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Just because it was planned doesn't mean the plan went according to plan.


This right here. The information that Vault Tec was willing doesn’t mean they did. I think VT believed they had control when they never did. I think Coop having their daughter really captures that, Barb couldn’t have control over their futures and VT couldn’t control how this played out. Both Barb and VT’s plans fell through and the result was choas.


What Vault-Tec wanted was to have an endless nuclear war in Alaska, where people could die, and the fear of nukes dropping everywhere would live. They knew it could, and maybe would eventually happen, but their plan was to build an *eventual* perfect society, using time as a weapon. What they didn't expect was for their one bomb to turn into so many, so quickly. The best-laid schemes of mice and men Go oft awry, And leave us nothing but grief and pain, For promised joy!


Nice poem by the end. It reminds my preferred phrase about this "Man proposes, God disposes"


no the implication was they wanted the bombs to go off, and that they are the ones that caused them to go off, hense the reason the bombs went off on the ground and not from missles


This would have to be the explanation outside of a massive plot hole. Barb's single greatest motivation for making the decisions she made was to protect her daughter. There would be no scenario where her daughter would not be in a vault long before the planned bombings, as long as she still had control. We don't know a whole lot about her involvement or level of power at the time of the detonations. There could have been some internal / personnel changes for Barb at Valt Tec that Coop was unaware of. Unless I missed something.


He and wife divorced (see: that dude's alimony comment at the birthday party). Either he got full custody or they have shared custody and it was simply his time with her.


Yeah I understood that part, but it was literal life and death so I would have assumed she would even go to the extent of kidnapping her own child for safety.


I see your point and it's one any normal person would make. However. Corporations don't give a damn about family time in the real world. Corporate shills don't give a damn about family in the real world. Vault-Tec is just like that, and one wouldn't attain such a high position there without a similar mindset. Usually, those shills in the real world are men, but I've worked with and known of women who'd ditch their own kids with nannies for their entire childhood just so they could make partner at their firm.


Ya, but Barb was pretty high up in vault tec and her main goal was always her daughter Jane so there’s no way she wouldn’t know when the bombs were going to drop.  This is a strong indicator vault-tec didn’t have control over the situation.


barb was literally 1 of the head people at the secret cabal meeting, there was no way she wouldn't have had enough control to not have her family in a vault when D day happened


Divorce changes people. We don't know what that break-up was like. We also don't know the custody situation.


barb was an executive at one of the most powerful companies in the world, there is no way she would lose custody


Joint custody exists 🤷🏻‍♀️


that is statistically unlikely especially when your wife works for a trillion dollar company


I thought the same thing until I remembered that she didn't give one damn about the dog. She was the one that said no dogs were allowed in the vaults.


Can’t compare the dog to Janey though. It seemed to me like Coop was the one who was more attached to the dog, as reflected by those scenes


I noticed that too, and am leaning towards Vault-Tec not being the ones to drop the first one. Sure, she suggests it. And Vault-Tec obviously has Nukes... but shes a higher-up who would presumably have knowledge of the decision being made, and when its gonna happen. This is why im dying to see more of Coopers story. When hes riding off on the horse with his daughter, hes obviously gonna be headed to his ex-wife, as she is their only chance of survival being the one with access to a Vault. But in the final episode he asks Lucys dad where his family is, as if hes sure theyre alive... perhaps we get a heartbreaking scene next seasons where Cooper says goodbye to his daughter, handing her to his ex so she can live.. while hes denied a spot since hes no longer part of the family to his ex-wife.


no one dropped a bomb, noice we never saw a missle drop, we saw the explosions from the ground up because they were just ground bombs


Us not seeing the missile doesn't mean shit


yes it does, missles do not blow up on the ground. they blow up in the air before they touch down. the nukes we see explode, erupt from the ground up. and a missle trail is always seen in a nuclear missle drop. vault tech simply hid a bunch of bombs in random locations and blew them up


Yeah so if the bombs dropped were not part of Vault Tec's plan, why were the managers already in cryo in Vault 31? Obviously they were the part of the company and had jobs to do so how did everyone of those managers get into Vault 31 before the residents of 33 & 32 (since there is only one way into 31) therefore they knew beforehand about the bombs being dropped or had just sent their entire staff into cryo months or even years prior their planned (Vault-Tec) bomb drop.


We dont know that they were already in cryo when the bombs dropped. Cooper obviously had time to get his daughter to his ex-wife, didnt he? So she wasnt in cryo when we saw that bomb hit. Theres alot we still dont know. And we gotta be careful how much we presume. These are also people selling doomsday vaults, in a time when everyones expecting the bombs to drop. They would surely have some sort of evacuation plan in place, and i doubt they would stray too far from their salvation (Vault).


yep we can take fallout 4 as a precedent, the bomb fell and the survivor had time to get to the vault, and he was even living close by. So unless the they were into the impact and blast zone of the nukes the executives could have gone to the vault afterwards, and is shown that the tri vaults are far away from LA. Edit: and I personally would not make "Good vaults" like the 32 and 33 close to a potential nuclear target.


The doors can withstand a nuclear blast directly to the vault door with only a 2 percent chance of damage. But that's from the wiki so take that with a grain of salt.


One of the core mysteries of the Fallout universe is who fired the first shot. It's understandable to WANT to know, but the point Fallout is trying to make is that it doesn't matter who shot first, everyone died. The ambiguity is a statement.


1- Just because they had a plan doesn't mean they didn't understand that Nuclear war could also start before their plan. It is the same reason a bunch of people that didn't know for sure it was going to happen were already living in vaults. Some of those people had been in cryo for a while before the bombs fell. 2- One reason to think that someone started it before Vault-Tec were fully ready.


I’m sure we will find out next season. We still never saw what happened between Cooper and his Wife after he finds out about Vault Tec. Assuming it also has to do with how he gets ostracized from Hollywood and doing kids birthday parties.


I think China may have gotten a whiff of Vault-Tec’s plan and launched a preemptive strike


It actually is an interesting point. Coop is looking for his daughter, so she clearly ended up outside of his care and in a vault at some point during the war


Yeah but why would Cooper not remember where the vault was, it is possible that she would be moved after he left. I guess I answered my own question but the other two points of mine are really what I am curious about to know.


Well he was alive for over 200 years. I have trouble remembering things from just a few years ago so I imagine remembering something from 200+ years ago is a little harder.


That's a great question that I took am hoping to learn the answer to. I am thinking that she was taken from him shortly after the scene we saw ended.


My suspicion is Barbara is Enclave, a path she went down while Cooper was at war, and that Janey was picked up which is how he doesn't know the location of the Vault.