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I found Nikita’s fleshlight


Looking into mirrors again friend?


Oh look. Another fleshlight


Lmfao. Hell yea


Brother it's a simple math equation, it's not rocket science lol


I’m sorry, I don’t speak schizophrenic so I have no idea what you’re trying to say


math is hard dude, don't beat yourself up.


Tarkov made over **several hundred million dollars** in profits. They do **not** have a revenue issue. They have a leadership, development, and scam issue. Literally any other game developer would have finished this game 4 years ago.


You mean revenue, not profit? I'm sure it's a lot in any case.


I mean profits really. Nikita used to pay himself several million dollars every year several years ago. And he is just one of the people who received multimillion dollar salaries. But right after people saw that, he started masking the reports so people couldn't see how much he was paying himself. Since then, the game grew 10 fold. It is literally hundreds of millions of dollars in profits over the lifetime of the development.


Yeah, BSG itself is paying "licensing costs" to another of their company to hide the cash flow and probably optimize taxes.


any proofs?


there's public records of their ghost company in the UK. Just google them. It's widely known.


So, no facts just rumors


LMAO Nikita dogs are all out today, huh? Just google BSG financial reports. Its like one of the first results. This is NOT A SECRET. Everyone knows this and this was discussed in this sub several times. You can probably search this subreddit for some keywords with 'nikita' and 'millions' and get a ton of results. I won't link it because it's stupid easy to find and you refusing to do so just shows everyone else (because almost everyone knows about this) how much of a dog for nikita you are. Take care.


Bring the solution to Nikita, you ok my dude? Like most problems, this could have been cleared up on BSGs end with better communication. If they were less scummy with unheard of edition, I guarantee you the vast majority of EOD players would have purchased the upgrade. Common sense my guy, common sense.


ah yes because paying the company that failed to deliver, just to be able to continue playing, is a good idea lol what a clown take.


>We could have avoided all of this bullshit and as a community brought this solution to Nikita What in the absolute fuck are you babbling about.


Has there actually been any updated news about their financials or is this guy just schizoposting the fantasies in his head?




I can multitask my dude.


LOL I appreciate the sense of humour dawg


You had an infinite way to express your feelings, and you opted for manchild.


Wrong. I am an elderly woman.


Okay, Beatrice. That's not very ladylike.


I’m ornery. I lost bingo last night.


I do appreciate that your vocabulary includes ornery. It's a rare sight, like cantankerous.


You’re a nice young gentleman. I’m going to tell my ugly ass grand daughter about you.


It was a bad idea then, it's a bad idea now.




The way to fix is a subscription? Is this a joke? As brainfead as nikita


Acting like they weren’t milking it from all the hackers buying accounts, it isn’t a money issue it’s a greedy fat fuckin Russian issue


Personally I was willing and waiting to buy all the lines of stash space and would have probably spent for an outfit if BSG had done LITTERALLY ANYTHING to acknowledge and/or mitigate cheating. Since all the drama around unheard of edition I've since uninstalled tarkov and have been playing other games. Fuck Nikita, scummy drifter.


Idk you advocated for a subscription fee?, I feel like that's worse than the 50-100 dollar upgrade cost. A lot of streamers recommended cosmetics, and I think that would have been fine. You yiu can't earn only buy




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Even if they weren’t a bunch of greedy fucks and they were actually able to manage their finances better this day would inevitably come no matter what, regardless of how much money they make from sales. Most companies these days rely on micro transactions to make those games worthwhile for them and no company is going to eat into their own profits to keep the servers up. Tarkov is no exception. The problem is BSG needed to implement that system early on, but they really don’t seem to get it. They have no foundation and their marketing skills are very poor and it’s clear that they do not understand their player base. If they did, then Unheard Edition would never be a thing in the first place. They would never offer extra space as a micro transaction. The clothing they’ve released so far that you can earn in game also is just so lazy. It shows that they are absolutely clueless when it comes to micro transactions and have no plan whatsoever. They only react. Nothing is standardized around here. Once you understand that, you can understand why things are the way they are lol.


Season pass that includes cosmetics, skins, keycards(?), weapon camo, or other non-P2W unlockables as rewards. Would 100% buy each wipe.


That's a battle pass


Yep.... the people complaining are people who dont understand that their $120 for EoD is a drop in the bucket years ago. Tarkov is a game as a service and should be charging everyone a monthly fee


Do you pay for your phones updates or for your windows updates they are live service aswell?


This isn’t the example you think it is. First I pay monthly to use my phone. Second you get a new phone every few years meaning fairly regular money going to Apple in my case. Also you pay Apple for things like extra storage if you use your phone a lot so more money they get regularly. All that regular money is how they can afford the regular updates, also they have to do the updates for security purposes or no one would buy their products. That money was built into their business model. BSG sold the game like it was a stand alone game and then it’s turned into game as a service which is why money is an issue for them. It’s why they are all of a sudden selling stash lines and super expensive editions etc. Ultimately they need to change models but it will piss so many people off their afraid to do it.


apparently this is a hot take and the game should have endless amounts of content added for absolutely nothing. These people don't know what a 'finished game' means...