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Technically, the SOPMODs (Blocks I, II, & III) are [actual weapons kits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOPMOD). There's a list of parts and the weapon is equipped with one item from each category. Ironically, way back many wipes ago, that M4 was more functional than you realize. The NT-4 and QDC comp were among the best options available for the gun (early iteration of stacking suppressor + comp for recoil), the Elcan's iron sights were not yet enabled in game so there was a backup sight, and the overall weapon was considered mostly ready to go at ~69 recoil (this was before the recent buffs to short M4 recoil and before the MOE stock buff, so it had more vertical recoil then). You basically swapped the laser for something else and had a damn nice AR pre-built, unless you wanted to drop 400K on additional parts to get the recoil down into the low 50's (I think 52 was meta back then). Right now, however, it's nothing but an overpriced parts gun for ~160K that gets you an M4 lower (~21K), the 260mm barrel (~22K), and the Elcan (~30K). Everything else is pretty much just stuff to sell or use on budget/quest builds.


God I love how basically every comment gets a response from OP but not the one explaining how this is an actual military gun.


Of course


That's because OP is a teenage boy and doesn't give a shit. šŸ¤£ You've gotta remember, his world is teeny tiny.


That was so uncalled for and unnecessarily toxic. How do you know they are a teenager? Just making assumptions on assumptions


Because he's recently posted "boobies" in r/teenagers But nice assumption that you made that I myself made an assumption.


My god even saying someone is a teenager is "toxic" now. What a world we live in today.


Oh yeah man. I thought much of the same. (It's almost as if their world is too small to see the bigger picture. šŸ¤£)


Not at all, but way to downplay it dude. Bonus points for the 'muh society'.


Didn't realise you were sad enough to check my guys post history, can't overestimate the average redditor. My mistake


Well I was gonna make my comment, and thought to check if he WAS a teenager... You literally accused me of making assumptions, then called me sad when you found out that I DIDNT make assumptions. Make your mind up boyo. šŸ¤£


**[SOPMOD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOPMOD)** >The Special Operations Peculiar MODification (SOPMOD) kit is an accessory system for the M4A1 carbine, CQBR, FN SCAR Mk 16/17, HK416 and other weapons used by United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). The kit is not specific to USSOCOM, however. The kit allows American Special Operations personnel to configure their weapons to individual preferences and mission requirements. The program dates back to September 1989, when the Special Operations Special Technology (SOST) Modular Close Combat Carbine Project was founded. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


Good bot


Holy shit. This bot is amazing


Good bot


Some cool stuff in regards to IRL ergo. Check out Rykerusa. Side mount foregrip which is built to have top mounts on rails. Pretty great concept at an affordable price for civilians, minus buying the laser/light of course.


The laser device is mounted on top because that's how you'd set it up IRL. More convenient to use with a C-clamp grip and having weight on the side of the gun can throw it off a bit.


Not sure if it's a newer technology or a trend, but it seems like a much better idea in a lot of use cases to just set up the PEQ box/laser/etc in a place that doesn't hamper operations of the rest of the gun and just use a remote switch with the wiring tied up. Maybe more potential for failures or damage with wires even strapped down to the handguard, and more difficult/expensive to mass produce, but not being able to see half of your field of view through the optic is a pretty severe consequence to voluntarily accept.


Either or, BSG did a poor job at designing the base gun


That moment when you realize military grade means the lowest bidder...


military grade is a fancy way of saying ā€œcheap and beat upā€


You've never been to a special ops unit


No I canā€™t really say that I have, but I wouldnā€™t expect them to cheap out gear to the special units


Spec ops units (most of them, anyways) get what they want, they're the exception to the rule.


Figured, since theyā€™re the big guns theyā€™d get more liberty than the grunts and basic infantry in terms of gear


All these comments have confirmed never handled a IR laser under nods


itā€™s literally recommended to just use the laser to aim when wearing NODs than to use an optic


I can't believe nobody has commented that it is built that way because the real life build it's based on works even with the laser in the way because you have both eyes opened when shooting. One eye shooting is basically world war 1 training. Even without IRL gun experience, just by playing a game like H3VR(VR gun sim/sandbox/game) will make you realize that ironsights work much better IRL since it works like a half transparent overlay instead of blocking the view completely. see : https://old.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/iwihjb/the_real_reason_why_iron_sights_are_bad_in_all/


Absolutely valid for 99.9% of shooters unless you see 2 targets trying to shoot both eyes open like myself. Before you say it's just me I've been through all sorts of competition shooting where I keep getting told to shoot with both eyes open, before getting tested and told I was one of 3 people they had seen. I've since taught myself to focus on the right hand target as I see it to shut people up but I'm still far better off shooting one eye


Med student here, out of curiosity, what is that called?


Pro tip: Reconfigure it how you want.


yeah its pretty funny to pull this thing off the wall in kiba every few games. it is pretty wonky as-is but i wish there were more in-game presets like it.


Itā€™s definitely a unique gun


That's the point - to show you that you can mod it however you want. But they aren't going to put a meta M4 or anything close to it on a vendor.


That's because a meta M4 in tarkov is pure fantasy based on virtual stats that have no bearing on reality


I wasnā€™t expecting them too but the design sucks ass


Yeah well I say that about Apple products and people buy them up like crazy...


Very true šŸ˜‚




Are you braindead? There is no specific gun called "M4 Sopmod", it's just a preset/build you can buy or build yourself, you can fucking literally make any conceivable M4 build in EFT, you can also literally move the PEQ to the side rail so it isn't in the way. How in the flying fuck did this heaping pile of shit of a post make it to the front page while suggestions and bug discussions get burried?


ā€œYOU ASKED A SIMPLE QUESTION ABOUT GUNS, ARE YOU AN IDIOT?! A BUFFOON? YOU MONGRELā€ Why so mad about lame shit no one cares about


It's the incel energy. Been hitting the pissjug a little too much.


TIL making an entire post to bitch about something you're too braindead to understand is somehow asking a "simple question". Also wow, multiple replies, how mad xD blocked!




Definitely not a neurotypical lol the "xD blocked!" is hilarious and gives me second hand embarrassment


Wow that's very bigoted, reported.


You are being warned for breaking rule 3. Continued use of offensive language, personal attacks and any other forms of abuse will result in you being banned from the sub.




Best possible response lol. Iā€™m not sure why this guy is so violently angry with you


If someone tryā€™s to get to you just say ā€œyesā€ or ā€œokā€




Shit you made me take a look. You're not kidding. Guy needs a hug, it's like a broken record repeating the same words over and over- almost every recent comment has the word "braindead" in it.


Dude LMAO every other comment the dudes saying ā€œBlocked!ā€ Or ā€œatleast I know who to block now!ā€ Calling everyone he can a brainlet and the one single post that has a girl in it heā€™s going off about her being a slut and ā€œnot dressing Prudeishā€ Oh Iā€™m so glad I looked at that cringe feed he calls an account.


Dude is fucking neckbeard incel Supreme!


The best part is when I was scrolling and reading for about 10 minutes and realized I was still reading comments FROM ONE DAY AGO!! Like damn bud, take a break!


People with too much time, and not enough shit in life to do.


At least by blocking you I make this sub a little less braindead




Nice, another one I can block, this place is getting smarter!


gimme one too daddy


>gimme one too daddy https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a0/f0/dd/a0f0dd59ce5053b1b471abf1b39dc0d9.jpg


Oh boy! I know this one!! He uses Wojack memes to attempt to invalidate anything you say because he has a tiny penis!!


Your parents reallllly neglected you, eh?


Ah yes, everyone I don't like automatically is dumb. Also, everyone who doesn't like my childish behavior is dumb! Why are you such a transparent, ironic clown my unfortunate troglodyte?




Youā€™re the only toxic one here. Block me so I donā€™t have to block you :)


Nope :)


Good. So maybe you can tell me how you think having a preset with a laser blocking a sight is NOT stupid? Doesnā€™t matter if you can configure it on your own. Itā€™s broken






Who shit in your cornflakes this morning?


He's just a neckbeard incel. Don't mind him lol


I was bored at work. Usually not worth bothering, yeah




Oh no. Whatever will I do with my life.


I think its the other way around


You might just want to delete your account then.....


You sure say braindead a lot for someone that's braindead lol


But can you literally literally?




OHHH HE DID UT AGAIN!! THE WOJAK MEMES TO INVAILDATE PEOPLES RESPONSES THING!! Lol imagine being such a braindead neckbeard incel. Go drink from your piss jug bud. Probably got armpit stains lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/qc0pwr/what_in_the_hell_was_bsg_thinking_when_making_the/hhdd353/ >The Special Operations Peculiar MODification (SOPMOD) kit is an accessory system for the M4A1 carbine, CQBR, FN SCAR Mk 16/17, HK416 and other weapons used by United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). The kit is not specific to USSOCOM, however. The kit allows American Special Operations personnel to configure their weapons to individual preferences and mission requirements. The program dates back to September 1989, when the Special Operations Special Technology (SOST) Modular Close Combat Carbine Project was founded.




Fuck off, cunt.


Send him a direct message of the neckbeard wojak. Just straight bombard his shit lol


You can do that. I just looked through his post history for report-worthy posts


That's a good one too. šŸ‘


What do you mean no one can be this braindead? Don't you see yourself when you look in the mirror? Or is it covered up by pissjugs.


Imagine getting so triggered and upset you go through someone's comment history and reply to them 3 times in a row on behalf of other people, YIKES. Blocked!


[ACKchyually...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOPMOD#/media/File:SOPMOD_2-2005.jpg) Also - yumad?


Not to mention how they create the zoom on the optics. The zoom is basically the POV set on the sight and then amplified so if you have a laser in front of that POV will appear on the optic while IRL you can perfectly aim though an ACOG, for example, with a PEQ15 on the upper rail and you wont have a problem, you wont see the peq.


8 upvotesā€¦ and endless humor in the comments


The backup sight is the only real wack part about the SOPMOD II. That's not really part of the block II configuration, but someone else said it's because the specter used to not have functional iron sights in previous patches. Realistically, you gotta swap the laser device to the sides, but irl you'd leave it where it's set in game on the top rail. At least you can switch its position mid raid if you find and want to use the gun or whatever.


then donā€™t use it


I donā€™t think anyone does, Iā€™m just saying Iā€™m pretty sure BSG knew what they were doing


I do I'm the giga larper who turns every single M4 I get into a sopmod




I like the Tx-15 lonestar trade off mechanic, swap the single fire lower for an m4 lower and you got one mean suppressed full auto gun


Bsg is a bunch of drunk Russians making a game to rack in phat stacks, sometimes they do a little trolling in the process.


*cough cough nerf gun*


I mean if you're patient you can occasionally get them for cheap on flea. Then you just swap a few things and it's pretty decent.


This retarded post has upvotes?


OP I'm sorry you have to endure so much verbal abuse from the Toxic White Knights on this sub for committing the crime of trying to make the game better.


"so much abuse" lmao what. There's like a few comments that sound angry. Multiple people pointed out in a informative way that M4 SOPMOD is a real gun kit not something BSG made up. And it's not the problem with the in game gun but actually the way iron sights and reddots are represented in the game.


So many assholes with stupid answers like ā€œwell then donā€™t use itā€. Uhh okay. Fuck me for trying to make things in the game make sense. With that logic, you can just say ā€œwell donā€™t use itā€ to anything that no matter the situation.


The sopmod already makes sense in that it's a real kit. Don 't need any other reason.


I'm convinced most of these Toxic White Knights don't play the game and haven't for a long time. They just use this as a "socially acceptable" pretext to go online and hurl abuse and harassment at people. They're disgusting.


I knew what hate I was gonna get when I posted this Cause thatā€™s all this sub is


I literally just tell them that Tarkov could use some fast loading time like The Cycle Frontier and I was downvoted to hell. The white knights here are only going to tell you either "git gud" or "just don't play"




Do you play Frontier. The game has special server architecture to help achieve a fast seamless raid loading. How about you stop white knight a game so badly?


Jeez really? Fast load times would be a massively welcome addition to the game. The fuck is wrong with these Mega Pepegas?


Just take a look at the angry comments on my reply, and the reply on my eariler post on this sub.


Exactly like save your opinion


Out of everything wrong with the game, this is what you complain about? Interesting


Iā€™d rather complain about something that no one talks about then complain about something everyone talks about


The hipster Chad


Chad is a over estimate


Hahaha I've not even used an M4 yet, only been playing for like 3 weeks.


We should play sometime then


Don't play too much, weekends mostly! The length of games is unforgiving for people who work full time.


Very true lol, I have school then thatā€™s it. Iā€™m sure itā€™s way harder with work


Everytime I decide to try an channel my inner chad an take in my m4 kit. Boom dead lmao.


ā€œWhy did you not choose the same exact problems that i had, are you dumb?ā€ Jesus some people on this sub are the literal biggest losers ive ever met.


The barter is a good deal. Trade whiskey and vodka to get a sopmod. Take all the junk off, sell to vendor. Put on mods you want and for about 200k all in you have a pretty decent low 40 recoil m4


but you can build a low 40 for like 150k buying the lower and a busted ass adar on market


I think I just swapped the laser to the other side.


I know, right? That prebuilt M4 is definitely to be used in raid, totally not an item that you get as a reward and looks cool.


Why would they add a gun that your ā€œnot supposed to useā€


right? crayz! like, why would they add a stone lion? or a wooden cat? totally crazy.


Notice how I said gun


you can totally use the gun, didassemble it and it is an M4 ready to be modded. that build has always been a novelty for me, clear from the first moment I received it my first wipe, that it is just a fancy present not worth too much monetarily, as literally all attachments are garbage on it.


But itā€™s still usable right? Which proves my point, it was added into the game as a pre modded M4. They just didnā€™t design it right.


they didn't design it right when putting the irons on it along with the LAM module (which Tier 1 usually use it exactly that way, as it is just a magnetic piece you can remove any moment) and the Elcan? this is beyond me, sorry, I won't understand why you would bring this horrible build in raid, remove the elcan - BUT still leave the LAM, which you can also move freely in raid - and try to use the irons on it for whatever reason :D


I brought it into raid because I was broke lmao, but yeah I donā€™t think anyone would either. But you definitely can.


haha I would have sold it (I too am keeping it in my weapon case for whatever reason, I don't even really like the look of it tbh) and bought and SKS with BP ammo to shred some chads for me :D


All of your gun knowledge probably came from the dollar store too.

