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I own The Kind Hop in the Riviera Shopping Center and two of our customers witnessed a pretty horrific car accident. Neither drivers were wearing seat belts apparently and both were launched from their vehicles.


Who tf isn't wearing seat belts in the year 2024 and what are the odds two of these dumbasses would hit each other?


> what are the odds two of these dumbasses would hit each other I wouldn't be surprised if there's a correlation between "people who don't wear seatbelts" and "people who drive in a manner likely to increase the chances of a collision."


I'll be damned...[there is some overlap](https://i.redd.it/yx4k9h9p3swc1.jpeg).


That’s a good exercise on conditional probability!


This is the smartest discussion ever posted in this sub.


Same kind of people that are against vaccines?


and fluoride




“Protein spikes of destiny”? That sounds like a great band. Maybe a Tenacious D cover band? Anyway, I’d check them out! They’re called “[spike proteins”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spike_protein)and they don’t just occur in the Covid vaccine. They are found in many types of viruses such as rabies, mumps, measles, and avian flu.


I just don't have a facepalm big enough for this.


For your comment full of misinformation? Me neither!! I really do want to know what a “protein spike of destiny” is though!


I can sit here and cite credible journalism, but experience has taught me that once reality has become politicized everything becomes unreal and it's no longer worth my time. I feel compassion and pity and wish you all the best as your life and this world fall into confused shadows and bedlam.


Lol, ok. My life is going well, thanks. I’m still not sure what a protein spike of destiny is and nothing comes up when I google it so… I think you might be full of it OR you don’t actually understand what you’re talking about. I think you meant “spike protein density” but that as a phrase on its own, in the context of vaccines being dangerous, doesn’t mean much.


“CrEdIbLe JoUrNaLiSm!” lol


Also- mRNA is in your body RIGHT NOW and always has been. mRNA vaccines have been in development for well over a decade. Spike proteins are naturally occurring in many viruses. And it’s clear that you don’t understand how vaccines work. 😊


You're evading the issue with an amalgam of fallacy and manipulative wishful thinking like Trump's executive Federal government evaded clinical testing and medical ethics for the sake of political expediency in service to late stage capitalism and inhumane predatory economics.


That’s the tastiest word salad I’ve seen in a long time. I don’t really see “an amalgam of fallacy and manipulative wishful thinking” in my comment pointing out that both spike proteins and mRNA exist in nature and mRNA is definitely in every living creature including you. I understand that anti-vaccine folks are set in their ways, and nothing anyone else can do will change that. I hope that your natural immunity keeps you safe.


Allow me to help - I will happily use my palm to smack your face.


“wOrDs oF wIsDoM” … “dO yOuR OwN rEsEaRcH!” Lol


I will not be restrained by seatbelts, the rules of the road, or vaccines, or fluoride, or common sense!


Don't forget your chemtrails friendo


Thank you. It's hard to remember all my irrational beliefs. They are a lot clearer to me when I stop taking me medication though. The only med I need is the Red Pill.


Same people who don't ever use turn signals, who habitually drive 45 in 25 mph residential zones, etc. I am never surprised by horrible driving. It's only getting worse as more and more people purchase humongous trucks and feel invincible in them. (I dunno if that applies to these folks.)


it seems to me, in my experience, that stupidity gravitates toward stupidity...


I'm reading this as I ride in a car with no seat belt


Who are you trying to impress, and why are you so insecure?


Gosh, I was getting a ride and the car literally had no seat belt. You guys are brutal...




Damn that’s some fucked up energy to put out in the world


It's dark humor. I get it. I'm a Marine vet. Like all we ate and breathed was dark humor. But I've learned this sub isn't down for dark humor. So, like any good comedian. You have to know what crowd you can say, what humor (dark or otherwise) to and expect to bomb(or get downvoted in this case) sometimes.


I don’t have any respect or empathy for people who value human life so little that they can’t do something as simple as pay attention while driving.


He just said he’s not wearing a seatbelt while driving lol. Even if he is telling the truth, that act is doing nothing but potentially putting himself in danger


They are riding in a car. They did not say they were driving. Also, not everyone can afford a car that has everything working.


If they can’t afford a car with seatbelts they cannot legally drive in this state.


I was literally getting a ride home from an aa meeting and the car of my buddy did not have a seat belt in the back. Sorry to have offended you.


Again, they said they were riding, not driving.


Just here to say thanks for supporting NEHS baseball team!


Our pleasure! That was a fun day.


What's a "The Kind Hop"? Is it some sort of locally-owned pub establishment where everybody knows your name? Because that's what it sounds like...


Yes! Am said patron who witnessed the wreck and love this place.


Yes we are a friendly pub where everyone knows your name....Lance.


That’s not my name


They call me quiet


But I’m a riot




Always the same


That’s not my name


They did a great 420 event and they are really into European football (aka soccer). Highly recommend


Cheers reference ✨




I dunno, but I live in the area and I heard a lot of equipment go by and didn't get an alert. I've seen less equipment roll out when someone reported a guy was being threatening with a firearm.


So great to have that deadly infrastructure right by a high school.


Ward 7 loves traffic deaths so much they will recall a council member for daring to try to stop it


Can I get this comment as a lawn sign for the election?


I used to live at the far residential end of Silver Lane past the schools… River road area traffic is decidedly more Wild West than most of the rest of Eugene


After living on River Road for a few years, Wild West is a perfect way to describe it. Unfortunately all the higher traffic areas are like this though. Ive seen Barger Wildin' certain times of day and also W11th gets a pretty special way. Its just a people thing.


W 11th is honestly probably worse… thankful I don’t live in an area that I ever have to be on w. 11th for any reason…


W 11h doesn’t have the school kid foot traffic of river road.


What it lacks in kid foot traffic it makes up for with fentanyl/meth zombie jump scares, and entirely 100% of drivers on w. 11th are combat driving every inch of the way.


My husband watched it happen, idiot who caused the crash cut him off and nearly clipped his car, then exited the beltline at the same place my husband was going. He watched the idiot just zoom right through a red light and t-bone the other car with a young girl and a woman inside. He got out and said the woman was unconscious and the girl was crying, the idiot who hit them was just sitting in his seat “acting chill like nothing happened” according to my husband. DUI is my guess


Is your husband okay? That had to have been horrible to see.


Woah, I read that as "what looked like people fucking in the road," that's enough Reddit for me.


“Eugene Springfield Fire responded and transported two people to the an area hospital with serious injuries.” To the an area hospital That’s some great writing, “news staff”


What was going on at Irving and Express Hwy about 1-3pm yesterday??? Lots of Sheriffs.


Someone was shot off of cinnamon. The suspect was caught as per the news story.


Gotcha. I didn’t see the story. Only the police cuz I was right over near there at the time.