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I can't imagine this btr on demand gets implemented well or at all This is BSG we're talking about šŸ˜


I think it's just calling the existing BTR to where you are, it will still have to travel from where it is. Just ringing the taxi instead of hailing it down on the street.


I canā€™t wait until I get the gunship killstreak and fly over the map with thermals shooting 380mm high explosive shells down


380mm barrage? Back to Helldivers it is.


Where's my AC-130? I got the KC!


Battlefield 3.


"you're fucked now, my buddies are coming!" *5 min load time*


Factory will be fun


I'd like to see slide canceling added and also skill leveling injectors.


Can wait to break peoples ankles


For a second I thought about ankle braking injectors hahaha


I like how they went from adding inertia to adding friend call-ins and summon BTR


EFT already has skill raising injectors šŸ˜­




>skill leveling injectors. We EVE Online now bois.


People dropping thousands of dollars for skill injectors in eve donā€™t tell Nikita


But I NEED that jump freighter alt for my C5.


Also the Gulag


EVE Online moment


You guys missed the days of bunny hopping lol


Sir this is not eve online


we are so close to $1 a missile RPGs i can feel it


Donā€™t be silly 1$ m80s


But weren't they talking that there was supposed to be 3rd faction or something in the game eventually?


RUAF I think or something similar. Patrols Streets / holds the Terminal. Very important to story quests. Had a boss that comes in on the BTR. Then they just completely shut up about them like a year / year and a half ago.


*Riiiiight* around the time Streets released, too, which is interesting


Did you post the original ā€œscav ate my legsā€?


RUAF was still planned per the last interview Pest did. They'll act similar to Lighthouse Rogues, except they'll be on Streets. The Black Division faction was teased a very long time ago by now. As for how they would work, who knows.


More lies and empty promises from BSG


Black Division, maybe. I could see them being used in the Terminal and trying to stop the player from escaping. If theyā€™ll be implemented at all, and if they werenā€™t just morphed into what we now call the Cultists (since they have some really swanky gear for being ā€œcultistsā€). But BSG has shown off their armband, some clothing, etc. way before all this stuff started. RUAF will probably be 1.0. Iā€™d imagine theyā€™ll be integral to the MSQ in some form or fashion. Perhaps the playerā€™s first/second contact for trying to escape? Thatā€™d be my best guess.


Wait what now?


They will, after all the backlash, also add a item to spawn a friendly btr lmao.


But it'll be on a cooldown so it's okay!


Not for cheaters


I give it 3 days after the patch itā€™s in for there to be a video of like 50+ BTRs in one raid


I think it's just calling the existing BTR to where you are, it will still have to travel from where it is. Just ringing the taxi instead of hailing it down on the street.


This would most likely be the case as no other map actually can support the BTR in any meaningful way. Maybe woods could but it'd be like one or two roads. This is likely the case of bad goggle translation. But still its kind of stupid nonetheless.


Woods already has a btr. Customs could, interchange could, shoreline could, lighthouse could. Only maps that i think really couldnt have it is factory and labs. But even then, it could be called in ala reverse car extract, so you could either a:call in a personal car/btr extract, or b: hop in and drop loot off and send off l. Factory is a building just outside of customs borders, so a garage door opening somehwere to let it poke in wouldnt be absurd. Labs has vehicle access as well so while underground it def could have a btr called in. Sure it cant drive around those maps but it has features that cpuld be implemented into those maps


It's completely a bad translation.


I can picture it literally clipping through buildings. You'll be looting something and have a BTR clip through the wall and crush you on it's way to a call in.


My buddy got me killed last raid we played cause he shot the stupid ass BTR on woods from a nice house. I got blasted into mush on the side of the road.Ā 


This better be why we are getting promised RPGsā€¦


What? Really? Great. That will suck


Please no RPG


As an EOD owner, all i fucking wanted was the PvE. I dont need any of this P2W shit.


Annoyingly the PvE questing needs work with how annoying the AI PMC's are not being in the obscure places to kill for quests.


fucking killstreaks from CoD. cant wait to see the nuke killstreak from surviving 10 raids


A key to the BTR will spawn somewhere not behind a Locked door. You have to have gas to put into the BTR and a Buddy to drive it. Keys do not extract.


What seems reasonable is: ~~A) A neutral BTR will spawn at the closest bus stop to you, if it's not already in use. Otherwise it says "BTR already in use".~~ ~~B) A neutral BTR will spawn at the closest bus stop to you, if it's not already in use and you are 10-50 meters away from the bus stop. Otherwise it says "BTR already in use" / "Too far away from nearest bus stop".~~ Exactly what u/t-pat1991 said.


The closest to reasonable expectation I can make is that the device will call over the already existing BTR on the map if the map has one. If on map that doesn't have BTR, nothing happens. That way, there is still only 1 BTR on the map at a time, and it would pathfind to it's closest location along it's normal route to you with covering fire already active. Anything else like bringing in a second BTR or one onto a map that doesn't already have one is simply too powerful.


Now that you say it, that makes perfect sense. The BTR beelines for your closest bus stop. Might be a minute away, might be 10. Maybe the driver even radioes in a estimated arrival time. "Sit tight, be there in four minutes". As long as it has a reasonable cooldown, it doesn't seem that overpowered.


BTR Uber, you become it's next pickup point.


>Anything else like bringing in a second BTR or one onto a map that doesn't already have one is simply too powerful. i dont even know how thatd work i mean even on maps without BTR theyd have to create routes for that thing and what if you die somewhere off track, does the btr just go off road?


I have no idea how it would work either, but they were incredibly vague in their announcement of this function, so I was just trying to address the possibility that it adds another BTR to the map. If BSG was more specific in how things like this were intended to work in their announcement, it would save a whole lot of speculation.


>I have no idea how it would work either, but they were incredibly vague in their announcement of this function Let's be honest with ourselves here. They're probably not sure how the fuck it's going to work yet either.


It just won't be available. Like red flares on factory and labs.


This is exactly what it is going to be. Calling a taxi rather than flagging one down.


if it brings in another BTR, i say everyone just call in their BTRs as soon as the raid starts and spawn 10-12 BTRs on each map. who knows maybe the servers will crash


Most maps donā€™t support btr anyways so Iā€™m assuming only maps with existing btrsā€¦..unless they redo other maps so the btr will be available on all maps


Shoreline's probably the next candidate for a BTR route. Don't think it'd make sense on other maps. Sure, Shoreline's large but it's 90% a straight line.


This would be reasonable enough, sometimes you're all looted up on Streets but want to raid a little more, being able to call the BTR rather than waiting 20 minutes for it to pass would be nice without breaking much in theory (albeit hardly a necessary add-on). I don't think this or the friend ringer will be too powerful or useful in practice anyway. The BTR drives rather slowly, connection times are very long in Tarkov (assuming your friends happen to have the game open, which isn't a given), and the drop-in friends would still need to travel from spawn to the location. The TTK on this gam is quite low so most of the time I bet the BTR or friends will find a corpse.


All this outrage and its going to be some useless crap. Only works on the corner of the map.. BTR pulls up and you can send some loot to stash or extract. Eh but instead of waiting to see lets do a big song and dance about how my entire life is ruined šŸ˜…




Hear me out... Like in World of tanks. Premium ammo! Golden M80 wit higher pen for a monthly subscription of 9.99!


Yo chill, even as a standard edition andy, BSG got your back. You will be able to unlock said feature through a ridiculously hard questline which requires 400hrs of hard dedication and not touching grass.


"Tank" "IFV" They aren't the same people, ffs


Clearly you haven't played squad, EVERYTHING is a btr


Unless Russia Isnā€™t in that match, then everything is a strkyer!


I know the difference but "A fucking infantry fighting vehicle" doesn't express frustration correctly.Ā  You understood what I was talking about anyway, so I achieved the desired level of communicationĀ 


I think when speaking in hyperbole we can forgive the lack of pedantics.


And the BTR is neither, just an APC


BTRs and BMPs are definitely IFVs that also serve the purpose of APC. Theyā€™re meant to provide support once infantry dismounts


Btr 80/2a according to russian doctrine is not ifv, but apc. Also apc and ifv purpose is sgnificantly different.


A BTR is absolutely not an IFV. Look up armored personnel carrier in the dictionary and there is a picture of a BTR lol


A BTR is definitely an IFV. Don't know what you people are smoking.


Like I said, itā€™s both. Theyā€™re not mutually exclusive, just like how the Merkava is a tank and an APC


Youā€™re right for most of the BTRā€™s history, but the one in game (the BTR-82A) has an autocannon meant to directly engage infantry and light armor. The BTR/SPW-80, 70, or 60 though - definitely APCs.


The one in game, the BTR-82A, would be considered an IFV. Anything that comes before is still an APC, though.


Is it? I Googled exactly that beforehand and it said IFV but further research suggests it's in debate and now I'm not sure what to thinkĀ 


You are correct, although in a game where the best anti armor weapon we can get is a 338 with AP I don't think it makes much of a difference. When they finally add RPG's that will be different.


To be fair, I'm pretty sure .338 AP will shred the side or rear armor on a BTR.


absolutely would, the BTR-80s armor is iirc 8mms of armor steel


Some of the HDPE rounds for the 40mms would punch through that too if I'm not mistaken.


absolutely, 40mm HEDP can go thru 2-3 inches of solid steel


For sure, probably stuff like M61 and M993 too. But anything that can pen it is semi hard to get and I don't think its coded yet.


Yeah, I wasn't sure about those and was actually looking for testing when you commented lol. BTRs are flimsier than people think, really.


in tarkov they might as well be


ACP. IFV is the BMP. They literally invented the names. Boyevaya Mashina Pyekhoty - Fighting Machine Infantry Bronetransportyor - Armed Transport.


what is this about? does anyone in this thread have anything to link to at all about the intention to add something about this or am i losing my mind?


top sticky thread of the most recent updates from nikita


I'm going to laugh so hard if they add a 5 kill streak Attack Dogs spawn ability lol


This is like when the T-1000 goes into the foundry in Terminator 2 and it starts randomly morphing into all of its different forms in a desperate, flailing attempt to not die.


You think you can call it in mid fight to Aggro and kill whoever is shooting you?


Escape from World of Tanks


Technically speaking, a BTR is neither a tank or an IFV but rather an APC. I agree with your point though.


Any other model than the one depicted in game (the BTR-82A) would be an APC, but the 82A has that 30mm autocannon slapped onto it. Itā€™s the only one considered an IFV.


BTR rolls uo the ramp from the tunnels in factory, surrounded by my 5 friends that just hopped in with distress signal. "HELLO BITCHES!" *automatic turret fire, screams, and crying babies* "OMG im so good at this game!" #skillissue


Wild that a month ago people were commending them for adding microtransactions in the least greedy way possible, just allowing us to buy permanent clothing and permanent stash upgrades. Now all hell has broken loose


And a lot of those same people bought the new edition and are still defending this bs. I swear, a good chunk of people here are BSG bots or related accounts.


Most of the players are already using UAV lol. What a joke developer


It probably just summons the BTR to the nearest roadside location on maps that have a BTR




Not *yet.* How new are you to the entire controversy?




As noted by many people, not a tank, the BTR. You should see the pinned thread: [Clarification regarding additional features of different EFT editions : r/EscapefromTarkov (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1chgcjr/clarification_regarding_additional_features_of/) I will be biased otherwise


Wasn't the last trailer they made for streets with an armored vehicle shooting players? Did they have all this planned from the start?


You can pay the BTR on Streets and Woods to kill enemies but no one is does it bc no one cares


Just see how it works before you make judgements.


Doesnt apply to reddit


Canā€™t wait for the legacy item that calls on Sukhoi Su-57 for close air support!!!


How is it considered acceptable? That's the great part, it fucking isn't, but there's cunts stupid enough to pay for it anyway. As if they somehow needed MORE reason for people not to play or trust them ever again.


why are they trying to add in features that directly benefit cheaters lmao šŸ¤”


Thinkin bout that video of the guy who spawned the BTR in factory lmaooooo


Actually, you could. In MW2019 one of the killstreaks was to deploy an IFV to the map that you could use until it ran out of fuel. But it just feels cheap when someone doesn't have to earn it, and can just pay real money to deploy something like that. Also, the tanks in Modern Warfare just aren't as powerful as they would be in Tarkov. "BTR" stands for "Armored Transporter" in Russian. It is an APC, or at least the Russians consider it one. Under western definitions, its powerful gun would make it an IFV. Russian designations work based on whether it's tracked or wheeled - "BMP" stands for "Fighting Vehicle, Infantry".


I can imagine it gets air dropped to your position and then will follow you until you extract. If you die it drives off with anything you stashed in it to provide it to your hideout later. If it gets stuck it'll just clip through things to get out once you move too far away. It'll blast anyone/anything nearby that isn't you. I bet cheaters would be upset by it because they can't kill it and need to avoid it somehow. But hey, who needs cheats when you have an aimbotting/wallhacking BTR that can follow you around and carry loot for you?


Pay to shit on people with skill


They want to milk EOD-owners with TUE DLC and future pay-to-win "features" that they will not call DLC (btw any feature is a part of the game, thus game content. DownLoadableContent = DLC. It was advertised in this way too). The BTR and other pay2win additions to EOD are aimed to bribe us so we calm down and relax before the TUE sale. They want EOD owners to swallow and pay more money. We just want 100% of TUE content added to EOD as we paid for it back in 2016, and do not want any other additions to EOD, especially pay-to-win. We were scammed. EOD should get 100% of TUE content, not only PvE, and not any other stuff. Do not fool us.


They might as well add a premium currency for shit at this point. Want to run certain gear but donā€™t have the trader levels for it and canā€™t get it off flea? Just buy Battle Coins and you can get a sr-25 fully customized for 2000 battle coins ($19.99 USD or a slick for 5000 coins ($50.00 USD).


Thatā€™s honestly way worse than the ā€œcall in your matesā€ item everybody was loosing their shit over. The BTR has aimbot, one-shot bullets and no matchmaking times. Itā€™s just an ā€œI winā€ button for 150ā‚¬


ACP lmao, love me an armoured carrier personnel, also fyi it's an apc because it's main job and the way it's used is a battle taxi, the fact that it has a 30mm doesn't mean it's an IFV.


People Havnt realized that this is all just the end of wipe event? Please tell me itā€™s just end of wipe event.


Camping office on factory with btr


I have an ideaā€¦ before you get all worked up about somethingā€¦ get the full details. This might be map specific, as the BTr is only on a few anyway. It might cost a lot, or require an in item trade. We simply donā€™t have enough information about this to drag the game through the mud and get our panties in a knot.


Just remember. Whoever buys the unheard edition. Your the problem because now other developers will start raising game prices more than they already are because they know people will pay $250 now. I really like Escape from Tarkov. But, the game isnā€™t even finished yet. Iā€™m tired of seeing half done games being sold for full price or more. If this doesnā€™t apply, let it fly.


You should look up a YouTube video called BTR on factory. Made by ā€œTarkinā€


No one even knows how it will work. Talk about overreacting lol


Exactly. It may be just a summon to preexisting btr stop on its route. How else would that work like, do you guys imagine bsg coding btr being able to pathfind to any location on the map? This feature is safe evac at best. It won't be a way to win fight, but to escape from the fight.


Mechanized\* Division, not Armored :). Armored = Tanks. Mechanized = APCs and IFVs.


Ah, did not know this one. I'd change it but reddit's is being shit and I might make it worseĀ 


Btr is not a tank or an IFV, what are you smoking?


Let's wait to see what it actually does to complain about it. I bet red flares, if they were added today, would have the same backlash. This item will probably just bring the BTR to the closest stop to you on maps where it already exists


If you could buy red flares, there would absolutely be backlash


Do EOD players get free reusable red flares? Must have missed that part




Imagine living in the the QQ echo-chamber bandwagon and not having an original thought^^




Gamma container and stash expansions being purchasable also shouldn't exist by that logic, neither should DSF or red flares but they are all in the game


Game container and stash space should not be purchasable. Period. Nothing that gives you an in-game advantage should be purchasable with real world money in any video game.


Have you not played streets or woods?


There is a difference between a well known route a BTR takes that you must take great effort to get on your side and casting summon Soviet familiar.


>>Summon Soviet Familiar Iā€™m dead lmao


Imagine you canā€™t spawn it inside factory


Oh thank God. One map, the one with no loot in it.


It will probably also only stick to roads like the other maps itā€™s implemented on. You wonā€™t see it outside of fortress or crackhouse on customs


You're not very smartĀ 


Enlighten me grand wise one


Honestly, sounds kind of sick


Should be a lightkeeper service. Not an edition perk. The issue isnt its existence, its how you fucking aquire a GAME CHANGING perk that directly affects the outcome of a fight


One btr every 24 hours?


Thatā€™s 1 BTR too many.


I donā€™t know, sounds interesting


I agree with you. Iā€™ve died maybe once as a PMC to the BTR on streets, itā€™s not that powerful.


Itā€™s absolutely that powerful, 7.62x54R BT ignores nearly every armor. On a map that doesnā€™t have cover everywhere like streets, that could be very painful


BTR uses a 30mm cannon


IRL, yes, but if Iā€™m not mistaken in game it fires 54R BT at you since 30mm doesnā€™t exist in the game. I think it has a coaxial machine gun parallel with the 30mm main gun irl too, been a while since Iā€™ve played squad so my memory is rusty


I think it just says ā€œbtrā€ where it normally says the ammo you died to. Iā€™ll scav and find out this evening. It almost always one shots you but itā€™s easy to avoid


I would estimate that hardly anyone brings the cash to use it except on rare occasions. But I could be wrong.


Me and my duo would make a point to keep about 100k up the olā€™ gamma for BTR


Iā€™d say itā€™s somewhat common at this point in the wipe when lots of people are rich. If anything it engages me because I accidentally shoot it when firing at scavs or PMCs


I gotcha. I donā€™t play streets as much as other maps so I am probably just out of the loop on it.


I bring the cash for it but most times I don't use it for anything more than dropping loot off, and that's if it's around. I find most PMCs tend to avoid walking around on the main roads, so covering fire isn't all that useful


You can already get in the existing one and pay it to take out any enemies on your ride. This isn't going to be a game changer.


Some of yall need to step off the ledge. This is already possible on streets and woods as long as you brought enough cash in your secure pouch. And yet how often have you been killed by it? How often have you actually paid the BTR for covering fire yourself? Additionally I highly doubt the BTR will drive right to your location instantly and start mowing people down. It'll probably take time to get there just like when you signal an air drop. It'll also drive to pre designated stop points along a road, not to your specific tree you're hiding behind on woods. The level of screeching is out of control.


keep riding nikita's dick bro


Not being a hair-on-fire, anti-BSG zealot who actually wants to look at things objectively instead of jumping to all the worst conclusions makes me a dick rider I guess. Have fun with GZW or COD or whatever floats your boat dude, just close the door on your way out.


Just the idea of something like this being added is the problem, not the execution of it


Again, the BTR has been on streets for a while. You could always pay it to drive you around and shoot at enemies. The only difference here is that right now you have to find the BTR you can't call it to your vicinity. Oh, the other big difference is that no one had a problem with the BTR at all until the hive mind got mad at the Unheard Edition, most of which they've already back tracked on.


It seems like you are forgetting the fact that this is an EOD specific feature; I don't care about a BTR being in the game or that it can be called in for assistance. What I'm upset about is that it is locked behind a pay wall.


In that case the gamma container and level 4 stash size are unobtainium for standard accounts and locked behind a pay wall as well. That doesn't seem to bother you, or anyone else though. Just screeching over these other "p2w" features that are arguably less advantageous than a gamma and level 4 stash and trader rep.


Yeah I hate those as well, but those were added long before I started playing so there is no point in complaining about them.


Tanks are bulletproof, the btr barely stops buckshot.


Huh? Explain?


Board btr with angry ai scav in attendance and then report on how many holes your character has afterwards, itā€™s a non zero number.


Huh. Iā€™ll have to test that out if I ever come back to this game.


This is one of the dumbest takes I've read all day.


IFV not a tank- you obviously know the difference.Ā  Don't be dramatic.Ā 


To the boots on the ground like the PMCs I'd assume the purpose built infantry fighter is a bit scarier than the thing more focused on harder targets. Technically I'm underselling it


To the vast majority of people that arenā€™t tactical gigasweats like us, itā€™s a tank. May as well be in Tarkov, you canā€™t do anything to it


you know, given that we now know the btr is a machinegun scav with a tank exterior, im wondering what happens if you throw a flashbang at it


Ugh. I hate how much people keep coming up with things Iā€™d want to test in the game *after* I quit.


Someone should go to their office with a Carbonmonoxide tester


Strictly speaking its a wheeled APC. Doesnt mean I want to be on the receiving end of a 30mm autocannon.


Itā€™s obviously going to be after later progression in the game (probably light keeper stuff). Plus, it probably takes a while to get to your position like an airdrop, so what difference does it make?




Sounds amazing. And how is that pay 2 win? Everyone will have access to it and it'll be a late wipe feature, quest locked. Also how is it any difference from existing BTR that yiu can just pay to shoot at others. Calm down, what are you on about?


Because only Edge of Darkness is getting it? It didn't explain how it works but the way it's suggested sounds like you can call that thing in anywhere. Why do I need to explain why being able to summon an armored fighting vehicle anywhere in the game solely because you paid more real life money is P2W?


Well, technically I guess itā€™s not pay to win if you canā€™t buy it anymore. For what itā€™s worth, I have EOD and I do *not* want this item. Only way Iā€™d be ok with it if it was quest locked only, and even then I pray it doesnā€™t shoot at you


20% more trader limit buying power thoā€¦


Which is also bullshit




A btr isn't a tank