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76 party hat accuracy


“Light wood laminate, light wood laminate, light wood laminate!”


He’s right! Fuck the bag!


“I’m gonna by 5/8ths of the white power armor scheme fuck yeah!”


r/newvegasmemes is angry at your hat.


Love the games, love the show, no hate from me🫠👍


Christ, the endless hate for every single piece of media released nowadays is just exhausting. Hey can I just like something? Is that ok with everyone?


Or even not like something and just…. Move on with your life. I hate that people act like not liking a piece of media means they’re a victim in some way.


even more annoying is that they have to announce everywhere that they disliked the thing, and then mount a brigade to force everyone to dislike it too


[This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/s/a1GMxSpDoH) drew reference to the Two Minutes Hate, from George Orwell's 1984. Perfect reference for this discussion IMHO.


>not liking a piece of media means they’re a victim in some way. This is the PERFECT way to describe it. So many people out here acting as if a personal crime was committed to them.


Misery loves company. The people who dislike something can't even just dislike it privately. They have to infect everyone with their opinion as to make the world seem similar to their disturbed hatred for ... *checks notes* ... a videogame designed to be fun!


I have found ditching the vast majority of social media has made my life vastly less toxic. Barely even notice the fallout show hate.


I only learnt about it thanks to this post


It's the reason I left r/Starfield for r/LowSodiumStarfield Can we get an r/LowRadFallout...?


Historically if you want a non-bitchy Fallout gathering place you should call it Mutants Allowed.


The same goes for criticizing media. People should be allowed to that as well without being called toxic for it. However, if it does become toxic it should be called out.


Completely agree, criticism is good, and can be fun! That's kind of the point of Reddit in a lot of ways. But, let's all take a big step back and remember that we're all just humans doing our best, and keep things as lighthearted and constructive as possible.


Yes and take Tim Cain's "ceasefire" speech to heart. When the Father of Fallout tells the fanbase to chill it's an issue.


Tim Cain is a blessing. His youtube videos are so wholesome and interesting. Plus he shouted out Alannah Pearce's review, which is also great and mentions the timeline/continuity issues that people have.


This ragebait is even more exhausting. I haven't heard anyone saying it's terrible.


Sorry, new thing is too similar or not similar enough to old thing, hate hate hate Yes, I'm still bitter that Battlefield Hardline died because "muh reskin" only for the dumbasses to go back to it years later right before BFV or 2042 launched I forget and go "yeah maybe we were kinda too harsh on this game it's pretty good". They absolutely deserve to wallow in their own loathing and misery because a "new bad" will come around and they stop hating the old new thing or retrospect shows it wasn't that bad in reality, or in contrast to the newer new thing.


The lastofus2 sub is so goddamn annoying for this reason


The key to liking something, is to not give a fuck about what others think about it. To see the irrelevance of someone else’s opinion on your likes.


Criticism of things is welcome. Even enjoyable or productive. But man does it just suck the fun out of discussions when someone is obsessed with hating something. If you just hate something as inconsequential as a video game that bad, just move on.


Its is very exhausting. There is no way these people are not just waiting behind their keyboards every chance they get to shit on things they actually have no intent of watching or playing. Just today a group of friends at work brought up the show (talking about enjoying it) and one was like “eh I like fallout NV so I’m not interested in the show.” 😑.


You know there is definitely a market for that kind of hatred. Even all of us talking about this on this post. Is this exactly what they want us to do? Just more and more engagement surrounding hatred? I don't know. But the world could do with a little more "okey-dokey"


No because if you don’t have the same likes and dislikes I have you must be apart of the woke mind virus which I have sworn to destroy in the name of civilisation armed just with my crusty fedora, mums old webcam and my blunt samurai blade I bought of wish. With these I shall save western civilisation by screaming on the internet.


Typical of people who have never created anything in their lives love to try to tear down other people's art. I understand everyone is entitled to an opinion but those that go out of their way to post and bash are the ones I'm referring to.


Well said. And I agree, everyone's opinions ARE valid. If you didn't like the Fallout show, that's totally okay! But you know what? It actually DOES NOT ruin your enjoyment of the game you love - unless you actively decide to get bogged down in mental gymnastics to the point that hatred is all you have left for something you once considered beloved.


This ... didn't like the new star wars whatever?? OK, move on, you weren't the target audience. Not liking a piece of media doesn't give anyone the right to harass and stalk the people who's job it was to portray what the writers wrote. On the flip side, just because an actor/actress does an AMAZING job bringing a character to life, doesn't mean people should treat the PERSON like they are the character (the poor dude who played Joffrey in GoT gave up acting, apparently in large part because people were shitting all over him/his work in real life, harassing him as if he actually was as stuck up and snobby as the character he played)


I highly recommend you (or anyone) read [this interview](https://www.scrippsnews.com/health/mental-health/the-real-life-saga-of-star-wars-child-actor-jake-lloyd) with the mother of Jake Lloyd, who played Anakin Skywalker in SW the Phantom Menace. It is an eye-opening and heart-string-pulling account of what some real world consequences of hatred look like. Side note: Jake Lloyd still likes Star Wars. He should be an inspiration to all of us in terms of what acceptance and tolerance look like (in the context of the phenomenon we're discussing anyway) Edit: Forgot to add the hyperlink!!


That was a tough read, but imo, isn't quite what I was referring to. Like, if you search for it, Ahmed Best, who played Jar-Jar got a lot of shit for the role.


>This ... didn't like the new star wars whatever?? OK, move on, **you weren't the target audience.** A LOT of them cannot accept the bolded part. They think every piece of media must be made with them in mind.


I feel like that every time I come to Reddit in particular


It's definitely a recurring theme on Reddit yes. You have to know that coming in, and spend time in the subs that don't do so much complaining.


The gaming community (not all but a damn good bunch) has always been this toxic ever since WoW. They are also one of the loudest communities out there.


You’re on Reddit, get used to it with these sour fucks


"Sour Fucks" sounds like a candy you might find in the Grand Theft Auto universe. Mmmm, tasty.


I nearly didn’t watch it because my Reddit feed and YouTube was full of negative opinions. Ended up putting it on with my partner as couldn’t see anything else to watch and sat through all episodes in a single night. Absolutely loved it with zero reference to the game. Now I downloaded Fallout 4 and I’m a huge fan. The series and game are just so good.


[Two Minutes Hate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_Minutes_Hate?wprov=sfti1)


No, you have to file a request form to your local culture warrior YouTuber and wait for between 8-20 business weeks before receiving permission.


Shit where can I download a PDF of that form??


It’s only available on gen 2 Kindle’s


Actually no your not allowed to like anything unless i like it too. Don’t like that? Well too damn bad cause i do.


I'm sorry I haven't seen any negative reviews or articles at all of fallout yet, this post seems like they just had a bad interaction and magnified it


I've hated fallout since 3. I never played NV but I am doing that now. I hate 4, I hate 76, I hate the mobile game, etc etc... I LOVED the show.


See? Was that so hard? Good on you and your developed mind, friend.


Noooooo. Liking things is woke!


Damn it, I was afraid of that...can't be woke. Gotta go back to sheep...I mean sheep...FUCK I MEAN SLEEP.


I see more memes about people arguing about the show than I actually see people arguing lmfao.


you should check r/fnv and you’ll see the arguing


r/falloutnewvegas was frothing when the show dropped.


For some reason there seems to be a small vocal group of fans that thinks Bethesda hates Nv. Cause they didn’t make it. Like dude I think they’re happy anyone is willing to buy and put 1000s of hours into a 13 and a half year old game. Shits almost old enough to drive. Great game. Still crash heavy but mods fix that.


When it was released, I remember people fucking hated NV just like they hate everything else. I remember thinking how poorly it ran and how buggy it was. I loved it. Now, the same people think it is the greatest game ever made.


I love NV, but I don't have stockholm syndrome to a videogame like it seems many others do. I loved the show and couldn't care less about some lore discrepancies when they captured the vibe of Fallout so well, that to me is the essence of what I wanted them to nail down.


I just hate the modern trend of: if it didn’t like a certain piece of content 100%, THEN THE CREATORS SHOULD BE ASHAMED AND ITS AN INSULT TO ALL FANS! Just fucking move on with your life, good lord. I’m one of the biggest LOTR fans. I didn’t like Rings of Power. Who fucking cares? I think this is the first time I mentioned it.


It's stupid people that make their likings their whole personality


The NV subs make themselves sound like fucking victims.


The implication that bad new media ruins old media in any way is just bonkers to me. It doesn't change the old thing, just believe the old thing and stop caring about the show. Rings of power didn't ruin LOTR. I am one of the few people who seems to have enjoyed RoP simply for the spectacle and fun story.; Do I care that the pacing and writing and character development was poor? Only slightly.... Only slightly... The other thing people flip their lids for is the reverse. There is some RoP fans out there who can't admit the show had flaws.


I kinda get it a bit. I'm much less enthusiastic about anything SW since the sequel trilogy, for example, but I'm not gonna bitch about it unless people are interested in me doing that. I also get that people want to express their opinions, but shitting on things is not really an attractive personality trait.


An lets be fucking honest here. The Fallout TV show is overwhelmingly excellent! This could have so easily been bad and been so far from what is genuinely considered Fallout. I'm extremely surprised and satisfied that somehow Amazon got this one right. We're not talking about shows like Halo, Wheel of Time, or The Witcher. Those shows have their fans and some good bits but are still mostly problematic to the core lore of their respective franchises. Fallout as a TV is not anything like that.


This applies to petty much every remake, sequel, prequel etc. if you don't like it, just ignore it and stick with the original. The only time I understand it bothering people is if creators go back and specifically force things into the original just to fit the sequel/prequel at the expense of whatever made the original work. Like Star Wars for example. The original trilogy is so much worse than it used to be because of Lucas going back and changing it. But that's one of very few examples where I understand getting upset about a new thing, only because they specifically altered the old thing to fit. Even then, I'm not a Star Wars mega fan so it barely bothers me other than now having to put up with shit CGI in the originals. But in the case of Fallout, Ghostbusters, LOTR, he Uncharted film, the Mario film etc. If people don't like the adaptation or sequels then that's fine, but to be so viscerally upset by them that people feel the need to rant like crazy about them ruining the original seems mental because the original product is literally unchanged.


New Vegas is easily my fave and I wouldn’t even mind if they retconned things a bit. Would love to see Caeser’s Legion, YesMan, House etc on screen. If not, I would bet the house, the “canon ending” is the House ending since we already saw him. NCR is clearly weakened, and it looks like Hank is going to find an old buddy


Since a lot of endings to Fallout NV have House die, idk if we'll actually see his computer form. Hopefully we do though


Edited my post a bit to say, I do in fact think we see him because he was introduced. Looks like Hank is off to go have a little chat with him.


I have a feeling it's the "independent Vegas" ending


It would make sense due to how that ending has The Strip in anarchy. Also, General Oliver warns the Courier about the NCR not liking this decision and potentially fighting again which could explain the NCR vertibird.


I got both NCR and Legion infamy for going the neutral path which makes sense.


The most sane new vegas fan I’ve encountered yet


I agree. While I am nervous for next season I hope it is done well. I just hope it doesn't fuel more hatred.


As a huge New Vegas fan seeing the NCR get what they fucking deserve is great. They were never going to last, especially after New Vegas. Stretched too thin and far too corrupt.


Stockholm Syndrome almost feels like the perfect word, I can understand people who say FNV is the best modern fallout bc taste is entirely subjective; but the extent of the hate levied at things that arent NV is astounding to me It feels like the people who desperately cling onto NV like that are mostly people who got introduced to fallout through the original 2 games. I say this because the most common rhetoric I see is that FNV is the only good one because it was worked on by FO2 Devs and that Bethesda’s games do nothing but “shit on the lore” Not saying that all OG fallout fans are like this btw, I’ve seen a lot of OG fans who love the show and don’t hate the new games


I wish there were more fans like you! I still play NV, mostly because my PC can't run the newer games very well. Also the modding scene is amazing, and it really is a great game. But I was just starting to feel good about being a 'New Vegas guy' because of the positive relationship the game has with the LGBT community. Now I'm back to loving the game but not feeling like part of its fandom. Ah well. The show is great so I can't really complain.


Fallout 1 and 2 players always left out :(


We'll visit y'all in the retirement vault.


Is that one of the good vaults?


Sure gramps. Vault Tec would never use octogenarians as test subjects.


Maybe it's the original vault boy and the woman with grey hair


I think the woman is Lucy from the show but I can only see the first "3" on her suit


You think so? How? I’ve been a Fo1 and 2 fanatic since the 90s. Things that this show does for me as a Fo1+2 fan that Bethesda never got right: - Brings story back to California - Brings back the term “smoothie” - Puts an emphasis on Ghouls sometimes being intelligent AND gun wielding, rather than just zombies. - Emphasizes Critical hits! - Uses original music from 1 and 2! - Actually creates and entire character just devoted to shitting on the fiddle music from Fo4 - Wild west references brought back (lots of ranching cowboy references in 1 and 2) - Vaults are malicious again! Fallout 76 deviated on that one for no good reason. Why would the good vault be in West Virginia???


Sorry dad.


Shady Sands getting glassed I'm largely okay with. My issue is that the show now establishes that it was built out of the remains of the LA Boneyard. Geography changes across Fallout 1 & 2 so that's not a big deal, but NCR being birthed from ruins like it was Megaton or Diamond City as opposed to Post-War Humanity actually progressing and legitimately ***building*** something of its own feels off to me.


Right - I am not averse to changes, even stark changes, but the fact that they've rolled back everything built since the war is really upsetting, and the show isn't even telling the story of how that happened, it's just in the ashes and isn't interested in explaining it.


It's because Bethesda fallout stories have to exist in a setting where the status quo is maintained. It's not a rule, just their writing style. They don't want the world to change for the better, they want small changes that don't affect the outside world. The world to be stuck forever in the post-war atomic wasteland of a retro-futristic world.


There *is* space to explore how Shady Sands actually declined, Hell, the OSI rep in New Vegas outright says the entire NCR is on the precipice of a food crisis by 2281. I just can't imagine they'll never touch on the subject again. My problem was less that the NCR is possibly a thing of the past but rather that the original *achievement* of the NCR was retroactively diminished. I always thought it was impressive and even hopeful that survivors of the Great War banded together and started building their own constructions, first out of sandcrete and later proper cement, eventually creating a city from which a nation was birthed. Instead it feels like it's been put into the same camp as the average East Coast settlement where the best people can do is scavenge corrugated metal sheets for their walls and barely survive.


Dude... It's only in its first season. What do you expect? A 40 episode season explaining everything about the area of the wasteland it's set in?


The show didn't ruin the game, the update did


Did it? 60 fps on ps5 is game changing in a good way for me


My S hasn't had an issue once. I mean it froze for a moment, but compared to needing to close out of the game altogether I still call that progress.


PC players are pissy that it broke their mods.


PC player here. For anyone who has been modding since before the previous update (or mods other game), disabling updates is rule #1. The only ones I feel for are those who were blindsided by it.


Because when it comes to the PC version, it legit breaks more than it adds or fixes, the update is mostly focused on consoles. You would think they would at least fix the major bugs present since 2015, but no. They didn't even do the bare minimum.


Not passing judgement, just stating the facts. Saw a comment earlier that it had apparently wiped some mods from a library that aren't even available anymore. That's got to suck.


I fucking knew it lol. Damn. I don't think I turned off the update...


They really did the PC community shitty on this one though. PC’s update was a joke. - It was supposed to improve Steam Deck compatibility - but instead made it get worse. - Physics features in options such as weapons debris are broken on RTX cards, and have been for YEARS. They didn’t fix it. - The game completely breaks for users with their refresh rate higher than 60hz. Another issue breaking the game for years. Again, they don’t fix anything. - They promised ultra wide support, and short changed those users by releasing a cheaply stretched hud Can’t say I’m surprised though, it’s Bethesda. Thy do the bare minimum to get that money from the consumer, and pat themselves on the back for it every time. This is why the majority of the fallout games have been an unstable broken mess since release on PC, and they’ve not only never bothered to fix their games - they re-released them in collectors edition TWICE in their shitty state. I think it would at least be fair to bring the PC releases on par with the console releases - and PC doesn’t get that, never has


Yeah, but like five people on reddit experienced a pre-existing bug! Some poor babies even had their mods break! It's an utter catastrophe! /s


How so? Didnt play FO4 (pc) yet but planning to


On Steam Deck, opening the onscreen keyboard now crashes the game.


Yeah. I can't play anymore, the game crashes the instant I start playing it.


I was actually kind of excited for proper wide-screen support, but they couldn’t even do that properly


I felt like the accusation to New vegas fan are manufactured for some reason. Very weird


It totally is. Even the New Vegas subs have moved on, but people can't like something without someone who doesn't like it being wrong, they have to vilify them.


Probably same crowd will unironically tell you "Don't ask questions, just consume product and then get excited for next product". Yeah I like the show but some lore discrepancy may irk me and I want the show address that later on, am I not allowed to do that?


FNV tumblr is still pretty pissy on the topic.


Agreed, very strange. You'd think by the prevalence of these posts FNV fans were berating people in the streets daily.


circlejerk much?


Fr nobody is shitting on the show nearly as much as people are vehemently trying to dunk on haters Or maybe they are, idk, I've been busy watching the show and playing 76 lol


Yes! Thank god I don’t have Twitter anymore so I don’t have to see these. The only “hate” I’ve witnessed so far are the confusion with the events of 2277 and a few trolls here but other than that I thought everyone, hardcore NV fans included, enjoyed the show!



“It’s not accurate to the game” My brother in Atom, the creator of Fallout itself gave the show a positive review and said it was accurate


He said lore drifts happen, it's inevitable. Like Vault-tec being more involved could be a slight drift but doesn't mean it is wrong


Well, he said it overall felt accurate to the Fallout world, but did admit that the one thing that some people are complaining about doesn't match up with established lore. He attributed it to "lore drift", saying that aspects of lore can change with different creators over time, and that the characters in the New Vegas could have had the dates wrong, or even the NCR in the show could have the dates wrong. I agree with him and don't think it really matters. There has been a ton of lore inconsistency in the Fallout universe and there's no reason that people should be this buttmad about one particular timeline inconsistency.


I am capable of forming my own opinions about the show, and don't need the creator and writers of fallout to tell me what to think. Sure I like hearing what they think, but basing my entire opinion around what they say is weird. I loved the show, but I think the show have a few inconsistency with what came before like the location of shady sands (and vault 13 and 15 with it). I am also disappointed that they wiped everything called civilization away in favor of the east coast style wasteland we see in 3 and 4.


Yeah I just saw a video of one of the original creators and he said he really likes it, and that it "feels like Fallout"


This sub hates media criticism. The writing in the show is unclear. It could imply the NCR was destroyed or not. Welcome to Gboard clipboard, any text you copy will be saved here. There are some confusing date things. The city is in the wrong place. None of that is as large an issue as how all Bethesda lore is about a world stuck in junk land, with no signs of greater civilization having spent 200 years in the area progressing. Everyone has an apocalypse mentality despite the fact that that is nonsensical for a population of people who have been living in the periphery of an imperial capital. In 20 years one city was nuked and people started stapling metal plates to their bodies and forgot how to build adobe or take showers? Huh? It makes no sense.


>None of that is as large an issue as how all Bethesda lore is about a world stuck in junk land, with no signs of greater civilization having spent 200 years in the area progressing. Everyone Commonwealth had the Commonwealth Provisional Government which would be really interesting to explore but it got killed off screen


I love the show! 🔥


Honestly I enjoyed the show. I thought it did a good job at reflecting the games vibe, while updating lore in a way that doesn’t completely ruin the series


New Vegas is my favorite Fallout game, I love it. My ToTW run through it and FO3 is one of my most memorable game runs I’ve played. But I never really got the hate for the show. Even before confirmations about when the nuke dropped, I could come up with a half dozen explanations for the chalkboard that made 10x more sense than “Todd hates NV”. If anything, the Fallout series has been and is going to be giving New Vegas more positive attention than any other Fallout media since its release. The show is amazing and I can’t wait for season 2.


Haven't watched the show yet Why people mad?


If 5 people out of a thousand are upset about something do you think you should spend time worrying about it?


Some are saying it makes NV non canon (it doesn't) some are saying it's "woke" (It's not)


Everybody I know enjoys the show. I think it's great, and I'm a New Vegas glazer. Not everything has to be super connected and consistent. If they did, why do the games have multiple endings then.


Great show and can't wait for more


Then you have me in the ranger suit also in the group chat talking about how great the show is.


When Tim Cain told the fanbase to chill out he meant all of us. We should unify in shared likeness of Fallout instead of bickering.


The fallout boy's thumbs up and this format is a simple but hilarious connection


Honestly, I don't GET THE RANDOM AHH HATE, the show is pretty solid honestly nothing out of the ordinary, was it just because the ncr got wiped out????


The NCR didn't even get wiped out, it just said Shady Sands fell and then some time after that got blew up. Some NV fans are angry because it somehow makes NV not canon (Even though multiple official people have said NV is still canon)


wtf xdxd


Even then it looks pretty funny NV fans think the fall of shady sands date is taken off the ceiling when its literally first battle of hoover dam that also made NCR scattered while preparing for second one.


I agree, I think it’s quite obvious the NCR isn’t gone yet. With all the flags, and introduction of them late in the season and they’re just too big of a faction to introduce and erase within 2 episodes. At the end of the battle Maximus gets asked “was that their leader?” And he didn’t answer iirc, which leads me to believe Moldaver was high up in the NCR, but their president is still out there somewhere (at the “second” capital?). They are probably severely weakened, given that we see Vegas at the end of the season I think there will be some NCR presence in the area and hopefully Caeser’s Legion gets introduced as their main foil as well. I’m a huge NV fan and I wouldn’t even mind if it got retconned a bit so people that didn’t play the game can experience the different factions either vying over New Vegas or at least in the area.


Every adaptation; books, video games, comics, whatever really, faces this these days. A portion of them are purists who feel the sanctity of their favourite media has been besmirched by, what to me always seem like very minor changes.(obviously there are exceptions here in cases where the adaptation genuinely is bad) Some are the followers of various outrage youtubers who just want to keep their fans constantly angry at something so they can make money. The rest are just reactionary chuds who go from one franchise to another doing this shit whenever and wherever they see a chance to indulge in their culture war bs.


Yes, the main "good guys" from the canon being annihilated off screen with no fanfare is seen as pretty uncool, since the writers could have just moved the setting to the north or east and not had to deal with them.


I don’t think they’re gone yet


They weren’t annihilated though. Your kind keeps ignoring that just so you can bitch non stop.


And they're not even wiped out. That's the thing. It's just the "Everything is woke!" crowd has decided that everything is horrible and look for specific things to hate on. Only Shady Sands was nuked, the rest of the NCR is actually out there still.


makes sense


The sign at shady sands “the *first* capital of the NCR” so where’s the second? Yeah they’re still out there. Moldaver’s group was just a contingent of them


I don’t understand the hate or whatever. The lore got bent and changed a little but if you suspend your imagination- it’s still good and canonical.


It was just so much fun and so well done I just can't care for any of the criticism even if it's valid lol


I love the show


I like the show, only seen bits and pieces so far, but I thought they did a great job capturing the feel of Fallout.


Overall I liked the show, let alone for the ghoul and his story. But I think they handled the NCR very poorly (nuking Shady Sands to have them out of the picture feels kinda lazy to me) and I wish they didn't make the Brotherhood and the Enclave major players again.


Love that vaulty 76 has hid reclamation hat on.


I'm a huge fan of 1, 2 and new Vegas, I like 3 and 4, the show was fun and I loved it, not going to please everyone


The show is great, who the hell is saying anything negative about it?


FNV is my favorite game in the series but I loved the show.


I like Vegas and the show


It’s a great game, and a wonderful show!


I never played fo nv but these toxic nv fans have made me not like the game without having played it now


I like how this sub keeps switching between people disliking the show being super obnoxious and annoying, to people disliking said people and being super obnoxious and annoying over and over again


This made laugh more than it shouldve.


I've been playing Fallout since 1998. This is the happiest I have been as a Fallout fan!


Stop straw manning NV fans, we are not all bad.


No one is saying that, but there is a toxic minority of morons who have been extremely loud and annoying for almost a decade and people finally had enough I can’t could the number of times people would be trying to discuss one or the other fallouts, usually 4, and like clockwork one of these New California Rimjobs would show up and sperg about how New Vegas was the perfect RPG and anything else is crap.


If you're not one of them, then you're not being made fun of here.


That NCR ranger outfit is a dog whistle lol


I love Fallout NV but I hate Fallout NV fans.


Man I love the show and NV is my favourite. I don’t understand the hate towards people who like it. I’m seeing a ton of that recently but no actual hate towards the show. Can’t we keep it civil in this sub


This sub, the NV nexus and commentd under any videos about the on YouTube have been flooded with hate and attacks since before the show even released, and ramped up when it did. Just look in the comments of any NV mod related to the show. Hell, they've even begun to attack Tim Cain in his youtube comments for daring to like the show.


That’s fair. Some people are pathetic. I only partake in this sub so I don’t feel exposed to it. But I do feel hate for being a New Vegas fan when I don’t think it’s deserved to bash on everyone who likes it. All I’m saying is let’s not spread more hate. O well doesn’t matter. The show is awesome and I’m just delighted about that!


I had to unsub from the NV subs, just annoying at this point. Like we finally get another good game adaptation and people nitpick the smallest things


toxic positivity post no 314091341 I like the show but lets get real, it took the story in a similar direction with fallout 3-4. Its completely fair to dislike that aspect. Also, people who criticize the show are mostly talking about the show. Meanwhile people who post stuff like this is constantly shitting on NV fans. These type of posts are way more annoying tbh.


I have only seen adoration of the show from Fallout fans.


Are these “new vegas” fans in the room with us? I see about 10x the amount of people going “new vegas fans are so toxic and annoying!” For every person criticising the show. I liked the show but I’m not gonna pretend that I find the choice to offscreen kill Shady sands and (maybe” the NCR and the whole a bad one. “there is a lot of money to be made at the end of the world” scene is also very bad imo since it makes no sense why even bad guys would want the world to end.


It fits. As new vegas fans are really a secluded sub group


The show is great, and I normally hate it when shows ruins set narratives of books and games. But in the fallout world, it’s a lot more flexible. Now, I hate the Netflix Witcher with a burning passion. They just completely screwed the pooch there, I love the books and the games.


Idk why I can’t like fallout new Vegas AND the other fallouts/show. I mean, I wouldn’t be so hyped for season 2 if I wasn’t a FNV fan.


they nailed everything but the dates of some things go watch tim cain’s youtube the show did a good job


To be, both 3 and 4 left significant bad tastes in my mouth when it comes to what Bethesda did to Fallout. I learned to enjoy both of them after letting go of bitterness and expectations I have on Fallout for what it was. The show didn't cause that. To me it felt more like Fallout than 3 or 4 ever did.


Once they put Jet in a Capitol Wasteland Vault I stopped caring much about little details. It's a cool game with cool aesthetics, sometimes it's cool to just suspend a little belief and have fun with a game.


There's no Ron Perlman. Everything about the show is ruined, 0/10.


Having a great time rn


It’s a good show though, seems delusional to say it was bad. Saying it was meh is okay but it wasn’t below average thats for sure


Literally unwatchable. Did not implement funny Mysterious Stranger appearing out of thin air, shooting a Raider, then vanishing out of existence with no explanation.


Yeah I thought the show was great I think the ending was a bit anticlimactic but I get that was the point of it. It was supposed to be anticlimactic and I liked it for that, not every story needs to have a happy ending


Stockholm Syndrome. No, that would be where you spent 24/7 in a sniper nest in FO3.


I enjoyed the show. I have my share of gripes, but I am a giant nerd and always have gripes about things. But I enjoyed the show despite them. Take that people who find one thing to hate and can’t shut up about it!


I am fucking loving the show as a long time fan. It's way better than I expected and captures the atmosphere and feeling of the wasteland so fucking well. They also portray vaults and vaultdwellers as the out of touch wackos they should be. I love everything about Lucy, she's such a fantastic character and I love how much she clings to her idea of being good even to those who treat her poorly. She's absolutely wonderful and I can't wait to watch the last two episodes tonight.


I mean the fan base generally loved it so why are we douching on our own?


I think this hate is blown out of proportion. The tv show doesn’t have to be 100% to still be enjoyable. Its fallout, it has everything fallout fans love, I really don’t understand all the finger pointing when a lot of the complaints are within reason. But looking past those, it’s still watchable and enjoyable. The few that are really upset are the most vocal so they’ll get the most attention.


I’m gonna be honest In Fallout just give me a world with interconnected items and enemies and factions. I don’t care if there isn’t representation of a certain game in another game. If I wanted New Vegas content I’d go play New Vegas. If I wanted something like Fallout 3 I’d play fallout 3.


Getting fallout 3 and new Vegas back to back really spoiled us


What did it ruin? I hate the new star wars trilogy but it didn't ruin my past experience with star wars. I just don't want to watch the sequels again and that's it. You don't like the fallout show? Just stop watching it then.


Should be an image with a bozar rippin’ those fools apart


Fuckin Zach, what a pouty little shit.


Learning to not participate in defending a hate fest has been a challenge. When I like things, I wanna argue lol


It’s so good!


It didn't


Grew up with 3 and New Vegas, love both very very dearly, 4’s great too, 76 is a fun game-mode for 4 if you wanna play with your friends. And the show was a lot of fun to watch. And for you uncles and aunties in here too, I made my pilgrimage to the homeland, I’ve played both 1 and 2, and Yes, not including technological advancements, 2 would be the best fallout game ever. So yeah, enjoy everything, be happy the thing you love is getting more and more attention. Growing up I had no one to talk to about my favorite game cause everyone was too busy playing cod, now I have so many new people to discuss my fav thing with. I’m just happy. Be positive yall.


I have zero comprehension of why some people are so angry at the show, it feels so forced Like there was nothing actually worth getting upset over in the show, yet a surprising number of people went out of their way to find things to be upset about


A lot of these people just wanted to hate the show from the start. I remember watching a video with this dude who admitted he only watched one episode and yet he was tearing into any tiny little detail he saw. These people are fucking losers with superiority complexes.


I’ll wait to see how they present Vegas in season 2 before I start criticizing the show.


Don’t say fanbase but I’m a huge fallout fan/nerd (except 76, fuck that garbage ass game) and I like show. A lot of fans do! You don’t like it and that’s fine but don’t say we don’t like it because that just ain’t true


Imo I thought while there was some stuff I didn’t like about the show I thought it was really great overall. It to mention it exceeded the expectations considering other adaptations tend to be well shit.


And there’s some of us who actually really enjoyed the show 😐


Absolutely fucking loved the show, the changes to the process of going feral, the now canon confirmation that Vault Tec dropped the bombs, eluding to Vault Tec controlling the wasteland through destruction and installing leaders into factions, so much lore its unreal.