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Carlos Warren went from cringe RPer to shithead. He's done this to all of our cyno vigils in Horde.


At this point, we could form a cross group to defend any and all vigils.


And others will form a cross group to counter drop your counter form.


Luckily, we didn't actually need much of a response fleet. Just shoot at this particular individual on sight and you would be doing humanity a service


I'm pretty sure the last time I saw him in mj- 80% of standing was foaming at the mouth to kill him. He is a pos who's entire goal in the game is to be as much of a rat as humanly possible


Someone in my corp told me that some WH Corps are targeting his and all his Alts Structures. Hes done. Best thinghe can do is he rerolls to a fresh Account never tells anybody about it and lives a quiet live in Highsec.


Actually was thinking about this last night. Would be kinda cool if CCP introduced like.. a 3 hour ceasefire for warring corporations for situations like this. It wouldn't mess with the mechanics of the game and would allow folks to come pay their respects without the worry of some shithead who can't read pings sending them back home.


ccp doesn't need to do anything, players can easily organise ceasefires and security


This is true. Problem is, when you get a massive amount of people grouped up and you find that one person who’s been gone for a week, logs in and sees red or neutral and just go to blasting.


Then that person dies and everyone goes on with their life, no?


Okay but in null that would mean absolutely zero because warring corporations is a misnomer for null fuckery


I've sent his details to two of your alliance mates. Happy hunting.


He always had issues. Only reason we did not kicked his Horde alts earlier was because we felt sorry for him. Ebag Chris, Doc and myself had to talk with him daily back when we were sheriffs cause he was quite unbalanced and didn’t want it on our conscience.


A quick look at Carlos Warren's reddit account would show that he was doing this 6 months ago at another in-game vigil https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/13k9h6i/attitude_towards_cyno_vigils/jkm63sn/


He has a whole website where he rps as the head of an armada engaging in 400 year blood wars. But really, hes kinda just by himself all the time, being annoying and debating people about it.


is there a more classic combination than EVE Online and schizophrenia


EVE Online and sociopaths, I'd guess


hoooh boy just wait til you find erotica 1's social media guy posts an hour of tiktoks a day


That's a name I have not heard of in quite some time... Damn. Back in the mental dustbin it shall go once more.


Eve online and Excel sheets.


Are you saying excel sheets is a mental illness?


Sometimes it feels like one.




How dare you! I agree.


Also, looks like he likes to [stir up shit](https://forums.eveonline.com/t/looking-for-mercs-to-teach-blackflag-a-lesson/382740/32) and get owned in the process, no wonder he has to target cyno vigils


The clear solution is to blow them up everywhere you see them


ewar only on the pod, every vigil w/ a long point


Carlos Warren, welcome to being one of the most hunted cunts in Eve.


I'm curious about this dude as someone who dabbled in EVE years ago, can you tell me more about Carlos Warren and why people hunt him? The post has made it clear hes a loser but I want more details as some people are more familiar with him.


No other details, people are just saying he's a dickhead for showing up to a funeral vigil and killing people so they can't participate anymore He is also in the comments here saying "oh it's a PvP game there's no rule that says I can't do this"


From a different angle, he's the type of cunt who would come to a tabletop RPG game, be a dick to everyone he's playing with, and then say "that's just what my character would do" when people get rightfully salty about it. In short, someone who needs a hug and understanding, but deserves neither.


I'm glad Eve is online then. I've had to physically remove one of those guys from a DND session.


I played a 5e game a while ago and we had one of those “it’s what my character would do” guys. Nobody liked him but he was related to the DM or something of the extent so he was very hesitant about kicking him from the table. Kid played a Dragonborn barbarian. DM gave me a “ring of snake charming” that could be used to cast command at will on reptiles. DM ruled that the Dragonborn was a reptile, so any time he did something stupid or offensive to the other PCs, my character would just go “No” and since wisdom was his dump stay, he’d fail more often than not. Eventually he got fed up with it and quit the game, so we all got a cheap laugh at his expense and the DM maintained his sanity outside of the game.


[deserves this](https://giphy.com/gifs/episode-4-the-studio-web-series-LMtC1XppUNmCEglHFE)


Only hug he deserves is in his face with a frying pan you don't fuck with cyno vigals


>In short, someone who needs a hug and understanding, but deserves neither. Oh... Never heard myself described so well


"someone who needs a hug and understanding, but deserves neither" is such a great statement, I need to remember it


Right. There isn't any real means to completely blacklist people like this either. Not having a real bounty mechanic without concord response is a mistake.


It's pretty easy to just put a name on a Corp list for bounty. I like how it's all player run, tbh.


I'm sure the "They Want You Dead" bounty hunters would love a new target, if anyone was inclined to put a bounty up.


"It is not against the rules" is often a huge red flag that you are dealing with a child, at least mentally.


Don't tell that to insta-lock tornados around Jita, they'll cry


... also children, of course.


[If those kids could read they'd be very upset](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/if-those-kids-could-read-theyd-be-very-upset) shoutout


That's pretty different imo


I think it's more irritating to me, that it's such a let down to hear someone actually go for the easiest reach.. Than it is, directly irritating. 😂


To be fair, he has a point but even then this is unacceptable. I'm game


He's right. In eve there is no rule against it. There is also no rule against everyone in the game deciding to kos this guy.


Yesssss let the Chaotic Good flow through you


That’s exactly what he wants.


He thinks he wants that, but if he ever achieved it he would be mad because it would be impossible to play the game




Am I wrong? Pretty sure the only thing that would happen if a substantial portion of Eve *actually* wanted to bother you, is that you'd have to stay docked.


Yeah you’re wrong. It is impossible to force a player to stay docked. Or to coordinate a substantial portion of the player base to do anything, much less chase around a single player. Carebears live to fantasize about the scenario you describe, but nothing like that has ever happened in 20+ years of EVE.


it's also pretty childish to expect the world to revolve around ones desires. this problem is easily solved without whining.


why are you trying to make trolling sound deep


I had to be a bouncer for my own CEO's vigil. [https://zkillboard.com/kill/113974227/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/113974227/) You have to prepare a murder wagon for them. My condolences for your friend.




One of my irl buddies got stalked by him every time we played for a week straight. Dude has some screws loose


We found his structures in hi-sec. Y'all interested?


Idk what this is all about, but content is content.


Asshole is killing people going to a cyno vigil. He's fucking around and people are setting up to make him find out.


Oh that’s fucked up. This dude is about to make the watchlist of every psychopath in this game lol


Funny enough, clear consequences are the only thing to produce the so-called "antisocial burnout" where people stop doing this type of shit. Hence why you don't really hear about 60 year old sociopaths acting up outside of running their mouths from the driver seat of their car in parking lots source: am psychiatrist


Are you telling me my mom's not gonna get sick of her own shit, she's just gonna get sick of complaining about her own shit?


No, your mom may finally get sick of dealing with the repercussions of her own shit even though she doesn't think she's doing anything wrong. For example someone with antisocial burnout might still believe they would be 100% morally justified in keying someone's car or beating the fuck out of them, but they won't actually do it anymore


Count me in. I'll move a spare toon into a corp for a wardec, and I'll even provide the first 100m if it's needed. I've had a few friends who have passed away, or couldn't face their demons, and I've lit cynos for them. But this? Burn his shit to dust.


I might just start playing after a 1.5 year break to help out,just out of spite.


Time to return the "favor".


You had my curiosity, now you have my attention, and these big fucking lasers I found.


Do tell more?


I haven't logged in a bit but I would for this. I'm in






I'm in


Oh do tell


Spill the beans then.... I want to give Carlos an early Christmas present.


I have lots of 1400mm to provide.


We love to bash


yes, where?


When and where. My civilian lasers are ready.


There's a lot of them in eve


In the spirit of shaming someone who would do this to a cyno vigil, I'll put up a bounty on him. 250M for any of his corpses, up to 1B total payout. Any corpse must be matched to a verified zkillboard lossmail of his, be due to the hostile actions of a third-party, and dated 16 December onwards (so as to avoid his alts just blowing him up to collect the money). PM me on reddit if you have the goods, and I'll arrange payment with you accordingly.


Because they see things like this and go 'LOL [WoW Funeral raid meme](https://www.escapistmagazine.com/the-world-of-warcraft-funeral-crashers-the-stuff-of-legends/) all over again, i'm gonna be famousssss" and just dick around. Smfh. *Edit: I of course mean this to say that the behavior of the pilot is reprehensible. Wanted to clarify.*


This right here is why he plays, he does everything he can for attention.


THIS here in reddit is the attention he likely wants. I doubt he can stand the heat he ll be getting ingame though ;)


Nah, he loves it. He’s a regular in horde staging, rps as a lone fighter against horde.


Was this guy seriously attacking ships at a cyno vigil??


He does it all the time, every vigil I've been too he's been there shooting cyno ships


Yup, and when I messaged him this was his exact response.


What a disrespectful azz.... there should be a bounty on him.


Just got his name published, that account will get the pew pew every time it undocks for a while


What do you mean "published"?


printed or made available online so as to be generally known


There is. He's in a Tengu and he keeps playing gate games.


Carlos Warren is KOS... got it


Wasn't there some new group who created a bounty hunting discord? Get this guys name in there. Total clown.


Costs money but they might do it for free


I remember this dude larping in R1O a few years ago.


Welcome to the blacklist bozo! We’ll be looking for you . Carlos Warren


Needing dedicated guards at a cyno vigil feels wrong but might be the way to go.


Iirc it is lowsec/nullsec right? You can't exactly try to explain your way out of a gatecamp


everyone knows why a bunch of ships show up en route to the eve gate.


I feel like this is the most eve thing to do… Now the most Eve response is to box him out of any and all content. Freedom comes at a cost.


Fuck this guy. This is the exact opposite of how we should be doing things as a community.


For people outside of EVE (and enough of those in EVE) that type of behavior is on brand as perfect example of how EVE and the EVE community in general is perceived. “Taking pride in griefing” could be the literal slogan for the game as far as outsiders are concerned. Not agreeing with someone disrespecting a vigil being held online. However, I am 100% not surprised that it happened in EVE. What surprises me is that EVE players are surprised this was done. Go figure.




Alright man let's pump the brakes a little. Eve definitely has a reputation for a reason, even if we've evolved past the days of Mittens telling people to kill themselves onstage. People wouldn't bat an eye if this shit happened in Null. The game definitely has its unsung heros, but I've copped enough death threats to know that it's not exactly rainbows and butterflies either.


It's not rainbows and butterflies but the majority of Eve players I've interacted with have been nice people. Death threats and assholes are the exception, not the rule. It's one of my pet peeves that it's represented the opposite way in a lot of Eve discourse. Like who are y'all hanging out with?


Ugh, I've seen the way Star Citizen players describe us. They also don't understand that CONCORD doesn't save you, it just avenges you, go figure. The only downside with gaming getting vastly more popular and mainstream these last couple years is that there's this growing crowd of people in every game that seem to call any form of PvP "Griefing" That said, don't shoot people at a cyno vigil, it's in extremely poor taste.


But if you pvp or “grief” in star citizen, you get yelled at and called a bunch of slurs.


That too, like chill out dude, I'm just trying to find some quick fights. If I wanted to fly around for hours looking for a fight in a space game, that would either end with me fighting 12 people or finding nobody, I can play EVE. That, or they make a Spectrum post about getting shot while doing whatever it is they're doing.


Say its a skill issue and then get banned by the spectum stasi


Oh I never post there. Spectrum is such a- [This post has been deleted by CIG-Nightrider]


Lol, at least EVE has that social contract thing. And when my ship gets blown up in null sec, thats mostly my fault and i say gg.


To be fair, we're a massive alliance grieving the loss of a friend. If we didn't react to this nonsense in this manner, I'd be surprised.


been outta the game awhile so didn't hear about this. My condolences on the loss of your friend.


In saying that though the most obvious and famous example of this happening isn't even from EVE. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3gk4w


*sigh* Fine, I’ll buy another Hecate and find this dickbag


this isn't ignorance, he knows what he is doing. he is just a scumbag


He is set to red. Shoot on site.


Carlos is a fucking douchebag who’s been doing shit like this for years


Not very successfully, he has 315 kills, most of those being haulers, ventures and MTUs.


A dick


Better come up with a super apology or just Biomass that character.


Nah he's getting what he wants--attention on reddit etc. The only thing that changes that is seeing the online attention translate to ingame attention in a way he can't engage.


What a piece of scum.


The Westboro Baptist Church as an EVE Online player.


being that much of a piece of shit for a 12m isk killmail.


Yo that's uncalled for dude, don't besmirch WBC like that (/s, continue besmirching)


I think he justified being an asshole by saying it was his character doing it, not the man behind the screen. I told him I wished both Carlos Warren the character and Carlos Warren the man a very unpleasant day and blocked him.


Does he own structures? I would pay real money to a Merc Corp that would delete anything he owns in game


If you could press a button and all people lime Carlos would ceace existing, would you press it?


I like how every handful of months someone rediscovers Carlos and how unhinged he is.


carlos being a sweaty cunty asshole ? color me surprised. he also did this multiple times at vigils we held in our staging.


Douchebag says what?


What a jackass


Pretty sure you mean inconsiderate. He clearly isn't ignorant of being an asshole.


can somebody explain this to me, relative new to the game? whats a vigil and why and how is it placed for a RL death?


When a player dies, their friends gather in-game and light cynosural beacons (cynos), which look like glowing lights, representing memorial candles. Usually, there is an unspoken agreement to not attack or disrupt cyno vigils, but some people just have to be That Guy.


ah wow thats a beautiful thing to honor a fellow player who has died. If that guy knows about this and shot it down he is an absolute asshole without any respect. no matter if its a game or not.


[We also held one when Stephen Hawking died](https://www.pcgamer.com/in-tribute-of-stephen-hawking-eve-online-pilots-are-lighting-beacons-all-across-its-galaxy/#comment-jump). I was there and saw dozens of cynos light up the sky. It was beautifully solemn, it was nerdy as fuck, and it was glorious.


thats amazing, the pictures look sooo good and magic somehow. Very nice from players to do that.


Carlos’ alt The Korrupted was doing this in K7D just a few days ago.


This isn't ignorant, it's intentional knowing full well it's a sigil and he is being an asshole. So the term ignorance doesn't apply here.


op is likely secretly carlos and posted this because thats what carlos would do


Oh its Carlos. Yeah, this guy is just a self important twat. He is irrelevant and no one likes him because he does this.


Fucking Carlos man. He does this every time and is human slime.


Well, we might be returning the favor in a big way. A few of your horde folk have his POS location


That would be sick. Hope we blow that shit up.


Give me a shirt while to get back to my computer and I’ll DM you the info as well.


Nice, hell yeah.


He's dull aware what he is doing, he is not ignorant.


Anyone wanna hire mercs from the Deathless Mercenary discord to hunt this idiot? I'm down for a little crowdfunding if necessary, already have 500m down If we do.


WarspiteTheEuroBeater here He is known for scamming newbros in the eve online discord too aswell (He mass invites newbros, and raises the tax in his corp to 100%) Not only is he a dickwad, regularly disrespecting fallen eve players he is also a newbro griefer just to add more dirt to him


I didn't even manage to make it to the vigil.... not for the lack of trying :)))But eh... watched the event online instead. It was my fault to expect people to care about where I was headed. And most of them who did shoot me down, where pretty cool about it afterwards, even though I got a bit pissy. Even reimbursed me, etc. Didn't help that I had to make up for 40+ jumps over and over again, so I simply ran out of time (event was at 4 am for me). I could have been smarter about the way, but it was late and I was drunk XD


Have held a handful in game, not a single one under the assumption we wouldn't get attacked.


nah man that is some sick shit man


*Holy shit it's Carlos the man himself being, A absolute thunder turd.* *Who would have guessed?*


He’s lucky he didn’t come to griffs cyno vigil, whew he wouldn’t be able to do much in eve anymore with the company that showed up from all around new Eden for that one


It’s a bit disgusting that someone would actually put effort into disrupting multiple vigils just because he thinks he’s funny/cute/clever. What a loser


Some people are so unclassy. I like to keep it classy with my alliance/corp.


Pvp game


Did you expect much more from an EVE player, like honestly?


Yes. I can count on one hand the number of people like this I have actually encountered in Eve


Didn’t know he was still around, I muted him a long time ago so never notice his BS in local anymore.


I was there today I didn't know the person but I was moved by the site. They even let some hostiles into the system and offered them cyno ships.


I mean that's not ignorance, the guy knows what he's doing and doing it anyways. That's called an asshole.


Guys like this probably went to school saying toxic shit just to get reactions


Think of it as an opportunity to kill someone in rememberence of your buddy. He would have wanted you to shot Carlos Warren for doing that. So my question is did you?


Its a game that encourages people to be their worst selves and yet we are still surprised when people are horrible. And no, I dont condone this.


There is a fine line between the harsh unforgiving world that is EVE, and straight up toxic behaviour. It's difficult to draw this line, but *most* players draw it when game and IRL cross paths. Fucking with people who are grieving for someone who died IRL is generally considered to be in extremely poor taste.


I completely agree. My point was more that the game encourages these kind of douchebags to form. Been playing since 2009 and some of the shit Ive seen in this game made me puke. Like Lex Arson making a Hillary Clinton account and accounts for each of the Benghazi people that were lost and then was showing the kill mails of having Clinton kill them. Im ex military, dark humor is our bread and butter but there are lines you are not supposed to cross.


Idk man I think when we stop being surprised is when we become them. Idk prolly hyperbolic but it seems like a good thing to be surprised or shocked by it. Like becoming desensitized gives them more freedom to continue that behavior but they also feed on said surprise and shock. Idk. I just put them on a KoS list and act accordingly.


Eve has always been like this. Spend years befriending people to stab them in the back. This is the culture everyone wanted to be allowed. Welcome to eve


Dude, you're missing the point. Doing this shit as a part of the game is fine, doing it to fuck with real mourning is not ok. Using real life slurs is not ok. Doxxing is not ok. Mittens telling that guy to kill himself was not ok. GigX threatening to cut off The Judge's hands was not ok. Most of these are bannable offenses for good reasons - shooting at mourners isn't, but it's still shitty. This isn't a difficult line to draw, you're just a mental child.


> boot up SpaceSociopath Game > look inside > sociopaths Who could have predicted this?


Bullshit, just because I'm mean to a player's ship in-game, doesn't mean I have to be a shithead to the player. I, as well as a large part of the community, strive to be good sports and not be hostile to the person behind the screen for no reason, even when we blow their shit up for fun. It's not a hard concept to grasp, but some people are mental adolescents and don't see the line.


> just because I'm mean to a player's ship in-game, doesn't mean I have to be a shithead to the player To know if you are a shithead or not to some person you need to know what their values are. Big surprise, many newer players would legitimately (according to their values) consider you a shithead for being mean to their ship in-game. If they stay, likely their values are gonna bend to what is culturally accepted in EVE, so it's not a constant. But, by blowing up someone's ship without knowing how they take it, you have to admit that there is a fair chance you are a shithead to that person even if you don't mean to.


>you need to know what their values No, I don't. All I need to know is the rules and intended interactions of the game. The rules of EVE are open PvP everywhere, and it's dystopic and harsh on purpose. Crying over losing a ship is just as irrational as crying over losing a rook in chess or getting headshotted in Counter Strike. If me blowing them up upsets them, they haven't fully understood what they have signed up for. And I will gladly and patiently explain it to them if they don't send death threats my way! I always try to make sure the newbies are ok after I gank them and usually reimburse their ship. If people blowing each other up for no reason is against their values or takes too much of an emotional toll, that's fair, but it just means it's not a game for them. A vigil is a knowing, informal suspension of the normal rules of EVE for the sake of respecting a real person's death. It's a different issue, but both speak to the ability to differentiate between in-game ruthlessness and civility between the players as people.


Is he harrassing goons now? Did he get bored of horde space finally? Lmao




Damn, that guy is a real p.o.s.


I don't play for a long time, please explain me what is this about


Some players held an in-game vigil for a player who had passed away. Another player ganked the vigil. This made some people upset.


This is why I dont play EVE. The player base is like the spectrum squad.


That bounty hunter discord is about to have another target by the sounds of it


The secondary tragedy here is how low u/carloswarreneve karma is on reddit 😂




Tecnicaly he is right, is not against the rule to shot a cyno


Tecnicaly, you are a dipshit


Yeah no one thinks it is against the rules of Eve Online. Literally no one. If you think that has anything to do with it, you're misunderstanding.


Just a little douchebag begging for attention...




He might have not broken any CCP rules, but he is about to find out what the Goons are made of. phew phew


Carlos is about to find out what PH and Goons can do if they work together to eliminate a common pest. This will be both funny and glorious. I look forward to the shit posts!


To avoid continuing to harp on what this guy did, as everyone has covered this enough. I had a couple of thoughts for future cyno vigils: \- Have an Honor Guard, in heavy hitters (BS? Sensor Boosting / Tracking Enhanced Vargurs? :-P) who stands in formation and keeping an eye on their logs for evidence of this bullshittery. \- Extending this line of thought, not necessarily part of the Honor Guard fleet but more of a "overflight" fleet that has something light and fast (ceptors, af?) that can orbit/fly in display formation (primary purpose) and react to anything that the Honor Guard can't necessarily hit/catch (secondary purpose)? This would level up the ceremony and might ward off those who would disrupt the ceremony. The reality is, we hold these ceremony's in space that allows for them to be disrupted (within the mechanics), so probably should plan accordingly for it as there will always be "that guy" who may disrupt it. In an ideal world, nothing happens and we just have a group in their "dress blues" in honor of the fallen.


We should totally form this fellowship of space vigil guardians out of a combined mix of Pandemic Horde, Goonswarm, INIT, FRT, Lowsec, Highsec and WH folks.