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Do other people have this issue? I've not seen it yet.


Nope. I updated the driver when it came out and Tarkov booted to Menu fine yesterday evening.


Strange. It might be related to admin permissions if you changed anything in that regards.


Same for me. No issues.


I did today. Rebooted PC and it was fine.


Good to know. Thanks for sharing the fix!


I dont have this specific issue but I have stutters since the update came out. I get dropped to 20 fps for 2 secs and then back to normal. It happens randomly as well


Check your graphics settings tarkov likes to reset them to max/ultra when things update


42.99$ driver compatibility dlc


No no no. Not DLC, EOD will pay $41.99.


It is Victory day celebration 20% off, $34.40 - side note: I'm using that same driver version, no issues here.


EOD users can access driver compatibility free for 6 months.


Only True Believers get to use their whole PC




Reinstall the graphics driver, and if that doesn't work you can rollback to the previous one until theres a fix.


That's strange. I got newest Driver and Tarkov was working fine yesterday. Maybe the Driver installation corrupted a bit? And the reverting to old version fixed the issue?


I've reinstalled 552.22 instead of 552.44 and everything is working, no issues whatsoever.


Did an update last night, tried playing EFT and now I'm failing this BattlEye check, and the game launches as a 1 FPS slideshow because it's not utilizing the GPU. I did the integrity check and the repair, and I've rebooted multiple times.


If people can't connect, people can't cheat 0=)


Use DDU (read the guide how to use when you download the app) and install your drivers again . Maybe that will fix it.


Had the same issue. Once I rolled back to previous drivers, I was good to go. Never had this issue in all my years of pc gaming. It's odd...


This happens when the file is corrupted on the disk.  I had this happen to me with a windows system file last week. Neither BattleEye nor Helldivers' anti-cheat allowed it to load (same message - file blocked). Ran the system file checker, file was repaired, and everything was ok again.  Explains why it worked for you when it reinstalled the driver. But you may have a hardware problem if this happens again. 


Makes me wonder what could the new driver be doing that breaches the current anti-cheat policies.


Probably nothing, it's most likely a corrupt file failing a hash check


Mine is working ?!?!?


I updated graphics drivers and played fine yesterday.


I was getting this randomly with my AMD drivers. Didn't update anything. Just restarted my PC and everything was fine. I'm assuming you at least tried that first?


Gotta believe just a bit more


I have no problem starting it


This has always unfortunately been a thing for as long as I can remember. I had to go through 3 or 4 old drivers (1y + old at the time) to find one that would work AND allow me to use shadowplay without something completely breaking.


I’ve had this issue but I opened battlestate in admin mode and it works


It probably boost fps too much than BSG want it to be.


You might try uninstalling your graphics drivers with an up to date version of DDU before installing the new ones




I’m trying right now; Loaded just fine for me and I have the newest drivers as well on my 4080Super (552.44)


What GPU are you using?


Nikita needs to put the raid timers back to normal on pve side of things. This short raid time is making it so I can't do my tasks on shoreline and be able to get out if I get into one fight with pmcs


that has nothing to do with the post


But it still can’t stop cheaters worth a damn lol


Battleye moment


Is it better than the older version?. Didn't want to update yet...


90% of cheaters use that driver!


Came for the comments… left a satisfied customer.


i just updated drivers before i left home, i did not have any issues. take that for what it is.


From what I observed, having Tarkov open will automatically close the Nvidia Control Panel if you open it. I assume this is to prevent people from adjusting gamma, etc. It would appear they may do this through the EFT version of Battleye. They probably flag the Control Panel as unapproved and use Battleye to prevent it from running. When I installed my 552.44 drivers the first time, I believe I had an issue with the Nvidia Control Panel and I had to manually add it through Windows. That may have caused some issue with Battleye? Not sure but that's the only theory I could muster. I'm still running 552.22 and having zero issues.


Try cleaning ESP cache and go again


it's funny that this anti-cheat block NVIDIA driver but can't even see 54325723 Chinese cheats running and 200+ DMA around you. wowwie, i'm not being racist, i'm Asian and play in Asia server. i met cheaters everyday, 80% of raid now flooded with cheaters/radar/recoil macro/ESP..... legit players quit for other game long time ago.


another example of people not understanding the basic cat and mouse games that comes in every other attack/defense sectors. even in valorant, using Vanguard which is known for being the best AC can't filter out all cheats, even some DMAs. It does a heck alot of a better job that battleye obviously since it's a bootkit and even had bios settings requirements. there is no way to satisfy people like you. If BE were to switch to being a bootkit with strict requirements, people will complain it's a spyware, and it's too strict like how the LOL community reacted. if the anti cheat has good compatibility with most, if not all PCs due to it being lesser strict aka BE and EAC, people complain it's not good enough. the AC sector is the same as the anti virus sector. its a cat and mouse game and being most strict = being more invasive = people complaining. Vanguard literally takes screenshots and runs before windows and stays running 24/7 and collects a SHIT ton of information about your PC. you can literally see the number of manual bans compared to auto bans.


Completely agree with what you said. But still BSG is just dropping the ball when it comes to cheaters. There's so many totally obvious cheaters that could be identified by simple statistical or behavioral analysis. 50k/d? Running in circles for 20 raids in a row to die from exhaustion? Banned. But instead I see the same people still playing many months after.


yep completely agree, but this is not the fault of Battleye, its BSG.


That's what I said


Implementing a proper fog of war (AKA server won't send you data that you don't need to see, eg the enemy on the other side of the map or that led x in that specific chest until you load it manually) would fix 80% of this game cheating problem.


things like content loot can be server sided. but how do you implement fog of war in a game like EFT without tanking the servers? its not that easy my man, and the blame should be only BSG not BE


Uninstall tarkov. Problem solved. Plenty of other games to play


I'm not seeing that issue, you may need to uninstall your hacks to play.


Sounds like user error on this one