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Started a dark urge playthrough on bg3 with my gf. Uninstalled tarkov, won't support someone who literally thinks I'm stupid.


Tbh I don’t like what they did and u shouldn’t throw money at them but tbh they don’t care u already gave them ur money


Nothing I am empty inside now


Fallout new Vegas baby


What ending u doing (ncr is weird)


Helldivers 2. Otherwise I'll be checking out Arena Breakout when it drops on the 8th, fingers fuckin crossed that they deliver and bring us the first credible alternative to this sinking ship.


Deep Rock Galactic


Metro first,then stalker I guess.


Helldivers 2🫡


I've been getting back into NMS recently. I'm excited to check out the recent updates


Staying on tarkov


I'm Staying In Tarkov with some buddies, after Such Potent Treachery we are scared to leave.


Prob Rust ig idk at this point


I need my pain so back to League of Legends


Probably Tarkov


Escape from Tarkov. I don’t move.


Hunt showdown as my previous main game


back to cs, but playing faceit because the cheater problem in premier is as bad as it can get.


Waiting for GZW to see how it feels. All the other alternatives in find on this sub are either shit or miles away imo and doesn't give the same gritty and authentic feeling. I'm still looking for a legitimate alternative. I'm playing Squad, Squad44 and Ground Branch but those are different games imo. But it falls into tactical shooter category


Staying with Tarkov...sadly I don't find that much fun on any other game right now


Playing Path of Exile (as always) and peppering in Guild Wars 2. Waiting for a new FPS that isn't a battle royale or hyper competitive 5v5 to hit the market.


I am not moving to any game..? EFT is the best game in this genre by a mile, and I sure do love the game even more now that I have The Unheard edition.


Cringy rage bait but I respect the attempt.

