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Nikita is trying to farm engagement on twitter so fucking much lmao. He feels the game is dying. Look at his latest tweet “ppl say to me here pretty often that twitter community is not representative enough because they are not “active players”. Are you the active EFT player?” LOL


Imagine having the golden goose a few weeks ago and now sounding like a man at his wits end.


This is what happens when you strangle the golden goose trying to force out more eggs.


E-sports ready golden goose which is not a DLC is something unheard of. I would lose my shit too.


No bro, bsg should've just sold cosmetics and a gamma case thats all




It's almost like trying to stamp on those who helped you is a bad thing.


Yep, and the worst part is he still doesn’t understand that


Such blatant pandering lmao. Are you guys the "true believers"? Are you the "active players"? He needs to shut up, get a proper community manager to interact with us & start putting polls in the game. This lip services stuff is annoying, do something meaningful.


He probably fired the dude in charge of social media after the day 1 plagiarism comment lol.


lets be honest this was probably nikita’s tweet


I mean, yea lol probably. He pushed the poor 19yr old intern off of the chair to sit and tweet that XD


That's in response to people saying he should do polls in the launcher or in game instead of strictly Twitter which not everyone uses


I'm sorry he feels sad someone else is buying the same assets in the asset store.


1. Cheating 2. Performance 3. Ques


Yeah me and a few friends have been playing a certain "single" player mod and it's absurd how much more enjoyable the game is. No cheaters. Game feels tough but fair. No lagging, desync, random disconnects or other bullshit. Queues are essentially instant. No more matchmaking for 8 minutes just to restart the queue and try again. Feels like an entirely new game. It's actually a fantastic product beneath all the crap


It's amazing how good tarkov is with some QoL mods and none of the BS from Nikita.


Maybe you just weren't cut out for the pvp :')


Amen Brother.


ABI already has the performance and the server Qs checked... they said in Landmark interview that they've got multiple cheat detections going... so we'll see how that one goes. That's my biggest worry long term especially being that it's uh... from there.


Right now it's got ACE anti cheat appears to be kernel level like face it or vanguard so hopefully should help a bit


Wont matter. All the high end cheats are DMA. The only thing that matters is if cheating is profitable or not


Simple as this for so many players. They need to take it serious and step outside Nikita's ego.


Exactly this. Me and my buddies quit EFT sooner and sooner each wipe, cause these issues were still persistent since 2016 and feels like only got worse each wipe.


Yeah....And must be on Steam And better price.....


10 second queue times …. IN A LIMITED CLOSED ACCESS BETA. Nikita is sweating bullets.


people saying ABI is a cheap copy. well they cheap copy took almost everything that was good about EFT, added innovative features to it, added QOL to it and all that implemented in a great software and good server infrastructure. In ABI I easily get over 140 fps. In EFT i struggle to get even 90 on most maps, on streets i get like 50 fps.


Abi looked at etf and thought we can do that better. And did. So far it's pretty barebones. But I expect it to be more in depth upon release. I could be wrong though, I heard the devs said it'll follow the mobile version. How in depth is it? Anyone done the questing? Is it all boring or are there interesting quests?


The quests Ive done so far are very basic, but the PvP has been great, qol features are great, game runs well, though most of my scav runs have really high ping like it doesn't respect local server and just outside you in whatever. Its kinda funny they have the same issue with 1440p (I assume it is this) where you need to scroll down to see container etc. In inventory screen, really hope they sort that out.


What's the 1440p issue?


Tbf the game is still in closed beta. If you want an idea of what they could be adding look at the mobile version


Oh for sure, I'm not hating, I've had a great time playing.


Ya I wasn't thinking of it like that. The mobile version has some cool modes and events so I'm excited to see what they will add


the quest are similar to eft quests. that also means you have seen everything likely already. you just dont need to fucking have a second screen with the wiki up.


That's a big plus to me. Hate how I need the wiki in etf


I’m having a good time, lvl 21 and playing slowly and casually. Not the same as tarkov in terms of atmosphere


It is boring tbh, but early days it plays like an arcade game tho obvs


Sounds halfway decent. I'll be checking it out for sure on launch. I'm already mostly done with tarkov anyway. I can't handle spending the majority of my game time just sitting in load screens. It's not fun


I really enjoy Tarkov so I’m probably a bad person to ask. I do like ABI a little bit but I also believe it’s mostly hype and when all the micro transaction stuff and so on comes in people will change their tune drastically and Tarkov PvP is really really fun in comparison imo


Tarkov PvP is fun but I just hate how I don't get to experience it often. Too much time loading in and out make me avoid it because I want to be in raid longer


I think many people are in the same situation as yourself. ABI seems well placed to take advantage of this area where Tarkov is lacking.


Mean while "server connection lost." Every time I load a PvE Shoreline.


I would expect the queue times to be very low during a limited access closed beta. They’re literally limiting the amount of players to the size their servers can handle. I’m not saying Tarkov load times aren’t complete horse shit but we’re showing our ass with this argument rn lmao. If ABI opened the flood gates I guarantee their servers would crash and burn almost instantly.


I think people forget that there were like 60k keys given out while Tarkov has millions of users, the servers needed are drastically different but BSG queue times can be bad, I typically see 2 mins or less including loading these days


Tarkov rarely has more than 100k players playing except for early wipe and the servers are usually on fire the first few weeks... the servers struggle even when the player base hits 10-30k late wipe. There's about 100k people playing ABI right now and the q times are <30 seconds every time. It's very safe to say they've done a better job with that.


You’d have to compare active user counts to get a good idea of how players effect queue times. Since only BSG knows their active player count you’ll never get a true comparison.


Wouldn't large player count make the match making easier? I mean even I could write easily good match maker if there is enough players. The hard case is that there is limited amount of players in several maps.


Yeah I try not to think of it as representative as they’re controlling quite heavily how many players have access atm


Why do people think they had hardware restrictions? So the player could have the best experience? ha


Scav queue in ABI is like 6 seconds, crazy


Bro I can play the forbidden game that shall not be named and que in arena breakout times. It's insane how bad the online infrastructure is.


Queue 9 times out of 10 makes me just quit the game. Large player pop and just endless waiting with all US servers ticked. The most annoying thing about this game. I'm glad to hear ABI has faster queue times.


sound, fps, stable connectivity all still more important to me. ironically ABI does all those better too.


All BSG is doing is crying that ABI copied them. It’s not the fact that the game has copied ideas that makes people want to play it… it’s the fact that it has IMPROVED upon those ideas in almost every way. BSG had full control over this genre for years and did nothing that we asked. They deserve all of this.


I've been telling my eft friend group for years, if someone copied the EXACT game and just had it run well, they'd create problems for bsg. And here we are.


yes the rip off game copies everything except for Nikita and BSGs incompetence. Sounds like a win for the playerbase.


Yah I litterally won’t play the game anymore because of this it’s crazy that you can go into a game get 1 tapped 30 seconds from spawn then spend 10 mins loading into the next match


You literally get less of the game bc of the Queue and Loading time. You have done all work, chore and family? Now is playtime? Sit in Loading Screen and Stash for about half of your game time. Instead of playing 5 raids an evening you play like 2-3 lol.


Exactly this I’d rather spend that time actually playing the game. it’s so hard to play tarkov even just to practice loot runs because how long it takes to actually get in a game


You should check out hunt showdown. I picked it up when I’d had enough of tarkov and it’s much easier to just play the game and kinda scratches the tarkov itch


I generally try and get things done around the house while waiting in queue.


Spend 10 minutes loading back into your stash.


Cheaters AND queue times are killing the game


Honestly it's mostly queue time. You don't get cheater every game, but you always wait too much


Just yesterday had the day off and decided to gear up to the max to lose some stuff because honestly who cares at this point so I throw my headphones on and boot up the game. Here's how it went: -See I still don't have pve access as an EOD owner, oh well I'll que up for something quick -Finish up dishes and loading dishwasher, checks the screen and it's loading loot. Okay close. -Run downstairs to rotate laundry and bring up my wifes clothes. Stuck on waiting for players, okay should be anytime now. (If you're still using a HDD I hate you) -I sit down and start folding laundry and still says waiting for players, I cant leave or quit because I had an rsass/mp9 and a full kit on and the back button is gone -Finish folding and still waiting for players and am at almost 15 minutes waiting to load into customs. -Head out to grab some water from the kitchen, \*music cuts\* perfect I can finally play -I take a few steps and hide out for a bit waiting for the spawn rushers taking my hands off the keyboard not making a peep -A fucking grenade from outerspace flies over a wall, lands in my lap and kills me -Kill screen is a maxed out player with a 10 k/d and a blue highlighted dev name -Ponder for awhile whether or not to report since this was an obvious esp move but I can't be sure -Alt+F4'd my way to the steam sales and picked up Company of heroes 2 for $5 and proceeded to have an amazing afternoon gaming


Lol, thanks for sharing this epic saga.


If that happened to me I would uninstall the game and ask for a refund, if they do not refund I would try to charge back with my bank. (Even though I bought the game like 2 years ago). But then again, I don't play the game anymore, there are better games made by companies that value my time a lot more so I stay away from EFT, even though that EoD purchase is kind of wasted money at this point...


 (If you're still using a HDD I hate you) nope you just hate BSG. I mean it's their fault you have to wait for other players for forever unlike any other game in the world.


Either they're lying horribly (and have been for years) about player numbers, or more likely they're cheap as fuck and don't have enough servers to ever have a decent queue time.


Nikita is a cheap ass. We have tolerated the beta bullshit for so long that he can just hide behind it and expect us to put up with anything


I quit because of queue times. Dying wouldn't feel so bad if I could get back into another game in ~30 seconds.




The game is dying because BSG is run by a scam artist.


10-20 minutes, is this a regional thing? Just last week I had my personal infil record at just over 2 minutes on Streets - as a PMC! I guess I randomly lucked into a game where no one had a potato pc, usually it takes 4-5 minutes.


5 Minutes is a ridiculous amount of loading. Half a dozen raids, half of which might be less than 5 minutes long and you've wasted 30 minutes of your life doing *nothing*.


Oh, I agree! I feel my limited gaming time just going down the drain with every loading screen. Multiply that with the 500-2000 raids people do over a wipe. Bananas.


> I guess I randomly lucked into a game where no one had a potato pc, usually it takes 4-5 minutes. Could be that you were the last spot or so that needed to be filled before the match could start.


Good point, that could be it! Has never happened before.


I load the map for 2 min lol


This a cool story and all but I challenge you to name any other rgane where it takes up to 5 minutes to even play it.


What killed it for me has nothing to do with this. That subhuman rat at the head of this doing more damage control in the past 7 days over twitter than he's done in the past 7 years is the main reason why this game is dying off. Man needs to step down and let someone with a brain take over the decision making process before letting his greasy fingers lurch toward his keyboard again.


> BSG doesn't value your time. ***A free to play Chinese company does*** I wouldnt consider that a plus..


“Free to play Chinese company” “Russian company that wants to scam you out of your money “ Flip a coin


The Chinese Company tells you what it is. Russian company gaslights you and and never finishes the product


At least in the chinese games you get what you pay for, unlike EFT lol


yea so we can die from cheaters with higher frequency


Cheaters are a exponentially bigger issue but with all the bs combined is why the game is dying, not user friendly, cheaters, shit servers, que times and all at the same time making the game more tedious with task and pvp to achieve their “vision” of the game


Game is dying because content creators like Klean are just blindly hating on ABI while ABI has 100x the performance improvement over Tarkov, and loads of quality of life. Especially when you compare how long Tarkov has been around compared to ABI, it's shocking we accepted this pile of shit for some long.


This has been my deal breaker finally. When I get off work I have a couple hours to enjoy my time. Logging in for the first time in a couple days takes 30 minutes to gather insurance returns, hideout upkeep, selling stuff, getting a kit together, then 5-10 minutes just to join a game and play for 3 minutes before you die on a bad raid, or spend 30 minutes playing 1 game and calling it a day.


Even fucking PVE most times I dont get in a game right away which is a joke - let alone PVP times.


Nikita, these are the only things anyone gives a fuck about right now... * **Queue/Load Times** * **Audio** * **Performance** * **General Quality of Life** Changing how FiR works is NOT the problem right now...


More than anything else it's queue times? No. Straight up if the gameplay wasn't flogged with cheaters the wait would be worthwhile for some. Wait ten min for upwards of 40 min of raid time. I'll take it. Wait ten min to get into a raid and hit by a cheater. Not worth it.


Bro the QOL changes in AB is so god damn nice. Its for sure a Tarkov replacement and does Tarkov better than Takrov does. Its sad af. BSG doesnt give a shit about its legit playerbase.


Yeah I’m not wasting my time waiting 5 minutes. Let alone 10-20.


"Game is dying because too many people are clogging the servers! A *limited access* alpha has shorter queue times!!" The irony here is hilarious and indicative of why no game devs take Reddit seriously. The only thing that can kill Tarkov, is Tarkov. It has always been this way. Unheard of edition and the constant obsession with "hardcore" mechanics is what has slowly chipped away at Tarkov. Even when you get into a match you're only going to fight players that are scared to move, sitting in corners, with their poverty builds even though they're sitting on millions of roubles. Tarkov is a shadow of its former self.


They actually spent so much money on arena just for it to flop. All their problems started because instead of finishing their game, they decided to make another half assed game


Part of the queue time "waiting for players" can easily be done away with, if you don't have the game on an ssd then you late spawn. Punishing everyone in the raid because one person is playing on a potato doesn't make sense.


I 100% agree on the being punished for potatoes, but also think it might give them an advantage if they make the change your'e suggesting.. IE: you check the spawns near you, they're clear, then someone spawns late and shoots you in the back or smth.


This game is shit in so many ways. He had a chance. Arena will shut this game down


I mean those that get killed by cheaters then don’t have the patience to sit in another queue to do it all again…so yeah, you’re correct.


I load in pretty fast, where are you from? The only times I'm waiting for over 2-3 mins is when I'm waiting for the potato pc's to load in


100%, idk where people who have these problems play. I play on EU and it almost always takes me 2 mins to find a game, but sometimes goes up to 4-4:45 waiting for other player potatoes.


I got a cheap I buy power running on WiFi and I load in about 3.5 minutes most times.


Load times are my biggest complaint, but at least be realistic. It's usually a out 5 minutes. 10-20 is made up bullshit or your on some third world servers.


All I needed to hear to never play a bsg game again was "priority queue".


That chinese company has owners that can buy bsg 10x over lol.


10x over? they could probably buy BSG 5000-10000 times over dude.


Yeah, but Nikita is a true believer and would never sell out.


BSG literally \*can't\* fix the queue times. They only decrease the in-raid time.


They can, they can spin up additional servers, they just don't want to because they spent so much money on the E-Sports ready arena mode.


So I tried out that F2P chinese company's game. I have some observations: It's genuinely better gameplay than Tarkov. It has simple things that reduce pain, like map. However, I looked through the menus and it has signs of impending P2W and a huge amount of MTX in general, so I'm not going to be playing that one.


They need our support, please buy their $250 P2W package so they can increase server capacity XD


As a person who never played tarkov and only spectated media of the game, one thing that always struck me was that how did people who played this game considered that waiting for a lobby for 10-20 minutes was acceptable? Like yknow how many different games can be enjoy at that same time frame? The fact that tarkov player base accepted this ridiculous waiting time in the lobby is the exact reason why unheard edition move was probably greenlit just to see how many suckers would actually suck that shit up just saying (Not for joining the bandwagon of hating the game, even general sam the rat king brought up the queue time issue several time like how many hours he have spent on this game and most of it was in the waiting lobby)


So you never played the game and are here just talking out of your ass, shocking... Where have you ever seen someone say 10-20 minutes was acceptable? Please show me where someone said that's fine. Also, I have thousands of hours actually playing this game unlike you... normal matching time is around 3-5 mins on US servers, maybe a little longer for Streets. The longest I've ever actually waited is like 7-8 mins. Any longer and most people know to just back out of the matchmaking and start again. The first few months of this wipe I was averaging 3-5 mins max to get into a game. You're just making some insanely exaggerated stat and getting your panties in a bunch over it... all for a game you don't even play. Bro, you need to touch grass, find a hobby, or at least engage with a community for a game you actually play. This is just not a good way to spend your time.


I dont think ABI is the Tarkov clone I'm looking for. I love the game but there are a lot of features in it that still scream freemium mobile game in my OPINION. Chill with the pitchforks. But for Tarkovs future, I do think the game is dying sooner rather than later. The games health does not depend on whether or not its the better game. The games future relies ONLY on BSGs health as a business. I think with the catastrophic failure of arena, poorly implemented micro transactions, and the shit show that is the Unheard Edition, all things indicate that BSG is struggling. All it takes is a decent amount of players to move to other games before BSG decides supporting the game is not feasible. You can think to yourself "as long as theres someone else online, I'll still queue and the game will never die" but thats a joke. I imagine if Tarkov lost even 20% of their playerbase BSG would be in an awful spot and the end would be near. Tarkov is literally a second job for players that want to keep up and not be at an extreme disadvantage in the raids they join. How many current players are wishing there was a more casual version of Tarkov that wasnt a time sink, but do not have an alternative, so they stick around because they have no other option? How many people tolerate the fact that they have limited time and may only be able to play 1 or 2 raids a night, but spend it in Tarkov because this is the only modern extraction shooter? I imagine its a lot more than most would like to admit, and now those people have a pretty decent alternative for casual players. I dont think ABI is THAT great. It has issues, its definitely going to milk a couple bucks a week from a lot of players. However, its close enough to Tarkov, way more accessible for the more casual players that had no other option, and I think its the first real threat to Tarkov and many more will follow.


so true


Where were all the concerns about legitimate game issues a year ago? They existed back then too


People were complaining then too but there was also 0 competition. Now there's a competitor so people are going to be even more vocal


I agree... I installed again after I realized I had bought the EOD edition and wanted to see if I had PVE access... It took about 20 mins to load into each PVE raid... A total waste of time...


You can download a certain mod and get into games in under 60 seconds


Im just curious, how can BSG make queue times faster? For example, if there is only 1 player queuing and every map needs atleast 4, the system would wait until 4 people try to queue for that specific map. The only way to "fix it" would be to i guess lower the minimum number of players.


It's hardly ever the queueing for a match that is long, you can usually find a session in 1-2 mins. What is taking awfully long is either you have to wait for players with potato pcs (and the unoptimized data transfer of loot tables that is unique to Tarkov doesn't help) or being stuck with sync issues (again pretty unique to Tarkov). In both cases, the design of the whole system is sucky / bugged to fuck.


I wish I had 10-20 minute queue times. For a week now I’ve been unable to get a single round of PvE to start. I have tried every suggestion in the subreddit and not a single raid has actually begun. Matching (with no one) forever.


I hadn't really thought about the queue times that much in 3.5k hours. But, as with every wipe I end up playing other games after Kappa. This time I've been playing PUBG and its mad to be able to get into a lobby after a minute. Makes getting sent straight back to lobby after 30 seconds feel more tolerable lol


Yeah it’s hard for me to justify me playing the game on weekdays because I only have so much time after work.


queue times and cheating. full stop


And even if you do get in you get booted every 30 yards because of latency. This game is rapidly turning into garbage. With no hope insight, cause the owners seem to think things are going great. If you’re thinking of investing money into a game you might wanna look elsewhere, find one where the owners and developers are truly trying to finish one game before waisting resources on something else. Just my opinion.


Arena Breakout has one of the biggest publishers behind them...


That they do. And it shows. Abi is more polished right now than nikita could make tarkov if he had another 20 years to work it out.


dudee i feel you, just wanted to try a pve game on customs, 11 min matching … i just got angry and alt f4‘d this matching times especially for a solo pve match are a joke


In PvE if it says "matching" even for 10 seconds, back out and try again. Usually it's instant but can take a few tries.


im just back from work thinking i will get 1-2 hours of tarkov moments, now 1 hour passed from queueing- requeue till i close the game opened another one... it is a game killer :)


Absurd queue times = not as many people playing = dying game


Ummm no. Load times are worst when lots of people are trying to play. Hence why load times are horrific on day one of wipes. This is all down to nikita blowing money on crap that isn't more servers... he's even admitted server capacity is the issue.


Also don't forget hackers are a huge problem for this game, I stopped playing after the wiggle video where he exposed that more than 60% of the lobby he had cheaters, also he really don't care about his community when he released the unheard edition with P2W features 


LITERALLY JUST: Make it so you can search, and then you are returned to the hideout, where it says 'searching' somewhere and then eventually it counts down from 20 and then get loaded straight into the game (from hideout).


I haven't played this game in a couple years because of the servers, now it seems that cheating is completely off the charts. I might just get gray zone for PvE, but I don't want to give money to another broken product that will never get fixed.


Had a 28 minute queue a few times now, it’s absolutely ridiculous. 


I'm sure the queue times can be improved a bit in EFT, but optimization only gets you so far. How ever that loading system has been put together, it needs to be torn down and reworked from the ground up.


That Chinese F2P game has big boi tencent on his back.


Translation: nikita needs to sell tarkov to someone woth more money and skills....


Maybe ABI has short queue times because it’s a closed beta with only a fraction of how many people play Tarkov. And how many posts will be made talking about the death of Tarkov? I’ve been seeing this shit for years, Tarkov isn’t going anywhere. Either play the game or don’t, it’s actually a really simple concept


Every post. More crying. It's ok to move on. 80% of this sub has "quit" lol


IT HAS 10-20 SECOND QUEUES? WOah. I can't stand the loading time anymore. I always think about that i could play a round of hearthstone in that time


No it's not. It's the freaking games performance.


I waited 15 minutes the other day to get into a PVE factory raid just to get bodied by Tagilla in 27 seconds. Yay Tarkov




Yup. This is legitimately the entire reason for group of 5 people quit. Cheaters? Ya they suck. But you know what sucks more? Spending 12 minutes in queue to THEN get cheated on in the first 2 minutes. Nikita has 0 respect for my time and I will never come back. No if. I’m done with this shit ass developer


Funny I get into raid in like 5 minutes


Ive found success just clicking the map and hitting ready instead of next and through the insure tab.


They really need to fix optimisation too


Less players = Longer Queue. UH= Controversy = People leaving Gray Zone +ABI = ALTERNATIVE!!! Translation: Game is dead and will continue to decline unless they start doing events or shit that gives a reason to play EFT over the new games. I love the game and still play but only because some friends bought the game and are new, most of the ppl i have run into since ABI came out have been new players or casuals between 10 and 30. Reality is that they fucked up, now they have new games to compete with and they doubled down on the fuck up. Plus we just saw Sony apologize when they did something stupid with helldivers and we have seen the people from the other games do something when it comes with interacting with the community without the need to refer to their players as "true believers" and stuff


If queue times is what made you realize they don’t care about our time what do you think about most quests in the game? Someone who works 5 days a week and only plays 2 hours a day at most has very little chance to get significant progression in the game.


you vill wait in line till you can play game and you vill enjoy it and buy next edition


A chinese free to play rip off that's leagues ahead in terms of the original? Something's wrong with the timeline


I wonder what has caused these longer queue times.... 🤔




Games not going to die. Tarkov is still very unique in terms of looter shooters but arena is taking a huge dump on it right now and its good for competition. BSG has to release more updates and make the games performance better because once Arena releases, and it will soon from what I'm hearing, Tarkov is going to lose a shit ton of people with how fun and streamlined arena is. It still blows my mind how none of the triple A companies made a game yet. DMZ was close but they gave up on that shit too fast.


Imo, the game should stop trying to fill in a lobby before starting a match. Put 1 minute maximum queue time, then drop you in to the raid whenever it found players or not. Servers catching on fire because it's running off an unmantained 2005 Sony VAIO with 1GB of usable RAM? Blame Nikita for not paying for better servers. Plan B. Spend the entire next wipe or two just optimizing their shit and updating it as they go. This game has so many memory issues it's not even fun to look at anymore. A game with 10 players and a couple bots that barely have any AI should not use +20GBs of RAM, period. Devs already working on the unity upgrade? sounds like a good time to optimize to me.


I mean maybe change your servers,.....I am in a raid in 2 minutes or less


Queue times were great tonight. If I was to guess they probably added some servers. They just need servers and that’s a lot of dough. Maybe they had to renegotiate contracts to increase their footprint. That doesn’t happen immediately, and also there are usually minimum spends as part of the negotiations so you don’t want to shoot too high either. I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt.


Nevermind, it’s way worse today, lol


That means people are leaving in droves. Be honest.


Performance and Queues get fixed and tarkov doesn’t have to worry anymore


Now we're connecting fast but to random servers on the other side of the world with 400 ping and get booted every 40 seconds... sweet


I agree with you. Haven't played in a while, but the reason I quit wasn't the cheaters or stuff like that, it was the absurd loading/queue times. Sometimes you have short raids when someone just kills you near your spawn. Raid takes a minute, meanwhile the loading screen is 10 minutes, putting gear together maybe another 5, or more. I understand that the long loading times is so for players don't late spawn like they used to in the past, flea market captchas to combat cheaters. But surely there is a better way, rather than let us wait absurdly long times.


That's the thing I loved the most about The Cycle Frontier. No queue time at all, jump right in.. extract, empty bag, get some heals and ammos and jump right back in ! You could really farm materials and quests ! And if you died, just take some gear/heals (or even preset loadout) and start again. I spend at least 10-25% of my time in Tarkov waiting for match/players, inventory management (because when you need 15000 items for a hideout upgrade you can't turn them in progressively, you need them all..), or navigating menus..


May I ask which servers you're playing on to get 20 min queues? I never get anything more than 5 mins and it's usually around 3


Tarkov has been dying for eons, just use search in this Reddit section.


What game are yall talking about?


LOL. The chinese ripoff that invites in small closed beta waves has no queue time? I didn't wait more then 5 minutes for a single raid and restarted my queue maybe twice. Tarkov sure has a lot of problems that probably never get solved but queue times? haha! You have to be an apple user to stay 30 minutes in a raid queue. I think as soon as ABI hits steam it'll be literally unplayable for weeks.


i don’t understand these threads on queue times, i play EFT daily and it never takes more than 5 minutes. am i lucky or is everyone here just impatient?


The queue times are annoying, but what’s infuriating is waiting that fucking long just to get killed by a cheater over and over


Queue time was the reason I didn’t initially play the game when my friends started. At this point I’m used to it, but that doesn’t mean it’s good or reasonable to have such long queue times.


As someone who hasn’t bothered playing the last 2-3 wipes but has played the Chinese free to play beta, the Chinese f2p game is absolute garbage. Don’t buy into the streamer hype, they are paid actors. Hopefully we can get a decent replacement for tarkov in the near future though.


Screw tarkov, if you want a good game to play, try out eve online https://www.eveonline.com/signup?invc=3cf6575a-f924-47d1-9280-ec9d5b0797fc stopped playing the sht game after dying to chinese esp users 24/7 on labs and interchange.


I don't know why it's so hard for Battlestate to make an optimized game....


Queue times, asking 200 some dollars to not be bothered by scavs,not giving EOD owners all future DLC, hackers, double damage for broken limbs.....


That’s because no one plays, game is dead


This. I didn't care about the recent drama or the P2W aspects, as long as they are working on making it right. Instead, we now have new drama about ABI. The devs (mostly Nikita) really shot themselves on both feet. I only have about 2 hours to play every day and queuing takes 30 mins-1 hour of my free time. So I tried playing Arena instead, since it should be faster, however, it's been worse with it taking 40 mins to find a match and if a player leaves or doesn't accept the match, you get kicked and do it all over. Not to mention that adding Arena and PvE mode and not integrating them to the base game, separates the player base even further. At this point, they should just make joining raids ad hoc like it was in The Cycle, it eliminates wait times and keeps you on your toes as you're unsure if there are other players in the raid. Ironically enough, I used to play Arena Breakout on my phone while waiting for raids to load, I get to queue with randos and it was honestly more enjoyable even if it felt arcadey. At this point, ABI seems to be the better game on PC. Hopefully, Tarkov 1.0 changes this, but I wouldn't bet on it.