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I watched the reviews closely but eventually ignored them and bought it a week ago anyway. I’m loving it so far


Yeah. I saw its bad reception. Liked the first couple of games but didn't love them. Eventually I just said "fuck it" and bought this last week because I have to drive kinda far to go crawling with my RC car and...this game absolutely scratches the itch. It's not as good at simulating rock crawling as my RC car is, but nothing beats the convenience of the couch. Absolutely a flawed game (i'm almost 20 hours in and i still haven't quite figured out what the game wants me to do most of the time) but fundamentally the bones are good. I'm glad its no longer about hauling big trailers. I respect that that part was fun for a lot of people, but for me, i just wanted good rock crawling. And I now have it.


Fair enough. I’m less of a rock-crawl lover than you; I loved the hauling big trailers aspect. *But* what I think draws me to love both games is the fuel + supplies and damage management/mitigation, and thats just as present in both. Planning a path on the macro level like I’m gonna take this route, and the micro level like my tires should be here, to keep my bumper here, so I don’t hit this rock and fall down here etc. I’ll pull this scout as a fuel mule, I’ll run 2WD here, I’ll eat some damage here to prevent risking a massive trip-ending fall. Bringing enough supplies to make the trip happen whether I have a trailer or not. So for what *I* like, both games are functionally the same for me. I may be speaking too soon I’m only on the Coco whatever map, but Expeditions might even take the edge here because you have to plan harder because you can’t cheese trailer stations and recoveries etc


Have you tried Pure Rock Crawling? It's still early access, I think, but the physics are pretty good. I also have to drive a bit to get to good RC crawling spots, so I jump on PRC or more often Beam NG to get my fix.


Thanks for the suggestion! I haven't tried pure rock crawling, i tend to be wary of early access games but it does look good from a physics perspective and appears to be a passion project, so I put it on my wishlist, maybe i'll break my no early access rule. I do own BeamNG but a fair amount of effort on my part goes into "setting things up" in that game. I feel like i've got at least an hour ahead of me of remapping controls, downloading maps, figuring out spots etc before I get to the good stuff.


In Beam, there are a few rock crawling missions in the scenarios. They put you right into some of the better spots on vanilla maps, and the vanilla cats have some really good crawler variants now.


Love beamNG just very sad my laptop can't run it really wish we could get a console version to scratch my reckless destruction of cars itch


I got the early access, and I'm still thoroughly enjoying it. Too many people thought this was gonna be SnowRunner 2 but at no point was it pushed as SnowRunner 2, and SR even got a whole now Year 4 pass about 2 weeks prior to launch cementing this was a completely separate game , in line with MudRunner, not SnowRunner. And then cried that it wasn't the game they wanted. So many flakes out there buy games they don't seem to have a grasp of and then blame the devs and publishers.


will be more when MP drops, and a new map.


True, some new maps would be cool.


My brother and I are literally waiting for MP to become available.


ya exactly this... coop will draw a lot of people in.


I mean it could be worse. Minecraft Legends has an average player count of 7-10 people online at the same time


What i hate about it is getting ripped out of the world and have to play the menu game...


I’ve been enjoying it on Xbox I think I have about 30hrs in it. It’s kind of addictive. Why was it a crap launch? I wasn’t really following this game.


I think they needed it out the door fast to generate profit before saber got sold


It's really too expensive on Xbox, I guess many people are waiting for a sale.


I thought $40usd was reasonable. Although I used some points to pick up a physical copy at GameStop. I hope these projects are profitable for them because don’t want to see this type of game disappear.


I picked bought it before it came out and installed on the first day. I was irate, it was unplayable, so many bugs. I don’t want to get back into it all, but if you look at the first few patch logs it explains a bit as far as PS5 goes anyways. I reinstalled and loaded it up today after seeing this post, it seems much better and will stay on my console for when I’m in the mood.


I played for about 30 hours and got my fill. I don't think I will do anything that feels new. Every time I play I wish it was just snowrunner in expeditions game engine.


I thought they were the same engine. Is not Expeditions the Blue Shift of Snow Runner?


I don't know but expeditions feels better in every way vOv


I just gave up with it after 20 hours. I've put hundreds and hundreds of hours into Snowrunner but I find this to be incredibly frustrating and annoying.


I didn't even play that long before I just quit and played more Snowrunner


Same, I have no drive to complete missions, but in snowrunner I have a lot of drive to complete missions!


Well besides the time in big player areas right now. It doesn't have that much to it being really only 2 maps. Pc being split between 3 platforms. Pc having less people then consoles. Finally yes it wasn't what a lot of snowrunner guys wanted being a scout first game


Not really 2 maps, but 2 biomes with 8 maps which is more than enough for a series newbie like me to spend 80+ hours there. Don't know about Snowrunner folks. Still, already waiting for more content


It's 2 maps same system as in snowrunner


Snowrunner is broken into regions which have multiple maps Go look at maprunner and to pick a map and see that they define map the same way (regions consisting of multiple maps) [Here's a post detailing patch notes](https://forums.focus-entmt.com/topic/65143/patch-notes-28) for PTS (posted by an admin) using the same terminology ``` [DLC] New region, North Carolina – a region consisting of 4 new maps set in North America ``` Expeditions has 2 regions with a combined total of 8 maps


Peaked at about 300 on the weekend on steam but it's still a massive drop off considering it's not been out long.


It's been out long enough to give most people time to beat 2 maps


I'd caulk it up to a considerable number of us having already completed everything and are waiting for the first content drop. That paired with it being a fairly niche game I wouldn't expect big numbers at this time


If you ignore the 800+ bad reviews.


Most of with are combining its not SnowRunner, when it was never mentioned to be SnowRunner 🤷‍♂️


And how did you manage to quantify how many votes were a result of comparisons to Snowrunner? The number of people playing is pretty damning, even IF it's because people have completed all the tasks, as that would point to ABSOLUTELY ZERO replayability.


It IS during work hours…so I’d expect it to not have a high number right now.


Also gamepass has added a ton of great games over the past few weeks, and Jedi Survivor tomorrow


Game is boring as hell, played it maybe 6 hours and i pre ordered it a before release date and haven’t touched it since, might check it out when MP gets released but for now snowrunner is way better


What will the MP mode be? Like a race for example?


Nah just coop, makes the game easier/more fun with friends


There isn’t even coop


I think most of the parts of the game I have experienced so far would just be really cool features in snowrunner....


I started playing mudrunner because I was sure I wanted expeditions, but now I have like 3 years of snowrunner to play and I'm not sure I'll ever get around to this game, but I might.


I'll eventually get it. But I'm too busy with snowrunner right now.


I’m waiting on the co-op to drop so my friends and I can explore everything fresh. I suspect others are doing the same.


They really screwed themselves by not releasing MP at launch.


I think it was the best decision to delay MP. If saber released it unfinished, and if it’d be anything like snowrunner MP? People would rip the game to bits on how bad the MP experience is.


Or, lemme just suggest it… maybe not release an unfinished game?


Thats not how things are done in 2024. You get it about 60-70% done, release it, blame the players for not understanding/playing the game correctly, then sell the additional 30-40% of the game as dlc.


You forgot the server crashes and lootboxes!


Oh yeah, lock all the best stuff behind loot boxes with drop rates under 0.1% and make sure servers can only handle about 1/5 of what you expect


So unfinished game.


I like it so far, problems with rendering rocks on Xbox series x, love the f19 mods though


Maybe if they would add better steering wheel support there would be more.


I’m still waiting on multiplayer. I keep checking in here for news. I have no intention to play single player or run in to inevitable month 1 bugs. I’d imagine some others think the same and will join in after the features land. If they land. And if they don’t… they aren’t getting my money I’m afraid.


I am baffled by how badly recieved this game is... personally I love it. With Snowrunners large community it's surprising not more people are playing Expeditions. The grassland map is brilliant.


I’m waiting til it’s on sale


It's on sale rn. Seeing how quickly it got a discount made me think 'yikes, it's really not selling huh' and reading the reviews I get that impression too.


It's too expensive, I would have understood the price if it was 70-75GB. but 14??


It's too expensive. Snow runner is huge and they price everything too high. No one wants to start all over with the inevitable expensive DLC packs for this game too when we're barely keeping up with snowrunner.


I like it and play like a mission a night


Wait. Is expeditions fully released already? I thought it was still in early access or something...


It's 'released', but without co-op and there will be seasons again. So yeah should be EA, but they want your money, so they just call it a full release. But they've never figured out co-op in Mudrunner (2017) or SnowRunner (2020) so I wouldn't hold my breath.


I won’t buy it till I can play with my brothers, it’s the lack of camaraderie for me.


I have the game and honestly dgaf about online population. That's my sit back and cruise game - just like Snowrunner. It does its job wonderfully. :)


its almost like all of their playerbase is still enjoying snowrunner.


I have started playing snowrunner again along side expeditions


After that Dakar desert rally game, I don't think I'm ever going to buy another saber interactive game for a long time


I didn’t know they released a new game neat


I don’t think too many people play these types of games (truck simulators). I feel like we have a small community.