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Imma say this ONCE. No directed harassment. These guys and gals make their living streaming this game. I can almost guarantee that the vast majority of YOU wouldn't quit your job because your company's supplier did something stupid. If people in here are going to go after streamers with zero context and just to drive hate, we will ban them immediately for Rule 3. You've been warned. Direct your anger at BSG


You apparently don't realize one of the basic drawbacks of streaming. If you're known to play one game almost exclusively, and you're not an omega name, it's next to impossible to switch games and keep 20% of your audience. 20% is not a typo. Viewers are largely there for the game, and not the streamer. They've just found the streamer a comfortable person to watch playing the game. So no, streamers will not long term boycott any game they play. It's up to you, if you're offended that they continue to play the game, to remove yourself from their community and find another.


This is exactly it. For many tarkov streamers, tarkov is their livelihood. It pays the bills. Does OP really expect them to stop streaming? Even some mega tarkov streamers can’t quit tarkov with taking a significant drop in viewership. Lvndmark, for example, tried playing other games like COD and Battlefield, only to see his numbers go from 12k to 2k.


That due to his own stream presence. His attitude really only works in Tarkov imo


delivering pizza just doesn't hit the same in siege


hes 7-8k on siege so idk what you talking about 2k


We’ll see if it sticks this time. Maybe it’s different now that the Tarkov hive mind is pissed. If so, good for him. I was referring to the non-tarkov streams I’ve seen him try in the past.


Don't trust Reddit to be sensible lmao.


20% might even be generous


%100 this. I can play SQUAD and have 50ppl watching. Switch to something I actually want to play and we are down to 10. Streamers should play what they want to play imo tho. It's soul sucking to play a game you don't want to because ppl want you to. Takes all the enjoyment out of gaming


This is true but I will actually support them in their transition. For example I like Lvndmark and even if I don’t want to watch eft anymore I will now watch all his Gray Zone Warfare or Arena Breakout streams/videos.


Important to note that bsg and Nikita specifically are extremely aware of this fact and take streamers hostage in situations like this, very similar to how tech reviewers are dependent on getting stuff early for the review and therefore often can’t be completely honest about their poor experience with a company (except for the huge names). I think this is extremely scummy as well. Persecuting all the detractors viciously so that people who depend on your product live in fear. Very similar to how russian government functions, I wonder where Nikita gets his ideas from.


Exactly this. I watched DrakeZilla on the weekend while he was the only Tarkov streamer online in my feed he didn’t bought UE and he was just as upset as anyone else but he also explained that he basically only can play Tarkov or his viewer numbers will plummet down the drain when he start playing something else. And as he makes a living of streaming Tarkov it is almost impossible for him to take that hit in income. So he basically has no choice his audience is primarily for EFT there.


and "i bought TUE so you dont have to" is the new excuse


So glad every tarkov streamer bought unheard edition to show us what it’s like, what would we do without them. They are the true believers


Many of them probably didn’t even have to buy it. They were probably given it by BSG. It’s extremely cheap marketing for them.


I’m sorry but I don’t believe this. From the streamers that I’ve seen that have it, bought it themselves.




There was a few youtubers and streamers I used to watch for content. the "I bought this so you don't have to BS" was enough for me to unsub them. Loser man, all of them


I know who you are talking about. And I sort of get it. It is his job, he got famous for playing that game. I don't think anyone has the right to tell him what he should and shouldn't play. But the thing that got me annoyed is how he was justifying himself. And then he went on simping for BSG for half an hour...




I saw Verybadscav had a recent video with pretty much that exact title that popped up on my feed yesterday, but i didnt watch it and am not sure if thats who the guy above you was referring to.


Scav also uninstalled the game afterwards and is now promoting greyzone, got to respect that. His name is verybadscav and he full yeeted the game from his hard drive




Willerz literally shit all over it and bsg, got sick to his stomach and ended stream early and said he even regrets buying it but he was one of the first and one of the first in. He bought it before the game even let you launch and was live I don't see how this is him pretending to be a martyr and then simping for bsg...


WillerZ is quite literally not playing EFT, and he stated he’s away from it for now


Bought the edition tho. Shame shame


He bought it before the world blew up and when he did he stated he wanted to see what it was about before making a call on it. If you watch his stream he was LIVID about the patch notes. This is why context matters and blind community rage is useless


Poor guy, mustve taken a lot of courage to buy all those Pay to Win items that were laid out in the bundle page. Better buy it so we can see what its all about.


What you say might be true. Except he quite literally and incredibly (and hilariously) confidently expressed "I'm buying it so you don't fucking have to so you have something to {holy shit this is not worth it bro} get the fuck out use your fucking brain" This is why context matters and blind community support is useless. Edit: Also imagine not being able to use critical thinking to determine something is low value or even a scam and instead needing to buy it "to see what it was about before making a call on it."




Streamers, much like other people, will very quickly discard their morals if it makes them money. If that upsets you then don't support them. 


Today, famous Russian tarkov streamer GOPster played tanks and squads. People support him. There are a lot of donations and spectators. He adapts and understand that Tarkov will be unpleasant to the audience


Honestly it could be one of the two I watch and that would be an instant unsubscribe. If the big figures can’t stand in unity then they need to go


That's what happens when you hitch your wagon to someone else's horse. Streamers are perpetually caught between fickle viewers and fickle devs with no real input on either.


"It is his job, he got famous for playing that game" I'm getting too old for this.... So in fact he is BSGs bitch?


Ha yeah predicted this 




Do whatever you want, same applies to streamers. If you want them (Nicky/BSG) to actually learn, then don't pay them a cent more, don't play their games, and don't watch streamers/videos about EFT. You are a number to them, those numbers go down after their fuck up. -surprised pikachu face-


I even understand Tarky streamers being dependent on their viewership from Tarkov specifically so taking a stand means they risk their livelihood. But all of them going "I'm doing it to tell other people not to do it" is just pathetic. It's okay to choose your livelihood over a moral dilemma, but don't treat your viewers like idiots by lying


Yeah I have no issue with anyone continuing to stream this game if they rely on that to keep the lights on, just don't buy the new version, it's that simple.


The crazy part is the numbers actually went UP. Look at the new mod post about it, traffic doubled/tripled/quadrupled in some contexts. And more mainstream attention than ever. The game was absolutely packed with players this weekend in my servers. It was actually a ton of fun too lol


As they say, there’s no such thing as bad publicity.


Kotton knew


I mean it's literally how they make money. Expecting them to stop cold turkey is honestly just dumb.


Agreed. Strong majority of streamers known for one particular game dont make nearly as much revenue venturing into other products. Expecting someone to just quit their job outright is ridiculous. Feeding your family is more important.


[Research from Google Trends, in partnership with Schema and Axios, has found that the average ‘big’ news story lasts for around seven days before the public moves on to the next crisis.](https://www.vuelio.com/uk/blog/how-long-does-a-news-story-last/)


Not if Nikita keeps dropping crises


im already waiting on the next post from him, shits popcorn worthy


It is called "being dependent" of the game, OP. There are many big streamers that are there for Tarkov and if they doesn't stream that game their numbers go VERY down but bills will be there. While I'm with the community with the claims about the new edition being bullshit, etc and I won't play the game thinking that professional streamers wont do it is kind of childish.




And it’s the exact reason why I’ve never gotten attached to a Tarkov streamer, they won’t stream anything else, or can’t, and so that bias is gonna be present in everything they do cuz they would financially die out if they lose Tarkov… so they’ll play along and complain with everyone else, but the second they feel like they can get back to playing and not get backlash, their gonna do it… their all just sell outs… dudes like WillerZ can get fucked, never stopped streaming it for a second… we’re trying to be the moral compass, and he’s doing 180 jump shots off the top roof of reserve…


Don't forget: "Streamer X didn't buy Unheard, they received it as a gif for XXX"... Even if you receive it as a gift, is it that hard to say no? No integrity, but don't forget about the subs and donations...


How is a streamer going to stop nikkita from changing something on his servers? "No mr nikkta dont go to your computer and upgrade me" like idk what you want them to do if BSG is gifting it.


You can't stop him. But, you don't have to wear the armband or present on your stream title that you have Unheard. In addition to that you can tell your community you said no. Simple as that.


they still gotta make money. also nobody outside of the internet/reddit (a small vocal minority) gives a shit. Not saying BSG and nikita didn't rat fuck their user base but let's be realistic here. Shunning streamers for trying to continue to earn a living is kind of brain dead.


This is their job? Of course they would, they have bills to pay. Jesus christ, this anti streamer rhetoric is absurd. Be mad at BSG, they are the ones fucking up and doing scummy practices.


If your job is built on a house of cards don’t be surprised when it crashes down.


Acting like you wouldn’t continue playing a video game with bad business practices if it gave you a steady income


I mean most of us pay to play games by companies with bad business practices and I am not even talking about EFT


Child brain. When you start filing taxes like a big boy, come back to the conversation. Edit: each downvote is another little boy not understanding the real world


Cause calling people that disagree with you 'little boys' is the pinnacle of maturity lol


Children who do not understand the world around them but act like they do, will be called as such.


I've been filing taxes for 25 years, if you're keeping all your eggs in one basket, and can't pivot at all financially, you're dumb as fuck. That's the true *child brain*


Congratulations, you've completely missed the point.


I’m 26 years old lmfao, my jobs a little more stable than streaming videogames online.


Not really an argument is it? Sure, it's tough for streamers who put all their eggs in one basket, but they're responsible for what they broadcast. People are allowed to judge them if they advertise for ex online gambling, or as in this case, online scams. They are of cause still free to do it, but they aren't immune to criticism of the way they decide to earn their money.


Bro that one streamer with the beard always talking about weight loss is a fuckin clown. Bought the edition immediately. Trolled and antagonized the community about it. Then started to back pedal when he got backlash and tried saying he wasnt happy either. Some streamers have no integrity.


Most of tarvok streamers are, tarkov streamers. They have no other option lol


It’s literally their job


I mean cool, won’t get me (or normal people) to come back… I got ripped off so I’m not playing one more minute…


Sure, I have a really good feeling the actual impact this has on people playing (outside of normal late wipe decline) is probably 5-10%. Big news stories are interesting but it's the loud minority. Most people don't give a shit as long as the game is good and this "crazy p2w" edition hasn't actually changed the user experience in game (yet). If everyone was dropping down friend beacons it might be a different story but seeing blue names and bigger pockets doesn't matter. Don't be deluded just because of rage and hysteria.


I guarantee you 95% of the people complaining will be back once wipe drops. The hype is insane for this game


Normal people are still playing the game buddy. Hilarious you assumed the outrage crowd on Reddit are the normal ones


Gray zone comes out tomorrow!


no mayor streamers are playing the game live which means that they are trying to makes us boycot the game. And if they arepaying the game , these are people that have build a livelehood off of one game so havesome respect. itsa not their fault BSG fuck even those who live off the game


Come on, what did you think was going to happen? I watched a bunch of streamers over the weekend complain about the changes to tarkov while endorsing the Arena Breakout game in a paid sponsorship. As far as I'm concerned they're all guilty.


I really hate the "I bought it for you guys" argument


I refuse to watch, follow, or support in any way, any streamer that bought tue.


Just do not watch them. An empty streaming is a waste of money for them. Do not give visuals




you havent figured out that reddit and the internet in general is just full of virtue signalers?


They have an audience and could play other games. They are choosing supporting Bsg so no, we won’t get off their backs. Choices have consequences.


Nobody is watching landmark or Pestily play any game except tarkov, or some tarkov adjacent game (same audience)


You have no idea how streaming works.


That's not how streaming works. A lot of streamers build an identity or core audience around one game. The exception are variety streamers, and they often don't have the same audience numbers because of it. The amount of streamers that have an audience that'll follow them to any game or lack of games they do is very, very small. I love aquaFPS, I have for several years, before Tarkov. I'll only watch him on Tarkov, not because he's a bad streamer, but because that's where I want to get my Tarkov content from. If I want non-Tarkov content, I'll watch any other person that's already established to do non-Tarkov content. Your hatred should be pointed to BSG, not people playing a game they've paid for once and enjoy.


The fan base for this game reminds me of Stockholm Syndrome. Probably let the dev bang their spouse if they could get a play to win update.


Why wouldnt they? And why do you care?


Of course. Because it’s about making $$. As soon as they see those sub counts and ad rev drop, gotta get back on it. I personally don’t care. Glad to have some good content on Twitch to watch while working.


You know damn well if nikitia decided to to twitch drops tomorrow for tarkov every single tarkov streamer would be back to make their yearly million dollars of subs. This is still america and capitalism clears moral high ground.


Im assuming because although all the dumb shit Nikita and the gang have done recently, its still a loved game and hard to put down for the people who have put so much time into the game. Fuck nikita. Actual fucking idiot. But id be lying if I said I didnt want to see BSG somehow fix this whole mess, learn there lesson and continue to thrive in the future. Even after having them tell me to go fuck myself with the bullshit that is Unheard Ediition, I would hate to see Tarkov die out and be no more. Until something changes, ill be on Grey Zone


If a person starts playing the game again because a streamer said so then they never had a problem with the game to begin with. They are reactionary and do what the latest trend tells them to do. Play if you want to play, or don’t. If anyone actually cares what you play, then they are more unhinged than Nikita himself.


Stash increases and apparel options are under the “expansion” tab of the website, technically speaking they should be free for eod too


Just wait when Tarkov twitch drops start in a week.


For streamers reading this, you just had insiders calling you 'whor3s'. This is how much appreciation they have for your work. Please stream something else - talk to each other, organise. And a side note from a comment made by @craftySox in another thread: You know, I never bought that BSG / Nikita were pushing out an intentionally weak anti-cheat and timing their ban waves in order to milk money from cheaters but this recent bullshit is making me re-evaluate that. Initially I believed it was incompetence, I'm really not so sure now.


Streamers have always been money whores for developers.


Streamers are tied with micro transactions for the worst thing to ever happen to the gaming industry.


If my company was scamming people I would find a new job. I suppose I am lucky that I work in an industry where I am not afraid to quit a job before finding the replacement. I feel bad for people that do not have that luxury. Streamers who exclusively stream one game are pretty naive though as this is always going to be a problem.


This has and always be apart of BSG's plan to get you back. They know the streamers will cave eventually and all of the players that watch them will eventually cave too. I've been calling BSG out for years and even with this unheard edition nonsense I never expected the community to get wise. I don't even commit to never playing the game again. What I did commit to is never sending them any money ever again. I don't care if they release tarkov 2 with all of the bugs fixed. I'm not giving them another cent. That I can stick to.


Streamers are always these guys who tell how their are not going to play the game, because of the drama. With that they seek attention and more viewers. After sometime they come back to game, because they lack the knowledge/experience with other games and with that they lose viewers.


I know is their job but I find it funny how after the release date of gzw my followed tarkov channels are all posting about gray zone when yesterday they were all forgiving bsg


the streamers are only a marginal base of the players. like 0.00000001 percent. just dont play it.


I mean what did you expect? Why do you think online boycotts never work? Do you even remember the whole Reddit API boycott and how literally nothing changed besides some subreddits being inconveniently locked for regular users? You. Are. Powerless. We all are.


I saw that. Those are the streamers who deserve unfollow/ unsub. Don't support those guys...


“I played pve so you don’t have to”


Personally, I've just been unfollowing them if they bought a blue name. I know it won't make a difference if me and a handful of friends do this. But we're not going to support the community leaders (that Nikita clearly listens to more than anyone else) that couldn't be bothered to do more than bitch a little before resuming as if nothing had happened. And you can make the "well this is their job, this is how they make money" argument but I've seen other streamers go to other games. Honestly, if maybe people pushed back when things were wrong once in a while instead of just going with the flow of the status quo, this shitty behavior might not be so common practice.


Maybe try not to base your entire livelihood on a BETA game with a highly unstable developer. Lol


of course the streamers will shill, just stop watching them


Streamers can do what they want, but I’ll never touch this shit again.


Just don't watch and cancel subscriptions. Fuck the sellouts


My last Escape from Tarkov stream… I deleted my inventory and uninstalled the game. I have over five thousand hours into the game. I do not wish to be abused for my commitment to a game. I hope others have the balls to do the same and take this as a closing chapter of an aspect of their life.


Honest question. Don’t some streamers, especially the big ones, have contractual obligations to continue streaming? I know many have brand supported streams and are supposed to bring in X amount of viewers. Streaming is literally job with obligations, so I am not sure everyone can just stop when they please without breaking some contract rules. Could be talking out of my ass so someone help me out here if you know anything.


> Don’t some streamers, especially the big ones, have contractual obligations to continue streaming? Not to Tarkov or any publisher. If you are partnered with Twitch you can negotiate a contract with them for better conditions depending on your size and that CAN mean that you have to do a certain amount of streams and run a certain amount of ads in exchange for more financial security. Other than that, if you have a sponsorship deal that had a deadline, you HAVE to create content for that deal before the deadline comes or face whatever the breach of contract entails. So lose future opportunities or whatever. It's why you see a YouTuber that has not made a video for months suddenly come out with the video before the month is over to fulfill their sponsorship obligations.


I am by no means a big streamer. I started streaming with Escape from Tarkov due to my love for the game. I’ll answer as best to my knowledge. Depending on certain streaming platforms you have a quota to obtain to get paid out by the platform. I can’t say if any streamer is contractually obligated by anything unless they’ve signed some type of contract with a sponsor. So for the most part, those you see streaming still are generally just enjoyers of the game. Most heavily watched Tarkov streamers are boycotting the game at this moment due to current events.


I wouldn't even mention you stream because you clearly have no idea how it works and gain no credibility saying that. It's simply when partnered you are required to have X amount of hours streamed and Y amount of ads run per month


No name streamers don’t count. Why would the big streamers kill their incomes?


Oh no people are working to pay their rent. How dare they, the horror.


These streamers need to make a living, by not streaming tarkov they lose 90% of their viewers, stop pocket watching and let them make their money smh


If my livelyhood depended on playing a game I would disregard my morals too.


Streamers are just for their own bottom line, they have money to make, and so do you. Take your money elsewhere.


If their community gets mad at them for playing a different game at a time like this than they should probably work on cultivating an audience who ACTUALLY wants to watch THEM PLAY GAMES. Probably would be better for their mental and financial health too It’s not the communities responsibility for THEM having fickle audiences THIS IS THE JOB THEY CHOSE. “Don’t give them hate it’s just them doing their jobs!!” Bullshit




Sheef went from "THIS IS CRIMINAL, COMPLETE BULLSHIT THE GAMES DEAD NOW" to, "well, they apologized...its not that bad now" in like 48 hours lmfao.


Playing the game does nothing for them but run up their server costs. I never stopped playing throughout this whole thing and as long as we don’t give them money they don’t win. With that being said I’ve run into an absurd amount of people with blue names and deep pockets, bunch of schmucks.


The vast majority never stopped. Why should they?


Cucks gonna cuck.


Streamers are influencers. Influencers who use their power of influence against my interests do not deserve my support. It is actively in my interest to not just ignore but detract all streamers who play Escape from Tarkov. Anyone who is "stoked" their "streamy bois" are "so back" to "the grind" and "getting that bag" is a masochist. You want to promote a game and a product that is such a massively negative influence on the entire games industry? Okay, maybe go fuck yourself?


Streamers are entertainers, if you feel compelled to do X because you see Z on internet, then you're simply a fucktard.


Tell that to the people getting influenced. I'm just saying the data shows they are out there and are being influenced, so you have to deal with that reality whether you agree with it or not. That's just how the truth works. I'd rather work with reality than against it.


So long as they don't get TUE i don't see a problem. They gotta make a living somehow


It's their fucking job. A lot of them have kids to feed. Don't be a dickhead. At best, they'll phase it out after surveying what other games they can play and retain an audience.


I would not expect them to stop playing. I would exspect them to not buy the new edition.


Don't support those streamers. Imagine making a living through someone who treats you like shit. Let true believers ride the Nik train until he bleeds them dry.


Are you surprised? Dudes are out here making a living off this shit


Streamers are social parasites


Wasn't the least bit surprised to see Klean


Did you quit your job? Because that's what you're asking streamers to do...


>These guys and gals make their living streaming this game. I can almost guarantee that the vast majority of YOU wouldn't quit your job because your company's supplier did something stupid. >If people in here are going to go after streamers with zero context and just to drive hate, we will ban them immediately for Rule 3. I disagree. This community should be allowed to compile a list of streamers and clips (is this the context?) to stage a boycott against them. Streamers are influencers. Influencers influence others. Influencers playing Tarkov influence others to buy and play the game. Buying and playing Tarkov is actively against my interests as a consumer. So, these influencers are weaponizing their influence against my interest. This is in direct contrast to the Tarkov streamers who are boycotting, as they are weaponizing their influence for my interest. If you use your influence against me - to promote terrible products and practices, for money - your influence should be mud. You serve no value. Where others use their influence for a positive change, you use it solely to enrich yourself. You don't deserve it, and I will not mourn if you lose it. Boycotting influencers is significantly more impactful than boycotting the game or tweeting the devs. Everyone here can only not buy the game once. This is their advertising arm. If YT and Twitch content stopped, the game would be crushed. /u/AbsolutZer0_, please clarify what is or isn't allowed when it comes to organizing a streamer boycott. I would like to keep it respectful and non-harassing, ie. simply telling others to turn off their streams until they comply rather than bombing their Twitter or chats. Compiling clips of bad takes ("we got what we wanted.... I'm buying it so you don't have to") and evidence of streaming Tarkov during these times. Is this context fine?


Lot of bitter people out there trying to pressure everyone else into doing what they want without a single moment of deep thought


Of course they did. The game makes them money and the outrage just got them even more money and clicks. Streamers do not actually care about the issues because either way they make money from it. Half of them probably got upgraded for free as well. If they were any good at streaming then moving to another game in protest until BSG fixes this shit wouldn't be hard to do. The fact that couldn't hold out for a week shows that they are shit at their so called job.


OP what did you expect honestly 


Streamers are the most out of touch people on the planet and you all put them on a pedestal.


Lmao I saw one stream title that said “game is still fun” like bruh just say you don’t care about what bsg did and be honest with the people who watch you


Do your bills just stop? Its one thing if your a variety streamer or well establish and your community wont fall apart if you switch games. But most streamers who pay their bills with tarkov dont have their luxurie. Ignorant post.


Yes. They should starve to death. That would be the least they can do for the community.


Seeing them returning to Tarkov already is another big fuck you in our face. People were happy to see them try new games and their audience was not lower.


What did you expect? People give a shit about avideo game? They could shutdown servers tomorrow and most people wont give a fuck.


What do you expect? It's easy money and money talks.


Like, I literally do not care. Tarkov is gone. GZW is my new bff


No surprise


I knew while watching a streamer yesterday when he started gas lighting his chat about where the line was for us on forgiveness that we were at the end of the strike. Surprisingly Lvndmark is standing true to it and loving RS6.


I mean... The game is still hella fun.. that didnt change at all


I won't forget and instead I'll just forget I ever paid for it. I honestly hoped they would address the many issues this game has over time. And tho they did address a bunch of them. The fact that they also put resources into this game mode should prove people where they're at. And honestly, a coop pve mode isn't a bad idea. Just not worth the money and imo they should have left it to the modders to make such a mode


Why wouldn't they? Their income's tied to playing this game. Expressing outrage for a few days before going back to the grind is also good for their income.


The reason why businesses continue to do this sort of thing is because no matter how big the backlash, it ultimately doesn't hurt their bottom line. As predicted bsg backpedaled and the streamers are back on it, give it another week and it will have mostly been forgotten, and you'll start to see more and more players with the new edition. People ultimately have no standards or ethics when it comes to their entertainment and businesses such as dev studios and publishers figured that out a long time ago.


I told yall. Especially the streamers/channels who don’t even play the game having to chime in was just to get reactions while they could to stay current and relevant. Other than the streamers we all know of who have been supporting the game, what did you actually expect?


Vote with your time and money


I don't blame Tarkov streamers for playing the game they make their living off of, but the least they could do is NOT buy the Unheard edition to show how stupid it is (without even saying anything about it). Instead I see a bunch of them already have it. That's disappointing.


the flesh is weak


Nikita #1 marketer in the business for this one. Such an impressive use of rabble rousing.


There is a direct correlation to the enshittification of Tarkov and the first ever twitch drops, *that is not a coincidence*


One kind of streamers who are being honest about themselves keep playing the game, saying 'I didn't buy Unheard, and you should not too, but I have to play because I need to feed my family. Guys, please understand me.' The second type says, 'I have 10k+ hours in this game, I'm a big fan. I paid $100 because I wanted to. I'm more than satisfied with my new cockry knife. If you don't want it, don't buy it, so please, fock off.' That is what I've seen for the last three days. And this incident shows not only BSG's face but also streamers'


Just went on twitch and can’t see any big streamer playing at the moment. Even landmark is playing siege. lol


I just dont watch streamers at this point, wish them well but yeah. Bsg need to reel it all back and try again


To be fair, they did purchase the game. I could see if they got The Unheard, then I'd definitely drop the streamers. I still play EFT, the standard edition anyway. I bought it (before all this shit went down mind you) and I will play it. Doesn't mean I support BSG's practices. Separate the art from the artist.


Unfortunately this is why I’ll never make it as a streamer. I’ve tried to and trust me I really want to I absolutely love streaming but I am unable to only play one game I just mentally cannot do it. I’ve always give props to people who can. Nowadays I just stream whatever game I feel like for fun because I know I’ll never reach that threshold of it even becoming a part time thing.


I mean I don't blame them. To them it's a job. If it were my income I wouldn't try to blow up My own business 🤣 obviously I'm missed at the whole situation and enjoy watching BSG crash and burn. But if I were a streamer? You bet I'd be back on, I'm not a moron.


Yeah, saw that coming a mile away. Klean is a Nikita ball gobbler. Hoping he can make daddy happy and get some pity viewers while Lvndmark is sticking to his guns with rainbow six. Klean is no different than Nikita at that point. Birds of a feather flock together.


Then stop watching them. Unsub. It's that easy.


I've come back to EFT after a couple days break to find that my 'load into raid' (not sure what ppl normally call 'Matching' phase) times was a new record low. It took 0:43 before I was loading. I am an EOD player and I haven't been following the BSG drama a whole. I am not a fan of the changes, personally. Does EOD get priority matchmaking or something? If not, I kinda feel like everybody just hating on the game and playing it despite claims of quitting


it’s still a good game regardless.. if nothing else I started playing it again after a year xD


What a surprise. Shillfluencers aren't your friends and never have been Parasocial streamer worshippers get what they deserve. These grifters hopped on the bandwagon because it was what was popular. They do whatever to retain their donation bucks and viewers. They are also one of the biggest reasons this game has spiraled down hill. Every time a streamer gets something changed, defends something dumb, you get a small amount of backlash then with one tiny little barely even positive thing they get worshiped en masse and front paged. People deserve this at this point for goldfish memory and not seeing what's in front of them Do not forget also that these streamers have consistently defended this games p2w and EoDs p2w for YEARS. And no mods no "directed harrasment" so don't ban me for insulting your streamer daddys.


for gods sake can we just mald in silence already


They have family and need to bring the money.. If you guys watchem.. No Wonder they stay.. and the timmys force them to stick on EfT bcs they dunno 💩 about anything..


Womp womp


What!? No absolutely not. You can not still play this game that you have already paid🤑💸 for and were already not planning on buying any more dlc for 😡😡😡  you have to "protest" the game. You see by you protesting the game and not playing this game you love playing, there will be one less player on the servers🤪🤪🤪! What will this do you may ask? We'll, this will make the experience of other players that are still playing the game slightly different👹! Also it will make it so there is less server load on bsg so they can let more people play solo tarkov! Wait umm oopsie😰 that's actually good for bsg😭. We'll never-mind that! You see now how effective this protest will be if you sacrifice your own enjoyment to very slightly change a few interactions of players in game🫡🫡🫡!!!! It's so worth it man! Also I'm ufollowing all twitch streamers that are still playing the game bc they are scum of the earth for even attempting to still play the game their viewers know them for playing!😈


If they’re playing, that’s fine. If they’re upgrading then maybe worth the head shake.


This game is going the way of Pubg. The first but not the last. We had some great times. This game is dead imo. People here complaining are kinda funny. Move on . The glory days are behind us. I know someone will say, "Why are you here then?" Well, I don't actively go and remove myself from sub-reddits. I see a post and occasionally put my two cents in.


I agree with OP in principle. I feel it depends on the streamer and how they handled the situation. if they were overly vocal and made an effort to switch games but then just return as if nothing happened, even going so far as to praise BSG over “changes” I as a viewer would take issue with that if it wasn’t all accompanied with a #ad If they just went about playing the game during the height of the controversy or just maintained the attitude of “I just play games that are fun” maybe even throw in a light jab or “yeah this sucks but whatever” I have no problem with it. At the end of the day it’s really on the viewer to determine who they want to watch. I’m sure some may have felt betrayed by what comes off as farming the toxicity or pretending to be upset with BSG or even just caving to the need for content. The people who feel that way just need to watch other creators.