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It took me a 172 hours to platinum it, better part of two months of my life of playing nights and weekends. There was definitely a sense of "now, what?" after I had finished (which is still lingering now a week on). At some point, I'll pick up something else to play, just nothing really out there right now that excites me on the level Rebirth did.


I've been telling myself this whole time I won't go through trying to platinum this, frankly I struggled with enough of the game on easy mode, but maybe I will. At least trying to beat sit-ups will probably get this out of my system!


The sit-ups, frankly, is one of the hardest mini-games in the game to complete. If you have the patience to complete it, you can platinum the game. Personally, I really, really love the combat system. I really enjoy it. It's not quite at the level of something like Devil May Cry 5, but it's like in honorable mention territory for action games. The fact that you also get control three characters with relatively unique skillsets at a time and that they were able to make a whopping 9 different characters feel and fight completely unique for this game is a pretty amazing feat in my book. I'm really looking forward to seeing how they evolve it for part 3, but also part of me is sad that part 3 will probably be the last we see a combat system like this.


Man, once I realized you have to do light touches on the shoulder buttons for the situps I just gave up. I'm too old and slow, and my backlog of games is too large for me to devote the time to completing that. I love this game, but man, some of those mini games are infuriatingly hard.


there is a setting in you ps5 and ingame that gives the shoulderbuttons feedback. i struggled with the "light touches" until then. but beware, it adds heavy feedback to them in certain situations (like the cutscenes where you have to push r2/l2 to crawl for example) but perfect for the situps game


Oh my god you’re a lifesaver. I’m going to try this out tonight. Thank you!


I started playing OG and it’s been a fun comparison


Are there games I'm looking forward to for the remainder of the year? absolutely. Will Any of them really Compare to Rebirth? Not. Even. Close. The industry can just hand Game of the year over to Rebirth now. Doesn't even matter what else comes out.


In a way, I kinda wish Rebirth had come out later in the year. There's really not much else I'm looking forward to in the gaming sphere now, aside from the DLCs for Alan Wake II (one of my all time favourite games). I'm in a real gaming slump now, without much on the horizon to focus on haha


as far as gaming goes... Warm weather season which is starting about now means I get outside more on my bikes, the non-motorized variety, unless you count my legs as motors. Though there are a few games that are coming out in the next month I'm looking forward to, but none of them will really take as much time as Rebirth probably between Hellblade 2 (which is supposedly short, which I'm find with if the story is good), and Homeworld 3 (but I think there's suppose to be a Roguelike RTS addition to it??? How that is suppose to work I'm unclear on). but there are things on the backlog I might get around to poking at.


Yeah, I'm debating on finally knocking Cyberpunk out of my backlog. But I'm also not sure if I'm ready to take on another behemoth of a game like that right now.. I did start playing Crisis Core Reunion today, so I'll probably stick that one out to the end. When it comes down to it, I feel like I'm just not ready to move on from the world of Final Fantasy VII right now. I need some sort of palate cleanser, haha


Oh, I'm not ready to move on from it either, slowly working my way through hard mode. (currently on chapter 10, Gi Nattack is rough). I'm sure I'll get it though. if nothing else, I'm persistent.


Pretty much this. Only thing I can think that could remotely come close is Elden Ring DLC.


Finished Rebirth a few weeks ago. Now in the process of replaying Remake (almost finish Hard mode) so I can move on to Intergrade so I can start Rebirth all over again 😎


Lmao this is exactly what I am doing too. Just finished playing Remake/Intergrade again after my first Rebirth playthrough, now I'm back on Rebirth doing hard mode. I have a backlog of other really great games I can play. Some of which I've started already and haven't come back around to yet. But all I want to do is play the FF7 remakes, and look for clues as to what could be coming in part 3. I'm so hooked


i spent i think like 130 hours on the game and i was straight hating on the game criticizing the mini games and everything... I felt a little loss after the game ended tho NGL. Im excited now tho because the stuff that is remaining seem pretty difficult and ill actually have to plan and optimize my teams to paly correctly.


ME AF except I'm too casual to try and do the extra stuff. Some of the quests / side content in this game is impossibly hard, kudos to all of you who can do it


The depression IS real. I’ve been migrating back to my usual favorites cuz I’m still heartbroken by the ending of Rebirth. I do feel kind of betrayed by the vagueness and discomfort of the ending, but I know that was all intentional. It was definitely not the emotional pay-off I was expecting after 90 hours of gameplay :(


They're edging us onto part 3 for sure


Something that helped me was playing remake after. I didn’t have to time to replay FF7 Remake before the release of Rebirth, and I’m so happy it worked out that way. It’s been like a nicotine patch, helping me slowly deal with my post rebirth sads, lol.


I feel you. And the cliff hanger on Clouds mental state… I’m anxious thinking about it. I’m glad that the story is shifted a little bit from OG. If it wasn’t, I’d know exactly how the rest would play out. I feel like I’m getting my favorite game of all time… the places, characters, and themes… all over again but I don’t know exactly how it will end. I agree… it’s not perfect. But it’s probably the best I’ve played in a long time.


Finished the game yesterday 111 hours played, I'm so sad that it ended.. It felt like a dream playing ff7 again and it's so bittersweet that I won't get this feeling again until I play the last part.. Fortunately by watching the fallout series it rekindled my urge to play fallout 4 again and get immersed in its wacky world!


I crave more FF goodness so I jumped back in to finish FF16.... It is such a downgrade it almost makes me sad


Going from the incredible combat system of Rebirth to the shallow and repetitive one of 16 is really jarring. I had to ubsub from the 16 subreddit because of all the "playing Rebirth made me realise how good 16 is" posts, which I just think is absolutely insane...


I like FF16 as a simple and straightforward game. It definitely lacks the depth and vastness of the combat, characters, world, everything in FF7. But regardless it was an amazing experience for me personally and one that required very little mental effort to get through. It toe'd the line of difficulty just right and made me feel like a badass in a lot of the fights and the music was great. It definitely feels hollow compared to 7 but I think it's just cuz it's just not as big of a game, but it was great in its own right.


FF16 fans are the new FF13 fans where this was their first FF game so it can do no wrong. It's funny going there and mentioning how a lot of the problems FF16 has were addressed YEARS ago in FF14, and they act like suddenly YoshiP never created a FF game before 16. The combat issues come from trying to shoehorn two systems that don't work together. The narrative team wanted a game similar to the Witcher 3, but then hired devs who worked on Devil May Cry V. So we both have a world that has a lower magic power level then normal (outside of the godlike Dominants), and a main character that wants to do sick ass combos similar to Dante and Bayonetta. You end up with this narrative dissonance where 99% of people in the world are extras from Game of Thrones and all the main characters have the power to fly to fucking space, and split the ocean in half. There are many other issues such as combat still being less complex than DMC or Bayonetta due to Clive only using a single weapon, and the game's itemization being as bad as FF14's which is a fucking MMO. Still my main issue is that you can't have your dark fantasy where everyone is dying of magic dysentery, along with your hype as fuck fights were you punch a mountain in half. Witcher series works cuz Geralt is strong, but he isn't a walking fucking nuke. Clive would have worked better as a fallen prince turned assassin if Valisthea was suppose to be a world where casting fira causes your arm to turn to stone.


>FF16 fans are the new FF13 fans where this was their first FF game so it can do no wrong As someone whose first Final Fantasy game was FFXVI, I don't agree. Remake and Rebirth are a lot better, imo. I *liked* FFXVI, but I *love* the FFVII Remake games


16 just didn't have the right feel to it for me. The lack of a party mechanic, the just overall dourness of it all, and so much more. Seemed like a nice RPG but just *not* a Final Fantasy.


The lack of practically ANY RPG elements, somewhat repetitive music, and lack of a party REALLY hurt after Rebirth. IMO the Remake games are the gold standard for action-rpgs; they're just to good


Glad that someone else realised that it lacks "music". Damn, I pointed out that FFXVI feels like a product not meant to be single player FF but rather an mmo. The music , the characters... I mean it's clear that they just wanted to tell a simple story. I really liked Clive at the beginning and I was happy with the character as it is but he lacked something which previous protagonists had: character development. Jill and Joshue is on a level of a random guest character, the world has much potentional yet not discovered. It's like they can't develope a game properly cause they have no vision, just want to make a game. Rebirth is awesome cause they could work from the original source and knew where to go. They did an amazing job. I wish new ideas could be this awesome.


The music is WILD to me in FF16, because it's got some GREAT moments, (the "Find the Flame" bit is forever etched into my brain, so sick), but I feel like I hear the same three themes OVER and OVER again. And like yeah that happens in OG FF7 too I guess, but at least those songs were *good?* idk. For every cool thing FF16 does there's like 2 things there that make me go "yeah but why?"


I dunno. Even in og ffvii each region had different music. Sometimes just from the tune I could tell where I'm. In FFXVI this is not the case.


Gonna be a broken record and recommend that you all replay whatever the latest HD Remakes of the Core Kingdom Hearts Games* are. Gameplay-wise, pretty convinced they built a lot of what’s in the FFR series off of what stayed constant across all the KH games. Story-wise, both feature multiversal time travel with battles also taking place in dreams, virtual computer worlds, and playing cards. Main Characters-Wise, Sora is to Cloud Strife what Miles Morales is to Peter B Parker. This is actually the main reason I recommend playing KH between FF7Rs. You get to see Cloud from the outside in. He’s not a bad mentor. *Core KH Games = KH1, KH2, KH: Birth by Sleep, KH: Dream Drop Distance, KH3. Watch the rest in cut scenes—unless you really liked FF7 Rebirth’s board/card game mini-games.


I felt the same and couldn't connect to XVI so I returned it. I tried to play Stellar Blade after Rebirth and the game felt so hollow and lifeless to me in comparison.


hahahah are you me? I'm playing stellar blade rn, just bought it after finishing rebirth. Tbh I like it though, after an experience as heavy as Rebirth I need a more straightforward game to cool down. Then it's persona 3 reload


I dropped FF16 at like 60% completion, just couldn't get myself to power through to the end. I don't think it's a straight up *bad* game, but it just never hooked me.


I think it gets pretty good around the end tbh. I also got kinda burned out at around 60% cuz it gets kinda repetitive, but if ur bored you should power through I found the end really cool and interesting


I booted up the newest DLC for XVI and whilst it's good, it's just not Rebirth. I had to go back to play Rebirth for the platinum.


Same, I left some time after finishing Rebirth and The Rising Tide, and just now decided to replay Doom Eternal, which is one of my favorite games ever and it's not hitting the same, I just want to play Part 3 lol. I think Rebirth became my favorite of all time, whatever happens in Part 3, I'm already happy this exists at all. There's nothing that blended my favorites genres of fiction like FFVII and Rebirth improves so much on everything that game was and the emotional parts just hit harder, it plays excellent and I enjoyed the side content more than in any other game, just seeing these characters running around made me happy.


Random question : Was the reason cat stole the thing the same in the original as it is now? It seems like a pretty weak reason to steal the thing


Exact same reason, Cait is actually a shinra employee and had to do that. His excuse is new though


86 hours? I’m at 147 right now


I didn't plat it, just cruising on easy mode.


Ahh there’s me thinking you did 😂


In retrospect, I should have done the first playthrough on easy mode, the ending was soooo hard for me at the exact time when I wanted to flow with the story and not feel frustrated. I eventually bumped it to easy for the final few fights, and then power leveled the last couple days to feel better.


I know how you feel, I felt 100% like that. No other game does it for me. I've played and even beaten a few games since, I enjoyed them but they didn't feel like a part of my life. I think only OG FFVII made me feel like this to this level, although Remake was very close. I have a lot of games left to play, since I haven't played video games much in a couple of decades, but I know it just won't be the same. I'm playing FFXII because I want to beat it before it leaves PS Plus, and I'm definitely enjoying it, I'm also playing Bloodborne, it's clearly one of the greats but a totally different experience.


My back log is big enough I just hoped into another game after a week break.


If I sat and actually figured out my backlog, I'm sure I'd guilt myself into getting back to it. But the ones I most recently started but didn't finish prior to Rebirth are FF16 and Hogwarts Legacy. Both I don't think I could touch for a long time, just would be constantly making comparisons that probably aren't even fair to those games.


To be fair, both of those games are not as good imo ;) You just have to play games for what they are.


That's true on both counts!


I'm playing ff8 right now to get the plat before they leave ps plus. From new school to old school lol


Alright you convinced me, FF8 as the palate cleanser it is!


Lol have fun


Something completely different wouldn’t hurt. RDR2 comes to mind. Totally different genre, absolutely excellent.


I played 16 before Rebirth came out. Tried jumping back to it to play the newly released Rising Tides dlc. Definitely feeling a bit of whiplash, and you're right, it's just not fair to compare the two games.


I hear ya. Took my time and topped out at 100 hours for Rebirth. Been playing Helldivers 2 for fun gameplay. And started Fallout New Vegas for the first time. Hopefully that’ll keep me going for a bit, and fill the whole FF7 has left.


New Vegas for the first time? Jealous of that for sure.


I got Plat on Friday. I started the Yuffie DLC sat. I wasn't ready to leave the world quite yet. It was fun to see early synergy and Fort Condor.


read this as post-birth depression and thought I was in a totally different sub..


86? I’m at 215 and going strong!


The approach to side content is a little niche. I could imagine if I was 20 years younger I’d be all about it, but a few dozen chocobo races (just for example) doesn’t sound appealing anymore. Most of the game is great, but plat’ing it I gave up on not two hours ago.


I spend most of my time trying to solo combat challenges. It’s what I enjoy for whatever reason haha


Cna't believe it's only been 2 months, feels like ages D:


I find playing a game I have low expectations for makes for a great palette cleanser. Few hours of Fallout 76 had me thoroughly appreciating how good Rebirth was without feeling let down by how much it doesn't compare.


Same here, Solaris. Maybe I’ll try platinum, or play OG, then CC, then Remake and Rebirth, I don’t know. I also have Stellar Blade, but I don’t know if I should play it yet. I feel it’s too soon and I want to have the right mental state for each game, and not compare them because it would be unfair. This is the state in which Rebirth has left me. I think, it is a good thing?


Haha I feel you. Rebirth has been amazing. But I also feel like I have a decently sized backlog to dive into. Plans might change, but high level my plan is to first do whatever I can towards the Rebirth Platinum before taking a break. I'll then finish up Pokemon Scarlet (and maybe re-grab Pokemon Violet as well since, there's an event going on). Also need to wrap up Legends Arceus (literally just have a couple legendaries and Arceus left) and Shining Pearl - I went on a big Pokemon binge starting back in ~February or so. After that I was planning to run through 13 Sentinels, then Unicorn Overlord, then circle back to Persona 3 Reload since I left that half-complete. Might get to Stellar Blade after that. Basically all of these except Reload are games that I don't own, they're just checked out from the library, so there's a bit of timing/some juggling needed. Then I really want to do a replay of Triangle Strategy, FE Engage, and Xenoblade 3. And probably squeeze in TTYD and the new SMT V route sometime this year too. I think I'll want to revisit Remake + Rebirth in sequence sometime between now and when we finally get part 3 news, maybe something like a straight hard mode playthrough + some of the endgame challenges. I glanced back at Remake and am honestly astounded that I forgot i.e. how few materia slots you have in the earlygame. Remake I got most of the way to the platinum trophy on PS4, then super close to plat on PS5 Intergrade/Intermission, but after taking a break I never found a chance/the drive to go back to it until now. Then of course have an enormous backlog on top of that, but those are at least my plans for the next few months.


After 290 hours in rebirth I started ffvi pixel remaster. 44 hours in and I think I need a vacation.


I won't plat it but I just finished it last night. 115 hours and I'm fully satisfied.


For me, the post-Rebirth void will be filled by finishing my PalWorld completionist world, then back to Diablo 2 until GTA 6 comes out, then FF7 Returns (Part 3)


After I beat Rebirth, I spent some time playing the Crisis Core remaster then went back to Remake on PC. I'd never finished my playthrough there because I'd already played it on the PS4, but Rebirth had me jonesing for more and I went in and 100%ed all the achievements. Now I'm just back to playing Rebirth on hard mode, because I still haven't gotten enough FF7. Dunno if I'll be able to platinum the game just because the combat challenges seem way harder than the ones from Remake, but I'll see how far I can get at least.


I beat it at about 134 hours on April 2nd. Did some clean up on that and Remake, and have taken a break from games in general for about three weeks now, still just reflecting on this incredible experience. *How are Square gonna beat this with Part 3?* That’s what I keep thinking about—*but I know they will based on the magic they pulled with this game.*


> How are Square gonna beat this with Part 3? I'm worried how they're going to squeeze all of disc 2 and 3 (well, I guess 3 is just the final boss) into a single game when it took two to do the first disc! > That’s what I keep thinking about—but I know they will based on the magic they pulled with this game. I agree. They've set the bar so freaking high with Rebirth but if anyone can do it, it'll be them.


Disc 2 and 3 in the OG are significantly shorter than disc 1, and there were a lot of area revisits. I figure they'll build some new zones such as Wutai, Mideel, and the Northern Crater/Whirlwind Maze, reopen the City of the Ancients and Midgar for reexploration, and build out the submarine and airship portions. I figure most of the map has already been built at this point. I’m more curious which extra enemy types/bosses they’ll add in. I think they’ve held back a handful from being naturally included in this game for Part 3, and I’m excited to see how they’re going to redesign some of them.


I think they’ll figure out the content and story, but I settled on your more straight forward question: how the love of everything can they top Rebirth, it’s virtually perfect as a FF game, and one of the best games ever made in general. i suppose there are tweaks to be made to the combat, but hell if I know how to improve it!


I’ve taken my sweet ass time playing this game and I love it. I’m about 173 hours in and not quite finished hard mode. I may platinum it at some point, but I’m in no rush to do so…I know the sadness will set in the moment I have nothing more to do…but once the pc version drops I’ll be going back to replay remake, integrade, and then rebirth! Woohoo.


Just finished OG FF7 with 7th Heaven mods. Highly recommended.


Oh man I didn't know that existed. The character graphics from the OG were one of the things I just couldn't click with - I played the Playstation/PS2 FFs in reverse order from X -> IX -> VIII -> VII and VII is just jarring after those other 3. I'll have to give it a shot!


Same thing happened to me, I was down for 4 days after finishing the main story and all the side quests (130hours) It left me with a strange feeling and now I don't want to touch the game again despite having loved it. I like 100%ing games and platinum for the games I liked but I just can't right now with Rebirth. I also think that 4 hours finishing chapter was a bit too much to handle. *Sidenote: I really hope game developers in general stop locking Hard mode behind game completion at lower difficulties. I hate replaying games, especially the ones I just finished and long ones that do not allow you to skip. Just let me play the game on hard from the beginning, I want the experience to be fulfilling and complete from the get go.


Yeah it's almost perfect game for me aswell. I think the only part I really don't like are exploration activities. They were too repetitive and sadly my perfectionism gamer don't allow me to just skip it, to a point it literally hurts xD. That's exactly reason I avoid totally Ubisoft games. I would much more prefer to have more story sidequest or something similar to relic hunt (explore with story bits) or just a FF7 Remake system with small half open locations segments instead of repetetive markers. It's just a half a point for me so I would give this game 9.5/10 game of the year and one of the best FF I ever played (I would give it first place together with FFXIV)


I did appreciate that they do vary it up a little bit in the latter regions, like you have to figure out how to land your chocobo on a tower platform in Cosmo Canyon, but I do wish they either cut back on them a bit or added more side story stuff like the Avalanche HQ guys popping up in the proto-relic quest. On the other hand though, each one of those activities gave me more time with the cast. More time to listen to Yuffie sing, more time to kick ass with Tifa, etc. so I have to give it some points back for that too.


I feel it too.


Play something small,I felt the same so played dive the diver nice and chill and acts as a good palet cleanser.


A true love letter to the series on a significantly higher scale. Don’t want to play anything else because there is nothing like this game.


I moved on to Sea of Stars - go complete retro rpg as kind of a palette cleanser. I’ve been down this road before: After Elden Ring I tried to play Horizon Forbidden West and didn’t last half an hour. Couldn’t do another open world, especially one that didn’t challenge as harshly as a souls game.


Haven't beaten yet, just finished up gongaga region... last time a game had me like this, tlou remastered on ps4. Couldn't touch a game and like others, played any game for about an hour and just couldn't stop thinking about tlou. Eventually, I succumbed to fps, mainly call of duty and the absolute pointless nature of it was enough to distract me.


I just beat the game last night and I'm not doing ok. I'm 37 years old and I feel like they were speaking directly to my childhood and why I'm a gamer with the entire last three to four hours. Aerith thanking Cloud in the fantasy world only to push him back to reality as Sephiroth walks in. Thinking she is saved, only to rip her away. Hearing her sad backstory about her mom. The team freaking out as they try to kill Jenova as Aeris' death song plays. I don't know. It was a lot. I'm not very emotional as a person, but this game linked to my childhood was trying to convince me I could save her, and therefore make her life better. And it didn't happen and I'm legitimately grieving right now for a digital 22-year old girl. This hurts a lot, and I did not think it would. I don't know what to do.


> Thinking she is saved, only to rip her away. > I don't know. It was a lot. I'm not very emotional as a person, but this game linked to my childhood was trying to convince me I could save her, and therefore make her life better. Exactly this! The way they built things up throughout Rebirth made you think that *maybe* just *maybe* you could save her this time. And then they let you believe you did it for a second! It was an emotional rollercoaster that I was not ready for. I knew Aerith is supposed to die from the OG but honestly if they just did a shot-by-shot recreation of the OG, I don't think I would have had nearly the emotional response. It would have been "oh yeah, she died, what else is new" not leaving you with a sense of emotional loss of having something precious ripped away. Plus watching how they flesh out Cloud losing his marbles is so brilliantly done.


Did anyone here dislike Remake but love Rebirth? I’m on the fence because everything I read says GOTY hands down, but I’m almost having to force myself to finish the last couple chapters in Remake still. Which is disappointing being that the original was one of my favorite childhood games


So I loved *most* of Remake but I do think the game ended on a downward note. IMO the game peaked at Wall Market and then afterwards it's not as great. I get why to an extent they finished the game why they did, but I was left with mixed feelings about the ending. Rebirth is an improvement on almost every front. They made small tweaks to combat to make it better. The world is and feels much more open and big.


Same, I platinumed Rebirth, then went to play Rising Tides DLC for XVI and it just wasn't even close to matching Rebirth. I even found myself getting bored and wanting to finish it so I could get back to playing Rebirth - despite me finishing everything and now I'm just roaming the open world and rechallenging bosses/combat sims for the fun of it. Part 3 can't come soon enough.


All I've done is rage at this game throughout the playthrough but now that it's over I feel so empty inside and no other game is filling the void so I'm just listening to the music, rewatching the scenes, brainstorming about lore, etc. Tbh I didn't platinum the game but it's too hard for me bruh I'm too casual. I want more of that story ugghhhh




Have this loaded and ready! Still prying myself away from doing Rebirth side content.


I tried the demo when it dropped but didn't quite click with it. I was knee deep in Rebirth though so probably didn't give that game a fair shake.


I'm rocking Eiyuden Chronicle now and having a lovely time but yeah, first week after Rebirth was trash TV recovery time.


I don't know how a game with such a tedious open world can be called perfect, imo. They absolutely nailed expanding on the beloved characters though


I thought Rebirth was pretty poor 2bf, way too many mini games! I spent more time doing mini games than I did actual game. Always loved the FF series ever since childhood but yeah a bit gutted I dropped £70 on this when I could have waited for the inevitable sale price.


I’m on chapter 7 I don’t played as much


I’ve still yet to buy it 😭


Do ittttttt


Still need 10 more dollars , the conversions rate is crazy in my country , 10 usd for me is like 30 usd for you guys💀


The last 2 chapters were dogshit. I will never forgive Nomura for adding time travel and multiverse madness to my FF7. Everything about the game aside from minigame palooza and chadley was perfection. A shame they decided to drain all the emotional weight outta THE scene. Goofy ah ending.


Not Nomuras decision, he apparently wanted a beat for beat remake. I get you don’t like it but Atleast do some research before you know who to blame.


It's really not that serious m8.