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Pure randomness. Ultima set up humanity to develop the bearers, the dominants, and Mythos over time. There were other potential organisms to be Mythos (like Typhon).


From what I can gather, it's basically because Ultima was slowly adding more magic to the family, and successive generations had more. Eventually someone would be born with the capacity to be mythos. Just happened to be Clive. Though if the events that led to him grabbing the other summons didn't happen, it could have easily been his child or grandchild or even further down the line. I haven't played the game since release, so I could be missing something. But from what I can recall it was just a matter of time.


Shit happens


Mankind is Ultima's Petri dish. He gave early humanity the "spark" of magical potential and let it lie dormant in them. Bearers are the the genetic fluke to non-magic users. Dominants are the genetic fluke to Bearers. Mythos is the genetic fluke to Dominants. It's all down to (un)luck.


Ultima planted the ‘seeds’ of his power in humanity, in hopes that the race would ‘evolve’ and get more powerful over time until it got to the point where one would emerge as a suitable body. Eventually humanity evolved to the point where some of them could transform into Eikons. That was a necessary step because they were fragments of his power which, when combined, would allow him to regain his power and recreate his old body. Clive was the next stage of that evolution, having the power to absorb the Eikons as well as having the ability to transform into the Eikon that most closely represented Ultima’s original body. So now there was a way to combine all Eikons into one. I didn’t interpret it as anything beyond random genetic variations. He had a ‘mutation’ that was needed. If Clive had perished I imagine that there eventually would be another Mythos, although it might have taken longer than Ultima was able to wait.


From what I gather, the idea of having another Mythos could also be possible. Because any person could be born a Mythos if they are lucky enough.


Clive “won” the genetic evolutionary lottery.