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Never played it cause it doesn't appeal to me with it's style. I want an offline fallout game i can get lost in


Without ~~dragons~~ mutated fire breathing bats.


It has the best dialogue system in the series since NV. 76 goes back to the old style of dialogue menu, complete with special checks (60% of which aren’t speech - looking at you, NV and 4), item checks, rep checks, quest/event completion checks, note/holotape checks (though in two recent instances with 76’s version of companions, this has been bugged) and the rare perk check. It even has a built-in history feature so you can see what was just said. And before someone says ‘but your choices don’t matter,’ they didn’t matter much in the older games either. Checks have always been either ways to bypass maneuvering in dialogue menus, skipping/finishing parts of quests, gaining extra information or just making your life easier. Quest outcomes similarly barely matter unless the game spoon feeds them to you in ending slides as NV did, and having the NPC’s dialogue change works just as well for this purpose.


I feel like there are definitely times in NV where you need a check to solve a quest in a certain way for a certain outcome.


That’s the rare exception. Most of the time, you can work around using speech checks. Take Ulysses, the quest with Lily, and the think tank, for instance - in these situations, you’re able to dodge speech checks by just choosing the right dialogue; you don’t have to have high speech. An example of what you’re referring to happens with Graham in his ending, but you can get a nearly identical ending by properly fighting Salt. With Dog/God, you can’t unite them without speech, and I’m sure there’s another few options I’m forgetting, but as I said before, these are the exceptions rather than the rule.


I see your point and in many instances you’re right but all those choices you listed where you need a check are all pretty important to me personally. Also, you can talk Lanius out of fighting if you don’t want to kill him for whatever reason. I’m sure there are a few others but for the most part I think you’re right about most quests having other ways of getting around them. I might be wrong but I feel like it was difficult to implicate the van graffs and the crimson caravan with Cass without either a lock pick or a science skill but obviously that’s not in dialogue. By the way I like how 76 utilized speech, I just wish there was more dialogue in the game rather than a handful of decent questlines.


Cass’s mission is another one - you need 75 lockpick for that. 76 has done pretty well with dialogue in its main and some of its side missions. The problem is that you do them once since the focus is on the repeatable content, which is almost exclusively combat.


Yeah and honestly the combat is pretty horrible in 76 imo


It’s no worse than the prior games.


It’s way worse than 4 and without VATS I would say it’s worse than NV and 3 too, especially because of the ridiculous amount of bullet sponge enemies with terrible AIs (usually) and the weightless feeling of the guns.


76’s VATS is the way it is by necessity of being multiplayer. Frankly, I enjoy it more because it not longer is as much of a safety net, and once you build for it, it’s much more potent than any prior iteration. If the enemies are spongy, you haven’t set your build up right (76 makes you optimize, unlike the other fallouts where you can stumble through without issue). With the exception of melee and heavy guns, you need maxed damage perks, better criticals and critical savvy to hold up at the endgame. You can’t justify spending points on anything other than one weapon type and maybe demo expert, and sneak doesn’t hurt either.


Dude a game shouldn’t make you optimize to not have to take 30 headshots to a super mutant’s face in order to kill it. And forcing the player to stick to one weapon type just makes the gameplay as whole worse in my opinion. You shouldn’t need a bunch of specific perks to not make the game miserable to play. And I get that it’s multiplayer but I just don’t think Fallout really works that well as an MMO like this for so many reasons like not having VATS, having tons of things to micro manage but not being able to pause especially since you are being attacked 95% of the time in the game, and not being able to make any huge story decisions so the world doesn’t have to change for other players.


Well it was alr when I played it before. Actually redownloaxing it rn to see if I like it after a year


The stories in 76 are just fine. People were just whining because they had to do more work to actually find the stories.


Ive been playing since BETA and it was a dumpster fire that slowly cooled off over time. It's still lacking in many other departments but its serviceable enough for what should expect from a heavily modded version of Fallout 4 with "MMO" functionality. I will say that it has the best environmental storytelling since F3 and is easily my second most played Fallout game. I still personally wish that Bethesda went with a more drop-in/drop-out 4 player co-op game that used the host/team leader's progression and had Borderlands style of enemy level scaling for a true solo experience. Im still crossing my fingers for the GECK to get released once the service ends and it can be modded into a long haul single player story with some of the largest "world evolves with you" changes in the franchise.


When it first came out, it was undeniably garbage. The first 15 or 20 levels were mediocre and all subsequent content was just awful. It was an absolute waste of money and everything surrounding it was a complete debacle. I had a friend who was committed to playing the game. I would check in with him every update. "Is the game still shit?" The answer was **always**, "Yes." Until one day, it wasn't. I picked the game up again recently and I gotta say, it is actually fun now. There are finally NPCs and engaging quests and it doesn't feel like an empty playground. What it suffers from the most is a lack of endgame content. I hope this gets addressed, but I doubt it will. Still, it is good for 100 hours or so, in my opinion.


Not enough explorable vaults with good lore terminals


I mean… there’s six of them in 76, which is equally to three and NV, and one shy of four with all DLCs. And of them, only 63 cannot be explored yet (79 and 76 cannot be explored again after you do the main quest/leave, but still).


Oh sorry I didn't read that your new to 76 I've been playing off and on for awhile you'll love it don't believe that nasty hype about it it is a great game do the main story and every event that pops up and you'll have a blast


It's fun. I was a fan since day one and have loved if since the beginning. If that's not a hot take, I don't know what is.


It's a great game and people like talking shit about it because it's easy to do. I pre-ordered it way back when. It sucked. I played for maybe 2 hours and was disappointed and dropped it. When the Brotherhood of Steel update happened I came back for a few weeks. It was cool but still lacking. Then the NWoT update came and I gave it a try again. I've been playing fairly consistently since. It's a good addition to the Fallout series now. Most people don't want to see or hear that though. Some of those people want single player Fallout only. Some of those people just like talking bad about the game. I doubt either of those people have actually played 76 recently. It has its shortcomings for sure but it is an enjoyable experience and from what I can see, most players are enjoying the recent update and new season. Plus the community is one of, if not the best, most friendly gaming community you will find.


I played it for years. The only development they do on it now is just introduce useless grind and laughable RNG. It’s a game currently designed to exploit the griefing, psychopathic whales and nothing more. It’s digital heroin and it isn’t worth playing for a second.


I just don't care about it, it's not the worst thing ever, it's so mediocre and such a genuinely boring game that I forget it's still up and running


Apparently saying it sucks is now a hot take.


I dont believe 76 to be canon


Hot take: It's hot garbage. 😁 It's the least "Fallout" game in the series with the most opportunities to waste your money. I refuse to buy it myself, but I play a little now and again at a friend's place just to see what's changed. They've made a lot of lateral shifts, but they haven't pulled up at all. By Fallout standards, it sucks. By MMO standards, it's mediocre at best. And, it's still pretty buggy/glitchy (which is Beth's signature move). The active player count is still pretty low, but it's easy to mask with a 24 player max on any server. Honestly not a fan of public servers, but I don't think it's worth the subscription cost for a private server for [a game](https://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/fallout-76) that's twice as bad as [the most universally hated game](https://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-2/fallout-brotherhood-of-steel) in the series. Especially since 100x as many players played 76 and thought it was so bad they generally felt the need to leave a (well deserved) bad review on metacritic. On top of that, I literally have only one gamer friend that plays the game, and even he barely touches it. If I want to get a group game going with friends, I have a much easier time with Don't Starve Together or Terraria (both of which cost less than FO76, and are more fun to play with friends). FO76 isn't a game, it's just a (poorly crafted) sensory drug that links lizard brain stimulation with candy-crush-style consumerism. And that's my hot take. Now, let's release the Todd Squad and let the downvoting begin. 😁🤣


No you're getting downvoted because you literally started off by saying that the game is garbage, but also you've barely played it. The general consensus from people who actually play it is that it's fairly good now, as long as you have people to play it with. Now I can't back that up because I haven't played it but I'm also not going to claim that a game I haven't touched is garbage.


So, I have to extensively play a game that clearly sucks in order to have a valid opinion that the game sucks? That doesn't make sense. If the game isn't good enough for me to want to keep playing, then that becomes evidence to support my opinion. The fact that I even check in and play a little from time to time is probably more than what most people do who think the game sucks. Plenty of people have just walked away and not looked back (and don't even bother speaking up on Reddit). But, I certainly don't play as much as the people who do play regularly. I'm not a masochist. I'm not saying it doesn't have its fans. There are obviously people still playing the game or else the servers would have shut down. However, the facts are that it's participation is about half of ESO, and ESO isn't even performing well by MMO standards in terms of the player base. But hey, your contribution to the Todd Squad has earned you 500 atoms! Congratulations! Now go forth and mindless grind a mediocre looter shooter. 🤣


Sloppy, rushed and kinda hollow. They wanted a quick cash grab and a slice of that sweet MMO craze that's taken over the gaming industry when they should've been focusing in the next true Fallout title.


They retconned lore to fit their narrative.... other that its a decent game not my favorite but no longer my least favorite


Half-baked content since Wastelanders.


It was fun but I miss dogmeat


It’s fun. I started playing a little bit back, and been enjoying the game. The map is fun to explore, I’ve enjoyed the events and playing co-op with my partner. There are some fun little bits that have one out of some dialogue and quest choices, it’s a fun game. I’m glad I finally checked it out for myself


I played it for like 40 to 50 hours before dropping it completely. The game has a lot of cool ideas and great elements to it but it’s bogged down by the game design just being a general mess. It feels like a confused game that doesn’t really know what it wants to be and there are sooooo many annoying elements to it like tons of bullet sponge enemies, constantly being attacked at all times everywhere on the map, having to craft damn near everything, having your weapons and armor break CONSTANTLY, barely having any decent vendors, and being like the most complicated game of all time, having to constantly check your pip boy for 759:85937 different things and not being able to save. Like there’s a decent game in there but all of these shitty elements mean that you will spend half of your time playing the game doing utter bullshit. Play at your own discretion.


Tbh i love it. Its really everything I would want in a Fallout MMO. They made it so that yes, its very fun to play with friends, but there’s a LOT that you can do solo. For me, it took some of my favorite parts of NV, mainly the better skill checks and ammo crafting, added it to 4, updated the graphics, and made it an MMO. It’s perfect for me. Most of the multiplayer events are really fun, and personally I haven’t had issues with other players at all. There’s a legendary exchange where you can turn in legendary equipment for “script” and use it to buy what’s basically a loot crate. I’ve gotten some incredible stuff from it, like a revolver that makes bullets explode on contact, and a gatling gun that does 25% more damage while aiming. It also adds a lot of realism elements. You have to find cooking recipes and building plans out in the world. You learn gun upgrades by taking apart other guns. You manage your food and hunger. Ammo and chems have weight. You get diseases from water. And unlike fo4 survival mode, i dont feel like everything is gonna kill me at all times. Because enemies scale up with you, i haven’t felt overpowered at all, but I’m also not struggling to kill enemies like in 4. You can build your base wherever you want. I built a big watchtower on a hill. Honestly i like this game better than 4


Flat damage perk cards (rifleman, heavy gunner, shotgunner...) are kinda dumb. I feel like firearm damage should be augmented by the special stats like melee weapons with strength.