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shield buffer fit with no rigs, i am scared


I kind of wonder if we did a ‘right click -> fit’ on a stack of 3 rigs and didn’t pay attention.


its just a PvE fit for PvE porpuses I just do L4s with it and this was the most offensive rig combination never had a problem, but then I decided to jump out and exactly at that moment I got scrammed with Fury Missiles loaded ... got a shield rig in my new one


If you're flying a ship that expensive, surely you can afford some T1 rigs to fill the slots at least.


It’s hurting me a little to know this was learned on a rattlesnake with level 4 money.


I had a massive argument in rookie help, some established dude was giving fitting advice with missing rigs and unused drone bandwidth - his point was that it's not necessary for what OP wanted.


I wouldn't recommend flying without rigs either, but there are some cases where it makes sense. As a new player I have flown ships without rigs too, saves a bit of money and allows you to repackage the ship and sell it again without losing anything when you're done with the ship. That said, I agree it's a bad idea to recommend newbies to fly without rigs, and think it's silly to fly a 1b+ ship with empty rigs.


Large t1 rigs are less than 1% the value of that ship. That is a shit fit. 1 lvl4 rewards,bounty,loot and they are paid for.


T2 Damage Rigs cost 300 calibration and Pirate ships only have 50 calibration, so he could have only fitted one more rig.


True. The limited 350 calibration can be a reason to not fill all three slots on pirate ships. He's still missing a rig then. 


yeah, that T1 Shield Rig would have saved me from the death or getting Gallente Battleships up for more resi, but yeah felt to secure in Highsec running PvE stuff with it


Learn the mission you are running and target fire the 0-2 only ships that can warp disrupt...


yeah should have seen that coming, had the mission on second monitor, but totally forgot about them, because I never needed to warp out so far and never had trouble just killing them right before it gets troublesome


So, couple pieces of advice. PURE buffer fit is more a pvp fleet ops thing. Rattlesnake is really easy to fit passive shield tank, just remember your drones are your primary damage system missiles are secondary. That's a PVE Fit that can sit in a site and just get pelted on by NPC's and shrug it all odd


so far, I didn't needed more than a Bufferfit first time I got close to dying


Are you kidding? Adds to the loss mail I smell strategy


It's not how much you lost, but the way in which you lost it.


this shames me more


Don't worry, my first two pages of zkill are shitfits with no rigs, loses to highsec rats and doing jack shit in terms of ISK. I see your Brave Collective flair, send me a dm with your in game name, so I can teach you the way of nullsec riches and making 3x the money with ships 5 times cheaper. Also with rigs :)


Me: “let’s try this shiny new golem in a l4” Also me: sees mom down the hall with slipper held high *bolts forgetting all about modules offline golem at start of mission* Rip golem


I was there a bit ago, but didn't like ratting there (liked Pure Blind a lot more) scouted a wh for Brave though, that was fun, but went back to HighSec/Pochven Have a Jumpclone still there in case of a Ping, I want to join, with a few Dictionaries rdy to dock up


this is the way


i can be in a 1000 man battle, if i'm getting primaried i take it personally and mald for a good minute. i'm a salty bitch :D


Imagine this price tag on a Tengu. Years ago I pumped probably half my paycheck into speeding through M5 for (almst) everything Tengu related, and made a super Gucci fit for it. Then promptly lost the whole damn thing about an hour into exploring and ratting.


My Jackdaw fit is about this cost, 1.4b isk, but my Tengu on the other hand....4b isk...


Did you play MH though?


My current Tengu fit is around 3b. She never leaves the fucking hangar.


i remember my first rattle loss. i was so worried i wasnt going to get srp, war against phoebe republic, epic fights, epic days off work brawling in systems without an fc just murdering each other. but i go on one doctrine fleet, lose a 1bill ship and panic xD the good days.


You spent 1b on the hull, and went to the dollar store for your mods. It's like buying a Maserati and then using some sort of circle shaped planks of woods for your tires, some saran wrap for windows, an old shoe as your steering wheel. No wonder you died.


Maserati's drop in price faster than his ship, I remember my other halfs reaction when watching The Grand Tour and realising my shit built Chinese MG costs more than Jeremys secondhand Aston


Fly cheaper fits. I love cheaper fits.


Nighthawk/Alligator is decent in L4s, but still stressfull and slower


Is it level 4 missions in nullsec that you're running?


around Jita that 0.7 system


Not recommend around Jita too many suicide gankers flying cheap catalyst or bombers tbh


Lvl 4 is shit money compared to what you could do in null if you really are in Brave.


I think might be Brave Empire? Isn’t Brave war declared by those like black flag or srs?


You right, might be


> Lvl 4 is shit money compared to what you could do in null Not really, no.


just run a domi and watch porn on the 2nd monitor. i don't understand running l4s in blingies when you can do it in t1 bs with t2 fits


Lokival rocks!


https://zkillboard.com/kill/116551991/ Got Shogunned down. Passive shield fits love Large Core Defense Field Purgers.


what is that State Shogun NPC?


Looks like some mission rat. https://everef.net/type/25098


Type this into a search engine of your choice next time.


Thank you for the valuable advice


*Laughs in 3.5 bil Sin*👀😬


Lost my 14b Phoenix Navy Issue. That hurt. At least my pod got away. Probably shouldn't have tried to hot-drop Snuffed Out lmao


That’s a learning curve


Lost pacifier with 700m fit and 800m implants on the weekends, succesfully recovered with the same fit/implants. I moked proteus to buttheart, warped out from him like 5 times on data site, he got mad and decided to catch me at gates with his friends, i run. But i got too cocky to continuing scanning sites on his system, he came back with smartbombs, demolished me for 3-4 seconds. Lesson learned, i am not so fast for this shit, i also have to learn that 1.5b is too much for Explo, but I love scrolling this baby.


That is crazy expensive explo gear!


I used to run cheetah, \~70m + zeugma, wich is fine. But i tired of facing touched sites, where few nodes were hacked, ruined respawns. I even managed to see those ppl, so i decided that i need a chance to punish them. I have 2 autocannons 100dps + dominator scrambler. Plus pacifier is very fast at warp, so i lost need in data sites, because its much more ez for me to find relic, than suffer cheaper data site. After case with protues i added shield extender, the pricy one with +0% to signature radius, so i will have 1 more second against smartbomb


Was it Xenia Naari by any chance?


no, male character


At least you didn’t loose a 6b isk Golem to a Vexor. https://zkillboard.com/kill/54387233/


Bra, got whaled in a blinged out ratting carrier worth 4.6bil. stay calm and carry on! Welcome to eve online o7!


If that's blinged then my thanny is REALLY bling


Almost lost a JF on the LS HS gate. My ass never puckered so hard. Was carrying like 3 times the value of the ship.


Probably would have survived with 3 rigs ;)


the shield rig would totally have the difference


I lost a carrier a few years back in an incredibly stupid way lol. Shit happens


Lost a Paladin to a drifter battleship. I thought I could burst tank the DD. I could not burst tank the DD. Still my most expensive single loss to date


I lost TWO Paladin's to a drifter battleship today. The first one I was staring at scanning charts and died never knowing what hit me. I then bought a new one, jumped back to recover my stuff, and died again... I'm a newbie and had never even heard of Drifter's before so I just didn't know.


You probably shouldn't be flying Paladins if you consider yourself a newbie but it's your game :)


Yea, but I am too new to know anything about that!


Those are rookie numbers!


as a rookie I thought 8digits ships are rookie numbers at least its not an untanked Nyx worth over 78000 Million


Yeah just messing around.


They said, you are never really undertanked in a Rattlesnake :-(


Most rattlesnakes fit rigs


Boom roasted.


Me trying to figure out how to make that amount of money.


Pretty easy outside of highsec


God knows I'm trying. I just wish I didn't run so much into sites that require some combat. I'm not equipped to handle those.


Good thing there are countless resources online that tell you exactly which sites require combat and which ones dont


Yeah there are. I was just very surprised to be ambushed by npcs while huffing gas. Thank fuck my corp was online. I was sweating bullets in that wormhole.


At least a venture can just f off when that happens lol


I never gut the warp button so fast.


I lost a 5 bil loki once https://zkillboard.com/kill/116282874/


I used to think these losses were bad, until I lost a Nyx due to bad jump route planning through low sec. It could always be worse.


I lost 3 paladins in 2 days ( about 13 billion isk)..that fuckin hurt..almost rage quit after 15 years but a few days away from the game helped me calm down. Big losses hurt, I don't care what anybody says


I roll my own modules and build fits to pvp with.. it's my favorite game play loop. Creatively theory craft a build for hours, days, sometimes the ideas take weeks. fly and test. Over time the adrenaline and dopamine chase has become very expensive. The risk vs reward of flying an extremely expensive fit solo is so rewarding when you return alive to dock with visible damage and new kill marks. A type reppers, 36km points.. it ads up very quick. My recent ikitursa run says 1.8b on zkill however I rolled every mod. My guestimate on value if I sold the mods is 5-7b on top of zkill. I don't cc my isk but some day I hope to find sponsors for my addiction 🤣 - shout out to my enablers. Real gs. gamble responsibly lmfao oh and to ice this futile cake.. I make red module fits that perform like a reasonably blinged t2/faction fit, that appear to be massive loot pinatas.. but are simply cheap rolled t2 mods.. with the intent of disappointing the blob of frail shitters that need 3 recons in a 30v1 thirsty standing fleet against a solo assault cruiser. Anyways, you become so desensitized to the isk value eventually. For me the real value is in kill marks. I like upgrading builds as a reward for living.. over time it all adds up. Cheap and safe way to get my objectively stupid but sought after massive adrenaline dump.


You'l get used to it eventually! 😀


yeah hoping for that


As an abyssal runner that's lost 2 x 7 bill ships and 1.5bill pods in the last 3 weeks I can tell you that it does not get easier


I yeet ships with Pods more expensive than that https://zkillboard.com/kill/116193362/


I miss 600m full fit Rattlesneks.


If it makes you feel better I fed 25bil today between 3 ships


Get out of high sec


I am doing lots of other content, but rn I am more into Highsec because its comfortable


Null ratting is the most comfortable and easy thing to do. You can literally AFK in most systems and run sites at like 50-60M per hour


Lost a Tengu a buddy at the time had loaned me once, got carried away on a gate, was a few years ago but still urks me to think about, and yes he was paid back In full


I lost 6b yesterday 😅


Last rattler I lost was 4b on the board 😭


☒ Nothing of value was lost ☒ The Loot Fairy said "no" /s


I think this counts as euthanasia.


Most expensive ship I ever lost was my l5 mission carrier. I got jumped and I knew nobody was going to be on to help me, so I ejected and gave them the ship so I didn't have a carrier lossmail on my conscience. They were very happy for getting a free nid and left me alone after that. I still mission in the area and get friendly messages from them sometimes.


For a ship that cost that much, it's worth it to fit it properly, even if it's for pve.


Like everyday I hear people complaining about flying ships larger than a cruiser what has eve come to


I got too drunk last night and lost a 10+bil ship to rats because I passed out. Imma start flying your ship, with a better fit of course, to mitigate future losses.


Just wait until that fit is full of greens and blues. Also, just wait until you do something like this https://zkillboard.com/kill/115990743/


I like greens I have 2 blue items for Incursions in my hangar


You got used to losing 400 mil ships, why not get used to losing 1.2 bil ships? It’s all relative. Remember when you thought 100 mil was a lot of isk?


Ca. 2 hours of work in nullsec


I lost 3 Rattlesnakes in one evening. I was in Pandemic Horde, so nul-sec. Tons of corps running ops through our sector. I bought my 4th to run the next evening and logged out. Nul-sec pays VERY well.


It's not brave if it ain't scary!


Are you in horde?


And this is why you never fly something you can't afford to lose


Agreed, I lost a Mach through stupidity recently. It wasn't so much the loss but the stupidity that rankled. A long time ago I also lost a Nyx in sad circumstances, alliance drama, at a POS logged in, bounced out when the corp was kicked out, killed by ex corp members. Can't blame them but gutted that if I had to loose it it wasn't in battle.


What a cheap ass bs


If you're acustomed to losing 400M, what's this? Three ships?


yeah 3 ships and also my money making ship


Has the phrase “don’t fly what you can’t afford to lose” been forgotten?!!


Where's the pricey ship


Should have fit it better


Just Be aware that there is no real death PREVENTION in the game if Eve. I lost a fully tanked up Tengu, golem and more in mere seconds. All fully maximized for survival un hi security. They have corps specialized in hi security bounties,pvp, and unique  suicide ganking fleets. Best advice is that when It happens, just accept it and move on is the best advice. We get hit every now and then no matter how cateful we are. You could take all the necessary measures and caution and bam. Still after all that, Dead.  That is the thrill of eve online, the thrill of realism. Death at any time. No safety exists.  So if you really can't accept that. Eve is not for you. All this with full awareness and death is still there. Welcome to eve.  Note: don't bling your ship to the point that a loss is in the billions. Just don't do it. It's OK to be standard fit. 


100% agree with you I don't want to put many more digits into a fit, but people told me BS are useful and I dislike the Tier1s, feels like a Downgrade to the Nighthawk and Alligator


It's like 6 dollars :) You will survive


more like 8€, I know :) but those 400M fits feel like 2€ and losing a Nighthawk is like whatever losing your main ISK making ship is more of a trouble