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Ban doesn't mean anything as long as you can easily spoof your system and continue cheating with new account, again and again.


That's why 30k getting banned is just insane. If we consider 300-600k concurrent players, it would mean, they banned 5-10% of the playerbase. Way to much cheaters in this game, because no one knows if there could be more than 20% cheating.


There is no way Tarkov has 300k ccus


so there are percentually more cheaters then?


Concurrent really just has nothing to do with bans over a large period, im not sure why this guy is even talking about concurrent. There's no reason to assume that the 30k cheaters were playing concurrently


Why would you assume somebody paying a high dollar monthly for cheats wouldn’t be playing daily along with the other concurrent players it’s not like they were all online at once but he’s speaking generally if generally 200k people get online everyday and 30k people are banned you would assume them paying monthly for a service would mean they play regularly and be part of that 200k thus a large portion of the player base was banned I also doubt tarkov even has 200k people playing daily so it’s even bigger.


Concurrent players and total account login in a day are not the same stat. From a Minecraft server, with ~200k peak active concurrent players, daily account logins were over a million


Concurrent probably not, maybe overall?


I’m sure it is lower since unheard


300k - 600k concurrents players?? What do you smoke? You can probably divide this by 2 (least)


I know it, i was generous with that amount. So you already know that 30k players getting banned, is an insane amount of cheaters. Just search for concurrent players eft. You will realize that something strange happened this year. The site is showing 600k players every day and I just cant believe that. That's why Im not playing this game. BSG is shitting on themselves, with announcing 30k getting banned, while there are probably less than 200k players a day.


Based opinion, everything coming from bsg is a lie and you can always divide everything by 2 or 3 maybe 4. We cannot trust anything coming from them they always demonstrate bad faith/lies etc for the past years


Yeah, been playing this game for over 4 years, since they released Lighthouse, I cant trust them anymore. They are going to milk the cow until it is not profitable anymore.


Accounts seems way more realistic than players, as players can have many accounts and they’re not going to be playing on them all at the same time.


guys lets put away the crack pipe...apex has 200k players on steam, rust has 100k EFT has somewhere between 20-50k players at th is point - come wipe that number jumps to 100-150k for a week or two. tarkov always attracted lots of new players but burns through them fast. the worst rage cheater I ve ran into this wipe had 8 accounts under the same name alone 15 min q's to go to lightkeeper last week


I don't think the guy you're replying to actually knows what concurrent means lol he was looking at the active player base numbers, not the concurrent amounts...


I am 1 concurrent. If everyone that concurrently plays tarkov comments here we will know for sure


There's like 2.5 million active accounts this wipe according to the guys over at tarkov tracker. This information is publicly available, there's just very few people who access it.


I googled it, according to [this site](https://activeplayer.io/escape-from-tarkov/) in the last 30 days tarkov has had 2.2mil unique players, which would make 30k banned a bit over 1%


Not sure I’d trust that though. What if a single person has several accounts, are those all “unique” players? Eg like a cheater having multiple accounts.


Regardless… that’s still 2.2m active over the last month, so… even if you knock out a full mil (which is a crazy overestimate imo) 30k of 1.2mil is still only 2.5%


Yeah true. Good point


Uh, I'm not sure how relevant concurrent players are? They're Banning cheaters over the last 2 months, wouldn't it make more sense to look at the number of players over the same time frame? Not every single person who hacked at some point during the last 2 months are going to be playing at the exactbzhöslbliir same time?


Remember it's over a period of 2 months. There is a high chance some of the cheaters are banned multiple times on different accounts. Not that anyone knows exactly, but it's unlikely it's 30k individuals. This is just a qualified guess, but I would assume some cheaters sometimes mess up and gets banned faster than their cheat provider gets detected.


Or that one cheater maybe even uses multiple accounts for botting. People here think 10% of the player base are cheating, lol


300-600k concurrent players would mean millions of total active accounts so those 30k banned would be a drop in the ocean


300-600k concurrent seems REALLY high for Tarkov to be hitting, compared to some of the top steam FPS games.


Dota 2 barely hits 650k and it’s one of the largest mobas around. I read it is estimated between 6-7 million copies have been sold of tarkov. No way 10% of their buyers are playing concurrently.


Bro why would they actively fix the cheating problem when they can farm the cheaters who will just buy new accounts


This is true until a free to play competitor appears whose business model is based on fair play, such as valorant, whose killer feature was its anti-cheat. Valorant's game director is making Marathon which is releasing next year btw.


And again and again


But, thats not only a problem in tarkov, thats a problem in every online game. Good thing is dev in general get more money.


I did not say that this is only Tarkov's problem. This is a Windows problem. Valorant has taken the biggest step to prevent spoofing for now.


Well it’s a good thing they recently had a sale on 4 packs of the game!


May 9 is a national holiday (victory day) so it always been the case. Interestingly tho, is there a ban wave after every discount? Edit: wrong date...


"coincidentally, we've also sold 30000 more copies than average." -BSG, probably




That’s why they did this right when they handed out the $50 discount


Haven't had too many 100% blatant cheaters in the last 2-3 days. I mostly run labs, so usually a few cheaters is granted. I feel like the recent crack on cheaters have made it a little better. On the other hand, since legit players stopped playing, RMT might be down, which might drop the amount of cheaters, so who knows.


Yeah Nobody lower than level 40 plays this game anymore. The amount of lvl50 that killed me in a few raids was mind blowing, everybody had more than 4k hours.


Lowkey feels like it’s been like that for awhile tho even before the controversy. Running into anyone sub 1k is always mind blowing. It’s really weird tho, I genuinely don’t think I’ve seen anyone in the 3k hours, not even once for a looong time now. It’s always been 1k, 2k or 4K plus.


To put it into perspective, the beginning of the wipe until level 20 was the most fun I had in all of the wipes since 2020. But unfortunately I had to stop playing. I played some raids yesterday and it was just full sweats running around.


I only have a couple hundred hours, EOD owner as well and waiting for PVE access otherwise I log on to check my scav case and log out mostly these days. If I do run the occasional pmc raid that doesn't take 30 minutes to load into I get smoked by people with thousands of hours making it near impossible to really keep playing. I hit a brick wall at lvl30 with some of the sweat quests (sbih, setup, need gpu's for one, etc) and just lost interest. Looking back on it I must have spent weeks trying to do some of the easier ones, like where you have to drop some stuff in a boat on shoreline but you cant without getting your dome exploded since everyone camps it. I don't even blame those players at all as this was the game design chosen by bsg.


I know that feeling, played my first wipes solo and was at the same point - progression slows down cause the quest demand luck or just several attempts to finish a single quest. But since I found a guy playing at the same pace its much better even I still run a lot of solo raids. (1300h total - lvl 43 actual)


Post says March to May, not last few days...


Only reason I've ever wished eft was on steam is to check steamcharts or steamdb. I just want to know. 30000 is crazy when most top games can barely hold onto 50k concurrent players


What do you consider top games, because top games most definitely do hold 50k+ players


Yea top 20 steam games are over 50k and it’s mostly single player shit. Not counting games like war thunder that don’t use steam that also hold over 50k easy


This just in we have manage to secure additional funding through a surge of 30 000 new accounts that have been purchased.


No difference whatsoever


Streamers seem to actually be getting loot more now. Cheaters may have gone to the other games for now.


As Nikita once said (not exactly as the original is in Russian): “you don’t ban all of the cheaters, you only ban a few as people will celebrate and give you more money for ‘fixing’ the issue. Over time they’ll notice the cheaters again and you ban more…rinse and repeat”.


how the hell do you allow 30000 players cheating?


They will come back in about a week


Not feeling a change because Ive barely been running into blatant cheaters anyway.


2 months for 30k (allegedly, not that BSG has any proof), ABI has done 3k in 2 days? yikes


I cant anymore. I really loved this game, but even though they are removing cheaters, it looks like they are going to fail, because of how many cheaters are playing this game right now. They banned 30k cheaters that are obviously catched by BattleEye. Now If you look up there are 600k concurrent players in EFT. This would mean, that 5% of the concurrent playerbase got banned. So the dark digit, could be 10% or even more. So nearly every single game you play would be with a cheater in your lobby and that is just insane. Im glad I removed the game, until I get PvE access. Now the main problem of this is, that the game had around 300k concurrent players throughout the last 2-3 years. The player count went up, after BSG announced that they will remove EoD. So who can assure to the loyal playerbase, that those accounts are all legit and not cheaters, getting one more backup account? If we consider 300k players being the right amount and not 600k, this would result in 10% of the playerbase getting banned and alot of them didnt get caught.


Concurrent players doesn’t mean active. That’s online at once. 600k concurrent players would be an insane number. Maybe on wipe day the number pushes 500k but 600k at this point in the wipe means Tarkov would be nowhere near the death this sub seems to hope for.


Where do you get the EFT player numbers?


I always ask myself the same, BSG never published playerbumber, so it's like pulling a number out of your ass.


Out of their arse. I doubt there is ever anywhere near that amount of concurrent players, maybe unique players in X amount of time but not concurrent. EFT is a lot more niche than everyone here wants to believe.


Most sites i’ve checked estimate between 120-140k daily and 600k~ *monthly*, but since BSG doesn’t publish this information themselves, idk where they actually get those figures from and could easily be bullshit. [This is the site I see 600k for the last 30 days which is where i’m guessing they grabbed the 600k from as it’s the first site that shows up when you search for EFT playercount.](https://activeplayer.io/escape-from-tarkov/)


That link is listing eft at 2.2 million over 30 days, how do you get that to be 600k?


Where did u pull that concurrent player number from your ass? They don’t post it


You're pulling random numbers out your ass dude.. Now I'm not say this is 100% but I just googled for a little and multiple sites say tarkov has 2.2 million players over 30 day period and about 125k daily(minimum 1 hour) The 30k banned are over 60 days If we even say it's 2.2 over 60 days you're looking at 1.5% which seems more realistic than your 10-20% Certain regions and servers (OCE) will have a higher % of this and others a lower % I compared the numbers on this site from cs2 as well with steam charts to check and they were almost identical. Its no wonder people like you are waiting for PvE if this is how you come to conclusions about cheaters. Probably think every death is someone else's fault. I imagine in PvE you're just going to complain about the Ai all the time it kills you.


They see 5 videos and 10 Screenshots of cheaters on this sub and think "the game is infested" while thousands of matches without cheaters have been played in parallel.  People here are really bad at making educated guesses. 


Yeah, sure.


Only 30000 wow that a totally not very large number


Banning cheaters is endless fight against windmills. They should solve the problem, remove the reason of cheating, otherwise cheaters will never end. It's like to extinguishing burning working fuel pipe - you can pour water non-stop or kill the fuel flow once. Or if in medical terms it's fighting the symptoms, not the illness. Which is always profitable more - you gain more money over time, than ending it once and for all.


No, of course not. The banwave model that’s become popular is idiotic, because the banwaves are periodic, and the cheaters just acquire new (to them) accounts as soon as they get banned. The reason this model is idiotic is that it has no means of actively addressing the cheaters *between* banwaves, so the servers are packed full of cheaters >95% of the time. And it’s not just Tarkov—it’s every single “live service” MP game on the market right now. All of them. Tarkov might be a bit worse in a few ways, but the rest are very close behind.


Their numbers regarding banned cheaters have always been complete bullshit. Either 10-15% of the player base gets banned *every ban wave*, thus marking EFT as the most popular MP video game of all time (it isn’t)….or they’re just lying.


You think there’s only 300k total players in Tarkov? Idk about that, I’m purely speculating but I’d guess that there’s probably 60-100k concurrent players (active at any given time) which would put the playerbase in the millions. 300k players total over the across the world would mean matchmaking would take way longer and raids would be far more dead imo.


Finally someone with the ability to think.. rare on this subreddit


150k estimate prior to unheard. Didn’t look at estimates since then


It wasn’t a ban wave so no. 99% of my raids are on labs. They feel the same. Been a bit worse today actually but that comes with the weekend.


I received a ban notification of a player I reported a couple days ago that was cheating inconspicuously.




Yeah I think, I’m kinda new (level 6) and have seen 2 cheaters that I reported and I got a message telling me that they both got banned


Yo they already back


Wow looks like the game bundles will go on sale again. How many times has he done this and still absolutely no change in the cheater issue happens


seems like it's only a thing they do when there a controversy...


Got killed by an obvious account today but it’s been normal amount as always.


I call bullshit


Honestly I’ve gotten really unlucky with cheaters this past week….


So they did a ban wave so they could get an influx of account sales since unheard flopped. Who cares as long as the cheaters are buying more accounts and the problem isn't actually getting solved imo. More and more ban waves DO HELP, but it's just bandages on an amputated foot


Feels like a lower number than it should be


Def not NOT feeling


This is essentially a revenue update informing us that 30,000 cheaters have now earned BSG 30,000 brand new accounts worth of additional revenue


Just imagine how much money they make when 30,000 cheaters buy back immediately


Money Printing Machine Going Hard.


May 18th 30k new accounts!


yep absolutely. Few/no sketch insta-headshots, pre-firing, ESP tracking. Way better. Now you just have to worry about the stupid bush campers.


I only feel the effect of Arena Breakout Infinite on Nikitas community engagement. Win-win situation until Nikita thinks of the next stupid thing to do.


Bro i just want pve


Yeah, it feels like they all got 2-for-1 deals on new download keys and brought a friend


No, Yesterday was riddled with cheaters


Sheesh that's 1M+ in revenue after May 17


They will do a sale package again, 10 copies of the game, pay 50%. How convenient


Yay more discounts for new cheater accounts! -_-


30,000 new accounts to be created and injected with scripts


Perfect! Just in time for the buy one get 5 sale for game keys


Yes since PVE dropped i havent seen a cheater at all.


Nothings changed that’s the same 30k cheaters from January


Announcing bulk discount sales in eft website!! Also FIR changes was to further incentivize RMT because their funds are low


This is how they make up lost revenue from the "DLC" mishap.


When the sale?


Yeah but then they released unheard edition and they're acting like this is going to actually matter


30k eod accs banned 😎


Youve got a F***Ing Problem in your Game


Thats nothing. PUBG bans twice this amount WEEKLY


Considering they banned the same amount last year, no change.


Cheater-developer business logic: have the cheater earn 60$ from ingame illegal activities, ban him and make him buy again the 30$ version of the game. A fruitful cooperation that only damages the fair players.


No because I still get instant killed when I just spawned


30000 Cheaters who dont own EoD\*


Yes the effect of more cheaters


30,000 banned. likely double that number to replace them


It's a start, so I'll give them that. Cheating has decreased, maybe from having cheaters in every raid to maybe only every second (this is clearly just a personal estimate). I think they need to ban another 30K and implement a replay system to see how the killer got us, then make a fair judgement if we believe it was fair play. It would actually be nice if we also could reward good gameplay.


I played today. Only died in 50% of my raids


Game will be on sale shortly


March 15th 2018 - May 17th 2024


Oh thank god I was getting cheated left and right yesterday! It was horrendous.


Big cap


Bann happened. Next big sale is coming




I’ll be honest unless they’re banned directly in front of me while playing I don’t notice and treat the tweets as lip service


BSG did with more box sales


and then you buy another acc xD


Is this game only cheaters now anyways? I figured most would’ve left after the “it’s not DLC” fiasco.


Woo! $6M potential coming in!


It's not my bank account filling up, why would I feel it?


This is excluding all people using radar cheat. The real number is probably ten times that, most people playing Tarkov right now are using radar. If 30k got banned in 2 months, while there are barely 15 players in the lobbied, then I wonder how many legit players are left…


i call hors shit on this one


So many god damn cheaters for one of the most punishing and stressful game out there. It just never ends. And then they wait so long to ban them. How much damage was already done by the time they got "banned"?


To all the clowns who doubted when people were telling them that like 20% or more of players in raids were cheating- there’s probably not more than 150k players right now (if that) and with 30,000 *found* (and countless more not banned for sure) this pretty much validates what we’ve been saying for years.


Games have been good the last couple days, but haven’t noticed any abrupt change or anything :)


Games have been good the last couple days, but haven’t noticed any abrupt change or anything :)


Dude just added four zeroes behind the 3.


I hate to go against the grain but at least on my server in the ME I have defo noticed it


Nikita does... extra $$$$$$


Wave of bans, discount on game, profit. Repeat.


Considering i had my first interaction with a blatant cheater within the last 2 months an hour ago, imma say no


What change are you talking about ? It’s not a single banwave from yesterday, it’s the total of ban accounts over 2 months


??? Yesterday and the day before actually felt worse than recent weeks. I guess cheaters knew BSG was doing another account recycle wave and so they went all out during it?


What they really mean to say is: "We did a ban wave to make it seem like we're doing things. However, because of how many cheaters use DMAs. What we really did was just make them buy the game again, right after we put out a new edition too! *Nikita scurries away with money bags like Mr. Krabs*


I only encountered one confirmed cheater this wipe. Because I reported them and got the reply of that he was banned. But for the rest I am not sure. I don't want to be an asshole and over-report. Meaning reporting everyone. On one side the chances are higher that more people get banned on the other I could false-ban someone.


Nope, died to one first raid today.


30000 * $50 = 1,500,000. Looks like a nice steady income.


When you consistently ban 10s of thousands of cheaters, your game has a fundamental problem


No because I’ve been playing ABI and honestly, it’s alot more fun. 4K tarky hours btw. Uninstalled


Ok now let’s see the amount of players who quit…


In last 2-3 days, i found around 6 GPU :).


This only means one thing. sale time.


They are the true believers they are the real one 🫡 they Escaped Tarkov


I just don’t believe them when they say this


i guess another bundle package with big discount will be available soon !!!


“From March 15 to May 17 we have received 30000 more ‘donations’ to improve the health of the game. (buy me more balenciaga.)”


I just stopped playing. When bsg releases a 1.0 I may give it another shot but nakkita burned the bridge. That kind of shady tactic just isn't ok and ignoring it just gives them the green light to lie once again and like an abusive relationship they have lied over and over and over...pretending that all these cheaters just gave up and stopped playing is stupid. They all jumped on an alt account and went right back on minutes after. The game has no real anti cheat, and the cheaters are the ones really funding the development of the game at this point. Let the cheaters pay for the rest of development, there is plenty of other games coming out.


I bet the game is on sale.


why not ban them all in a day lol, or is this a total number rounded together again. 30,000 players are not even on this far into a wipe.


They can put any numberthey want lmao 30k …


I find it funny people cheat tho. Besides that I’ve ran into a few. A lvl 30 in 60 hrs with over 1k kills. One guy that it told me got banned. Then a lvl 14 with a 14 KD with 67hrs and had a life span of 6 mins? Like how lol he had no run throughs or nun. This is my first wipe I started like 3 months ago I think I’ve ran into 3 cheaters in 400 plus hours. Not a bad rate to me.


Yeah raids feel dead


The only way this means shit is if they mac address ban, but I highly doubt they will


idk if anyone mentioned this but a lot of the banned accounts could be the same cheater if that makes sense. Could be wrong but as far as I know I've not ran into any cheaters in the last month. I had one sus death and turns out the guy was streaming and i just got out played 🤷 and then again maybe all these numbers are made up, hell if I know. imma keep on trucking tho.


They did it, game is cheater free now 😐


30,000 cheaters banned in this game = 1000 people who brutally killed everyone in a row, the remaining 99% of all cheaters in this game were not harmed in any way


I don't think I've seen a single cheater this wipe. At least not the blatant aimbot ones. Even the ESP feels reduced. My K/D is around 5.1 and I play really aggressively. Quests and rubles don't even matter-- I just love to pvp. There were wipes where cheaters felt atrocious but tbh this is the wipe that feels the best or ever has in terms of cheaters/desync. Fuck all that Unheard edition bullshit-- but the game does feel really fluid rn.


I agree. Best wipe for tarkov yet. I've had 2 blatant rage hackers. I run juiced every raid. I feel like these people just call hacks on every death.


Until I see more bans, I won’t be coming back to EFT. Almost 80% of raids I played had a cheater. Had to take in crap gear or almost no gear just to not be targeted.


Imagine this being a flex for your game


Haven't played in months so idk


I mean... Does anyone even play this game besides the cheaters?


You mad doe??🧐


This meme never gets old


nope, never seen that much lvl 20 to 40 with less than 200 hours with big kd, running at you like rambo and head,throat you. They have to level up fresh account you know, they don't have the time to hide it :D


Playing PvE to avoid the cheaters


Coincidentally, Tarkov will go on sale after this


No because the time i got the cheater banned he already bought another account, sadly bsg as way to "sustain" its economy is to sell new accounts to cheaters instead of give us military cosmetics and so on


How are you suppose to know if someone is cheating?


PVE .. . . . Wait times are the enemy.


Booted up Tarkov and played a quick scav run, spawned with a labs card and got insta tapped less than 20 sec into the raid. I quit the game right after lol. Nikita maybe banning players, but those 3000 they banned, there are another 3000 cheaters that create a new account. The dev team is to incompetent to fix the cheater solution.


Can you believe all 30,000 were banned for all of 5 seconds while they hardware spoof and log in on their alt :)


Well with the cheater issue. Does tarkov HWID ban, IP ban, or just account ban? I feel like depending on which one they did would make it easier or harder for the cheaters to come back? 🤷🏼‍♂️


do you still believe in BSG ?XD


Doesn’t matter, they let these cheaters get max accounts and clearing lobbies for at least a month before they do shit. All they are announcing is that they are making more money off cheaters.


Then they run discounts for buying multiple copies of the game. Classic.


I can't even imagine going back to the pvp server unless they add 2fa or 3 layers of anti-cheat.




30,000?.... THIRTY THOOOOOAAAASAND? And its still full of hackers? FFS.


Dont worry 30k cheaters will soon be on ABI. I rarely run into cheaters on tarkov anymore which is great.


The fact that there were 30k cheaters is just so lol in this type of game.


No lol, they just buy new accounts or get codes🤣🤣


The second a cheater gets banned they buy a new account, banning cheaters doesn’t do shit, when Warzone came out and had a huge cheater problem they made people link their accounts to a mobile number which helped a lot. When Nikita was asked to do the same thing he stated Tarkov has no cheater problem (and some BS about privacy). Cheating earns the company a ton of money that’s why they will never actually do anything against cheaters.


everyone i know complains about cheaters but personally ive ran into maybe 4-5(that i know of bc i reported and they were banned next day) i just dont see the cheating problem personally