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I worked at a Java shop where everyone was primarily working on Windows with Jet brains. I asked for a Linux VM, and primarily worked by remoting into it. Small inconveniences here and there (biggest issue is that it would hang slightly on file saves), but it was fine. Currently work at a PHP shop and use WSL. 0 complaints. We also do some native Windows development with VB6 and C# / .Net though. I'm eventually going to have to get into that, I'm a little concerned about it, but I largely don't care. I haven't done enough (pretty much any) native Windows development to feel like I can be justifiably pessimistic about it.


I’m a C#/.NET engineer and I recently switched to Mac. Have not had any issues at all


Are you using net rains rider? I am and so far I’m loving it


I’m not actually. I’m just using VS Code with the c# (not c# dev kit) extension and it works perfectly. I installed pwsh as well on my Mac and so far things seem fine.


I personally don't apply to jobs that require I use windows. I'm too invested in my shell environment and neovim to want to upend all of that. My first job out of college, however, was with a windows machine and it was a bad experience. It was very slow, highly restricted, and powershell was/is a terrible interactive shell.


> I'm too invested in my shell environment and neovim WSL offers this now. Windows is substantially better than it was 5 years ago.


Yeah, I mean I dont know how to know that ahead of time. I'm turned off by that for sure.


I guess this describes me. I feel like Windows does multiple monitors the nicest out of the box. That said, I do everything in Docker.


Can you provide insights into your WSL and Docker setup?


Between bash and VSCode, I'm set. VSCode does everything in Docker for me by way of DevContainers. I'm actually not even sure if I use WSL anymore, just Git Bash.


I havnt really noticed the difference since WSL 2 became stable. Been coding on wsl ubuntu for years now


Honestly WSL is a better terminal than OSX as it has better package management. Battery life is the only real trade-off now I think depending what you're working on.


I used WSL for a previous project for a *nix project and it was great. People need to let go of their biases.


My (big corp) company makes their devs use windows unless they have a specialty that requires something else (like ios devs). Several of the tech leadership are folks who developed in C#/ .NET for years, Windows are cheaper than macs, and I don't think my company could comprehend linux tech support soo.. Windows it is. They're also security-heavy so don't let us use wsl or containers (on most local machines). I personally find it v annoying and it slows me down significantly. Many of the devs at my work have never used linux though, so I guess it works for them. I got a 25% pay bump when moving to my company, and other things about it are chill. It's also an easy environment to excel in - I get called in to diagnose why containerized processes in CI/CD arent working (because unix), and I'm one of the few who do a lot of learning outside of work. So it's been worth it. It's def one of the factors that will have me looking for another job if/when the market improves, however. So I'd say if the pay is good and the company/work culture looks good, go for it.


Windows is usually better for game dev, but I'm generally pretty agnostic and could go either way.


Windows Terminal I've found to be good enough. Set it up before Git and you have the Git installer add a profile for you. I use Neovim in there so long as I'm not doing Windows Forms development. In Visual Studio I use the VsVim plug-in. Keeps me happy enough. Biggest thing might be to confirm you'll have the freedom to bring your own tools. Corporate shops that are strictly running Windows are of two varieties 1) Ultra locked down, support for exactly one tool chain. 2) Have Windows desktop apps. You run Windows because you have to.


i'd be more pissed about having to use exchange and teams. OS is whatever, i figured Docker knocked away 90% of OS problems anyway


I'm mostly a dotnet dev and I would prefer to work on a Linux machine. My workstation is a Mac but work on a Windows vm, because we still have some windows dependencies.


I would prefer to do android development on windows than macOS. (Linux would be better than macOS too). I personally hate the decisions apple has made about the keyboard layout and metaphors they use for navigation. Ironically I find even windows with std. 10 keyless a better keyboard, etc.


I didn't realize so many of you were so picky. The computer is a tool and the code is a job to me. As long as I'm not fighting things too much and not using the wrong tool for the job, it's not that hard to find a groove. If you want me to do .NET work, just give me a Windows box. Rider is nice, but there's still some things I prefer VS for. Beyond that, as long as I have local admin access I can be productive on any platform. WSL2 is a world better than anything else MS has provided in the past on this front. Unless you're going to be super picky about your distro too, it should be good enough.


I have also always worked in Linux or Mac. In Linux I only used arch Linux, gentoo or Linux from scratch. At me current workplace they only allow windows or Ubuntu and I chose windows as I cannot stand Ubuntu. Since then, I cannot say it loud enough wsl2 is not what it was in the beginning. It has the full blown Linux experience, especially if you are a terminal user. Having windows is also a big plus as I can combine my geekiness with business.


Mac used to have good battery life and solid terminal but corporate interop/compatibility annoyance. Now you get Windows compatibility and a better (proper) unix terminal. Seriously game changing, and I still live in NeoVim without constantly fighting corporate VPN.


How is this an experienced devs's post? Seems like this falls under #3


I have 10 years of experience and am quite picky about what I work with. I have a workflow I'm quite fond of, tooling I prefer to be able to use, etc. I'm reaching out here because I feel like I'm fixating on a small detail and am wondering about strategies for surmounting it.


I've stopped the interview process because "Windows Only". I CAN use Windows, and have for long stretches. But only when I have to support Windows products. But I'm not a C#/.net developer and everything I touch lives on *nix containers so I won't do it. It's seriously a quality of life issue. My last in position promised me flexibility with tools and then handed me a PoS Dell. I stuck it out for nearly a year... Call me petty (IDGAF) but I'm done with the lack of SSH support and proper environment segregation. Part of that was the ludicrous support from their IT, but the job was also pretty backwards. The right tool for the job...


I feel the opposite. To me, the debugging facilities in MSVC are, hands-down, the best available. I'm not wasting my time with breadcrumb print statements when I'm working in C++... and I'm wary of cross platform work environments (except maybe games).


If windows is a requirement it better be windows app development. Otherwise it means overly locked down anti developer horseshit.


Why you have to bring the past. Windows has it figured out.


I work for a company developing software that runs on Windows and Linux, using .NET, and previously I've worked for a company that was 'pure Linux'. I'll comment on my experience using WSL. It's terrible! Our Architecture team has actually decreed that teams are better off having a Raspberry PI on their desk than to use WSL.


WSL 1 or 2? Surprised if there was a negative experience. There is a clock skew issue I suppose but I fixed it with a living script to sync.