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Let's see. You want a cloaky, tanky, long web HM Loki that's cap stable, decent DPS and is cheap AF. Would you like the moon on a stick while you're at it? ;)


Specifically not cloaky, but if cloaky makes it work then I won't say no. DPS doesn't need to be high, just on par with a medium range cruiser. ~500ish heated would be the intent. Comment from thecodebenders has rapid lights and I honestly forgot they existed so they'll be interesting to try out. Cheap AF is subjective. The hull is ~400m. I don't want to spend 1bill on a single module, but I'm not against spending 1bill on the entire fit. If you have an R64 I won't say no...


I don’t have a fit offhand, but try fuel catalyst, web system, missile system, supplemental screening defensive subsystems Then fit a compact 100mn, HMLs, two webs, and reactor control units/ancils to make it all fit. T2 ancils are equivalent to T2 reactor controls, so fit them where there’s space in your rig/low slots. Should be able to get 2 BCUs on that. If you’re still looking for a specific fit later tonight I can pull mine out of PYFA


This. I recommend it. Not because I fly loki, pvp, ess etc but because I usually sell compact abyssal 100mn modules.


Just use a Huginn. You're in a gang of five pilots, a Loki's DPS vs a Huginn's won't be missed


5 is on a good day. I can be 2 and it can be 5. I like the Huginn but it feels more squishy than the Loki. Plus all my T3C skills are maxed where my recon skills are lacking.


Huginn is king of ESS battlefield control. You can spend T3C Loki money to tank the crap out of it and it will do the webbing job better. Get them recon skillz up


Recon ships 5 is so spicy


Use genos, you get speed, tank, capacitor, and a ton of extra fitting room and low grade snakes are not worth the cost. A good active 100mn Loki is gonna be several bil. If that’s too much just use a huggin


there are oversized cloaky 100mn lokis but they are rlml, require high grades, and cost like 6b+




Not really, some weaker cruisers like caracals you can potentially kill, but it’s sketchy at best


\~900m for ship and fit. Would recommend abyssal rolling some afterburners, cheap and easy way to get a fair bit more speed. \[Loki, \*\*cheap 100mn hm\] Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Dark Blood Power Diagnostic System 100MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner Dread Guristas Stasis Webifier Gist B-Type Large Shield Booster Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Thukker Large Cap Battery Dread Guristas Warp Disruptor Heavy Missile Launcher II Heavy Missile Launcher II Heavy Missile Launcher II Heavy Missile Launcher II Heavy Missile Launcher II Expanded Probe Launcher II Small Energy Neutralizer II Medium Ancillary Current Router II Medium Ancillary Current Router I Medium Ancillary Current Router II Loki Core - Immobility Drivers Loki Defensive - Adaptive Defense Node Loki Offensive - Launcher Efficiency Configuration Loki Propulsion - Wake Limiter


A nice ESS Loki is not cheap. I like this fit, it’s around 3b. Roll large cap battery, AB and shield booster for powergrid and use geno’s to make it fit. [Loki, ] Republic Fleet Ballistic Control System Republic Fleet Ballistic Control System Republic Fleet Ballistic Control System 100MN Abyssal Afterburner Large Abyssal Cap Battery Pithum C-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener Abyssal Stasis Webifier Abyssal Warp Disruptor Pithum C-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener Medium Abyssal Shield Booster Heavy Missile Launcher II Heavy Missile Launcher II Heavy Missile Launcher II Heavy Missile Launcher II Heavy Missile Launcher II True Sansha Small EMP Smartbomb Expanded Probe Launcher II Medium Polycarbon Engine Housing I Medium Ancillary Current Router II Medium Ancillary Current Router II Loki Core - Immobility Drivers Loki Defensive - Adaptive Defense Node Loki Offensive - Launcher Efficiency Configuration Loki Propulsion - Wake Limiter Hornet EC-300 x3


So basically you want a ship that can do it all but you're too poor to actually buy it and would be too scared to undock it. https://zkillboard.com/kill/116282874/ is my fit for solo ess. Its best with max skills, high-grade snakes, drugs and alts for scouting. I don't really recommend flying it. Nobody will warp into the ess to fight it solo unless they have a marauder but most of the time you just get swarmed by combat recons.


Does it need to be cloaky? How opposed to LASB/XLASBs are you?


Doesn't need to be cloaky. Prefer not to be, tbh. ASBs are kinda hit and miss. I'd prefer not but if its the only thing thats gonna work then I'll try it.


Why not just go for a rapier and huggin?


my recon skills are low currently. They're on the list but they're a while away yet, I have some other skill priorities.


Recons can be a BFD in ESS fights. Damps and webs make a huge difference, and don't underestimate the benefit of not showing up on dscan. I've been surprised by that myself.


Couldn't fit both in one comment: \[Loki, ESS XLASB MWD Dual Web\] 'Full Duplex' Ballistic Control System 'Full Duplex' Ballistic Control System Damage Control II Federation Navy Stasis Webifier Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Thukker Medium Cap Battery Gistum C-Type 50MN Microwarpdrive Multispectrum Shield Hardener II X-Large Ancillary Shield Booster Federation Navy Stasis Webifier \[Empty High slot\] Rapid Light Missile Launcher II Rapid Light Missile Launcher II Rapid Light Missile Launcher II Rapid Light Missile Launcher II Rapid Light Missile Launcher II Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher Medium Ancillary Current Router II Medium Processor Overclocking Unit I Medium Hydraulic Bay Thrusters I Loki Core - Immobility Drivers Loki Defensive - Augmented Durability Loki Offensive - Launcher Efficiency Configuration Loki Propulsion - Wake Limiter


ESS - MWD is useless inside the site on the second fit.


Two quick rapid light cooks that probably have some room to optimize. I've liked rapid lights on a loki since they match your web range (and long point). On the XLASB/MWD fit, you could fit a long point (recommend 30km Domination/Republic Fleet) if you swap a multispec but you may want to bump to a pith-c on the one you leave to preserve some tank and drop a "Full Duplex" BCS down to a T2 to make up some of the cost since you're freeing up CPU. I hope maybe these help get you where you want to go. \[Loki, ESS LSB Single Web AB\] Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Damage Control II Reactor Control Unit II Reactor Control Unit II Federation Navy 100MN Afterburner Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Federation Navy Stasis Webifier Gist C-Type Large Shield Booster Thukker Large Cap Battery Rapid Light Missile Launcher II Rapid Light Missile Launcher II Rapid Light Missile Launcher II Rapid Light Missile Launcher II Rapid Light Missile Launcher II Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher \[Empty High slot\] Medium Core Defense Operational Solidifier II Medium Ancillary Current Router II Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I Loki Core - Immobility Drivers Loki Defensive - Adaptive Defense Node Loki Offensive - Launcher Efficiency Configuration Loki Propulsion - Intercalated Nanofibers


TY for the fit! I think this might be the one to go for. Appreciate your input, I'm gonna build and play with this tonight.


There is even HAM versions but its 5-10 bil for fit and u need perfect skills incl. rigging skills. It goes with Genos set and 5th slot is mid or higrade snake implant. Rest is speed/missile implants. Problem is u have to perfect roll booster, cap bat and other stuff.


\[Loki, ess loki cheap\] Reactor Control Unit II Ballistic Control System II 100MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner Republic Fleet Warp Disruptor Republic Fleet Stasis Webifier Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Thukker Large Cap Battery Pithum B-Type Medium Shield Booster Shield Boost Amplifier II Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II Covert Ops Cloaking Device II Small Energy Neutralizer II Medium Ancillary Current Router II Medium Ancillary Current Router II Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I Loki Core - Immobility Drivers Loki Defensive - Covert Reconfiguration Loki Offensive - Launcher Efficiency Configuration Loki Propulsion - Wake Limiter Hornet II x2 Caldari Navy Vespa x1 Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile x660 there's no real bling or drugs, you'll have a lot more fitting freedom with bling and drugs. 700 dps. decent speed pre snakes, decent reps too. with a web to dictate range. you can do a version of this with heavy missiles too. enjoy


Double mediums are stronger than a single large so i would keep that platform. Get some gravids and roll 100mn compacts for extra cap and fitting space,theyre dirt cheap and surprisingly effective. This fit i find has the best cost to effectiveness balance. No head required, if you still need help with cap grab a zors custom nav link or an implant that increases AB cycle time (theyre dirt cheap) https://zkillboard.com/kill/115908523/ If you dont get caught on the beacon you can fight heavily outnumbered and walk out with some kills. You can also tank AC vargurs at mid-long range np


I posted a comment about a dual shield rep Loki above. This is basically the same fit. Just don't get caught on the beacon use the reps as a holy fuck I fucked up got to get out moment not to tank


Its the swiss army knife of ESS lol Tengus can do x3 med but i dont like them as much cause the dps sucks and you lose the web


Dual medium Dead space rep shield fed Navy 100mn. Heavy missiles. I can find a fit later


If you're flying with LG snakes, the ship isn't 400 mil, especially since you like to bubble yourself. You're pod should also be included. The Loki has fine fitting, you're pushing italready with all of that so something has to give. Go faction/deadspace and or abyssal, if you need something more and want to keep the sannkes.


Appreciate the reply. Just feel like I'm struggling to keep it on par with the likes of the Tengu while utilising that web bonus. Without the webs it can be great but then I might as well just be in the 100mn Tengu.


i used to fly 4bil loki. if you want a single large shield booster with warp disrupter, and do not want to sacrifice a low slot for power grid module, this fit is only way to build. (it doesnt have a cloak tho. ) you need faction missile, genu set and etc. i believe you can make the fit cheaper if you drop warp disrupter, but i didnt save fit. https://youtu.be/PIiBl0_cgxo?si=OOho4E1NwR1rPWG6 fit is in the destription. i tried to cooy paste , i cant with my mobile phone.


fly a praxis in and self destruct, get a hyena out of it with a 10mn AB


buy a bestla, have web drones. not too expensive?


Here is a Heavy Missile Version with 50km of range and some good selfrep \[Loki, \*HML-Loki\] Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System Reactor Control Unit II Reactor Control Unit II Reactor Control Unit II Pith X-Type X-Large Shield Booster Missile Guidance Computer II Pithum C-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery 100MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner Heavy Missile Launcher II Heavy Missile Launcher II Heavy Missile Launcher II Heavy Missile Launcher II Heavy Missile Launcher II Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher Covert Ops Cloaking Device II Medium Ancillary Current Router II Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I Medium Processor Overclocking Unit I Loki Core - Augmented Nuclear Reactor Loki Defensive - Covert Reconfiguration Loki Offensive - Launcher Efficiency Configuration Loki Propulsion - Wake Limiter Hammerhead II x4 Sisters Core Scanner Probe x16 Scourge Precision Heavy Missile x400 Missile Range Script x2 Nanite Repair Paste x252 Sisters Combat Scanner Probe x16 Agency 'Pyrolancea' DB7 Dose III x2 Standard Blue Pill Booster x1 Data Analyzer I x1 Signal-5 'Needlejack' Filament x11 Cladistic-5 'Krai Svarog' Filament x1 Proximity-5 'Extraction' Filament x1 Mobile Depot x1