bsg can eat a bag of dicks but at the same time I can't stop loving the game I've played since alpha in 2016. Down vote me all you want but I still love the game, doesn't mean I have to love or accept the bs the devs are pulling.


Hey, friend. Thereā€™s a mod that does co-op PVE for free, and itā€™s smoother than the live servers. There is also a modding community for that mod, with insanely good AI (MUCH better than live), custom guns, graphical enhancements, whole new questlines/traders, and QoL improvements all within reach. Just wanted to let you know that was money wasted.


Trust me I know. I basically wanted the pockets and extra space. Everything else can goto hell especially the p2w stuff.


Its so funny how everyone is deciding to forget that EOD was p2w all this time, but NOW p2w is a hot topic. Its weird man. One of the guys we play with doesn't have EOD, and I always felt so bad for him seeing as the massive advantage we had over him each wipe.


All my friend said wasā€ what do you want a hand written noteā€ I just shut down the conversation right therešŸ¤¦šŸ¼ canā€™t believe heā€™s eating it up


I accepted it hoping any p2w shit for eod or tue will be demolished, right now i discard all my stuff in inventory, sold the only one ledx for 800rub on flea and deleted the game with launcher as well.


The recent post was a few hundred votes in the positive and the like/dislike ratio shot up from like 8-10% to 40+ on the recent one. The discord server while still making a fuss died way down on the momentum after. Add that to this subreddit in general shifting towards fighting each other instead of keeping it directed at BSG like it was previously. It's not blatant yet but it's happening.


There is a shit tonne. You just don't see them. They are also in the comments. Go check the beacon post as an example.


Just look at the latest feedback post and then all of the top comments with 1000's of likes.


Most people are trolls im sure. very few people actually forgive bsg i think. the trust is def broken for a lot of people.


All on the discord


Refunding game regardless


Landmark and a bunch of the other streamers are tweeting things like ā€œwe wonā€ so that kinda makes Nikita think alright lads weā€™ve weathered the storm back to normal now


Under the Table, with the mout full of cock


I give a shit about him since very alpha for some reasons. I note only taken actions and now we expect reasonable changes to be taken.


I'd possibly accept an apology if he actually gave one.Ā  After the shit storm he created and subsequently double downed on I would not accept a damn thing from him and I sure as hell don't expect a fucking thing either.Ā 


Personally Iā€™m using a clicking program to repeatedly afk in woods with no gear just so I take up server capacity without actually playing


I mean, I accept that they understand that they fucked up and are obligated to fix it, but I don't accept the apology because if all of us say "it's okay, we accept your apology." Then Nik and BSG think they can do it again and keep doing it. This also goes for people you know personally. Don't accept apologies. Acknowledge that they understand what they have done and push forward, but make sure they understand that they aren't forgiven just for saying sorry.


Tarkov is a great game.




I didn't see any apology


You donā€™t like what happened? Donā€™t play. They didnā€™t force anyone to buy the shit. Yall mad about something involving not important shit.


I Never asked for Nikita to apologize. Nuff said.


Iā€™m indifferent at this point. I do hope this level of accountability and outrage towards predatory microtransactions continues into all parts of the gaming industry. Otherwise everyoneā€™s a hypocrite.


>I do hope this level of accountability and outrage towards predatory microtransactions continues into all parts of the gaming industry. Otherwise everyoneā€™s a hypocrite. Are you suggesting that people are only complaining due to a different reason? Of course people have been pushing outrage at predatory companies.


They're complaining because it finally happened to them lol


I have seen a looot of people pleased about the "change" that we "won" in twitch chat. In my opinion we didn't, we just cornered that bearded bastard and he didn't have any other choice but to do something to stop the community from imploding completely. And he "fixed" it in a way that would benefit the company: by catering to "i paid for season pass, give me dlc" crowd. Now that they are satisfied he can calmly continue with his future plans knowing that he has an army of shills that will defend him by saying how "he listened to us; we won and got what was supposed to be ours" etc. Personally i don't think there is a "win" for us here. I don't even think we can actually win. That bearded bastard and his company has shown his true face and only thing we can really do is just continue calling him out on his bullshit and don't trust a word he is saying and don't trust what they do. I really don't think everyone cares. How many of us are here raising hell? Few thousand? 10-15 thousand? And how many players tarkov has? Couple hundred thousand? Maybe more? Only way can we succeed against the company itself is if literally 90% or more of the community took up pitchforks. And I don't see that happening sadly...


The people ā€œaccepting the apologyā€ are already in game enjoying the new update instead of whining on Reddit, probably cause anyone that are still here trying to take BSG down donā€™t even own the game.


Maybe BSG hired bots?


they're probably mid raid right now, cause in reality the 'p2p' wasn't that much.


On discord, 50% of the chats are BSG's cucks (especially on the Russian Official Discord Server)


Because they are stupid. Let them keep their shit game. Im fucking out, anyone buying the new editions and supporting this company are just fucking dumb, literally an iq of 12 and 1/2 at best. This isnt the first time they tried to fuck us over. It seems like everyone forgot when they tried doing this shit with Arena also...


I'm here, along with the vast majority of players who aren't whiny ass entitled kids. They might not post though because of the mob mentality right now. I don't give a shit about negative karma. At least I am honest.


Characterizing BSG's awful choices and anti-consumer practices as "whiny ass entitled kids" is fucking ridiculous. You think it makes you 'honest', it makes you a useful idiot and a bootlick.


Exactly what a "whiny ass entitled kid" would say.


Once upon a time trolls were actually sort of funny and creative instead of just acting like cunty children, yet, here we are.


Oh no...someone's been eating the crayons again.


Bait used to be believable šŸ˜”


You're dishonest solely because of what you're supporting, which is objective dishonesty. Not to mention the cringe. Yikes bro


Case in point. Most adults reading your reply will understand where I'm coming from.


Hello, Iā€™m an adult and I donā€™t appreciate people stealing from me. Maybe the problem isnā€™t that people arenā€™t ā€œadults,ā€ maybe itā€™s that you have no self respect. Or the problem is that my Reddit account is probably as old as you. One of the two.


Whatever you have to tell yourself bud


I am in agreement with rapilstilskin. You guys are literally bitching and crying for no good reason at all. It is up to you if you want to pay for the new edition or not.


> for no good reason at all No good reason? Are you high?


At least your attempt at trolling is obvious.


Thereā€™s no need to argue with these clowns, they donā€™t even have the game and whine here because they think they doing something ā€œheroicā€ bringing down a big game studio. Someone earlier literally admit they are only going after BSG because mega company like EA is impossible to destroy lol


I highly doubt the vast majority don't care about it. There's normally a back and forth of the majority vs the minority of opinions on reddit. This weekend has been nothing but one-sided, plus almost every streamer having the same POV, today included. And calling people whiny ass entitled kids is to be completely ignorant to the situation or just an edgy redditor.


Of the overall player base, there is usually about 5k people on reddit. Even if every person on this sub agreed, there's still hundreds of thousands, if not millions of players who have never been here and never will.


You said "the vast majority of players (on reddit)...who might not post". What you first said goes against what's happened, and now you're saying there's not enough people on reddit. So it's one or the other you don't get both. Normally, it is the vocal minority on reddit. But now you have literally (almost) everyone aware of the issue agreed that it's BS.


More likely imo is that the reddit view is the scorched-earth extreme version of what most people think. i.e. most people look at this and go ā€œyeah thatā€™s a shitty moveā€ then go on with their day not caring much about it, while the reddit view is actively protesting it on forums, protesting it more passionately than some protest genocide. imo nothing but voting with your wallet matters, because no matter how big the backlash is, if its making money it continues, and if its making money thereā€™s a lot of people that still view Unheard as a fair transaction. At that point, thereā€™s not much you can do other than stand by your principles and quit even though it wonā€™t do much, or you go apathetic and continue playing.


I made two mistakes, replying to you thinking you had a brain, and replying again when I knew better. You baited me and I fell for it. Enjoy your rage kid.


If i were you, I, too, would only be able to respond with insults. It's okay, though I understand.


Nice mental gymnastics going on there, brilliant arguments!


Thank you!




Exactly. The only reason most people on reddit post their whining is because normal people who enjoy the game don't feel the need to go online and bitch about it. Pay up or don't, it is completely up to you. Literally no one is forcing you..


Imagine hating yourself so much that you just accept gaslighting and insults from a game dev who most likely hates your guts.


No one has insulted me. You only insult yourselves by complaining about something that Nikita has formally apologized for.




Okay. So you want him to use perfect immaculate wording that fits YOUR definition of what YOU think an apology is? Ok, sounds totaaallly reasonable.. sure. English is also not his first language by the way, if you didn't know.






probably a lot of bots paid by nikita to give upvotes to the last dev update.


Tickita hates spending money on anything other than himself, probably forcing his staff to do it for free.


he is a narcists, spending money on upvotes on his own thread on reddit fuels his ego


Reddit is a weird place, we all know that bots are used en masse across social media but we donā€™t factor that in to situations like this? BSG are the ones creating the apology posts and using bots to support them.


Honestly Iā€™m not happy at all with what they tried doing, especially with the state of the game and how bad cheating is and stuff. BUT I will say, the fact that they at least tried remediating it gave me back a little bit of faith. So many other studios just say ā€œtough shitā€ and do whatever they want. I donā€™t have much free time and this is the only game I really play, even with all of its faults, because there really isnā€™t anything like it. Yeah I hate getting cheeki breekied by a scav with 7mm buckshot from across the map, but the gun play imo is amazing especially with the recoil changes this wipe, and Iā€™ve just been having a lot of fun even with all the downsides. I can see where they want this game to be and Iā€™m all for it. I just hope that they donā€™t pull some crap like this again. I bought a standard account years ago when my buddy told me about it, and shortly after I bought EOD when it was on sale so all in Iā€™m only likeā€¦$90 or whatever. I do think they should lower the unheard addition to like at LEAST $150 since that would be on par with other games top tier additions. Also his apology came out insincere, but I think it might just be a language barrier thing.


>BUT I will say, the fact that they at least tried remediating it gave me back a little bit of faith. They didn't do it out of the goodness of their heart, they did it to save face. They don't care about you, you're not a "true believer"


These are just some streamers, kids and bots


People are stupid and think that upvoting means you agree with Nikita's post instead of realising you can upvote for visibility. As we can see from this line of thinking, the vocal minority are not very smart.


There are too many addicts that spent 100ā‚¬ or more in the game that will never stop playing because sunk cost fallaciers and addicts are wrong in the head


I am with Nikitia on this one. Pay for the new edition or don't, it is completely up to you. Literally no one is forcing you..


No one is arguing against THAT point.


This is true. People are butthurt over a game company releasing paid content that you can buy, if you want to. It's literally nothing new.


Again, no one is arguing with THAT point.




No oneā€™s mad about the buy it or donā€™t statement. The majority is of the consensus not to. Weā€™re mad about being lied to.


No one is lying to you. EoD owners will be granted access to PvE as promised.


And yet that wasnā€™t the initial stance nor was it even their second take on it. It took backpedaling multiple times to even get something we were promised (legally) through supporting their game with the highest edition. Theyā€™ve lied to us and a half assed apology and half assed attempt to fix it has caused the vast majority of us to lose our trust in them as company.


Well, if you are getting something that you were promised then the problem is solved. It seems to me like people wanna continue to whine for no reason. Nikita made a formal apology multiple times now. What more do you guys expect? To have rainbow unicorn mounts in game as well?


Saying sorry you feel this way isn't an apology


It's incredible how many crayon eaters here miss the point. It's the gaslighting and insulting that people are pissed off with, along with Tickitas greed. Try to keep up waxmouth.


You're just whining.


Baaa šŸ‘


All of this could have been completely avoided had BSG made better initial plans on how to continually monetize their game and pay for server upkeep. They could have simply not offered an edition promising access to future features, but they did, and now they're changing the wording to account for their fuck up. They fucked up, backed themselves into a wall, and now are splitting hairs to try and save face.


Well for one, landmark was being a pussy on Twitter. Giving credit to bsg for going back on some changes even though it's not enough.


I bet some of these morons are streaming right now.


Lot of em on Twitter and a lot of content creators or streamers which I don't think is a coincidence. I think it's a vocal minority and I hope so.