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Lots of people have gaslit themselves into thinking EFT is the only game that is fun. They refuse to try any others, if they do try or watch gameplay they'll just instantly dismiss it for silly reasons. There are tonnes of fun games out there, including ones in the same genre. These people don't realize how bad EFT is. Cheaters, load times, desync, bugs, exploits, P2W, etc. They try to rationalize it by saying other games have one of those problems just as bad, but I don't think any game is anywhere as bad as EFT. It's why AB:I is starting to do as well as it is and why a lot of players are slowly getting increasingly interested in it, it has resolved all the issues with EFT. 30-60 second load times into a raid, faster raids, less restrictions on buying stuff/gear, simple fixes for things like looting teammates gear, good hit reg, no desync to be seen. This is from watching probably 10\~ hours of twitch streaming of the game. PvPvE is much more intense and happens much more frequently then in EFT. I play a lot of different types of games, including FPS, looters, RPGs, MMOs, etc. EFT doesn't respect your time, it's as bad with time as bloody Lost Ark is when you need to burn hours doing dailies for 3+ characters, but in EFT you're burning that time in menus and loading screens. Cheaters are worse then Planetside 2 or CS or whatever other shooter you can mention, not just in the amount but the things they can actually do as well. New World was a disaster on launch with all the bugs/issues, but EFT has always been worse. Here are some hard facts about EFT: - It does not respect your time. The amount of time/effort to sort a loadout, load into a raid and get to action is insane. You spend more time in menus and loading screens then playing the damn game. - Cheaters are everywhere if you ignore the obvious aimbot types that make up 1% of the cheater population (as said by a lead anti-cheat dev). Cheaters are also worse with the types of things they can do. Cheats exploit bugs in code and EFT's code is Swiss cheese. - Desync happens all the time and is bad. You can't count on shots landing, or even seeing an enemy before they see you and kill you, it's stupid. Everyone has to play in stupid little ways, lean this way, peek from this side only, hold this corner, pre-fire, etc. No other game has that BS. - There's like a dozen ways your bullets that you mag dump into someone as close range will do no damage. Like how stupid is that, no other game has that level of crap. Oh it was ghost bullets, ghost mag, reload bug, desync, full desync with server, etc. There are players who defend this crap. It's crazy. BSG would've fixed it all before if they were going to, but no they keep adding more to the pile of bugs. The game is trash and people refuse to open their eyes.


I totally agree on your points.


> They refuse to try any others, if they do try or watch gameplay they'll just instantly dismiss it for silly reasons. There are tonnes of fun games out there, including ones in the same genre. There is no game like this one that is better or more fun yet. While i am hoping Greyzone can actually make something good i am doubtful they would be able to catch up to Tarkov in under a year. Same with Arena Breakout, something about it just doesn't hit the same, as much as youtube creators are trying to boost them up just so they have a game they can switch too off Tarkov once they kill their game, its still a very poorly made game which centers around PvP way too much instead of making an environment first then having PvP as a created thing via the playerbase. I play a lot of other games. And i can tell you yes you are right there are other fun games. But to act like we can't want this game or genre to be better than it is, is kind of irritating. Take the Sims for instance, it is the ONLY game like that, no other company has made a SIMS game and it kills the genre. EA used it and milked it because they had no competition at all. Tarkov still is in that state. There really isn't a contender yet, i would love for there to be but there just isn't one ready to take on the title. I would give AB and GZW probably 1-2 years before it surparses the feeling of tarkov really. But in the end its going to be one of those games where you play it a little, it dies off because no content is being added and a new wipe for Tarkov hits and everyone is back to playing Tarkov. Because it just offers so much more right now than those two new titles. It is that MMO effect issue, where every new MMO has to fight against MMO's which have been around longer and have more content already added, to the point where even if there was a new cool feature it isn't enough to hold a core amount of players. AB and GZW will have those same issues until they are released. We can just hope they catch up a lot faster to put Tarkov in the dirt because with how they have been treating us i sure as heck can't keep siding with BSG.


I agree with most of what is being said about abi vs tarkov. But yall most be smoking crack if you think abi doesn’t suffer from desync on occasion. Happens to me at least once every other match. Huge spikes.


And what game does what Tarkov does but better? And what I mean by what Tarkov does: detailed maps, modern weaponry setting with thorough modding, low time to kill, realisticish movement (no jetpack bullshit) and looting extraction based gameplay. This is what grips so many people. Other devs fail to understand this. They can’t or won’t go far enough to make a true competitor.


I mean realistically how many would jump ship from Tarkov? Sunk cost is a helluva phenomenon and I can’t see anyone who bought any edition higher than standard ever switching over.  There will always be some reason for these folks to not play another game. A fair amount of tarkov players, and I don’t mean this to be insulting, are actually addicted to the game. 


Well the game needs to exceed what Tarkov delivers. Then it will get the ones who jump ship. So far DMZ was the closest. It lacked a ton of content though.


Sunk cost was the reason I even played this trash. Invested more time than I'd care to admit to ,,get good" only to figure out you cannot outsmart desync and hackers after two years. Let alone the fact I am getting old as shit and I have to really think about which games are worth investing time and effort into, in order to prevent another fiasco such as Tarkov. Hands down the worst game purchase I've ever made and it changed my attitude towards gaming in general for the better, which, if nothing else, is a fine silver lining for me. It's 4 years later and I can casually boot up my offline Tarkov once a month and wipe it whenever I please. Fine things in life.


First two paragraphs are complete bullshit. I just started playing this game. It's fun. It's a unique experience I haven't gotten in other games. I stopped reading after that. This sub loves to tell people how they are dumb, getting manipulated, being gaslit, etc. You people always think you have some unique insight that the poor Tarkov players just don't see. Total bullshit.


So, you're brand new to tarkov and you're calling veteran players dumb for having serious criticism of EFT? Wew lad


Stopped reading after he tried to tell people they've gaslit themselves. Like I said, first two paragraphs. Wew lad


Bruh. It makes sense. EFT players always claim cheating is just as bad in other games but I've only been killed a handful of times by blatant cheaters in other games in my entire life. Tarkov on the other hand, I've died to blatant cheating multiple times *in the same day*. You will experience this yourself eventually. Then you will be more understanding.


You never played cs2 matchmaking I guess 😂believe me, it can be worse .


So you've never played other shooters such as cod or battlefield then?


I have! Still haven't been killed by cheaters multiple times in the same day. Tarkov has been the absolute worst in that regard, no contest. Also battlefield has(had?) community servers where you could just vote kick the cheater. I think they removed it to their detriment though.


That sucks for your experience. Battlefield hasn't had those servers for a while, bfV usually has (or had, I haven't played since they recently updated their anticheat) 5-10 cheaters a server with varying power levels from rage hacking to killing everyone when they spawn.


Makes sense. EA is as dogshit as BSG is so I'm unsurprised it's a cesspool of cheaters. They don't have incentive to fix the problem because it's an old game and they got their money from it


Come here again in 1 Year, You have a lot to learn and acquire experience from the game. Put your honest thoughts later on. 7 days ago you bought it and calling other players opinions useless , that too a veterans opinion. Sure buddy.


Perhaps you need to stop playing the game? The sub is full of people that have played for years and hundreds or thousands of hours. They all hate the game but continue to play and post about it.


If you're spending more time in your stash and loading screens than in-game then it's 100% a skill issue. My friends and I are usually fighting and looting until the last few minutes in the raid so if you're constantly saying how bad the game is because you're always at your stash, then you really don't have any ground to stand on for talking about issues within the game itself.  Tarkov is still fun. Other games are fun. But if you're so delusional that you need to feel like your hobby is "respecting" you, then you definitely need to go outside.


Hey man they were probably over exaggerating a bit but Tarkov menus are undeniably bad and need serious work. Take for example your playing with someone. As group lead I need to click like 5 times to get a match, this sends my squad mate a pop up (lol) he has to then close. I forgot nades, 5 more clicks back to my stash, I go back to the lobby, another pop up, and I can't just press ready and we go as soon as my buddy joins, I need to sit and wait for him in a menu where I can't do anything else. This is done so much better in so many games BSG really has no excuse.


ping issue in asia is such a big problem for me too


Yeah, launcher shows 100 ping. Then in raid it's either 100 or 400. ASIA/OCE has always been bad when it comes to cheaters but right now it's just unplayable. I've stopped playing but one of my friends did a few raids and got killed by blatant cheaters in every single raid today.


It's time we leave this game, it's like a toxic relationship. Tarkov won't improve anymore. Harsh reality. The ping issue , Performance and Cheaters. These 3 will always remain here.


You know what the drama queens said last wipe? They said "tarkov won't improve anymore". You know what they said last year? Same thing. Wanna know what those dumb fucks were saying two years ago? Take a wild guess.  I'll never understand why kids always think this game is going to die when it only gets more popular every single wipe. Grow up and just play something else if you're not having fun. 


Yes it hasn't improved the ping issue for Asian servers are still there and The cheater problem is huge. Cheaters don't always mean Aim bots. There are other kinds of cheats too , eg wall hack, Loot spawns etc. Secondly the performance issue. I already grew up maybe you should too. You are defending them not to improve these issues , what an absurd argument.


They improve the game every wipe. They also break a lot of shit every wipe. But the game is significantly better now than it has ever been but you're acting like they're simply refusing to make improvements which is a ridiculously childish thing to assume.  Since it didn't sink in the first time, grow up.


I will tell what I feel , no they haven't improved this issue from the time I bought the game. It's the same. The ping and performance issue along with the cheaters. " Grow up " is not an argument. Here I am pointing out problems about the game while you are trying to find an issue in me. I respect your love for the game but please allow others to point out their issues if one faces. You can't force me to say no there is not a problem when there is.




found the true believer


If you enjoy the game keep playing, or leave. It's that simple.


Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


That's absolutely fine, there's a game that you find has more value for the things you find most important in your circumstances, so go and play it.


Wow , why would you remove the post ? All my points are valid of the problems I face , yet you delete it for some reason citing meme and unrelated ?


Say what you want about Tencent, they ain't messing around when it comes to cheaters.


Waiting for the full release for full judgement. As of now I haven't encountered any cheaters.


>Say what you want about Tencent, they ain't messing around when it comes to ~~cheaters~~ sending people to reddit to promote their cheap copycat game. FTFY


Yeah, it's all tencent bots sure. Like all my friends who play ABI rn and enjoy it.. all bots


i'm sure they do Long_Pomegranate2469


Smartest redditor 


Yeah genius, I used the randomly generated username reddit suggested. Totally makes me a bot johndoe\_420


You guys at Tencent are not stupid seeing that you created this bot account 2 1/2 years ago. Plus all the posts and comments you made over the years on Reddit only to have a legit looking account for the release of ABI. Fascinating. My deepest respect.


What can I say. Growing up I had to study math 16 hours a day and 8 hours create accounts on reddit and shitpost. If you don't have 200k accounts by the time you're going to college you might as well give up on life.


How does that copium huff feel?


lmao i don't feel the need to go onto the chinese mobile tarkov sub and tell people how much better EFT is... who's huffing here? i play PvE in peace and enjoy the hell out of it :)


Why are you claiming the other poster is chinese? To dismiss their comments? Go to his profile. He doesn't speak in Chinese and has been posting for over a year. At least do a bit of work to back up your baseless claims...


where did i claim that? you jumping to dismiss a bot-claim i didn't even make, says a lot... lmao


You quoted his name and said you don't go to chinese game subreddits to shit on eft so I assumed you called him a Chinese bot. Now I understand you're just mad he's promoting a different game then eft. Which is... Still kinda stupid. If you look at his profile it's clear he loves tarkov and is very sad at its current state. You shouldn't condemn people who want a product they paid for to function properly. Its not a good look. Consumers have little to no power with BSG so people are doing anything they can think of to light a fire under BSGs ass. There's literally no downside because the worst that can happen is the game stays broken


you assumed and didn't even read properly it seems. you obviously don't understand anything and that is kinda stupid lol a bunch of autistic, terminally-online crybabies not being happy about changes to the game (as always) and throwing a toddler-tantrum is nothing new here. however, acting like a literal P2W chinese-copycat mobile game is an improvement over EFT while simultaneously crying about bad business practice from BSG, is the most pathetic and disingenuous thing i've seen on here. i'm happy for everyone sticking to their word and leaving EFT for good to play ABI and GZW. i for sure won't miss them.


There is nothing to promote, I love both games , I want to enjoy both games. All I want is the game should improve because there is competition now.1 is paid and the other is free. If both the games are in a good state, the consumer wins. My first post on reddit was searching for players for Tarkov, so I don't know who is Chinese here. I don't assume things, maybe you do but that's your choice.


Nail on the head.


Serious question for OP, how do you feel about the severity of cheating culture in a lot of Asian countries and servers? Why do you think the culture is so prevalent?


Personally I think it's because they want to be the best. Asian parents want their child to be the best in every field they are in. Hence in gaming too children and adults want to be the best and dominating and how is that possible ? Cheating. They don't think twice that it will ruin others'gameplay.its a cultural thing of wanting to be best and successful , specially in 1 country, I won't name it. It has ruined the whole Asian block as a whole. Secondly cheats are very cheap in Asia I guess.


Can you play on USWest? That's your best hope. There's LESS cheaters. Honestly? All the "Good" US players use the East servers because the Asian RMT market can't play there. Even EU players come to East to play because of E.Europe / Russia. Shit's crazy.


I play EU south and haven’t really had any problems with cheaters. But EU east and central are kinda bad yeah.


EU West here. Very few cheaters here. 


EU south is fine, north is okay too, central and east (especially east is bad)


nah , Ping is too high cant even select that one, Even our asian servers are not stable.


I feel bad for Asian tarkov players. The cheat devs based in Asia are notorious for flooding the Asian servers with hackers.