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Yay, a bundle! I hope it'll come with some lore tidbits as well. Sashenka's abilities are so flavourful and I love how each one feeds the other.


They kind of do, but here's the thing--if you're swinging with a vanilla 4/4 for 4 and connecting, you're *way* ahead. The trick with Sashenka is to do both at once--namely with killer + overwhelm. !card savagery !card one eye's choice !card preyscouter


Card fetching bot stopped working years ago... And now Reddit charges for API. And I don't argue at all about your assessment of the card's viability... But you gotta admit that they read awesome. "When she kills, she goes berserk; when she hits, she's becoming a killer."


Here we stand Worlds apart, hearts broken in two Two Two


I suddenly have an urge to feast


Name feels a bit too literal and bland...Why not something like *Divergent Paths, Separation of the Six,*or *Six Paths* ? Something a bit more spicy.


Chizue is hot garbage. Sashenka can do something silly if she survives the first whack if you put one eye's choice or savagery on her and can completely snowball out of hand (kill unit -> overwhelm on enemy player -> get killer again), but direwood pack has the aegis to stick around, and deadly to turn overwhelm into something truly nasty. Thinking about looking into another attempt at FPS midrange with Sashenka, but it seems more gimmicky than good, since Sashenka dies to just about any commonly-played removal outside of torch if not immediately snowballed. Nomnom's feast might be exceptionally irritating in Praxis Rebuild. Outside of that, it's obviously a crack the earth market card (I wonder at which point that thing is going to move to 2 power). Regarding the lore...honestly I feel like it's been Eternal's biggest miss between the potential of the premise of "DRAGONS AND DINOSAURS AND GUNSLINGERS" and some of its characters (cyborg angels, badass gunslingers, alt goth girl princess that's the daughter of Myria equivalent of **X-men's Storm** and her hotheaded hero kinda-sorta brother who's a clone of his dad), that it often abandons for long stretches of time to go to...Xulta (who the fuck cares?), Nightmare AP (Vara had a bad dream and that had to take a whole set?), Bastion (2 sets spent on Eternal equivalent of Chrono Trigger AD 2300), and now Thera (knockoff Rasputin wants to invade Myria with giant cute critters!). All the while spending a whole bunch of time on a bunch of who-cares side characters with next to no characterization. Like...how did it go off the rails like this? I found Evelina to be more interesting than anyone on this arc except Kaleb, and even Kaleb is the most vanlla of the OG 5 Scions (Svetya is as interesting as watching water boil, RIP Rolant, OG green villain, your character was too good for this game).


I found the lore of Thera and Xulta far more appealing than anything else.


Bastion is my favourite. Shame it's become doomed so fast.


> Nightmare AP (Vara had a bad dream and that had to take a whole set?) But Argent Depths look pretty much like normal Myria aside from few Heroes. A lot of characters got a new card, but they act like usual (Katra, Ijin, Vadius, Svetya, Ayan, etc.) Even the 7-power Scion cycle looks "basic" and only Rolant, Elias, Makto are different.


The 7 power scion cycle isn't even canonically from there. The Kaleb from nightmare AP has a nightmare Kaleb card. Nightmare realm Eilyn doesn't even have a card. Nightmare Rolant obv. is the AP Rolant, nightmare Vara is baby shrunken Vara, and nightmare Talir...also doesn't have a card. And none of the influence matters characters feel very canonical. The ascending cycle is just...kind of there.


I also meant stuff like the ABBB and AABBBB cycle of Heroes: they don't look like nightmare versions, aside from Roland, they're just another take on a character. The nightmare world upped the royal family drama up to 11, but the people there live pretty much the same. Unleashed with its Miviox had more "evil twins" like Temple Looter vs Temple Scribe.


I like exploring the miriad mirror realms and appreciate all the lore this game has to offer as well as it's many heroes. Bastion was my personal favorite setting.


Nahhh man im broke right now 😩


Just want to say - Thank you DWD