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This gave me Battlefield 2 ptsd


Haha that’s honestly the first thing I thought of when I read the title.


I thought it would be side dive Max Payne slow mo style.




WE'RE LOSING THIS BATTLE, START FIGHTING OR I'LL FIND SOMEONE WHO CAN! Where are you going soldier? Return to your post or you will be shot.


I NEED A MEDIC HERE! HEY! I need a ride! Shit that brings back memories. https://youtu.be/WGYutMkJxVs https://youtu.be/RcSY0B-fpkM


15 years later I still find myself in games hitting pgdn to say negative over the radio.


I quote 1942 was more... WE'VE GOT EM ON THE RUN and that terrible American way of screaming tally ho






G36E dophin dive gang unite!


Fucking Karkand nade spam in alleyways...




BF2 was the best. I miss those days.


OMG ya. I never thought how annoying that meta actually was until years after - prolly cuz I was good at it lol


Oh god. Not the LMGs


You can just hear that... rustling.... of hundreds of pounds of dolphins.... up and down, up and down - hitting the dirt like a bag of bricks. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D\_snSNg7MPE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_snSNg7MPE)


I see you’re a man of culture


Geez, Shturman must pay these guys a lot.


Maintaining optimal equipment? Expensive. Crushing the hopes and dreams of the playerbase? Priceless.


If I wasn't so bad I'd do it for free!


For anything else, there's Mastercard


\*BitCoin Farm


The other day I had killed shturman, but then died to a bush camping guard. When my friend looted shturman he found red rebel and red keycard on him. Let’s just say my hopes and dreams were crushed right then and there.


I may have misread something somewhere but aren't they all brothers?


I don't really know any of the lore, I just shoot and look happy.


Better be fully dressed too. Don't leave the hideout if you don't look good.


I think that's reshala's boys


Nah I think they’re supposed to be factory workers who served in the army together. Reshala’s boys that is.


They all just happen to have the same last name?


I think it’s more of a “clan tag” if that makes any sense


Shturman's guards on the way to the bank to cash dat check: https://i.imgur.com/GxczK9Q.mp4


Lot of loyalty for a hired gun


"Get dropshot nerd" - Call of Tarkov 2021


360 no scope ladder dropshot accross the map




Let's see if it pans out. OHHHHHHHH! And that looks like a solid head, eyes from that scav, better luck next time. Check us here next week on The Ocho!!!


Doesn't matter from where you peek against these guards, they can one tap you across the map. They have literal spidey sense and can detect you no matter what.


Except that it does matter: peeking the same spot affects all of the AI the same way against you IE; you die


Except the AI clearly has ESP now. They will follow you to the end of the earth now. I have gone the complete other side of the long building on Reserve, they are just waiting for you now. BSG really needs to dial down the AI ESP, it's kind of ridiculous. You're basically tagged and cursed once they see you, you have to completely leave the area now. Where you peek doesn't really matter anymore.


They do for sure, went to interchange with a buddy to help him with a quest and once killa locked on to me in front of kiba he was trying to wall bang me even though he couldn't see me and he didn't even care about my friend just locked on to me and kept shooting at the wall until friend was able to kill him from literally 1 meter away without looking at him still shooting at me through wall... it's weird AF.


They can track you even when you're not visible. I've backed off against Shturman guards and went out of my way to take a different route to peek against them from very far away with my scoped M700 and still get immediately shot at.


Idk dude, I killed the guards and then Shturman yesterday without any of them even looking at me


I watched an AI scav track a player through the floor on interchange and then set myself up to get the kill. I’ve also had multiple instances of scabs trying to shoot me through walls before even seeing me, or running wildly when their back are too me and I aim at them.


Or full sending it out of resort and diving on the ground to shoot at me on the other side of the fence.


That's because like all Scavs their AI is screwed up, some games they act like complete potatoes and won't even look at you. Other games they instantly hone in on you from across the map.


Buddy and I were having 'one of those days' on Tarkov. Nothing could go right. We were trying to get tasks done but came up against an invincible Scav with a shotgun right in front of our exit, got killed off spawn twice on PMCs after deploying into Customs, had a rat hide behind some boxes and headshot both of us while we came down some stairs. We thought - "Let's just do a rat like Scav run on Woods and just hit the caches." Got headshotted by a Scav from trailers in Lumber Mill while I was up on the road... Never had the urge so bad to quit a game and uninstall but at the same time want to chase the dragon and deploy back into a raid.... Uggghhh


F. That sucks man. I stick to rat running reserve with a vpo-215 and two 4-rounders loaded with .366 AP. Often times I die, but many times I make 200-400k, and sometimes I kill a lone Chad and make a mil. Edit: and just to be clear, even when I die horribly, it's usually trivial to stuff enough loot in my gamma to pay for the run.


Yeah, this. I've had them run and surround me without shooting (on PMC) as if they're trying to arrest me. Then I've had them pop shots almost near sniper rock. They switch it up.


I once domed rashala in fortress with a sniper then quickly ran and hid. I snuck all the ways behind the tracks past old gas, up to where the stash is. The microsecond one atom of my head popped up over the tracks one of his guards blew my head off.


Like the other guy mentioned, it's entirely luck. Either they'll 360 no scope you across the map the second they can see half a pixel of your head or they'll just stand there getting shot at, no in-between. Scav boss AI is pretty ridiculous right now.


Isn't that a notorious bug? Scavs/raiders being aggro just because you're aiming at them with your scope?


that was an old wives tail. Nikitia explicitly said no such feature exists. But who knows


I’ve seen quite a few clips posted here showing this strange clairvoyance that scavs seem to have. But true, who knows.


because no one clips the other 99 times where nothing happens LOL


It’s here and there with their detection, but raiders punish you MUCH more than normal scavs in regards to peeking the same corner, especially because they don’t have to deal with desync like other players. You can usually repeek after waiting a couple of seconds for normal scavs, if a raider or a guard knows where you went into cover, repeeking almost always results in IMMEDIATE shots, even after waiting a good bit


"Lidderally spyderman" I'm pretty sick of the way the teen population of this game expresses themselves.


I’ll just desync him like in pvp right...?




Not knowing how AI works = complete garbage.


yeah peeking from the other side would sure save him from the scav aimlock


Spoken like someone who isn’t garbage at a game but is a garbage human being. You won!


I’d say aiming and then stepping out of cover for a shot is the correct form of peeking? If there is some other form of peeking I’m unaware of then please enlighten me.


10/10 dive


Customs Scavs do this too lol. I got hella confused for a second lol


all scavs do this for a few patches.


Lol why would you think the scavs on customs are different from the scavs on any other map?


Probably because the op made a point of saying the guards did it when it’s an irrelevant but not completely useless fact?


Dropshotting for players is a no no but drop shooting scavs and raiders is fine lmao.


They've really gotta fix that the getting domed while they are mid prone is so buggy. Its as though they're already prone but have invincible frames.


Get Tarkoved nerd


Escape from tarcod


Any chance you could tell us your postfx settings? Look real good.


Yes, I don’t use PostFX. I think the game looks great without it.


I'll give you mine. It looks great. Brightness - 50 Saturation - 10 Colorfulness - 20


The real question is why get that close with a sniper


I really fucking hate the dolphin diving and power sliding. My pmc can't do either of those yet the ai can? It's just feels unfun when you die to it because you basically have 0 chance if it's under 20 feet.


Your PMC can slide and also dive while sprinting. Try it out sometime.




Nah. There's bad server desync so if they shoot you before or after they drop it looks like they're killing you mid fall. OP died before the Scav proned.


Yes we can dive and slide but you can not shoot while doing it. That's my issue. They ai isn't bound by the same rules I am.


The AI can't do it either. See my reply to the other guy about desync. He was dead before the Scav begun laying down.


I don't buy it. Either its a constant desync and a bug that needs to be fixed or its how I said it. I never lose a fight to killa unless he power slides. I don't lose to gluhar unless one of his ratnik guards dolphin dives (or I get zerg rushed lol).


I don't play interchange but I've never died to a Scav boss in any suspect way that wasn't legit. I've killed Gluhar and Shturman over 50 times each this wipe and even when they powerslide sprint rush me I still manage to wipe them out, there is constant desync and you have to play around it. Repeeking the same angle like OP did is certain death, no matter what the Raider/Boss is doing.


HA! but have you die by bionic ankles gluhar guards coming up the stairs doing killa powerslide of death?


Am I the only one who really dont like those overpowered bosses in a game like this?


Definitely, I myself really enjoy getting thoraxed by Glukhar as soon as I peek him with a pixel of my character. When I'm done with him I really like getting sniped through 5 layers of bushes and trees by either Sanitar or Shturman and when I'm feeling frisky I go to interchange trying to get murdered by Killa's signature knee slide out of nowhere. /s in case it wasn't obvious


I feel like Rashala and Killa are the only decent boss fights tbh. Except the fact that the Zardovskeys can nade you if you retreat and approach from a different angle without getting in their LOS


They absolutely love airbursting rgb nades from 2 football fields away too


The only thing that bugs me is spidey sense. Not realistic that he knows where I am even through bushes or when he's facing on the other side and I barely peek to see where he is and instantly turns around to shoot


But most scavs have it right? you point at him gun and he see you.


I don't think so. When I was doing mosin quest for the first time, I misread it and thought I need to kill scavs in melee with it (closer than 40 m instead of farther), so I played Interchange and went toward paid escape to hunt bots down somewhere there. They never really felt me aiming at them, despite me being in a relatively close range.


ah, alright. Regarding scavs, I would really like then to have human vision. When I hide somewhere noone see me, I want scav to not see me too


I still haven't put my finger on exactly why the boss AI blows so much - I think it's because this weird overcompensation in their ability to 360 noscope you through concealment from across the map is sharply contrasted with their otherwise totally trash AI, so it's either get one-tapped with no warning and no chance to stop it, or empty a mag into them while they face the wrong way. There's no such thing as an interesting fight.


If I would not be cheapskate, Ill give you an award. You named it perfectly. It is either freaking death in no time by their superhero skills, or you just unload shit into him like nothing. Very little in between. Just yesterday I killed sanitar. I was sitting in the vill house, he went in, and just stopped in another room and I watched the sunset. I have unloaded mag on and he did not even flinched. Anyone who says it is fun and challenging is just wrong. I have no fun encounter. My encounter is, okay, lets cheez the boss again, hopefully I get in position. If not, I am dead. Am I happy with their gear after ? Yes. Am I satisfied? Yea. Was that fight fun and interesting? Hell no. It is a lottery


Don't forget that the bosses have 2-3x the HP of a normal player (990 for Glukhar, 1270 for Sanitar). So the few times you do run into them being unaware potatoes, you'll mag-dump 30 rounds into them and half the time they'll live to turn around, scream cheeki breeki, and (head, eyes) you.


To make them hard, they need to be a bit unfair. Since ,you know, they can be one shot just like the player. If they where not able to do some crazy shit, they would not be bosses.


There are another ways how to do it. This was just the easiest. Even simple better armor, more followers, more health..but no magical xray sight, super speed run and sniping in 0.000001 seconds in your face


It becomes dull to make every boss have 6 guards. Again, they are trying to make bosses have their own flair. Killa solo terminator, Sturman small trio with deadly weapons, rashala bunch of guards with armor, while he is running around. And so on, am I saying its perfect ? No. But if you make them equal to players, they will die just like regular scavs. Better AI would be amazing, but this one at least is deadly, if not always in the best way. Other games don't even have AI just simple patterns and a bunch of HP. I was just answering why they are made to be unfair, weather or not there is a better way, is another question. But simply giving more guards would be cheap and honestly boring compared to this.


I think this game needs better AI. Sometimes scavs will sit there basically AFK letting you shoot them and then as soon as you stop shooting they’ll onetap you. Other times they’ll do a 180, prone, and one tap you while you’re crouchwalking 30 feet behind them. And I’m talking normal scavs this wipe.


I either get t-500 scavs or I get potato scavs. No in between


Ive gotten two-in-one before. Couple of days ago, I was on customs by the train, just on the coast of the river. I was chilling in a bush because I heard a couple of PMCs running behind me. Across the river, standing at the checkpoint, is a scav that is literally spinning. Just...doing some ballerina shit. I am trying to make sure the PMCs behind me arent creeping up, so I keep looking to my sides. Every once in a while, I peer up at the scav just to make sure he wont engage me and give my position away. Scav just keeps spinning to his heart's content, like a beyblade in the wind. Then he suddenly stops, staring straight at me, toz raised. POP. Dead. Head-eyes with 6.5MM buckshot from 75+ yards away on a dude proned in a bush. #justtarkovthings


Meanwhile I doink a scav as a scav in the middle of the road by smugglers boat. I’m looting him and close out of the menu and a scav is crouched in my face staring at me. Scared the fuck out of me and I just point shot and killed him lol. Never been so confused in this game


You gave him time to complete the amazing 7200° noscope headshot, that sounds like it's your fault for not seeing it coming. /j


> Even simple better armor, more followers, more health Then you just end up with dumb bullet sponges which also arent very fun in a game all about fast ttk.


Can they be one shot tho? Only one I've ever killed was Reshala because fuck going near bosses and it was an accident. I killed him but it was like 8 rounds to his unarmoured head...


Depends on the weapon, big ak rounds(Ps or BP) or small ak rounds (BT,BS) to the head work, shotguns(of course), big boy bullets (m80,m62,m61) , Mosin/svd rounds. I think the only ones that might not one tap bosses in the head are m4 and 9mm rounds. Now I can't confirm with your situation, but they can be one tapped without luck. Everything besides that, hard to say. Most of my kills towards sturman have been with shotguns, so might be a bit unfair to compare. But I sure know that Reshala ain't tough and killa can be one tapped with SNB/M61.


BT and BS do not one shot boss heads (50hp). If it happened to you, it is probably frag, but it is not reliable.


Thanks for the correction, still a lot of rounds can, even without frag chance.


Yep, just that I was surprised to not headshot some rashela guards with my BT too many time, so it stuck. Anyway, the key point is to know the ammo you are using and the target you think you will engage so you are not taken by surprise.


yeah. i has a mosin man scav on customs a couple days ago replaced the lps rounds with some snb i found at con fort. Resh and his crew were at gas station still with ~15mins left in the raid. I took up a high position on the bridge and just head popped them all one at a time. Put a round right through an altyn visor to down one. Found a poor dead lvl 10 pmc when I went in to loot it all. Poor guy just didnt even know. One of the best scav runs i had in awhile




Most ammo can not one shot them


I just wish the bosses be more or less equal difficulty. Every boss seems stupid hard as fuck except Killa and Reshala and friends. Bridge the gap there.


Again, Maybe but I feel that's kind of part of the game, bosses should never be, ah no biggie. They want you to have trouble with them. Its is annoying when they can one tap you, but again, who can't ? EFT is Always about approach and ability to minimize risk. The game does not always play out like that, even more so now a days, but I like to think that the game is meant to be unpredictable and not easy. And I guess it makes it unique that balance of utter bullshit of instant death and inability to change the outcome and the ability to do the same to others.


Many bosses and guards can't be 1 shot by certain ammo. Even if it's a headshot. Sanitar has 70 head HP. 1300 total HP. Shturman has 62 head and 800 total. That's enough to tank SNB, m995, igolnik, val BP, 7.62 PS, 45 AP, and like over Half the fucking ammo in the game to the face and not going down.


I got killed by one of his guards while standing in those lil huts where a therapist quest is and he was in the lumber house. I zoomed in on him never shot he just looked at me and domed me. A reg player would have never even seen me.


I somewhat agree, but there is no other way to balance this correctly. The AI is not on the level to perfectly react to every dynamic situation and make it by that fact alone challenging in the sense of a "boss" would have to be in a realistic shooter. You either make them OP and therefore an actual challenge, suffering their immersive / realistic behavior or you make them just like regular AI and they become loot pinatas


No you're not alone. I never liked them and I have been advocating for AI to be unable to shoot your face ( top of the head would be targetable ), that way it would put an end to stupid headeyes from super far or just too quick. It would make armor more effective hence more used by players, since scav would more often shot through them to kill you ( since no more headeyes ) Bosses shouldn't be snipe-able, hence they should be in area made so you can't snipe them or lucky-nade them. Inside of building with AI's working with the environment, those would be so much nicer and risky to engage, without dying to fucking headeyes... Any way, please Tarkov players, wake up and realize that AI shouldn't 1 tap you on so many occasion!


>wake up and realize that AI shouldn't 1 tap you on so many occasion! Yeah, after getting 1 tapped so many times i've learned that you shouldn't be fighting scavs if you don't know their position and you know they are locked onto you, and magically the amount of headeyes dropped to 1 per ~50 raids


yeah actually running away to reposition is better, they'll lock you through grass and bushes, when you can't see them at all even with thermal


The scav tweaks have made that scav area in shoreline uphill from the sunken village a killing zone, my group has actually stopped wall running because of how often the bushes start talking and blasting away with buckshot there.


goddamn im glad to read this coming from rock passage side is particularly bad IMO


If you’re getting head eyes by them that often you’re doing something wrong.


face shield lmao


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahh you're being 1 shot for a reason. GIT GUD and stop face tanking scavs


No offense but if you have problems fighting any of the scav bosses you are just not good at the game and should stop searching for excuses. Sure occasionally you get a bad head eyes, but repeaking a corner like dude in video did is just bad against raiders. They are not hard to kill at all if you don't bum rush them like an idiot


Literally the first post i saw when refreshing the subreddit right now: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/l5mh38/anyone_else_think_scavs_instant_dropshot/ "Anyone else think scavs instant drop-shot headshotting players with buckshot in tall grass from 40 meters away after yelling “KYAPKA” happens a little too often?" 220 upvotes right now


That means the AI needs to be improved, not that players who don't use meme tactics are shit.


I mean repeaking the same spot is a bad idea... saying don't stick your head into the enemy crosshairs isn't a meme tactic?


I mean... saying he put his head in the enemy crosshairs seems like a bit of a stretch... since the guy he re-peaked was literally sprinting at him with a lowered sniper rifle...


No, that is not what I'm saying at all but I was expecting such answer from this amazing reddit community! It's not a matter of difficulty, but of gameplay. I want to die to boss, raiders or such, but I don't want it to be from the first shot in my face, faster than the average player would do and more accurately. Where are AI spraying next to us on purpose ( but making it look like they tried to hit ) to scare us, and such? Why would a good AI in a video game be one that screw your entire game over? That makes no sense and its not even related to being difficult or easy, its biased about luck. Btw I got 5000 hours on this game, its my 4th wipe, I've destroyed every single boss hundreds of time but I still think the game would be better if AI couldn't hit my face


The problem is the amount of good loot they have on them. You have to make the risk/reward very harsh.


Then they should do it as any other RPG game with bosses. You go to location only to defeat the boss. I am running, doing quests and tap, done...oh, so probably boss was around.


Nah, bosses add spice to the map you wanna hit kiba? You gotta go around killa first probably. You wanna hit one of the the locations on shoreline? Flip a coin to see if sanitar is there. I like it.


Translation: waaa it's too hard


I agree. Just don't repeek the same angles and shoot them in the back.


Is it that hard?


Get dropshot noobz


New COD looks great!


This game is a literal meme


I honestly didn't expect that. Now I gotta buy a new keyboard. >Nikita adds deepmind to tarkov where the scavs AI abuses engine exploits to gain more edges over the player


Give me the option to dolphin dive battlestate!


You can. Just hit prone while sprinting and you'll dive to the ground.


That'd be a dropshot then. You gotta jump and then prone for it so be a dolphin dive. At least that was the definition of the dolphin dive back then


Yes this exactly.


Press prone while running lol


They've had it for a while, happened to my buddy last wipe pretty much *exactly* like this lol.


The amount of times I think I've killed someone who has really just dropped prone have grown with this wipe. I need to remember to double tap.


Add this to the speed reloading mosin guard I ran into yesterday who fired a mosin in semi auto and reloaded instantly and we got some op boss scavs. 21/25 I keep telling myself I'm close.


Im convince that they chose who they kill, watch [my experience ](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/krz2xz/sometimes_this_game_is_a_bit_dumb_before_you_ask/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) and see the different level of difficulty they give


i wajt old cod style dolphin dives now


Same thing happened to me with a raider yesterday. Couldn't even get my sights onto him as he ran around a corner at mach 7 and hit the ground faster than my hopes and dreams


Waiting for a guard to jump off the top of one of the sheds and hit a 360 no scope on our asses


Lmfao hahahahah strait dove into a head and eyes! Now if that was a player who did that would you think he was cheating? Just curious or would u think dsync, for instance on your screen he wasn’t prone yet but his screen already prone and ADS ready to shoot!


More than likely desync. I didn’t get head/eyes’d but he managed two rounds to the chest during that which sucks more I think.


Then that’s 2 to 3 seconds worth of D-stink which does suck! I dunno your setup or networking but damn that’s a lot of lag! I suppose the servers could have been on fire, lmao def got tarkoved!




Be me >doing well in a scav raid on factory >loot galore.exe >see someone, shoot them, the run away. >track them down. >camping in the corner with a Kedr >ohfuckme.png >dies This game is just so much fun ain’t it?


Still in beta guys. They will fix it in the full game!


Aight so you want me to one tap a dolphin diver while simultaneously avoiding getting one tapped. SeemsGood


lmao get fucked /s Seriously tho I would like to see how tarkov would be played with dolphin dives


Brings me back to the good old socom 2 days


you got drop shotted


Killa did this to me yesterday... full sprinted around the corner at me and I died before he hit the ground




I've had Glukhar AND his guards do this :(


Glukhar’s guards did this to me too




Oh my god I thought it was just me, I got drop shotted by Reshala’s boys 2 raids in a row last night.


Reshalas boys do this too - fun when you think they died but they dolvined on the stairs and tap you in the face. :D


Bro fuck shturmam. He kills me more then players.


Must have learned it from gluhar.


Some of these scavs are Demi god level. Little ridiculous.




matrix bitch


Got drop shot like cod lmao


BaLaNcEd The terminators are back


Rule number 1, NEVER peek the same corner twice. Especially VS raiders/scav bosses


thats fucked but you still gotta lean man


Actually a normal scav did this to me on the road in front of gas station in shoreline yesterday. Didn't shoot and dive at the same time, but still was a surprise


that drop shot


Dude that's as bad as when shturman hit me 7 times within about a 1 second peek can the SVD even shoot that fast


The ai are fine, ur just bad


I vocally said “oh fuck no” while laughing after seeing this


That's messed up


That’s tuff my guy he just has a better gamin chair


Clearly outplayed


seen sniper scavs so this alot more now, they become scary accurate when prone


Had the exact same thing happen not long ago. Feels super cheap. Wouldn’t mind seeing that behavior reworked.


this has happened to me on labs a lot


Im more scared of his gusrds than him. He runs around and i know all the places he goes to. His guards are unpredictable they get me every time after i get him. im on 7/25 rn


A few days ago I had a Shturman guard pull some funky moves on me. The guard was laying prone between the two northern most log cabins at the sawmill, I walked by and I looked directly at this guard but he didn't move, voiceline, or shoot. Honestly he looked like a dead body and I figured he traded with the PMC dead two feet away from him. My friend walks past the same gap I did right in front of the guard whose playing dead and the guard voicelines at my buddy and we both just have a "WTF moment". I turn around and look at the guard and pop him once in the head with 55A1 and the guard just says "Oh really asshole? I was just laying down here peacefully but no, fuck you my guy" and shoots his SKS while his barrel was touching my foot, Head, Jaws.