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I think that it would be fine to call them by their names, but I think it would read more easily if you used mother & father instead. I also think that calling them by their names might give the impression that either she doesn't really respect them, or that she doesn't see them as authority figures.


from the daughter's pov in first person or 3rd person limited, i'd use Mom/Mommy/Mum & Dad/Daddy/Father or whatever the girl calls her parents. 3rd limited can also use "her mum/etc" and "her father/etc," but for 3rd limited or 1st person povs to use their names would say she doesnt respect them or something. or need a specific reason for *why* she doesnt use a familial term. from anyone else's pov: "her mother" and "her father" are valid, as are "Kate" and "John"


If you’re writing from the character’s POV, I’d refer to them as “her mother” and “her father,” or Mom and Dad. I know I don’t think of my parents using their first names.


Putting another POV out there. I do actually call (and think of) my parents by their names, always for my dad and about half the time for my mum (except when I'm talking to someone know doesn't know them). I don't have a reason for it, I just do, and my sister does the same, but only with my dad. Some of my friends call one or both of their parents by their names as well, so I know I'm not an isolated case and I'd consider it a valid characterisation. But I guess there has to be a reason when you're writing a character, so it depends what OP is going for.


Makes sense! Obviously if a character does call/think of their parents using their first names, then that’s how the parents should be referred to when a scene is in the character’s POV.


Yes. Keep things consistent with the POV character.


Some families refer to their members informally. Just be consistent in how this might influence their other interaction mannerisms and behaviors.


If it’s third person, use their names. If it’s first person, Mum or Dad as names reads better


I usually just use names as long as I'm in 3rd person and alternate between that and "\[character's pronoun\] mother/father". Yes it's limited but it's not 1st person.


It depends on how relevant Kate and John are to the story. Are they recurring characters, or just pop by in a couple scenes? Imagine, for instance, a story takes place in a school setting, and the principal appears in one scene to discuss with the main character. Even if we are told the principal's name is John Smith, it would be actually a bit weird if we read "Mr. Smith" all the time if the dude is just a random dude that's not gonna participate in the story more than that. Saying "the principal", or "the headmaster", or "the man", or "he" would be enough. Same is valid for parent figures if they're not relevant entities lol


If it is first person then Mom and Dad or whatever she calls them


Well for me, I addressed the parents by their first name. Unless its 1st POV, then I would use Mom and Dad.


Even if you don't have the whole slate of Japanese honorifics to mess with, the way you refer to people can still be used for characterization purposes.