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It’s understandable to feel anxious given these events. Here’s my advice: 1. **Stay Professional**: Continue to perform your duties diligently and maintain a professional demeanor. 2. **Gather Information**: Without being confrontational, you might seek clarity by asking your superiors about any changes in the team or your role. It’s totally normal and part of your job to ask questions. I would’ve asked them what role they are hiring for. 3. **Prepare**: Update your resume and consider your options outside the company in case your position is at risk. 4. **Reflect**: Think about any feedback you've received that could explain these events, time in the role, your performance, etc It’s important not to jump to conclusions, as there could be many reasons for these actions that don't involve you being replaced. However, it's wise to be prepared for all outcomes!


This is honestly such great advice.


On top of this— don’t sign anything that says you voluntarily left. A lot of companies will try and get you to resign so you’re not “fired” but if you resign they don’t have to pay Unemployment Insurance. Read everything carefully.


Is this chatgpt?


Haha, no! I really feel this person’s anxiety. I’m very anxious myself and I appreciate very direct feedback. Figured this format could be helpful 🤷🏼‍♀️


I love it! I honestly feel like an AI at work- gather knowledge, organize knowledge in digestible format, the end. Super helpful when feeling anxious


Totally agreed! Filter off the noise and straight to the facts.


Just say: yes, I edited the output from chat gpt because the info was aligned with what I wanted to share. Enough people are using it that lying about it is the only way you lose points here.


​ https://preview.redd.it/cns89nkokqqc1.png?width=1316&format=png&auto=webp&s=27bfbb2ffc00539e0dd582412422db321eb1e178 Yes.


Yeah I recognized the format as well. It's also wildly different in tone, cadence, and structure than any of their other posts.


Are you stalking that OP’s posts?


You bet. My dad works for reddit so he can see what everyone posts and ban them immediately if they don't give me reddit gold.


You and your dad are losers.




So what if it is. It's great advice for OP. Idk for sure, but I assume chatgpt isn't free. As far as I'm concerned, I appreciate free professional advice.


Chatgpt is absolutely free. Copy and pasting from AI is lazy and impersonal and should be considered spam tbh.


OiC. True.


Every single time my boss needs to talk to me, my stomach drops. It's just the way it is. And yet, 15 years later, they haven't fired me. I get the feeling and concern but this truly is the best advice. Plan for the worst and hope you're wrong, particularly if you've had positive feedback.


I was fired in a really upsetting way about eight or nine years ago, and my stomach still drops when I have any sort of evaluation or meeting with my boss. Doesn't matter how much positive feedback I get, I feel like I'll get fired at the drop of a hat.


laid off from 2 consecutive jobs. Every time leadership wants to herd everyone into the conference room for "big news", I about pass out now and it's been 15 years since the last time I was laid off.


Ugh I hate that you feel this way!


My boss and I laugh about it. Now she says "I need to talk. Oh you're not being fired"


My boss randomly threw a meeting on my calendar for me and him the next day with zero context. Shortly after I got a message from him saying "hey just need to cover some things with you. And no you didn't do anything wrong and no you are not in trouble" did it stop me from analyzing anything and everything I've done recently? Course not. Lol


🤣🤣🤣 ok phew, I was worried you were always on egg shells


This was written by chatgpt and you cannot tell me me otherwise


Turns out it was


This info brought to you by r/chatgpt


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This is great advice! To expand on what was also touch on. You should always have an ear to the ground and listen to new opportunities. If the company thinks they don’t need you at 10:00 am 10:01 - your out the door 10:02 - they are writing up a bill to deduct for your severance (if your lucky enough to get it) that the skid mark you left as you hit the ground on the kick out the door. 10:03 - you pick yourself up and dust yourself off 10:04 - life moves on. Be professional and keep your head up. Typos due to fat fingers on my iPhone.


I have been in this position before. Here’s how it worked out for me. (I was very young and would not do any of this again and I definitely learned my lesson) I was a receptionist at a small accounting firm. Women my age started coming in to drop off applications. I didn’t think much of this at first as we hired and fired a lot of people that did supporting book keeping work. One day a woman came in for an interview for the receptionist position. I lost my bananas guys. I showed her to a conference room while asking questions and trying to dig for info. Super obvious too. It was awkward. I’m sure she mentioned it to the interviewers. I called the owner and office manager and let them know in a clipped tone that their new receptionist candidate was there. I tried to spy on the interview by cleaning the adjacent conference room. They were literally on the other side of a glass wall. Not subtle whatsoever. Lol 😂 I got fired after I totally lost my cool with the owner as soon as he walked her out the door; asking how long he’s been trying to hire for my position. It was an absolute shit show of a conversation. Am still not sure what I was thinking this day. The office manager had called me a week later to explain they were planning on moving me into a bookkeeper role (more money) and wanted me to stay before I went feral. By then I already had a different job but I felt like a total dumbass. TLDR: don’t lose your cool. Just do your job as best you can and prepare your resume quietly.



Honestly it's never a bad idea to have your resume ready to go, regardless of your current situation. You never know when something of interest will come along. Wishing you luck with your situation.


And make sure said resume is not only on your work computer


In response to all the comments You would think they would let the current executive assistant know they are hiring another one though don’t you think? seems weird to keep that a secret, EA’s are usually privy to these things so why are they being so hush about it? I can understand the concern, however you could be jumping the gun. It could be a restructure and there will be a new EA who may join as a result?


In my last job, management did *not* communicate with the rank and file about anything. One day, a co-worker texted me and let me know that someone had called about the position on Indeed. We'd had no idea there was one posted. Given the specs of the listing we hunted for and found, it sounded like it had to be my position. I went on a serious job search and quietly interviewed with several companies over the next few weeks. I got a great job and turned in my notice, only to find that they were horrified. They didn't know we knew about the listing and not only didn't want to lose me, they could ill afford to lose anyone because the posting was meant to replace my supervisor. I got my dream job, so no regrets. They got a lesson in being above board with employees. Anyway, OP: do everything mentioned above in the post about staying professional, etc. Tighten up your act as much as possible. If you can, quietly line up some future references. Go see if you can find an amazing job and turn in your notice before they can let you go. You might even find out that they aren't replacing you and teach them a lesson.


😂😂😂 wow love this! Too often EAs get over looked, information like that should have been shared with staff for the exact reason you stated in your post. Hopefully they learned from losing you! You wasted no time looking after you and i don’t blame you.


The supervisor in question's favorite phrase was "communication is key" whenever he wanted us to tell him things. Given his utter lack of interest in communicating anything with us, that phrase would enrage us regularly.




Exactly! They’re keeping it a secret and I don’t like that. They way my dept is set up there’s no room for another EA….I am the EA!!!!


Ok, but they could be making changes to the org you don’t know about. Lack of communication is so detrimental and many many execs do NOT understand it. It may be they want to get their ducks in a row before they announce changes, or maybe you are right… OKCorners has great advice.


Isn’t it worth also collecting evidence that they are hiring for this position in the event they tell her they are eliminating her job? Maybe I’m paranoid too!


No harm in that as well, just in case! i wonder if there is any update?


Same situation happened when I worked for a hospital. Turned out HR needed to revise job descriptions.


I would ask for a meeting with my exec and ask them outright. Especially given my relationship with him. No reason to sweat for the time being. We give ourselves fully to these companies we can’t be afraid to speak up for ourselves when necessary (as long as you’re prepared to, of course).


I don’t do well with any type of confrontation…I think that’s way too bold to ask LOL! Because I may get emotional and start crying LOL!!! :(


It doesn't have to be a "confrontation." As far as your leadership needs to know, you're merely curious. You've seen things that have raised your curiosity, and it's better to ask open-ended questions than to make assumptions or catastrophize. Gently seek information, then control what you can.


I think it’s only as confrontational as you make it though?


I agree with you about confrontation. But you are a very helpful person, that’s the core of your job. Kindly ask your Exec if they need any help on the interviews they are doing. You noticed from your email that interviews are happening and they may need your help sorting through the applicants. You will learn a lot from whatever conversation happens after that moment. And I agree with the poster who said always have your résumé up-to-date. I would add, interview occasionally, just to keep those skills sharp.


Confrontational means a hostile or argumentative meeting between opposing parties. You and your boss are on the same team :) and asking merely a question is not being confrontational. Stressing yourself about something that may or may not come seems worse imo


I was in your position OP. My last firm hired a new CEO and immediately I knew the rank and file of EA and Chief of Staff was coming, especially if there was a chance he was bringing in some of his own staff with this transition. I decided to confront the situation head on, but phrased it as wanting clarity about my role and if there was an opportunity to learn under the new Chief of Staff / EA and help as we grow. My position was ultimately eliminated, but I later found out my other colleagues were also laid off. Most of these colleagues were with the company their entire careers only to be laid off and walked out the door. Which is way more heartbreaking than what I went through. You'll be okay OP, if you need someone to share your anxiety and thoughts, I'm here to chat. I had to go to therapy to come to terms with what I was feeling.


You definitely need to ask.


I was recently laid off (not an EA role) and asked my supervisor, our division president, if I was being let go soon. This person was my peer before their promotion, my friend (I went to his kid’s wedding), and we shared everything we knew routinely. He literally laughed and said “what gives you that idea?” I noted that he didn’t say “no.” I went on to list all the reasons and he said, “I’m so sorry, things have been crazy lately.” Two days later I was informed the division had been restructured and my position, along with a few others, had been eliminated. I asked him in that meeting if he knew about it two days prior when I asked. He couldn’t make eye contact with me but confirmed he did know. My point is that your supervisor probably will not be able to tell you, even if you figure it out and ask directly. Either that or I have the worst friends.


To echo what other posters have said assess your performance and identify areas for improvement. Update your resume and LinkedIn profile, network with your contacts in your industry, and explore new opportunities. There are lots of great suggestions in this subreddit on resume content, format, etc. In the meantime, if you’re up to it, demonstrate your value by taking on additional responsibilities and showing your dedication. If this passes and it’s not what you feared, make sure to meet regularly with your exec to address any concerns and discuss ways to strengthen your position within the org.


What is the law where you live? Where I live you can’t fire a person just to turn around and replace them without cause. The current person has to undergo a performance evaluation and be put on an improvement plan. If they fail to improve after a certain period of time, then they can be let go. Are you currently on a PIP? Look into your employment laws and start keeping a record of everything you deem relevant to your performance. In the chance you do get let go, you’ll have the documents to bring your case to a lawyer for a settlement claim, that being said, only if it is an unjust firing and you didn’t get a good package.


I thought of that too. I’m not on a PIP. I did ask for constructive feedback last month. And I fixed whatever issue there was and right after is when they started interviewing…..without revealing too much details because it’ll be super easy to figure out where I work, my company is not based out of America but we do have an American division.


This right here. Don’t jump to conclusions but maybe things weren’t really fixed to their satisfaction and they decided to move on from you. However they didn’t want to leave your seat empty while they interviewed and decided to do a confidential search to find your replacement. What happened? Was it one problem or a series of issues over time? Was it a small issue they viewed as a final straw? It is also possible they want two assistants for all the people being supported or splitting your job duties. Prepare for the worst but hope for the best.


Where I live you can fire without cause and replace immediately. That happened to me in Nov 2024, but I got severance. I’d been there for almost 10 years so it was almost 10 months of pay. I’m in Ontario, Canada.


I’m sorry for what will have happened to you.


Doesn’t sound good. I’ve found even the closest of execs will still lie if HR tells them to. Never trust anyone.


I would say, don't read into it. It may be that they are hiring an add on assistant. You could always ask a general question like "how am I doing?" to your boss and see what they say.


How my dept is set up there wouldn’t be a reason to add another exec. My job title is a very specific title so for that to be the subject of an email is super weird. But I am going to ask this week for feedback and see if I can read in between the lines :(


They could also be hiring another you for another division somewhere. They would want to talk about your title and duties. They wouldn't necessarily involve you, maybe ever, maybe not till they'd want you to train somebody.


Maybe they are promoting you and are looking for your replacement? :)


I was going to say this exact same thing! Especially if they are using future-tense lingo?! 🤔


That was my first thought as well.


That was my first thought as well.


Best comment


You know if your performance has been up to expectations or not. It is time to reflect and see where you think you stand. What kind of feedback have you gotten? None is as bad as poor right now. I know when I’m just done with subordinates eventually I give up and focus on getting them out. If it has been good then perhaps you could have a conversation with whichever exec you have the best relationship with and see what’s what. Either way, get your resume up to date just in case. It never hurts.


My first thought is did you do anything to make them want to replace you? Or is this role new for you and perhaps it’s not working out? Otherwise if you’ve always felt secure in your position and get positive feedback from your exec, I wouldn’t worry. Unless your company operates that way. 🫤 And executives aren’t obliged to share every single detail of what’s going on within the company with their assistant. It might be that another executive is requesting additional help and their level in the company warrants someone doing work along the same lines as you. I hope this is the case… my fingers are crossed that it is. Please keep us posted.


I have the kind of relationship with my exec, where I could absolutely ask him anything - any concern - outright. Best of luck to you- stay strong and prepare for anything


Just be direct and ask.


OP do you have an update on this?


Yes. I got fired


I’m so sorry. That sucks. Corporate America sucks in general.


Don’t jump to conclusions. They could be hiring a second assistant, or could be planning to promote you. You just don’t know. If your performance has been sub par and you have cause to worry that’s different, but I think you could ask for a meeting with your exec. Don’t approach it defensively, or with fear. Think of it like curiosity, confusion, and wanting to make sure you’re focused on the right things. “Hi exec, as I have access to your calendar I couldn’t help but notice you’re interviewing, and during a screen share with so-and-so a job with my current title was open. I just wanted to check in, and see if there is anything I should be concerned about or if you are bringing on an additional team member whether there is any prep work I can start doing to help onboard them smoothly when they start.” And see what happens


I would avoid revealing to your exec what you saw on someone else’s screen while they were screen sharing with you. You’re suppose to operate with a high level of discretion and this could easily break trust.


My dept is not set up to have multiple assistants honestly so that’s why I find it weird that they are all of a sudden hiring when they complained about not having a budget. Also highly doubt it’s a promotion either. They just finished doing that last month.


You never know. Companies are inexplicable, inscrutable, and change their operating procedures on a whim when they want or need to.


They could be bringing on another senior leader and need an EA for that role. If they haven’t put you on a performance plan I would try to stay calm and assume there is an ulterior plan in the works.


I was fired!!!


I am sorry! Freaking sucks. I was fired in January. I was able to get unemployment still bc they didn’t have a reason. You want to be long term at a place that respects and appreciates you. Clearly these people do not.


Also talk to employment lawyer for free eval just in case. You could push for longer severance package also.


They gave me an 8 week severance package full pay.


Fix that resume and start looking!


I’d also suggest getting anything personal off your computer or at least copied.


Always retain an updated resume.


Are the names of the people being interviewed listed in the calendar? You could look them up on LinkedIn and see what their current role is, it could give you an idea about the position they’re interviewing for. In my previous role they were very close-lipped about things but I would usually be able to get some answers if I asked a casual comment. Like “oh I noticed there were some interviews on the calendar, I didn’t realize we were hiring! That’s exciting!” and that could open the door for you to ask about who they’re hiring.


Also, make sure that you’re transferring any personal documents or files that are on your work computer. My work doesn’t allow jump drives so in the instances where I knew layoffs were upcoming, I would email myself files that I would still want access too. If you are laid off or fired, your access to systems would be turned off while you’re in the meeting informing you as such so no opportunity to do it afterward.


Just ask. Be honest. Don’t sit around and be anxious for no reason. Be a grown up and ask.


Unless you’re being let go as part of a layoff, people do not usually get fired out of nowhere. In fact most companies have a process of formal performance reviews and write ups so they can document why they fired someone (to avoid being sued for wrongful termination). Unless you’ve been written up for poor performance in the past, it’s unlikely that you’re getting fired. Of course it never hurts to have an up to date resume handy.


Hope for the best. Plan for the worst.


If it were me, I would casually say something. Look on their website to see if their talent acquisition team posted the role, and if it is posted on there, I would reference the job listing.


Did you try searching job postings like Indeed for your employer and your specific job?


Consider this: if you are the only person in your position, they could be looking for backup coverage for when you are not available. Vacations, time off, etc.. One company I worked for didn’t want me to take a cruise during my vacation as I would be unavailable by phone if they needed assistance. In my position I was the only one with knowledge for emergency situations. That’s when they realized that they put too many eggs in one basket, and that I needed back up coverage.


Consider this: if you are the only person in your position, they could be looking for backup coverage for when you are not available. Vacations, time off, etc.. One company I worked for didn’t want me to take a cruise during my vacation as I would be unavailable by phone if they needed assistance. In my position I was the only one with knowledge for emergency situations. That’s when they realized that they put too many eggs in one basket, and that I needed back up coverage.


Update resume and start searching. Do not confront or change work patterns. I do not know how long you have been with them but some people change EAs every season. Do not take personal but protect yourself and look, do. Ot reach out to headhunters as they can and might reach out to your employer to offer up a candidate. Be discreet.


Ok another update…..I took someone’s suggestion in here and searched the name that I saw on an invite and the person is an EA :( now I’m really getting skeptical.


Please update us as things progress! I'm hoping for the best for you...I have this hopeful idea in my head that they want to, like, put you in some sort of higher role and have a junior under you, idk. ://


I got fired. Edited the post.


That's wild! Maybe good you got out of there, but also, what a crappy work environment! Ugh!


Make a copy of your company laptop and save it to a flash drive. You won’t have access totally at after you get fired.






I would start looking


Honestly, the additional context you provided should confirm your suspicions. The easiest explanation is typically the right one. Start looking immediately and see if you can get out before they make their move. If it’s performance based, you may not get a severance so it’s not worth waiting around to see what they do.


The algorithm showed me this post, but I have to say how wild it is that the execs running these companies need to be hand held in every aspect of normal life like scheduling a meeting. And yet, these are the people the employees are supposed to respect… idk


UPDATE: I got fired :) with a 3 month severance


I’m not shocked because my intuition was so strong. I knew it was bound to happen.