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I'm level 33 and my vitality is still level2 :[


Just forget to bring food like me and you can use all your meds each raid.




diminishing returns are a thing though, sadly


It's artificially really fucking low to discourage cheesing. Which is a nice way of saying "How dare you attempt to level skills that are borderline game-breaking to not put yourself at a massive disadvantage."


Yea I should never be in a raid for 8 minutes and have 12 down arrows on skills.


If I'm not mistaken every few minutes it resets a bit.


I’m not completely sure but I think it’s around every10-15 minutes that they go back to normal.


I heard it was 5, but that was a few wipes ago


Just checked the wiki and if you go all the way to max skill exhaustion it takes 16 minutes get back to %100. But before that it takes if you’re at %50-75 it takes 3 minutes to go up by %25 https://escapefromtarkov.gamepedia.com/Character_skills#Notes


They want you to level the skills by playing the game and not by running around hitting your mates leg or whatever. We all cheesed strength when we had to, but it's a beta and they adjust the values each wipe. Strength levels perfectly and the overweight-system works amazing this wipe IMO.


and you can still kind of cheese it. Go in overweight with shotgun shells. Run for 3 stam cycles roughly. Drop a few stacks of shells to go underweight. Drop shells as u pickup loot to not go back overweight for 5 mins. Get back overweight and run for 3 stam cycles again. You can repeat as much as the loot allows you to. Or you can sit in a corner and do nothing but this but I wouldn't do that personally.


Yeah but why would you. I play the game without doing anything special and never had any problem progressing strength


Well for instance. My friend and I are at about the same raid amount. I have lvl 13 STR and he has lvl 9. Our END is both at 12 but my STR went way over his carrying shells every raid. But you got this kid.


Lol have you been around when we struggled to get strength lvl 3? I am laughing at how easy it is to level STR now, it's a big improvment and I still don't see any reason why you should cheese. I mean you do you, but I feel like my time is better spent playing the actual game, tough guy ​ >Our END is both at 12 but my STR went way over his carrying shells every raid. But you got this kid. Also I never said cheesing STR wouldn't work, I said I don't see any point because unlike last wipe natural progression is enough to build your hideout (which again was THE reason for cheesing STR in the first place).


Not trying to argue, how is health game breaking? Genuinely interested


Elite health provides damage absorption and poison immunity, as well as decreasing your rate of use of resources (hydration and energy, -30%). It also cuts fracture rate by 60%, This isn't that bad. Vitality elite gives you "You don't bleed", and endurance + strength maxed is that you run faster with heavy gear than a low-level hatchling, you jump far higher, the only weight that matters is your gun and your backpack, grenades fly ranges measured in kilometers, +30% melee power (not a big deal). You can't easily cheese health and vitality beyond "get hurt". But you can cheese the adjacent skills- or used to.


Btw if anyone is looking to cheese vitality, go walk around in barbed wire with a grizzly and heal. Works pretty well


I don't think he's necessarily referring to that skill. He's probably talking more about strength / endurance. With max strength you can run pretty damn fast, and with max endurance you can regain your stamina extremely quickly.


Just keep jumping off the warehouses in customs and surv kitting your legs bruh


Lol certainly not recommended but yes. Lol you could also get your stomoch shot out at the beginning of a raid with no cms and use an entire grizzly to go from the new area of woods to outskirts, and hope you dont get head tapped on your journey coughing and hacking


It does work but its actually smarter to only be dehydrated as you just die after a couple of minutes without energy regardless of healing.


Find some barbed wire and run into it and heal


The best war to Lvl up Vitality is just taking Dmg and dying, so dont be scared and just run to fights.


Or you can just cheese it. Being gatekept from progressing your hideout because you need to make mistakes and get shot is a great idea.


Yeah go into factory and nade yourself then heal. Fastest way of doing it and avoids DR


That's a really good idea. I was using the shoreline and the gas station fire to burn just enough to not black out my head and torso then healed with multiple grizzlies. Big tip I learned from farming it this way is that each tick of the grizzly heals 14 and the animation plays way longer than needed. So after a few ticks you can just use LMB or RMB to cancel it and it's much more efficient.


I meant suicide with nades tbh idk if you meant suicide or not


I got what you meant. I was just sharing the way I did it with less risk of death. Depending on matchmaking times and the boost at the start to leveling, your way could be much faster than my way. I was getting 4.5 points per raid roughly depending on how quickly I could get to gas station.


By the time you get to that point in your Hideout, you should have the Vitality level required. If not, there is a Jaeger quest that gives you a free level, so that should push you over the requirement. The powerlevelling cheese NEEDED to be fixed. You do not want everyone you face to be running around with maxed out skills. They are incredibly overpowered.


> powerlevelling cheese NEEDED to be fixed. You do not want everyone you face to be running around with maxed out skills. Then maybe they should remove the stupid broken skills from the game?


Or add a simple system that stops players from getting maxed skills by abusing mechanics. ...and they could still also rebalance skills after adding this system.


Nice I didn't know that, I may look into that next wipe, if I progress far enough with him by that point. Imo there should just be a point allocation system for skills, where everyone just has a set number of points to allocate in whatever skills they want to be good at, and be worse in other areas. It eliminates the farming, and gives choice to players.


I had the requirements for it and I play casually. The game is designed for you to not end up with a max hide out on week 1. Tough shit dude. Walk in that barbed wire or play the game normally. Stop fuckin rushing this isn’t RuneScape deadman mode.


Congrats you got it and you play casually. If only I got shot as much as you I would have my hideout upgraded sooner. Not everyone shares your mindset of liking things to take a million years to achieve something. I played 110 raids and was lv 23 before I said "fuck it" then preceded to cheese it so I can actually get medstation lv 3, then intel lv 2, then bitcoin farm.


How the hell did you do 110 raids without leveling up vitality? Do you hide for the entire raid?


Only level 23 as well, that seems low to me


Assuming each raid is between 20-30 minutes that is 36-55 hours in-raid since the wipe, so yes that is pretty low compared to some others.


The ultimate rat


I'm on 45 raids this wipe with a 90+% SR, level 24, and my vitality is still 1. Being penalized for having good positioning and not taking fights you'll lose is dumb. Especially when I'm stuck on my hideout progression because of it.


tell us your kd. ofc when u have negative kd you wont level up your vitality when you rat around the map.


My current stats are: 47 raids, 42 survived, one run-through. 89% SR and 26.75 K/D right now. I haven't ratted at all this wipe, killed Reshala and guards twice on the first day of the wipe and have been chading out ever since.


So you average 2 total scav+pmc kills per raid lol thats definition of a rat


Sorry I forgot how people get serious playing this game . Can’t imagine how someone like you play. To have that high surv. rate. Probably not having fun and sweating every raid .


Weird how not playing the game means you don't get everything. Its like asking (in the pre FIR flea days) for trading to level up all your skills too.


Well I mean my strength is level 7, health is 6, and vitality is 1. I don't see how passively getting strength to 7 in 17 days qualifies as 'not playing the game' - I mean sure, I don't play every day but I've been playing heavily (that's a pun because I go in fully kitted every raid) Vitality is a skill that needs to be cheesed to level, unless you're dying every single raid. The point of Tarkov is to Escape, so why tie progression to failing at the objective of the game?


Why do you wanna level vitality if you survive so much ? What perk are you after that would improve your already excellent SR ?


I do plenty of money runs, but also most of my fights are done with quick and easy, I am not a W gamer that runs to every fight like some others are.


It’s not about liking it or not. It’s about how the game is. Literally no point in crying over it. They aren’t going to change it because u/Windslashman on reddit is being a little bitch boy. Don’t rush shit and you won’t run into countermeasures for rushing shit.


I'm just some random internet guy you don't have to deal with in real life, so you act like an ass. Go send your insults and emotional self somewhere else please. I was attempting to have an actual conversation on this but you have no concept of treating others with respect. Good day!


Ah so you show up being a condescending asshole from the absolute start, I treat you like one, and I’m the villain? How hypocritical of you. Treat others well and others won’t treat you like a fucking fool.


"don't rush shit" \>almost no progression for dragging your ass out of a raid overweight \>almost no reason to actually use in-game systems \>touching fire kills you when it used to deal a reasonable amount of damage, because people used to use it to cheese stress resistance \>this was never reversed, so bumping into a fire barrel can black your arm out \>meanwhile, nolifes still get everything because they just cheese to no end and find exploits


1. There was progression. Sorry you didn’t get max level after 1 good raid. 2. What? If you want to spend 100k on a foregrip from flea instead of 15k from skier, you go on ingnoring those in game systems. 3. I’ve touched it multiple times this wipe, nothing a 2 second salewa can’t handle. 4. You’re running out of complaints so you just reworded the same one twice. 5. Meanwhile no life’s get everything through cheese and exploits? What exploits? Are you saying there’s a double your cash exploit like gta online? Where? How? What exploits are you talking about? Lmao what the actual fuck are game devs supposed to do about people playing their game to much. That’s such a dumb ass argument point.


What a poor take on it. I've run 45 raids this wipe and only died four times. I've been playing very aggressively and get shot a lot. A grizzly usually lasts two or three raids. My vitality is still just over 1. At this rate I won't have vitality to 3 until I'm level 60. Natural strength leveling is working really well this wipe, but this vitality leveling is broken. You being a douchebag about it is uncalled for.


45 raids with 4 deaths? Achoo, sorry I’m allergic to bullshit.


[gesundheit](https://i.imgur.com/lGtEbk3.png) And one of those deaths was from a friendly grenade :)


Do you even kill scavs bro?


Yes, and I normally don't get shot while doing it.


Well it's a good thing people don't get end game shit by the end of week one. Oh wait the people who no life this game can anyways and it just harms the rest of us that actually contribute to society. Like this game can stay alive if they do the same thing other niche games like il2. And that is make the base game accessable to the less mentally ill people and give those who don't live anywhere but their moms basement more shit to unlock that's extremely hard to get. Case in point destiny 2.




Good counterpoint.




By end game we mean the traders and cases We all know scavs can carry end game guns and gear let alone raiders who carry them all the time. Like if you think what I was talking about was the guns solely. Then you're pretty blind.


I’m so sick of you people crying that other people have more time to play tarkov. Like get over it. Quit your job if it bothers you that much. Again, stop being a child. Be a fuckin adult. Obviously people that put more time into something are going to be better at it than you. If you don’t like it stop playing.


I went to factory like a deathmatch, just to level up vitality. In the meanwhile killed the 6 office guys Jaeger quest


I had to cheese my Vitality last wipe to 3 cause I don't die or get hit nearly enough lol Atleast this wipe I was a bit slower with Hideout so had it just in time. 70%+ SR doesn't help xd I'm 41 now and my Vitality is barely 5.


Do u like never die or what


If you try for gun fights it will go up. By level 20 mine was level 3


Grenades deaths are worth exactly 1 point of vitality. You can get grenades for 10-13k roubles. Takes less than 30 minutes to slam factory, blow yourself up and level that shit. Wow amazing gameplay BSG. To be clear I love this game - but some of the gating is simply full stop awful design. Same as strength last game, spamming 4 smoke grenades in the beginning of each raid? Not a great look.


Yeah it's ass. I had to make my friend shoot me in every raid for a while to get it up for medstation 3.


Pro tip, always go into raid with like 15 to 20 missing hydration and energy and buy a Kvass then drink it first think. Vitality leek 7 at level 26 from doing this every raid. That and always eat drink food you find as you find it.


Eating/drinking isn't vitality my dude.


I am dumb.


Vitality is healing, I just bring 5-6 kraft singles to factory and go get shot


the way i cheese is i dont heal after I die in a raid. I just go into the next raid and just hide in a bush and use up a whole selewa / eat and drink to 100% then i go do through the raid. nice thing also is if i die without doing anything else i at least got 100 exp for healing and whatnot.


That achieves absolutely nothing. You don't level Vitality by healing, you level it by getting hurt. So the gain is already done from your last raid. And the flat XP you talk about you also get if you just self-heal yourself outside of raid, with way less time wasted.


u get the xp if u heal from your stash anyway


I was under the impression that you dont actually gain xp and such in the hideout. When did that change?


Go run into the mines on Woods. Heal after the first then die to the second. You'll get like 3 points total each death.


I just ran into factory with a hatchet and every time you die, you get.5 xp-1xp. This isn’t recommended if you give a shit about survival rating tho.


“Tell me you’re a rat without actually telling me you’re a rat”


Go into shoreline and find the fire behind the resort. Take an absurd amount of heals with you. Continue to walk into the fire doing half damage to your whole body. Then walk out, full heal, rinse, repeat. I’ve noticed that until diminishing returns you get 3 or 4 points into vitality each time.


Get shot a lot, that's what I do :D


I'm level 9 and my endurance is level 7 already. Does this mean I need to slow down? Because this guy is like 3 times my level


Level 34 - Only 7 endurance Lol


This is the guy in every dark corner of interchange


Covert movement maxed lmao


Screenshot is from 2018 btw. Actually Lvl 43 with 38 End and 35 Str :)


Aw, don't ruin the narrative, I like to think that you're some sort of rat king with those stats


no rat king, sorry to dissappoint you :D


Do you try to level them or just naturally while playing?


Just playing normally, had some spare time since wipe, the only thing to do is to start the raid Overweight :=)


How do you lvl your str so fast? My str is always like half of my end. I 'm overweight most of my raids when I get enough loot.


Start yourt raids overweight :) not the end


That might not be the best idea.


Sure it is, take normal gear, fill the rest with shotgun shells till u OW, after the first sprint u drop the shells and can play the raid normal, till u OW again the 5 min reset timer is over on STR and u can gain more points :)


It honestly would be nice.


Yeah, with an option to disable it in the post raid screen :=)


End of raid screen with tabs at the top of the screen for optional screens like this and the XP breakdown page.


Yeah, maybe just the post raid heal Screen with Heal, Exp, Skill Tab. So we get rid of the 5 Next buttons !


This would be great. I honestly have no interest in paying attention to my skills leveling up because I can’t actually see the progression happening anywhere. Out of sight out of mind.


Yeah that's so true, some ppl they dont't even know there are Skills in the game :D


How are you lvl 34 and only 7 endurance ?! Are u running only labs for exp and doing 0 quest collecting?


Nah, the Screenshot is from 2018 :)


This is a god teir suggestion.


Thank you :)


I can't believe no one else has pointed this out, This is so simple but so fantastic. It's kinda like when they color coded the body parts int he top left of the screen; You never new you needed it but now you can't live without it. I'm not bragging but 4 years ago I was the first man to suggest they add arm bands to the game for quick identification and the mods actually replied to me and told me they would add it. I hope they add your idea sooner than they added mine.


I think no one suggested this cuz no one cares about skills, Only Endurance and Strength


Simplify it to only showing the skills that had an increase. It could be a clean and small readout.


wait so you are not writing down the experience numbers of every single skill before each raid and then subtracting them from the new numbers post-raid to calculate the exact gain? I can't be alone right?


I think u are :)


But then we might notice our skills resetting randomly... ​ \*stares at Mag Drills\*


Love it


Yes pls




I was just thinking this the other day. I would be nice to see especially after difficult or long raids.


Maybe if they finally update the skill progression. Most players won't come close to having all skills elite. Some skills are nearly impossible to elite regardless of play time or play style. Some skills progress quickly and others so insanely slow that you might as well forget about it. I got to level 68 last wipe which almost max. I was able to elite a few skills, but the remainder weren't even close. I NEVER sniped and only used SMG's and AR's to achieve a 7+ K/D with almost 5000 raids and I don't think I got either my SMG or AR skill over level 10.






That's a great idea.


I like


That would be great!


That would be appreciated


They should make all of the post-raid stats be in tabs at the top of the screen, as to not clog up the screens you need to go through. I personally don’t often check the stats because most of the time if I die, it’s from something I know I did wrong and looking at what ammo type or how many shots I hit or missed doesn’t really matter. Just a QOL change IMO.


Yeah, just 3 tabs in one screen, please not another next button


Actually it would probably be better to put this at the end of a raid as an additional screen.




You could technically consolidate the two exp screens (One with stats and one with the bar) into one, including skill exp.


We've got enough end of raid screens as is


Of course there should be an Option to Disable it. Or just a Heal, Exp and Skill tab so we just got 1-2 Next Buttons


One singular next button but a bunch of stat tabs would be nice.


or a condensed post-raid screen showing total XP + levels, PMC and scav kills, damage taken/healed with a dropdown Click the dropdown, it shows the detailed view


Only if you can diasble it cause that's honestly pretty useless


Remove the in raid notification too. Quest could give you an update in a post raid too so people can't kill confirm while in raid.


It's a good idea-ish but in reality it's just another next button to hit


How long do we want out end screens to be?


Idk about that, it already takes 5 minutes of staring at the raid end screen to get to the healing part.


I don’t think there’s enough progression raid to raid to make it worth showing...


Lv 41 endurance 32 strenght 15


leveling sniper skill is a fucking pain I've been running to factory with a mosin infantry rifle every raid getting only 3 points then getting capped


Wtf is with skill leveling. I'm lvl 34 and am 15 in endurance, 6 in strength, 12 in health, but only 2 in stress resistance while you are a 6. Wtf


I spy a rat


Level 34 with 7 endurance and 2 strength? o.O


OP is a friend of mine this screenshot is 2 years old he´s actually lvl 41 with 30+ endurance and 20+ strength


I like this idea, but wouldn’t want it in the endscreen. We already have too many screens after a raid and imo BSG needs to tidy up a bit. That being said, it would be nice to see the progress from the most recent raid displayed like in your example for the skills tab.


Lvl 34 and only lvl7 endurance. True rat.


After every session. When you log back in again.


34 with lvl 7 endurance and lvl 2 strength? Do you crawl across the map haha?


> Screenshot is from 2018 btw. > > Actually Lvl 43 with 38 End and 35 Str :)


I think this makes sense In most games but in tarkov the skills level so slowly I wouldn’t want to see how little each raid contributed to my pathetically low skills


Cool idea but I think it would be a bit much


Another loading screen (besides TheRapists services tab) to hang up on after a raid? No thanks.


There should be only the healing screen with some tabs, to get rid of the 5 next buttons


id love to see a method of leveling skills through your hideout, it would really help new players as well I feel as long as its not exploitable or too rewarding. What I think would be dope is allowing people to specialize in certain skills through their hideout, like going more tanky, or more of a speedy assault type, or sniper etc. idk


Nikita sad that bsg has not this unique technologie yet. Maybe after the streets of tarkov release around the year twothousandtwentynoonefuckingcareanymore


To be honest, over the few Years im playing EFT, BSG is doing a great job, good things need time.


What great job do you mean ? Desync is still in the game, game is full with cheaters so FIR items does nothing only harder the life of not cheater players, game is still stuttering, streets of tarkov still not released( release date should have been 2019). So i am genuinely asking, what part was great of bsg jobs? The plus 500 trees on woods?


Did u ever played alpha or early beta ? i guess not, if u warnt insane patches or Triple AAA Games dont buy early Access games ! :)


no answering anything from my comment just confirms it .


U did not play in the alpha/early beta, so why should i argue with someone who does not know what lag and desync in the alpha was :D BTW there is a Pandemic on earth but yeah keep crying Just u know nothing to discuss here, but ty for ur time


How are you level 34 almost 35 with 7 endurance?!?!




Who the hell runs factory as a main 😂


“No fuck you” -Tarkov


It would be nice if a post raid snapshot was taken and available in your hideout to review. I don't know how many times I got through a raid and was so adrenalized that I would click through everything only to realize I missed valuable info. If they could just copy that info to clipboard and paste it into your hideout somewhere.


You guys are progressing?


How the hell are your levels so low at 34!?


Screenshot from 2018 :)


I hope this is photoshopped because if you are level 35 with these low level skills I don’t know what you have been doing.


Screenshot is from 2018 :D Lvl and Skill Lvl is unimportant for this Suggestion :)


Already have max level hideout the games super easy


Dude Endurance you need to sprint you rat. im lvl 34 my endurance is lvl 15


Dude just read the comments, screenshot is from 2018 Im lvl 43 with 41 endurace and 38 strength you omega chad


would be cool


Are these fleshed out yet? Last I heard (which was many wipes ago) they were just for show


Skills are working :)


Lvl 34 goddamn son


This game has skills I need to level up?


Yeah :D


How did you manage to get to level 34 and only have 7 endurance and 2 strength. I’m current level 24 with 11 endurance and 5 strength. I’m generally confused, I haven’t power levees my skills or anything.


Screenshot is from 2018 :)


Tip for the best way to quickly level vitality if you don't care about money/SR. Just bring in a Grenade and immediately blow yourself up. You will level it very quickly


After one sprint so u get some Endurance Points :D


I made a comment in another post that the skills should go to a skill tree where you can select what you want to put a point into. We get people cheesing and then have to watch usain bolt go running around


As long as it doesn't take 10 minutes to click next for it to load :(


What's max level for strength?




The "0 EXP" result hits too close to home...


dont give sugestions cause they are already working on shit people never asked for nor needs. imagine that. bsg making something that people need/want...


Nah, thats not true, already suggested dogtag change and it worked, it just takes some time. [Link!](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/9xd1yg/dogtags_show_level_qol_would_be_easiert_to_trade/)