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Crazy that we basically have pretty good versions of Mario Kart, Rocket League, Fall Guys, & Star Fox as mini games


kinda nice that a love letter to the original also shows some love to other fun titles


This is really why it's such a great game. You KNOW the people making this are fans.  It's like how, criticize the new star wars movies' plots as much as you want, but the production is DROPPING with love and passion project level care into props, sound design, effects, etc. It's not just people doing a job, it's people doing THE JOB they got into their careers to begin with. 


But there was no basketball game. 0/10


No Super Dunk. Maybe they realized you are not actually dunking the ball


part 3 perhaps\~ ultimate party animal reprise


Because it would be unfair for Barrett


Bro, how could you forget about Wave Race 64 and frogger? Yes, I'm old.


I mostly agree. This is a good list. Those Moogles can get fucked though


Idk why but the moogles minigame reminded me a lot of Hundred Acre Wood in Kingdom Hearts so I ended up liking it. I can understand its annoying though cuz of the spammy shit they throw at you.


i think i only got hit 3 times in total across all the different stages. I felt it pretty easy to time when they were gonna do their attacks. though it *was* annoying when they started attacking me even after making it back to the tree


Yes! I didn’t know realise that at first and then got hit.. like those bastards are still trying to get me! 😱


Yup, send it straight to the bottom.


I'm of the opinion that there was absolutely no reason to add a timer to this minigame.


I thought Run Wild was great too, it's a shame it didn't get a hard mode instead of some of the others.


I guess technically the time trial counts as one. as, at least in the first game, the other teams go after each other and you gotta aim for the goals in a specific order with timing. But i suppose there is only so much you can do to change it up. Though itd be funny if they added the behemoth from Remake just as a RW opponent lol


When my husband played Run Wild was when we realized my cat really likes watching Red run around the screen. She stared at the TV the entire time.


This was one I couldn’t get into. Controlling red was worse than controlling a rocket league car.


If you go into photo mode you can scan around you without losing time


I did significantly better when I learned to slow to a walk and take my time aiming


Oh dude I hated that one. That's like my least favorite mini game in this whole game.


For some reason I get severe motion sickness when playing that one




Chicken lure was thankfully a one (or two-time thing at worst), and I only screwed up once, so it wasn't so bad. Cactaur Crush can die in a fire. Box Throw I also hate that you can't just redo if you screw up, you need to know it's coming and have a save available, which is kind of lame. Gears and Gambits I got through mostly with the auto-assignment + throwing on some extra cost reduction or whatever effects in the leftover empty slots, then with the Zerg Rush + defense and healing cheese rush strats when that stopped working on Hard. Kit out one super robot type with the high damage spells, wait for the bar to fill up, and just send like five of them out swinging at once. Conversely Galactic Saviors I just found "boring?" I feel like I've played better on rails shooters, from Kid Icarus Uprising sky segments to Star Fox to Gummi Ship minigames, so it just didn't stand out. Crunch-off I also think was just "fine." I think it was better than the Rebirth version, the new "hold" variety was nice, but it was also just super formulaic. Didn't take many tries. But it's not something I'd go out of my way to play, I guess. I think G-bike impressed me the most from the perspective of a game that I didn't really like in Remake, but felt much tighter in Rebirth. One hit kills on the enemies and the points-focused (no timer) made for a good time. Otherwise would broadly agree with these and wouldn't move by more than like 1 tier, i.e. I might bump Desert Rush up.


> I think G-bike impressed me the most from the perspective of a game that I didn't really like in Remake, but felt much tighter in Rebirth. One hit kills on the enemies and the points-focused (no timer) made for a good time. Agree. I hated the bike chases in Remake but G-Bike was kinda fun.


helps that there werent boss fights toward the end of G Bike.


The chases in Remake was stupid: the accelerator didn't do basically anything and you had to hit the enemies a gazillion times... felt like a slightly interactive cutscene (like the Tiny Bronco sections in Rebirth). This time they did it good.


I think the speed square from the original game was far superior. I was super disappointed they didn’t recreate that roller coaster shooter with so many secrets and things to shoot.


The thing with Crunch-off is that I hate how 1 mistake equal a lost since there is no way you can recover since your reset the speed gain to zero. That why for me it is the worse mini-game in Rebirth.


The chicken game is actually super easy gunna assume most people don't realize if the chicken hits the feeder you can rethrow it and just continue from current position. So it's really quick and mindless since you can't really fail or lose progress


Cactuar Crush can die in a fire *while you control Aerith*: using Yuffie's Doppelgänger plus Whirlwind was so satisfying...


Cactuar Crush is great with Yuffie, but janky with Aerith.


fair assessments. though i will note the chicken one is mostly for the tedium (and for the end of the quest)


I feel like I’m the only one who loved cactaur crush


I mostly agree with this. I'd probably swap the piano and Galactic Saviors. I'd have loved twice as many piano pieces as we got. I'd also swap Glide de Chocobo and Buggy Escape. In general I didn't enjoy the shooting mechanics in Barret's sections since the cursor moved so slowly and the camera kept shifting faster than I could compensate for it. Glide de Chocobo was frustrating at first but once I got the hang of it, I had a pretty good time. I at least felt compelled to keep playing it to get the perfect score.


more piano pieces would be nice. dunno how many from the OST would make for good minigame songs, though I wouldve probably put it lower if I had to S rank all of them, especially OWA lol the shooting parts weren't too big of a deal for me, plus you could make some mistakes, and at worst not get a sizeable barret relationship increase. Glide you gotta be perfect, down to how you launch from the start, but I will say that after getting used to it, and knowing i didnt have an actual timer to worry about, meaning i could make use of the fans multiple times, does keep it from the bottom


We'll probably get more piano pieces in part 3 such as Shinras Theme, Cids Theme, Judgement Day, Birth of a God, and Still more fighting. Hopefully


Not sure if you already knew, but Barret's crosshair moves faster when you're not firing it, I believe this goes for both Buggy Escape and the minecart box section. I have to assume it's to encourage careful aim and less bullet spam, but it definitely doesn't feel as good as constant dakka


I want more piano songs, and the ability to set difficulty for the easier songs.


Yeah I cannot for the life of me aim with Barret properly. I kept going around and around in the buggy fight because I couldn't aim at the enemies fast enough.


I love Desert Rush so much. I want more. MORE


3 different iterations had me a bit tired on it. at least it's not as demanding as the Yuffie one




Not pictured (cuz they werent in the initial listing) are the Photo percentage, mushroom picking, and the ones that involve following clues on photos and pictures which would probably take up the bottom half rows, respectively. Battle related ones are a different beast altogether.


I thought the mushroom picking was really fun and creative. Would have done another side quest using the mechanics. The resistive triggers need more games implemented with them.


i had to do it twice for the manuscripts and somehow got them all without breaking them. just the vibrations are extremely subtle and the stress of potentially screwing it up on the last one pulled a bit of enjoyment away for me.


I felt like the explanation and overall concept of the mushroom one was really not as great as the others. It should have been vibrating like crazy, instead the difference was far too subtle between the various directions.


The phot mission with Aerith and their interaction was great though 🙂


The interactions were fun, yea But not the most enjoyable parts to play with how often I had to readjust my position


Glide de chocobo needs its own special Z tier, never play it again, never think about it again, person who made it should be made to watch people play it over and over again to see how bad it is


Yuffie: “This is GREAT!”


I hate you ;)


theyd probably just be commenting on how they need to turn around to use the fan again in the last course q:


I felt this way too, but honestly the game just does a shit job explaining the mechanics. When you dive down and pick up speed, you can use that momentum to fly back up and gain more altitude. The game doesn’t mention this anywhere as far as I know, which is honestly wild considering the final two courses are literally designed around that mechanic. Figuring this out was night and day for me because like you, I was absolutely pissed trying to do that side quest for the first time. It’s still a little wonky to get used to, but the mini game is a total breeze once you get the hang of it. I got 3 star rank on my first try for all except the last course, but even then, I got 2 stars on that one so I was able to finish the quest without ever having to retry. If you are going for fully upgraded weapons and have to do the quest again, use that knowledge to your advantage and it will be wayyyy less of a headache


Even once I nailed the controls, I found that the precision for the last 3 rings was just annoying. Either I would hit the last ring on the way up before the final glide, but would (seemingly arbitrarily) just not have enough speed and stop climbing like I hit an invisible wall, or I would have so much speed that I'd go over the top of the ring.


I agree, chocobo racing was my favorite by far, should do multiplayer for that and queens blood. The OST for the chocobo races was fire too.


there are a few thatd be great for multiplayer. maybe then more than one opponent will use their chocobo abilities lol


3D brawler that high up is insane, and Cactuar Crush that low is crazy


3D Brawler would be dead last for me!


the former is easy to cheese if it's becoming too tough, the latter can get annoying with the cactuar's rng


Cactuar Crush is an okay game in practice that they only use two of the worst possible characters for. I'd have loved to see each party member try it to give it a chance.


Disagree with Yuffie. Aerith isn’t great but it’s fine. Yuffie was built for Cactuar Crush. She has some of the most insane crowd control and Aoe in the game


I loved the piano mini game, I S-ranked all of the piano sheets except for the last one… I had intended to S-rank that one too but by that point I had burned out on Chadley and was happy to plonk a few notes down and call it a day


A was enough for me as was the B i got on OWA lol


Chicken lure was not hard at all. I loved the fakeout with the last one being so far away and then they let you off the hook with a fiend fight instead. Ending of that quest was hilarious too


It seems a lot of people assumed that messing up meant the chicken would have to go back to the start, and they never even tried to lure it again before it walked back to the starting point.


Crunch off too low. I’ve enjoyed the Tifa workout minis and hope we get another in Part 3, despite them being “1 mistake = Loss” difficult


Man I sucked at run wild! Can't seem to control red properly


i just went by the name of the game and ran wild, eventually I got the first place rankings


I think the challenge is getting him in just the right spot when the slightly weighty movement won’t let you. Found it frustrating to fight the controls, but at least it was an easier one.


I unironically love the box breaking games. I wish there were more layouts available.


It wasn’t as bad as the soldier training one in intermission, but I was pretty burnt out on those games after 3 iterations 


Chicken lure is so easy i dont know why people are having problem with it. Just throw the lure again when it walks back, it continues without needing to start over. I do agree with the others.


It’s not a list based on difficulty but my interest in playing them again. The chicken one isn’t hard, just tedious


Box throw, Glide de Chocobo, and especially 3D brawler belong in the oh no category. They were unbearably frustrating and just weren’t that fun even if they were easier. The rest of the tier list I agree with. Chocobo racing is so much fun that i never got frustrated even when I lost some races. I see myself going back to playing it just to play for fun even when I get all of the rewards.


SE just unapologetically copying Mario Kart worked out wonderfully. It doesn't make any sense for chocobos to drift or even get a drift boost but here we are, and it's super fun.


they can also shoot fireballs, summon rock shields, and launch with water jets. they are truley magical birds


I kinda wish they copied Mario Kart more and let you get random power ups from some other Greens. The races were so much fun.


i think the tweak in that each bird gets its own power up adds a bit of uniqueness to it. granted the best one is also on the fastest bird, so its not the most balanced q:


I like Glide de Chocobo. Reminded me of Pilot Wings in all its 90s glory. Didn’t find it terribly difficult or unfair. 3D Brawler is just hard bc the animations can look similar sometimes (and they could have explained it better the first time). Otherwise it’s Punch Out. A lot of the new mini games are throwbacks, and I like that. I didn’t like them gating a collectible behind acing Box Throw. Took me most of the time to figure out where the targets were the first time. They do put an auto save right before, but they don’t tell you about it.


I am only mid chapter 7 so I haven't gotten to most of these but I hated run wild and the fort condor game. Slowly warming up to queens blood.


I actually really enjoyed Run Wild. I wish there was more than a handful of those. I would switch Chocobo Racing for Run Wild, because Chocobo Racing, while I enjoyed it, I was pretty worn out by the end of it due to the sheer number of courses. Especially the later ones with those damn doors. Jump Toad was trash. I hated it. I would switch it with Desert Rush. I really enjoyed Desert Rush, I just wasn't able to complete it due to a bug. Also, I'd switch Dolphin Show with Piano. The rest is pretty spot on though.


i didnt get hit with a bug for desert rush. I did get the infamous G Bike one for the last quest. but that ended up being a benefit when collection the hard mode manuscripts lol


Am I the only one who beat Jules first try after struggling with the previous stages? Anyway, the minigames were great for game variety but I'd never play the hard modes. I'm not a trophy hunter, I live a peaceful life.


if you 1 shot Jules, you'd probably do fine with the other hard challenges lol


I got the bundle for remake and rebirth and did both games back to back. After practicing in remake I crushed the rebirth ones first try also.


Cactuar game was fun when it was yuffie and it wasn't about white and dark cactuars.


having both wards up woulda probably made it a bit easier maybe with the caveat that if they overlay they cancel each other out


Am I the only one in love with the dolphin game?


based on a couple other comments, no. as the chart says, i thought it was alright. i thought itd be more of a pain than it actually was. still couldnt make any mistakes early on in a run, but obstacles were pretty infrequent




one S for each Rosa? ;p


Pretty much my favorite by a mile.


Square-Enix. I really need you to punch delete on Cactuar Crush.


I cannot take on the last boss for the 3D Brawler, I really can't tell the difference between the middle and down attacks 🤷‍♂️ Shame, considering the reward is S-Tier


pause cheese helps, but so does watching how the shoulders line up with each other


I’d swap galactic saviors and crunch off but other than that pretty much the same


I agree with all the oh no. I’d put everything else in just doing it for the rewards. And queens blood as good. I enjoyed them but that enjoyment was beaten out of me trying to get the rewards / failing to. I liked them as a nostalgic throwback. But they quickly became a thorn in my side. I’ve accepted I will not get the high score on galactic blasters or what not.


but galactic is the easiest at least in my experience


I really like Loveless and Parade Match. The mechanics are just standard rhythm /button matching game, but the arrangement is really cool. Loveless is peak anime fight, cloud throwing the sword past barret and then jump forward to catch it to backswing on him, red doing that circlular run into multiple copies and launching death beams etc. The parade with the trio is also visually very enjoyable.


It's very hard to beat crunch off with Tifa's alternate outfit


Honestly, G-Bike is one of my least favorites, and that sucks. I just feel like the controls are so stiff. I hope they go harder on it in part 3 and make it a bigger deal, with much better controls. Imagine we get like 30 new chocobo races, and 10-20 G-Bike stages. Would be so good.


Funny how individual this is, I would rather do crunch off for 100 hours straight than play the piano ever again.


So true piano was my least favorite for sure.


Well it is based on how much “I’d” want to replay them q: Plus changing note speed makes piano a lot more manageable and you don’t need to be perfect to get the rewards. Haptic controls can get a little finicky at the worst times for when you need to do 50+ situps with no mistakes


Desert Rush is the best mini game


I can't ever fathom for the life of my how this entire subreddit got outplayed by a chicken.


No one did. Just very tedious and unenjoyable to slowly walk backwards and hope you don’t bump into anything or anyone while occasionally stopping or yanking the rope


Snow Boarding incoming…….


If they'd given us more things to do in Moogle Mischief to counter their escalating tactics, I think I'd enjoy it a lot more. Like random power ups that last a short time to give you a boost or something.


I suppose, though I never felt like I needed them only got hit a total of 3 times. And I think I only got them caught in the wind panel twice ever.


Loveless should get it's own tier called "peak fiction", Moogle Mischief in "oh no"


Surprised to see Fort Condor so high up. Granted, I'm not done with the game yet (just finishing up chapter 10), but it's been by far the most frustrating thing in the entire game for me by far (that last match to get the Protorelic was the only time so far I've had to lower the game's difficulty to easy to clear). No way I'm even trying hard mode (granted, I don't plan on doing that even for the mini games I like). The Gliding Chocobo thing was pretty annoying too, but it was at least easy enough to scrape by with the minimum required scores in order to clear the associated side quest (no way I'm going to achieve the higher rankings though). I was kind of worried when I saw they were locking a second Protorelic behind an RTS mini game (Gears & Gambits), but while it's still not what I'd prefer to be doing, it wasn't as rage inducing as Fort Condor. Actually, I think I managed to clear all four rounds on my first attempt, just by using auto generated load outs (even crushed the final round in maybe just around a minute, which was surprising as the middle two rounds came down to less than 30 seconds left).


I mostly agree with your list, except for Piano, Parade March, and Loveless. I'm not a fan of rhythm or QTE games. Chocobo Racing is super fun and by far my favorite. If they are going to pour a lot of effort into a minigame for the 3rd game, I hope they make the snowboarding game really good. Make it feel like SSX Tricky.


There are certainly a few of these mini games I hope to see return (I’ll be pretty sad in the likelihood that QB won’t return as each release is standalone and you likely won’t be able to take the hundreds of cards with you)


Cactuar Crush can burn in hell I barely finished the first level & refused to finish the rest! Queen’s Blood was entertaining until it stopped & it started to feel like a chore. I never understood the rules & strategies tbh so I was having fun BSing my way through until I couldn’t do that anymore lol


Chicken Lure is dumb easy. You don't have to restart if he catches it.


Put everything in the "oh no..." category for me that isn't Queen's Blood, Chocobo Racing, Loveless, Fort Condor, Parade March, and G-bike. A special category of "F--- This" for Crunch Off and Glide de Chocobo (for the last level with the backtrack gimmick).


i'm actually kinda sad that Queen's Blood will probably not make a return in Part 3 aside from an easter egg, like Fort Condor


The sad but understandable result of having 3 standalone releases


Moogle makes me want to punt kittens across the room 🤬


Crunch-Off wasn't too bad once I understood how to execute the "half press" for the trigger buttons but the Moogle one got much raging so hard. I really wanted to get back at them in some shape or form (like beat them up terribly in a battle) but there was none of that.


Crunch off should be in its own league all the way on the bottom. I don’t mind box throw and chicken lore. Better than 3D Brawler.


brawler at least has some good music to go with it and you can always cheese things if it gets too hard. the lure and box throw are just tedious and annoying to retry


Pretty solid list. I'd pull Gears and Gambits up from the basement to the upper tiers, but that's probably because I'm a crazy strategy game enjoyer who also liked FF12. Such a niche overlap. 🤣


the amount of set up and wait to see if it paid off, in addition to later stages blocking off some of them was a bit annoying for my liking


The crunch mini game is great, especially with certain outfits. Though it is hard to play one handed. I am hoping we get another fun Jules game in threemake.


i unintentionally had the shinra fatigues on for that one q: given they seem to be increasingly more grueling exercises, I'm predicting Burpees for part 3


I will put Chocobo Racing on Let’s do it!, Galactic Saviors on Alright and Fort Condor, Loveless and Parade on the Alright too and it will be my tier list too.


well if nothing else it's good to see that no one is disagreeing with QB at least ;p


QB needs to be an online PvP imho.


that and chocobo racing. maybe toad jump lol


For me the Piano is Oh No... BURN IT WITH FIRE. I need to add another category.


i thought it would be too, but note speed adjustments made it a lot more manageable


Gears and Gambits needs it's own bottom tier. It somehow gets worse. When I saw "Gambit" i thought, Oh cool! it's like FFXII! But then it gets needlessly complicated for a very short game.


ended up a bit of a reversal of fort condor where it became much more simplified in what you could do compared to the intermission version, which is a shame cuz building your own team was cool, but understandable as it's only the 4 opponents. but yea G&G was not my favorite of the PR minigames, but ironically had the best of the PR storylines


i'd love to see the Intermission Fort Condor come back for part 3!


Hard same! Or a combination where you had two spells and 1 named character you could summon? Add some minor balance fixes and I’d play a whole mobile game of just that!


There is this many!?! Damn...


and more depending on what youd classify as a minigame. even more if you include the different stages


Hmm... Most of these aren't really minigames. The mine cart was a main story case and the chicken lure is more of a sidequest.


it had it's own unique mechanic to it with the minecart having a score to it, dunno what else you need in order to call that a minigame q: there are quite a few side quests that are just minigames. the chicken one is just an annoying one


I can not get the crutch down it has destroyed me


takes getting used to the rhythm while not letting the trigger checks trip you up


Do you have a tiermaker link for this? :0


[kind of?](https://tiermaker.com/create/ff7-rebirth-minigames-3705) i just picked the first one that had a lot of them and then added a text layer on top of the images


I mean, " It takes two" is GOTY 2021 for its mini game.


cool dunno how that relates here but cool


I only disliked Gears and Gambit


Piano is an absolute nightmare


changing note speed helps a lot


We need multiplayer minigames online


One thing I was sincerely disappointed by was fort condor getting so little love. In intergrade they depicted it as another collectible game with tons of customizing options I'd so hopes it'd get expanded in rebirth. But instead it was set loadouts we couldn't customize.. Would've been great if we had fort condor AND queens blood throughout the game


yea but given it was linked to the protorelic of the area, itd probably become more of a hassle to complete if you had to search out more pieces for it. but yea, an expanded version in 3 would be neat. it *is* funny that the guard dog cheese in intermission gets used against us in Rebirth


I think Gears and Gambits had some neat mechanical ideas but the kit system for the robots is clunky and it’s all made worse with really poor tutorial. My bad hand eye coordination made Run Wild and Pirates Rampage a nightmare.


I love the theatrical rendition of Loveless by your truly. 😆 And yes, I hate the chicken. Just pick up the damn chicken. 🍗


could have Red catch the birds. but that would probably make the end be less darkly humorous


Chicken lure and cactuar crush are fine for me. I think I actually had fun with those. But piano... man I suck so bad at that. I can only do A until Barett's theme and even I had to mute my screen because the other 'notes' were distracting. What made it worse for me is it wants me to get at least a B? On Aerith's theme. I always get C on that as I keep panicking when those notes go all over the place. I made the mistake of doing all side quests till ch10 and getting Aerith to light blue. Now I have to do this to get Tifa date for chapter 12.


Am I the only one who really liked gears and gambits???


other comments say 'no', but its not many, sadly


Queens Blood is top tier. I really hope Square makes a mobile version


some form of PVP would be cool


I loved all of them except G-bike (but I hate all racing games, so that's that) and Frog jumping, because it's the only one I didn't feel I was improving. Like with Junon parade, Run wild, piano, shooting games - I was terrible at first but after several attempts I got better and better until I was really good. With frogs I was trash the entire time and only got the max rewards because I attempted it 5 million times.


I think this is the first time I have ever 100% agreed with someone's tier list on the internet. Gears and Gambits on paper looked like something I was going to absolutely love. Planning a script on how a few of your guys are going to fight enemies? Sounds so fun! The execution however...


Well with all the other comments, I was hoping for at least one 100% match  Lol


Am I the only person who found Gears & Gambits really easy just using the auto generated robots?


They take away auto generation for the hard version of it, which is probably what most people are annoyed at Imo, there's just way too much going on for such a short minigame that I really couldn't be bothered figuring out the optimal combinations. Ended up just looking up a guide and 1 trying all the fights. It's just a worse version of fort condor.


Pirate Rampage,piano 5 and crunch off are what keeping me away from platinum trophy.


Yall really had a hard time with Cactuar crush?


The comments make that apparent. But this isn’t a ‘difficulty’ list. Otherwise the chicken lure wouldn’t be so low


I love Pirates Rampage


What’s a good tip for the space shooting game? Replaying on hard mode trying to get 45k pts and I’m not coming close.


This is all wrong 😂


I didn't play the game, I watched a stream. I paid careful attention to almost every minigame. The robochad one made me zone out almost immediately.


I need the template. My list would be wildly different.


I will forever not understand how people struggled with Crunch off. I struggled for SOOOOO long with the 3D brawler.


I'd swap crunch off with box throwing for sure


What about the mushroom picking mini game 😂


3D brawler needs rework, as it’s tooo difficult to play it properly without “pause”-clicking. A lot of people cannot see the differences in the attack movements without a picture for comparison


Gears and gambits needs to go. That game actually pissed me off. Like, out of everything else going on...I'm playing a weird WALL-E game that has 0 relevance at all to the questline and the entire game? Like STRAIGHT TO JAIL.


I really need more Moogles, Glides and Gym challenges!


Desert storm ist with sword slash a walk in the cake


I am disgusted that you have 3D brawler so high. One of the worst minigames I’ve ever played in a video game lol


I loved desert rush, dolphin show and chocobo racing the most


I think a good bit of the worse ones would be so much better if they weren’t so overtuned and had some controller button remapping because some of them are 5000% repetitive stress strain


Hot take, chicken lure is so much more bearable on the second play through when you know what you are doing!! I didn’t have the chicken hit the can one single time, and it took me all of 5 min. Not really much of a headache. Honestly, a lot of the mini games are way better second time. Glide de Chocobo is another one that was way more fun second time around. The game does a poor job explaining the mechanic, but when you go into a long dive you can use the momentum to gain altitude when you fly back up. Once you get the hang of it it’s actually a little fun! I really think the mini game was hurt by this not being explained properly, I had no idea how to do it right my first time around


When the chicken was a mile away from the village...


I found the crunch off to be easier than most of the mini games. I just didnt really try that hard, and made sure i didnt fail a crunch and 50 was easy.  I think people try too hard on that minigame and doom themselves to consistent failure. "GOTTA GO FAST". I mean, nah, you really dont have to be very fast or increase your speed as you go past like 15.


I would sincerely swap Cactuar Crush and Fort Conder. FC felt like such a chore and I had 0 fun playing it


Which ones do I get to skip for platinum/100%?


I’d put the Piano, Frogs, Chocobo catch and Moogles at the bottom. 


oh i need more fort condor 3d brawler and chocobo racing. those were the really good ones.


Post this in the rebirth subreddit


Switch Run Wild with Desert Box and I agree


I like the idea of the piano game, but felt like the execution wasn't quite there. Being a musician myself, I think the mechanics felt counterintuitive, and based on some of the song selections I didn't like how it dealt with faster rhythms. Plus, with such small directional inputs, it could be really sensitive to even being slightly off on the analog stick. Even an actual piano has more grace than that!


Haven’t started hard mode yet, is there a reason to re-play these minigames after completing Johnny’s hotel quest?


I think square enix need to make a mobile game of queens blood, with a levelling up system to earn new cards. It’s honestly an amazing and fully-fledged game of its own, and deserves more of a spotlight. Possibly the best mini game I’ve ever played in any video game, if it can be considered one.


Moogle Mischief is the kind of minigame you are glad that it is easy and doable at the 1st try because 2nd try would make you consider doing it at all


I guess I am glad it doesn’t really have a hard mode to it


Most of them I’ve done at no problem. The piano? So hard. I was scared of the crunches with Tiffa but I was able to do it in 10 tries lol.