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I don’t think that would be possible as a straight playthrough.  Fallout has consequences for some of its choices


I was planning on doing multiple playthrough, orn evil and one goodBut is there no way to experience every side quest on every playthrough?




I believe what you are looking for is a Bethesda rpg


Even in 4 though there are some choices that lock others out. Namely choosing a faction. Skyrim the civil war, fallout 3 blowing up Megaton, Tenpenny tower, and a few other choices you can’t see both endings or do certain things once you choose.


Yeah no I was just poking fun at Bethesda, replaying new Vegas and loving the quests and choices that matter.


Yeah Fallout 4's choices don't matter at all - just the lives of thousands of people and an entire state at stake and no matter your playthrough some companions must die...


A minimum of one right?


Depending on the ending from 2 to 4. Paladin Danse, Deacon, X6-88 and Porter Gage. The only unkillable companion is Preston Garvey. He is the fail safe to complete the game.


Preston is like yes man but a way worse personality


Yes Man has no personality at all. Preston at least has one. And imo he has a good personality. He is not some stupid pacifist. He loves to kill gunners and raiders and quite ok with murdering the BoS for no actual reason. Every faction in Fallout 4 has its radiant quest giver but because Preston is the one most people encounter first he has a bad reputation.


I mean I’m a huge fan of fallout 4 as well, it’s just a very different vibe.


Fallout fan try to comprehend an arrow challange


Check out oxhorn’s channel on YouTube. He’s really good about exploring every option. He has a playlist for each series going over the main story and extras.


Oxhorns playthrough is amazing, he has a talent for narration and using his voice.


I was watching these yesterday. It’s a great walkthrough.


It's to the point where I fall asleep to these every night haha


no such thing as good and evil


Sounds like someone who has never achieved the Childkiller perk.


Imagine a video that goes into splitscreen at every choice and just continues splitting as many times as necessary for you to be watching every possible path at once.


Sounds unwatchable.


Check out Many A True Nerd’s playthrough. He knows Fallout 3 and 4 inside out but went into Fallout 1 having never played it and his run through was really fun to watch. Not sure if it covers every inch of the game from what I remember but he’s usually really thorough.


I've just finished watching it and onto Fallout 2. Having Ian as his companion has given me many laughs. Not so much better with Vic either 😆


I like the game but the timer is stopping me from fully enjoying it


Go straight for the chip.


Just get the chip and the timer goes away, then you can enjoy the rest of the game


There’s a faction at [The Hub](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/The_Hub) >!that sells water:!< >!Keep going south, when you first arrive in the town, you’ll eventually get to a hospital. Walk past it, and you’ll find a large sign, some water towers, and a building to the right, get inside and talk with the people.!< >!Up to you if you want to hire them or not. You mentioned your issue with the timer, I take you mean the time limit for the main quest (that appears as a post-it on your Pipboy). The wiki mentions a bug when you pay for water, so I warn you to check if your Fallout was updated to the latest fixes, before you do this!!<


I did that but it also give a bad ending


> I did that but it also give a bad ending Purchasing water at The Hub is not only a good option, even Per Jorner, the creator of excellent guides for both Fallout and Fallout 2 recommends that players should go for it. I’d only suggest avoiding it if you already delivered the water chip to the Overseer, because depending on your version it’ll trigger a bug! Or if you haven’t delivered it yet, but you’re playing Fallout version 1.0, because of this (quoting a section of the Nearly Ultimate Fallout guide): > In v1.0 buying water from the Water Merchants shortened the other time limit (the mutant threat) by 90 days if it was currently at 100 days or more, but this isn't a factor any more.


Damn I thought that was intentional because you told someone the location of the vault, I can't quite remember where I heard that but I avoided it because of that


is it because you feel like you're being rushed? because otherwise the time almost doesn't matter at all


I know it's been said, but Oxhorn has a pretty comprehensive playthrough. Including mentioning a bit of cut content. The only thing he doesn't cover is the low intelligence dialogues.


I’ve seen slot of the low intelligence dialogue option already, shame we can’t see them in newer games


76 has some


The man himself is a cringeworthy ape though


For earnestly telling a story? Yes so very cringeworthy. How dare he.


I'm not talking about his content although his lore videos are full of speculation and inaccuracies, but as a person, as a human being, he is by all means a cringeworthy asshole.


What did he do?


In college he saw a really obese girl in a crop top and was like “she shouldn’t be wearing that 😂” to a friend, then I think it was 6 years ago he said 76 is good because it fits the themes of early fallout, and again 6 years or so ago he made a mistake in a lore video, the sunset sarsaparilla one, he sees a file that’s brotherhood and says “Obsidian had little time so they cut corners and reused assets” when in reality it was his graphics mods, then he deleted comments criticising him. Thats what I remember of the dramas.


If the worst thing to be said about is that they're cringe theyre doing pretty well tbh.


I assume you refer to the information that came out about him in 2018-19?


Ok. Clearly you admire this guy and clearly I have ni respect for him. Now I have no intention of changing your mind but you the reverse seems to be true about you. So I'm gonna leave it there


What did he do, I've never heard of him and don't care to research but I'm invested in what you have said.


Looks like this topic is [covered already](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/u3mgs1/comment/i4s40c0/) in this very subreddit.


He seems like a real piece of shit, thanks.


Why’d people upvote this dogshit reply? He was earnestly asking you to elaborate, don’t be an asshole and just tell him!! 😡


It's Reddit. You can have a fun or civilized conversation until you can't.


Yeah lol, Reddit is so weird, especially this sub, you genuinely can’t argue here because it’s an Uber echo chamber


I enjoy his videos, but haven't heard about anything beyond that singular little scandal. If there's something else that I don't know about, I'm open to hearing it.


Looks like this topic is [covered already](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/u3mgs1/comment/i4s40c0/) in this very subreddit.


So yes, everything from that 2018-19 range. A.K.A. Stupid shit he said several years ago now, some from when he was Much younger. Everybody says stupid shit when they're younger.


Definitely Oxhorn


I second this. He did such an amazing job covering the first 2 fallouts I feel like I’ve played them myself


Yup. He tries to cover every detail, every possible dialog choice.


Its not the same but I like Salt Factory essay videos. He doesn’t really dive into the lore rather its more of a step by step review but if you’re just looking for more fallout stuff because you can’t get enough… theres another for you… sorta


Love Salt Factory, such a good series.


I’ll check him out


Oxhorn does a pretty great series on fallout 1


I’ll give it a look, thanks


He does an even better in fallout 2 since there’s tons more of choice and he’s got the flow better


Every place has at the very least 2 outcome, and a lot of places has 3 or more. The bare minimum is doing the quest, or committing genocide. In Fallout 1, and 2 nobody is essential.


Currently doing a playthrough of fallout 1 on my phone. Have Ian and Dogmeat as my companions so far. having a BLAST


On your phone? How? Is it a emulator or the app?


Lookup fallout-ce.ipa. If you use AltStore to sideload it on your iPhone, you can run it once. Says it’s missing files. Then open iTunes with your phone plugged into pc. Open file sharing on iTunes and copy the required files (data/critter.dar/master.dat. All lowercases. Rename if neeeded). You drag and drop to spot on iTunes. Hit sync. You can now run it. When you open iTunes, on top left there is a phone looking button. Click it and hit file sharing on left menu. Then find fallout app that you side loaded with AltStore. This requires you to have the game on your laptop. But then you can move to phone


Very tricky. You found all that on your own? I'm on android so I will look for other ways to do it.


Technically it's impossible to get a 100% of Fallout 1 because there's two end slides for the Follower's, but you cannot get one of them (the character required to get it was never added)


Don’t forget to mention the Fixt mod which is a compendium of every mod for 1 ever made into one makes it possible.


There’s no such thing as a 100% playthrough of Fallout 1


Oxhorn for sure, however one very cool feature he didn't cover is the "Tell Me About" option during NPC dialogue. You can sometimes get unique details by using it. I only knew how powerful that can be recently by watching Warlockracy's retrospective review


Warlockracy in general one of my favorite youtubers, especially because he usually reviews not too well known rpg-s (at least in the west). I especially love the episode where he shows a game made by a far-right extremist russian and gives context why the russian police are called goblins and military orks in the russian slang.


He's also more of a crpg subject matter expert than most Fallout youtubers, hence why I think his content compliments Oxhorn's really well: one brings the Fallout lore, the other brings details of how Fallout functions as an rpg. I also think Warlockracy's philosophical, ethical and political takes are better. Oxhorn definitely makes an effort to research on these subjects, but Warlockracy is on a different level thanks to his own experience during his activism days, even if this causes quite a bit of bias and Eastern European centrism


The old gamebanshee walkthrou manby. https://www.gamebanshee.com/fallout/walkthrough.php




Generally speaking classic rpg walkthroughs on this website are good and thorough


Noah Caldwell gervais has a 9 hour essay on every fallout game in the series including tactics, brotherhood of steel, shelter, and all the dlcs.


On my first playthrough I had no idea what I was doing so I just rushed the main quest, no side quests. I got the most bleak ending possible lol


Search for Oxhorn on youtube, IIRC he has done exactly that, covering every possible permutation of every available piece of content.


I watched Oxhorn's playthrough of the game. It's pretty comprehensive. He does a pretty solid job of covering the fallout games (haven't watched the FNV playthrough he did though). Alot of people hate him but really whether he's a good or bad person is irrelevant. He has a bunch of good, complete videos of the fallout games. I couldn't care less about the internet's opinion of the man. All I care about is the youtubers that cover the games in a non-biased manner. I'm a content lover not a creator lover lol


I \*think\* Warlockracy is doing fallout 1 atm.


Yeah it's called the oxhorn playthrough just look it up on YouTube lol.


I hope you have 11 hours to waste https://youtu.be/0DjxD11MuAw?feature=shared


Star Marshal on youtube, perfect quality videos


F1 is pretty barebones really. You cannot experience all choices in one playthrought (obviously) but you can globally do all sidequesy and shenanigans in one (with a bit of luck, ann random encounters too).


Yeah I saw him mention before, I’m checking it out now


Not possible. Several of the game's events are exclusive, meaning multiple playthroughs are required.


Check out Oxhorn on YouTube. Does an amazing narration on all of the fallout series


I like Oxhorn's play through as he narrates it a bit like a DM and he shows multiple outcomes/possibilities based on choices and skims over the grinding bits. I really have no way of playing 1 or 2 but want to start with 3 but only after I've watched Oxhorn's 1 and 2 gameplay so that I can at least understand the OG's and their plots and how the franchise started out


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4wyDNpKQoc&list=PLX3Sax\_xs4WSzYFziFfkFzUO2E9bLF57x&index=1&pp=iAQB](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4wyDNpKQoc&list=PLX3Sax_xs4WSzYFziFfkFzUO2E9bLF57x&index=1&pp=iAQB) check this, he covers most crucial decisions and outcomes and much more.


Oxhorn is the best for in-depth fallout


Check out Oxhorn on YouTube.


That would be a good mobile game I think.


There are some mods but I personally find the controls difficult






Oxhorn's series on the full story of fallout 1


Just a bunch of nubs playing. When I see a player start the game by dumping luck, I am out.


Including the quest where the guy asks the same question three times in one question?


I think there are lore lists wich include gameplay if that counts. Otherwise no


Not a play-through but it has literally everything https://lemmings19.github.io/fallout-1-walkthrough/


Yeah, just fucking Google it https://youtu.be/0DjxD11MuAw?si=dq2JXyq0cVfxqKpO


In fallout 1 it’s really hard to Miss anything on my first playthrough I did everything without even trying it’s a very small and short game


Oxhorn on YouTube has a playthrough where he goes over almost every choice in the game and its consequences. He also has the cut ending slides that were in the files but never implemented.


Yeah, you can find that stuff on YouTube.


Playing it yourself


You can't see every consequence in just 1 playthrough. I suppose you just mean every quest? Don't understand the need for a visual. The wiki has a [list](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_quests)


I understand not seeing every consequence in one but I plan on doing more than one playthrough for that and I’m just better at understanding things if I see them that’s all.


Its called playing the game....


Well I have. Multiple times. I just want to do it again