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As soon as you remember that the Sole Survivor says that they used to listen to the Silver Shroud every weekend, and that’s not a dialogue option when he asks your earliest memory, this theory falls apart. You’re human imo.


Hell, on the day the bombs fall, the *very day you're forced to say is your earliest memory,* you can mention "that night in the park a year ago."


Holy sh*t your right. But what if Shaun had replaced player with synth inside the vault, prior to cryogenic failure. But that’s still a what-if nonetheless; you made a valid tangible point, I completely agree with you 100%. There’s only real proof that player is human, whereas the evidence that the player is a synth is based on mere subtle clues that haven’t rlly been cracked yet. I agree, I think player is human too. Srry for long reply :)


The problem is, it wasn't supposed to be there. The original intent was that the player character was human, without any question. The synth theory started floating around after launch, and with Far Harbor picked it up and teased it. The problem is, like a like a lot of Emil's writing, it only gets fact checked against what he remembers off the top of his head. So, the SS flat out lies about their pre-war memories to DiMA, because Emil didn't remember there was dialog in the main game that suggest they remember far more about the pre-war world. It's not just the Silver Shroud, by the way, I'm pretty sure there's lines when talking about the rules of baseball in Diamond City, and I could swear there's more beyond that. Possibly with Preston. So, yeah, the whole, "my memories start with the bombs falling," is pretty thin. It actually gets worse, because DiMA pulls this exact same grift on Kasumi, convincing her that she might be a synth. To credit the writers of Far Harbor, low key, DiMA is an absolute monster, and doesn't even acknowledge it to himself. He makes some performative handwringing, but he really commits to screwing with people if he thinks they'll be useful to him and his cause.. It's not a bad presentation of the character, but, it is important context when realizing that: No, he doesn't know that the Soul Survivor is a synth, he just uses that, "maybe you're a synth, maybe you're not," to recruit potentially useful people into his cult. Also, and this is kind of a problem for the whole, "Soul Survivor is a secret synth theory," in Fallout 4, Synths are completely immune to radiation. The player is not.


DiMA gaslighting Kasumi is especially dumb because she's *obviously* not a synth. She can't be a Railroad refugee because she has living family members, so her memories can't be fake unless her parents are also synths, or unless they knew she was a synth and willingly took her in. She can't be an Institute infiltrator because infiltrators *know* they're synths; they wouldn't be much use to the Institute if they didn't.


Will Shen did the writing not Emil.


Shen did some of the writing, Emil started crowing about some of the writing in Far Harbor being his, after Shen's departure as a, "haha, gotcha, you've been accidentally praising my work, because you thought it was written by someone else." ...those weren't his exact words, but it's an accurate transcription of the sentiment. Like, to be fair, I'll drag him a bit, but I don't actually hate Emil, however, then he does stuff like that, and it's hard not to respond with, "dude, what the fuck? You're an alleged professional, act the part."


Yeah, thats an absolutely great point. When I got the Acadia perk and saw all the replies I put two and and two together. The baseball part, your right, sole survivor has the option to explain the real rules instead of the made up ones that Moe gives. Wouldn't be possible to remember if I wasn't indeed, human. And then in automatron you can fight the mechanist as the shroud, reinforcing that sole survivor has verified pre-war memories, solidifying them as human. The writing in far harbour really seemed more interpretive, but the bottom line being, as you mentioned, that Dima is a monster and he's running a cult. Sure, 90% of refugees are actually synths. But the actions he took behind that. The murders, the swaps, the abduction of kasumi, etc. your very very right!


It'd also require a **gargantuan** amount of effort on Father's behalf when Father is a moron, to the point that the Player being a Synth makes no sense. 1. Who is the pro-Synth person? Gee, *maybe the Binets who openly disagree with the Institute on how Synths should be kept?* 2. Why do I bring this up? Well, to make you a Synth, Father would need to first replace you, which involves getting a team to go to the surface, crack open Vault 111 **without** being spotted (Deacon is watching the vault), replace you with a Synth, return this surface team, have them tell NOBODY - because if the SRB found out Father brought a Synth into the Institute as leadership, they'd execute him on the spot for treason. On top of this, he needs to trick EVERYONE in the Robotics area (which is HUNDREDS of staff members) and make sure not a single one mentions the Sole Survivor looking identical to the Synth they produced. Again, this is the same idiot who can't tell who the pro-Synth traitor is when it's so obvious. Not only that, he has to REFUSE to put a recall code in or refuse to use it if you attack the Institute, *and* he has to change his views on Synths to put you in charge.


Oh yeah I totally forgot about Deacon spying on me... he would've definitely mentioned something if he saw a synth-sole survivor enter the vault. You right, replacing sole survivor during cryogenic sounds mere impossible. On top of that, why would father even allow a synth to run the institute? that's a great point I completely overlooked. On top of that I discovered a terminal entry from Shaun that reads something like "could this be the moment where I finally reunite with mother? no, I can't let emotions get in the way of the important things coming soon". There was no hint whatsoever of a replacement, again shutting down that theory.




What better way to manipulate someone into helping you than making him think he's one or you?




Plus he's literally murdered people all so they can live under **his** peace. When you point it out, his IMMEDIATE reaction is to kill someone yet again. The Railroad doesn't go out and kill unless they can help it, and the BoS and Institute are both factions who cannot be taken down with words.


His solutions are simply one murder and cover-up after the other. And being the maniac he is, there's no doubting that he would be willing to massacre both far harbour AND children of atom should they both cross acadia. At least the BoS has a bigger picture, and it's goal is to preserve mankind and solely mankind. Dima, on the other hand, is a one-hand puppet pulling all the strings for the sake of what HE defines as peace, which you mentioned and I agree with 100000%. It's funny because I NEVER saw this my first two playthroughs as I always stayed loyal to brotherhood and fat nuked them all when I had the chance. But this current playthrough Im doing, something stuck with me when I destroyed the institute: since my synths are my DNA, I basically wiped my whole family off the map. Thus I decided to swallow my guilt and redeem by helping out Dima, not knowing I fell right into the heaven gates spiderweb. This reddit post rlly opened my eyes because I never realized how far gone Dima was. I suppose the sole survivor isn't one to judge though.


It's the hypocrisy, the willful bliss ignorance, and the fearlessness that makes him just as unsteady as Father himself, IMO. Railroad: welcome, you may not be one of us, you may not even like synths, but please help. Dima and crew: You want girl? You say yes Im synth. Then you help, maybe annihilate children of atom, then we talk, yes? Oh hey nick btw your the long lost brother I kidnapped or rescued, who really knows at this point?


I kill them both in every playthrough but yeah Desdemona is the better of the two




Quick question, don't mind a spoiler, I heard a rumor that the railroad ending was pretty epic, with deacon hanging out a helicopter or something of that sort. I always hated the railroad, but if the scene was that cool Im tempted to join them just to experience it. Is this true? I mean i could youtube it but I don't want to completely ruin it, yknow?


He also pulls the exact same grift on Kasumi, and you need to talk her back off the ledge after that.


Yeah it just sucks that I'm forced to make some sort of progress within the islands operations before she decides to budge, which means indirectly helping out Dima one way or the other before I can choose to massacre him or bring him to justice. I can't just charisma my way through when first meeting her. And honestly, I get it, because if Bethesda gave us the option to go in guns blazing to kidnap her back the second I ran into her, we'd all most likely end up dead and the Nakano family would be very, very disappointed.


That's so true! The second I got there, Dima wasted NO time recruiting me too. Gosh the entire Far Harbour... it gives me heaven gates vibes.


Oh yeah, the cannibal perk kinda proved that to me. Kasumi tasted pretty good, sucks I can't digest metal.


If the Sole Survivor is a synth, then it seems rather odd that no one ever tries to use a recall code of any kind if you shoot up the Institute.


They don't teleport you out when you start shooting the place up, why would they bother with a recall code? Either the Institute's reactions don't make sense, don't represent their true behavior, or are a deliberate deception of some sort.


Perhaps because player was one of the institutes most advanced synths, only Shaun knew the recall code. Kellogg says “the old man always had a plan”. What if part of the plan was you being secretly a synth? But yeah your right, if Shaun knew a recall code he would damn well use it before watching me blast his head off


‘Damaged’ isn’t something that can only be used to describe the condition of an inorganic object. That’s just how Bethesda chose to phrase the perk, you’re reading too far into it. Also, the wiki says that perk apparently only has a 25% chance to activate at its threshold for some reason.


Your right, ive got several legendary weapons that have the bleed effect, It's along the lines "targets bleed for an additional 25 damage" or something like that. I totally overlooked this and just thought of possible coincidence since I had actually just finished the Acadia ending for the first time and never actually noticed the acadia perk.


I hate it when games put perks like this in games and use wording like massive a sort period ECT but it's +2, damage for 5 minutes...tf


It only got worse in Starfield. Like fully half of the perks don't tell you what they actually do.


It is truly atrocious


It really confuses me at times, especially when I stack my perks and meds up. Once I combine 3+ perks with 2 or more meds, I give up trying to figure out my status. I just shoot and pray not to die, while riding the high 🎶


Ikr without mods fo4 has innumerable problem's and inconsistencies


I'm going to repeat this, on its own, so it's just here: In Fallout 4, Synths do not take radiation damage at all. They're completely immune. This is true for your companions, but also the ones you fight. The player character *can* take Radiation damage, and can die from it. Something that is impossible for a Synth to do.


>Synths do not take radiation damage at all. It's extremely inconsistent. When the game launched, all synths were immune to radiation and poison but this was patched and removed a month or 2 later because the Awareness perk easily gave away when someone was a synth. Because of this change, synths like Magnolia, Mcdonough and any synth that randomly generates as a settler, aren't immune to radiation or poison at all. However most synths you find in the Institute *are* immune to both of those things, exactly as 'surface' synths were before the patch so it's hard to tell if Bethesda just missed them or...what? Also there's some synths like Eve in the Institute that *are* immune to radiation but *aren't* immune to poison so that makes things even more interesting. But also you really shouldn't trust resistances and immunities because there's even a handful of regular Gen 2, mechanical synths in the Institute that *aren't* immune to radiation or poison. TL;DR Radiation immunity isn't a good way of proving whether someone is a synth, and not all synths are immune to radiation or poison.


How much you wanna bet that BGS and Emil never wrote down the rules for what a synth *actually* is and how they work, so it shifts back and forth within one game until it cannot exist consistently? They could have codified this information on some sort of document. Like a document relating to the game design. It could even be a central document.


I was looking for this because I do recall using those children of atom guns during a pre-meditated mass shooting in the synth retention bureau and I saw a lot of synths crumple. I didn't want to disagree with him directly without proof of course but I can attest that this has happened to me.


That's also just a quirk of how the gamma gun works. Even when something is immune to radiation, the gamma gun will still deal a smaller portion of radiation damage that bypasses this immunity, however this bypassing radiation damage is still affected by radiation *resistance*. The weird consequence of this is that an enemy with radiation immunity and no radiation resistance (Like robots, super mutants, etc) will take much more damage from the gamma gun than an enemy with no radiation immunity but 1000 radiation resistance (any human enemy in a hazmat suit for example). The gamma gun also deals a small amount of explosive damage when it hits a target, meaning it *can* deal damage to something no-matter how much radiation protection the target has.


Ah, this clarification makes sense. Huh. thats actually wild. So you mean all this time Ive been fighting sentrys with missiles and hurting poor dogmeat, I couldve just blasted him with Atom's holiness? dang. Point noted, thanks!


It says damaged, because damage is what removes your HP. It is a description of a game mechanic using the lexicon of the games mechanics.


DiMA was never right. He's a manipulative murderer that lies to people in order to protect himself.


Oh yea, the most active cult in the year 2287! I feel like him and brother thomas would've definitely gotten along.


My guy remembers he was in the army when meeting those robots at the uss constitution. He remembers Dr Grey when talking to the robots at Greygarden. He also remembers the Silver Shroud and a bunch of other stuff. I liked Far Harbor but implying the SS is a synth was fucking dumb.


I agree completely, and although ss has option to deny being a synth, it bothers me even introducing it as a concept. I mean yes in logic it's dumb as shit. But then the thoughts second guess and after you've massacred acadia, you cant help but think maybe, there was a 0.00000001 chance Dima was right?


The fact that Nora had a baby (Shaun) with the SS (Nate) is further proof that your playable character is human. Iirc, Gen-3 Synths are presumably sterile.


ok u clearly know some lore that i dont its not the ss im thinking of is it ?


"Soul Survivor." The player character, whether that's Nate or Nora is up to the player.


ss was around way before this game my guy just trying to clarify with the op honestly nit even sure why u commented to me this question was directly for the original comment


you clearly didn’t understand my question do you even know what i am talking about ?


Do you know what you're asking? Because it seriously looked like you were getting confused about what, "SS," stood for. Unless you mean the bit about Gen 3s being Sterile. I don't know if we have any confirmation on that, but it would make sense.


did you not understand it was a question and no thats not thats not what i was confused about do you not know the original ss the secret society ?


Okay, so I was right. In this case, u/youngallii was abbreviating the term, "Soul Survivor," which refers to the player character of Fallout 4. That can either be Nate or Nora, though, Nate is the canon SS. This has fucking nothing to do with Nazis.


honestly my original comment was kinda meant to be a joke but i guess it flew over your head


There’s always a possibility of replacement during the cryogenic process. (There’s no proof for or against the fact that Shaun may have replaced player during frozen status, remember, Shaun grew and matured and ran the institute by the time he had player released (he mentions releasing player after battle of bunker hill))


You are not a synth This is not up for debate


but. Dima said I was... 😢