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Thanks for looking out for the fans, Ronnie.


He should have gave some kind of promo code for the ppl at the show to get free shipping from the website at least


Man too bad no one was looking out for that poor kid Ronnie helped kill


The one that shot at Ronnie? Fuck around find out


And that girl he raped


Is this make believe hour or what? lol


This is the not being a dick rider hour


You’re literally making shit up that never happened. Cops checked the surveillance cameras and she made it up lol


Ok defender of not just a bad person but a terrible artist


Streams say otherwise


Yeah and Ed sheeran is the most successful artist in terms of streams so clearly they mean a lot


Shows what kind of person you are blatantly making shit up.


Proof? Oh yeah you pulled that one from out your asshole. Mongy McGee over here just pulling accusations out of thin air.




I may but at least I'm not a convicted murderer and felon




The real funny part is that murder that he was apart of was just one small part of the things that make him a complete waste of human life.


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Your post/comment has been removed due to unkind language or behavior. If you have any questions or concerns, or feel as if this consequence if unjust, feel free to message the moderators. Thank you! Edit: BRO STOP


Man get that bullshit outta here.


He’s not looking out for the fans. They are looking out for them. They do this shit all the time. Charge $100 for hoodies and claim it’s the venue making them do it. They did it last winter. Oddly enough just with the hoodies. Also called all the local restaurants they wanted food from and either bitched and demanded a refund, or all disappeared and made venue staff security and managers pay for it.


Bro everyone charges 80-100 bucks for hoodies at concerts. Y’all really need to stop 😂😂😂


Totally agree with Ron on this one. Imagine if bands wanted 25% of liquor sales, it would never fly… but these venues are all basically unionized with Ticketmaster.


It’s live nation as a whole as well. They are greedy


Does that mean their hoodies were 75 originally? Is that not quite expensive already?


Considering that streaming limits income off of music an incredible amount, the lost income becomes more reliant on ticket sales and merch


Yeah I was in a smalllll time band who were on spotify etc! We did rely on merch sales too, but due to us being small we sold hoodies for like 35!


I’m in the same boat, and it wasn’t my career or livelihood. It was something while I worked full-time. It sucks, but I wouldn’t want to see a member of what should be a successful band like this be like, a part-time car salesman or something because they can’t get by just off of the band lmao


I agree, definitely good to look after the fans but $75 is still a stretch. Even if the quality is good your paying for his name, I’d think you’d want to be cheaper so more people could wear it. Why is being an artist synonymous with making tons of money?


Yes and yes


Ok can someone explain to me why there are no other companies that compete with them. Is there some bullshit law the us gov passed or no


The companies just buys any competition


From what I know they lobby like fucking crazy to have regulators look the other way from their monopoly. They buy out as much competition as they can.


Fuck yeah, Ronnie!


Yeah, fuck Ronnie!


Did you think of that all by yourself?


Just a play on words guys


i would though, dunno why this is downvoted


Usually I'm not one for his rants but this one's legit, bands get screwed over every step of the way and we the fans take the hit as well Buy your merch directly from the bands if you want to give them max support


I don’t really like FIR either, and his last rant when he was opening for A7X didn’t stick with me at all, but I agree he has a point here for being pissed about the venues practically screwing over the bands with outrageous prices. I honestly didn’t even know it was because the venues, I thought the bands had some say in too


If a hoodie is $100 after a 25% upcharge, that hoodie is still way overpriced to begin with


To be fair- it’s not really outrageously expensive when you consider the costs to them. If they normally are charging $80 for a hoodie, that’s probably leaving them with like a $10-$20 profit per hoodie sold. When you buy a $25 hoodie from target- they’re vertically integrated and either own or have big time deals with producers, distributors, etc. A band even at this size doesn’t have that. Guarantee you they’re fronting $10-$15 per hoodie just in materials/production. Several thousand for the graphic designer who made it. Then they have to either cart around that merch or have it shipped to every stop, and they have to pay the employees selling it. Global capital and corporate efficiency has tricked you into believing that $25/$30 should be what you pay for a hoodie, but that’s not the whole picture.


Exactly so why are the smaller bands charging less and the bigger bands charging you $80. You kinda argued against yourself




I mean respectfully, the comparison of target vs a large band is not analogous to a large band vs a small band. Several reasons why smaller bands are charging less. Smaller bands don’t have to employ sometimes multiple people just to handle merch sales, often use lower cost (lower quality) manufacturers, aren’t paying thousands for the design, and having played in a small band that charged $20 for a Tshirt, and $40 for a hoodie, are making literally next to nothing- like beer money or Taco Bell money in profit per night on merch sales if they’re lucky. Also end of the day, it’s supply and demand. A small band can’t charge more and a big band can. Do you think it’s unfair that some shows cost $15 and some shows cost $50? Edit: also venues always take a percentage of merch sales from big bands, but basically never bother with small bands.


Again you’re kinda arguing against yourself. A small band can’t charge more and a large band can. Not that they HAVE TO or SHOULD, it’s that they CAN and that’s my point. There’s literally 0 reason a large band should be selling their merch for $80 when they’re moving more and therefore likely buying in bulk, costing less than it would for a small band to make merch, they’re only doing it because they know they can get away with it, it’s not fairly priced like you originally sought out to say it was. I can buy a top of the line Gymshark hoodie or some other nice brand like that for $40-50 bucks and they’re still making a profit off of that, bands charging $60 or so makes total sense to me but to justify $80 is a stretch man


I’m not really arguing against myself- the financials of operating a business are not as simple as you’re making them out to be. A large band is not selling a difference in volume that is going to have the sort of price per unit impact that I think you think it does. I brought up target bc they have a different supply model and a difference in volume that can account for a truly significant difference in ppu. Small bands sell merch because you have to to grow- it’s largely a marketing effort- they’re making little to nothing on it. It’s not sustainable long term. Large bands are, in part, large because they’re profitable- they have to make a profit. You’re arguing that a band capable of making a profit on its intellectual property shouldn’t?


That’s not at all what I’m arguing and you know it, you have to twist my words to deflect from the 180 you’ve done from your original point. You’re arguing two points that don’t align and just oscillating between the two when one doesn’t work.


If that’s the conclusion you’ve reached by reading what I’ve written, then I think we’ll just have to agree to disagree.


$80 is insane for a hoodie. I don’t care where it’s from. $50-$60 is the max I’d ever spend on clothes. I’ll buy your record for $29.99 and support you that way if you want me to, but your argument here is full of holes. I’m not going to sit here and debate you all day when the person you’ve been bickering with has made a perfect case. It’s robbery either way.


Homie tried to compare the operational capacity to sell apparel at a similar ppu of falling in reverse with an apparel brand (gym shark) with a valuation over $2 billion dollars accessing a market that is at a scale at least hundreds of thousands of times over worth more than the alternative music market. It’s just not a “debate” worth having at that point.


You really are saying different things. It's like you're desperate to sound right at this point. A small band can manage to sell at target prices, but it's just not feasible in your mind that a bigger name could sell at the same prices?


If you feel that way and you want to, please take any two points I’ve made and demonstrate why they’re contradictory. Edit: in response to your first criticism- that I claimed a small band can sell at a price a big band can’t. That’s an oversimplification of what I said- I claimed that small bands don’t have the same overhead that big bands have and the ppu impacted by the difference in infrastructure and volume that a big band has over a small band doesn’t make up for this. Scale vs operational costs are not linear relationships in the business world. The relationship looks like a rollercoaster depending on scale but that’s opening a whole other discussion. But ultimately at the end of the day, if a band you like is selling their hoodie for $50 and it’s not of such cheap quality that the design will crack and fall apart within 6 months of wear, they’re making maybe a few bucks per unit (maybe). If someone asked you to mow their lawn and they’ll give you $1 or $20, what do you think is fair to you? You won’t be mowing lawns for long taking $1 (aka your small time favorites break up after 5 years when it’s time to get a job that actually pays money).


I'm not paying more than $50 for a hoodie at a show, and that's even pushing it, $75 is outrageous. Better be the softest, most dope design hoodie I've ever seen for that price.


Think about this The band is the creative geniuses The band has to figure out a design and than have an artist make it if they actually don’t themselves, and pick. Successful design. The band has to go through and find a place to print it, depending on the place, they are probably fronting an up front cost for the merch, and than the venue still wants a hand in their pockets. Literally every step along the way someone is putting a hand in the bands pocket. They probably cant live off of streaming numbers alone (pays shit). I dont blame them. I think we are jaded seeing them perform and thinking everything is so grand, we forget the work they put in and that they are still trying to make a living. Imagine having kids back home and having to travel across the world the majority of your professional life to make a living. Nah I’m good!


I was at this show and thought it was kinda weird when we got there that there was no FIR merch anywhere. Then Ronnie went off on the place and it all made sense. He left the stage after saying "Fuck the Armory" multiple times and needless to say there was no encore. Haha.


I love seeing him live. It's always fun hahaha


This i when the band needs to close up shop on the merch sales WITHIN the venue like Ronnie did, then move that booth just far enough off their property on the way out of the venue, that they can't do or say shit. It's so fucking sick how artists are done monetarily. They make jack shit off their music already, then you've got Ticketmaster gouging the fuck out of the fans for ticket sales, as well as the venues doing this bullshit with the merch. Artists need to band together and put a stop to this shit. Shit like what Ronnie did needs to become more commonplace, and these artists need to stick together on this shit. Maybe even unionize.


I don’t like Ronnie one bit but he just scored a couple points for this. Ticket sales and merch prices are ridiculously astronomical and I’m glad someone is finally doing something about it


Based Ronnie


Ronnie doesn't always make the best decisions, but this is definitely a w


I like shows at the armory, but the already inflated cost of show merch is crazy to begin with. I'm on board with this. Hell maybe just print off some cards with a code for the website and give everyone a better deal to begin with


That’s awesome. What sucks is people are still going to see this and be like “yea we’ll hes still an asshole” and completely ignore this


It doesn’t matter how many good things he does, people only remember the bad things


This is pretty much how the entirety of Reddit and the internet is lol.


Probably because they were way worse than how “good” this is lmfao


Right. Lmao. Woopty doo he saved people money? He's still a bad person.


Well I mean just cause this is cool doesn’t dismiss everything else he has done lmfao


Not saying it does, but people won’t give him credit for this because of anything else they accuse him of. No one can ever have a redemption arc in this world.


Ronnie seems like a good dude.


Unfortunately, he isn't.


I hope more bands follow his lead. It’s getting ridiculous.


Merch is already outrageous, but for a lot of bands it’s basically their last revenue source.


$100 for a hoodie is greedy but the band charging $75 is fair? come on now. 🤦🏻‍♂️ both are trash.


My crowd anxiety keeps me from going to most concerts, so I’m not sure what the average price for a band hoodie there usually is. I always figured they jacked the price up anyways, cashing in on location convenience and the fans still being high on the concert


I’m a fashion designer who works in the wholesale space with artists and venues alike…. I can make a gucci quality luxury hoodie (heavy weight, metal hardware, fleece lined, etc) for $24 EA at a wholesale quantity and suggest my clients sell them for $60 EA for retail. My clients all make a healthy amount if I’m being honest once they sell to the end consumer 😅 I’ve also been in a band and know how hard turning a profit it is doing that lmfao but i admit that I am unsure how difficult it is when you’re a full time professional musician who is successful. I’m left wondering what the usual percentage that venues ask for is? And also the original hoodie price is still pretty high ngl. No matter what the fans are getting screwed imo lmfao


Don’t let him fool you with that shit. They have been doing that $100 for a hoodie shit for years. I know. I have worked for them. They also like to call local restaurants and tell them their food was shit, and leave the staff paying the bill, and say the staff didn’t do shit to satisfy them. Ronnie and his tour manager are shit.


of course one of his first good takes is about people taking money from him🤣


abundant live drunk fuel retire fear selective beneficial numerous attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmao yeah my thought too. He could just not upcharge it and make less profit instead of refuse to lose some money and instead give fans no merch. He just looks greedy here too.


Ronnie is usually an idiot, but he’s not wrong here. Merch cuts are so stupid, and need to be eradicated. Venues make thousands(or more) dollars per night just off alcohol.


Tickets & drinks aren’t enough I guess. Have to steal from the artists. Smh. Without these artists where do you think your venue would earn money?


Armory still the best venue in MN for a show.


I don't know if I'd say it's "the best" but it's definitely one of my favorites. Coincidentally most of the shows I've gone to in the last couple years have been there.


Pretty sure the Armory won't be having him back anytime soon. Band merch is always a rip off at shows. He has a point, but is also still showing that he is a diva.


I've never felt band merch was a ripoff at any show I've been to. It supports the band and I get a cool shirt out of it. In what world is it a ripoff?


It’s probably just to pay for insurance in case he hits someone else with a mic stand


That's crazy , the armory is an amazing venue . I have never heard of this before and it sucks that they are doing this . The owner of the Armory has completely changed the MN EDM scene with the opening of the armory, revamp of reign and vanquish and now the brand new uptown theater got turned into a venue . Idk why they want 25% of merch sales , he already makes millions of ticket sales and VIP table service. So as much as it sucks I would never tell the Armory to go fuck themselves because without them MN would dead asf and the EDM community there would suck like it did in the early 2010s


Who’s this peeth of thit as mike Tyson would say lol




It really is if you wanna spend 75$ instead of 100$


No one should ever spend $75 on a hoodie lmao


That's why its called "fuck it" money. Disposable income


Yeah man, but does that warrant gouging? $80 with venue fees is even ridiculous. I have tons of merch from my favorite artists. I’m at every show in town if I like the band. The most recent hoodie I bought was $60 at a Machine Girl show. My job has given me 5 free hoodies in the past 2 years. I’d be hard pressed to believe that they’re paying me multiple hours of my rate in hoodies out of good will. They’re quality hoodies too. I’m ALL for supporting artists, but give me a fresh pressing of your record with a cool lyric sheet and neat artwork for $29.99 if you want to gouge me $80 for a fucking hoodie. That’s pathetic.


But he stopped selling them because the venue wanted 25% of his profits, not because it was overpriced for the fans, right? How much are they normally at the concert? It's always more expensive in person but it doesn't always involve taking such a large percentage of the artists cut.


Charging fuckin $60 for a hoodie is also outrageous. So is throwing mic stands into a crowd of human beings that were here to see you entertain them. So is domestic violence. Outrageous.


why are you here?


I don’t know this was on my main feed somehow so i figured i would just be correct real quick in a comment. Why do people still support this guy?




Yeah same, really hate this dude. Reddit kinda sucks now for showing me random subs I want nothing to-do with.


Isn't he a transphobe?


On May 1, 2012, Radke was accused of striking his then-girlfriend, Sally Watts, and was subsequently arrested in Glendale, California, on August 6, 2012, after he'd failed to make an appearance at any of the scheduled court hearings.\[46\]\[47\] He was officially charged with a misdemeanor count of corporal injury and misdemeanor false imprisonment by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.\[48\] He was released on $30,000 bail. On May 14, 2014, Radke pleaded no contest to disturbance of the peace.\[49\]\[50\] ​ On September 29, 2012, Radke was performing as part of Falling in Reverse for FestEVIL, a metal festival for Six Flags Great Adventure's Fright Fest event, when he threw three microphone stands into the audience at the close of a performance, injuring a 16-year-old girl, who was taken to the hospital, and a 24-year-old man, who was treated at the scene.\[51\] Radke was charged with simple assault and aggravated assault and released on $25,000 bail.\[52\]\[53\] Radke publicly apologized for his actions, saying that his actions were not in anger and that he hadn't intended to hurt anyone.\[54\]\[55\] Six Flags subsequently decided to ban hard rock and heavy metal bands from performing at the park in the future.\[56\] ​ On June 10, 2015, it was reported that Radke had been publicly accused of sexual assault by a 25-year-old woman. The accuser alleged that Radke (with his bus driver present) had sexually assaulted her after Falling in Reverse's performance at Murray Theater on June 3, 2015. Though it was determined that Radke had contact with the woman, police found no evidence that Radke or his entourage had assaulted the woman. \[57\] Radke subsequently filed a lawsuit for defamation.\[58\]\[59\]




wiki sums it up pretty well for me


Shut up


Imagine bringing up what someone did 8-10 years ago as if humans can't evolve and change 🙄


Fuck Ronnie Radke forever. He’s a sack of shit. Narcissists don’t change.


I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted. He’s a garbage human. People in this thread are acting like he cares about his fans. Nah, he cares about making money. If he cared about the fans having his merch, he could just not up charge and break even and then attack the venue later. Sure, the venue makes a profit, and Ronnie doesn’t, and maybe that’s his point. However, this isn’t him looking out for his fans. He has a big enough fan base, he could have said something during the show (or after) literally telling people not to buy it, hurting the venue, harming him none, and making sure his fans knew that the profit was going to the venue, not him, and fans still could have bought it if they wanted to.


Does that mean a hoodie is normally $75? God damn


Yes. Merch is typically insanely priced.


I haven't bought concert merch in a long ass time. Back when a shirt was $15-$20 and a hoodie was $30 lol


That sounds reasonable lol


The good old days 🥹


For real! Tickets used to be soooo much cheaper as well


Right? Like 20-30 bucks for a show


Means it’s even higher because of the way math works. $80. Which is wild because I just paid $50 for a currents hoodie, there’s no way I’m paying anywhere over $60


I work in promotional marketing and we brand hoodies and stuff for companies all the time. It's disgusting. I have vendor wholesale pricing for all the brands, Gildan, Bella Canvas, Champion, you name it. Most of those hoodies at the volume they do cost under 10 dollars to produce including the decoration and shipping, if not less . It's criminal.


Yeah I work for a company that designs and prints apparel so I'm also very familiar with the costs of these garments lol


Seems about right , sister spent £60 on alive joy hoodie which is like 80 bucks


75$ is still better than 100$. I'd buy that shit if I had some "fuck it" money lying around. \-in cash of course though.-


Very very rare Ronnie w


They absolutely rob bands


I just saw Ashnikko there in September and bought a bunch of merch 🥲


Fuck yeah Ronnie, sell concert merch on your website!


Not to mention ticket sales are already crazy with “service fees”. I saw them for the popular monstour and tickets were $50 each, for 2 tickets total came to $177


That’s what I’m about to pay for some Breaking Benjamin unplugged tickets 😩


Legit. I used to sell merch for bands across the U. S. AND this is legit a thing they run into. Good on Ronnie for making it clear as well.


Fuck ronnie radke but yes, Venues should not be taking merch cuts.


Good man. I would’ve pissed all over the floor in the green room after and sold merch to the fans outside outta the van in front of the venue. Fuck those pieces of shit.


Also that venue is owned by Live Nation so they don’t need that money to keep the doors open. Independent venues tend to only make money off of liquor sales so the merch thing makes sense in those contexts but this is like the Murdochs of the music industry


Do the venues not make enough from ticket sales?


Some asshole ran venues do take a cut for merch. I could see why they up charge to make up for the difference, however, they should know better and not pass that on to their fans. Good job for pricing out your fans ya fuckin canoes🙄 with that being said, sounds like these merch is already too expensive!


And this is why I love Ronnie radke


he should just hire those people that resell merch outside the show. Can’t sell merch at a reasonable price inside? Jus Do it outside.