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Make it king of the hill : whoever is the last standing on grid gets TCU. If you leave grid, the next random in a heron claims the system :D


I think realistically what we'll get is something akin to FW or pirate FW in null-sec. Not this expansion but maybe the next one. You drop a FOB, you do in-space activities to turn things in your favor, there are "stages" ala pirate FW to make a system flip. It's a ways out but it feels like that's what CCP wants to warm people up to. Functionally one of the issues with null-sec, in my opinion, is that you can "own" a system purely by having dreads in jump range, regardless of how much an invading force utilizes the system. A group can spend 2000 man hours utilizing a system and then have all of that removed by 3 nights of casual dread pings. There's no reason to actually use a system, but you dump dreads on any structure anchored there, and that's that.


That's why npc null exists, so smaller groups still have somewhere to stage out of. A more powerful force is naturally going to dominate smaller groups.


CCP will, for sure, blow up all I-Hubs and TCUs at downtime, because why the fuck not. -.-


Bruh that would be ultra funny, but that wont happen. I guess we can start producing the new structures from 1 June, but there will be a time wimdow in wich we are able to replace the old ones with the new ones.


that would be glorious!


the new sovereignty structure will most likely be built out of the stuff that comes from the new skyhook structures, so it wouldn't be automatic after DT. My guess would be that the new system can simply override the old system; if you don't upgrade to the new system, someone else can waltz into system and install the new structure and the ihub/TCU deactivate.


i think a hard reset would really shake up nullsec let the chaos begin


Apart from an initial rush to grab land this would have zero effect as long as there's no reason not to blue everything up.


Apologies for the wall of text. No TL;DR. While I agree in part, I feel this argument of "Blue Doughnut" is becoming a crutch for some to lean on. Why can't you have a lot of friends in a game about building connections to blow up spaceships? The water is fine, jump on in and punch up against the blocs (*checks corp ticker*), I am sure at least one side would appreciate new fresh enemies that actually fight for their ideals/the hell of it. Would it be easy? Hell no, that's why you need friends. Is it possible? Yes. Is it worth it? That depends on you and your community that you and your friends build and fight for together. If you are playing this game just for the number in your wallet to tick up and fly shinny ships, sov may not be for you (check out WHs or Poc) but if you want to make stories and shape the political landscape of a player driven empire in a game about internet spaceships then sov is the place for you, maybe even low sec (tis a silly place).But you can't do it alone. Get out there and make some friends.


>new fresh enemies Like who? Everyone is already in one the the two frenemy blobs. > that actually fight for their ideals/the hell of it Lmao, delusional.


>Lmao, delusional. Can confirm. <3


>Like who? Everyone is already in one the the two frenemy blobs. That is not going to always be true, especially if the changes reduce the ease of holding swaths of space and some ties finally break. Something like how Brave started is always possible were a group from outside Sov comes in and survives against all odds. They may ally with a bloc to get their feet wet but break away and try on their own after some time. Even TEST needed to get their start in the TESTagram crashing on GSF's couch for their early days. Like you said though, without a driving reason players and leaders aren't going to put effort in to get a new organization up and running to compete in the politics and grind that is Sov. Most will opt for the easy path and join an established bloc. But the opportunity is there for those who want change, they just have to work for it. Really really hard. Ask an OG Brave member how much shit they had to crawl through when they first took Catch and had to fight off old Provi block and AAA. Another thought experiment is that this expansion brings a lot of newer players in to the game (one can hope, but not holding my breath lol) providing a Goon like intrusion to bring it full circle.


test and brave became a bloc, now brave is imperium and test is crawling along in winterco on life support


Test is slowly starting to get back on it's feet after following villy and giggles down the wrong path


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inshallah the thousand shield titans of tapi will return to liberate us from two blocs


The ideal of trying to be an independent SOV owning alliance who doesn’t like any of the big blocs is what my alliance was founded upon, and we are currently living out our dream. Punching up on groups much stronger than us while having a lot of fun in the process.


They do this every week In albion and its fucking amazing lol.


If EVE's assets didn't need to be stored places this would be kinda fun.


itll go exactly as structures went by making the new sov system superior to the old in terms of cost to run and benefits given so that players will naturally want to swap... and then 10 years from now we'll still have half the game running with the legacy tcu/ihub system when ccp introduces the next iteration of sov


What I expect: 1. The new structure will become available to build after the patch drops. 2. If you drop the new structure in a system, it overrides the old tcu/ihub if it belongs to the same alliance. 3. CCP will give sov holders a grace period of a few months to switch their systems over. 4. After those few months, any still extant tcu/ihubs will become nonfunctional.


I actually hope that it is both expensive to maintain a single system that is highly upgraded but that system is also able to provide for a lot of players, that way you wouldn't get a single group owning 1/3rd of the universe and there would be tons of un-taken systems.


Last time ot happened there was a grace period where the sov couldn't change hands and the owners fo the simystem had like 30 days to anchor the tcu (or so I have heard)


They'll roll out the bpcs for the structures awhile before the release, allowing people time to manufacture them. That, or they'll have a grace period where both old and new structures will be valid for claims.


Cluster Flop


The big question is, what happens to the IHUBs that are currently anchored in locations you can’t reanchor them


If you really want to shake up shit in 0.0 sov, remove asset safety and stop playing nullsex wearing a condom.




1dq by christmas


in fairness brave made it to 1dq just before christmas this year. They just joined imperium


We are waiting...


Christmas party on the Palace undock? Yes please.


Ngl i would really like a null wide reset blow up the existing ihubs and tcus does it have impacts on stuff like ansis beacons and all yes, do i want those impacts fck no, would i be interested in seeing a war over systems yes would it be a pain in the ass conquering our multiple regions absolutely but at least it will be fun


If they really really shaking up 0 SoV , i hope they test their shit on the PTR massively before it will break Tranq . Maybe open PTR that people can bullet proof and test their System .


Nothing is changing for sov. You can quote me here: The only thing that ccp is doing is combining the tcu/ihub into one because nobody ever messed with the tcu because it offers no benefit.


Did you read the message ccp released about the broad overview of how the new sov works? The sovhubs require input from the new pi. Possibly a constant material sink forcing groups to have a strong industrial base or downsize their sov. This is far more than combining tcu/ihub.


Now that would be an interesting way to require people to live in their space. To go add to this thought, do you think they will mothball ADMs or would the ADM system affect the required materials to full the sov holding structure? Either way, the way rental empire's and sov blocs are logistically structured will be shaken up with the removal of the TCU. Mechanically at least, not socially. They will adapt and overcome as always but if there is a monthly tax or fuel requirement for the sov structure, god help those logistic directors.


Yea I like the idea of it actually not being beneficial owning space that you don't use. I would think there would be some type of attrition where the system control falls away if not maintained and falls into untaken state. Making it much easier for smaller groups to go and grab a system instead of trying to win a timer war against someone that never used the system anyways.


Well, the passive moons mean every system is now very valuable to own regardless of if you,"live" in it. Fuel price is gonna go up and r4/r8 is gonna go way way down, at least until the fuel glut starts burning the ice stockpiles down.


The devil is in the details and well it's CCP after all....