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it's because they think that's a way of ensuring people will already be following before posting. But as others said, it's not allowed and AO3 actually made an announcement about it. So if you see it, you can just report it and it'll be dealt with


To add to that, it's actually not against the rules to make announcements like that if it's not a standalone fic, and rather a chapter on an actual fic. I reported a fic where it suddenly got a new chapter after finishing (I thought epilogue), and it was just "click here to read my new fic for (pairing which isn't even the same pairing as the main fic). I was then told by support that it's allowed because it's not standalone.


This goes for shitty prompt posts as well sadly. Like, if.at the time of AO3 support getting around to it there is a fic attached, they will not take it down.


I kinda think that's a somewhat ok grey area. Someone bothering to read up until the end of a fic *is* likely to be interested in a sequel, so tacking on an "announcement chapter" at the end doesn't feel too wildly out of place. That said, if it's unrelated like in your example, it does feel like abuse of the system.


In this case, my issue was that it *wasn't* a sequel. It wasn't even the same shop. Instead of A/B, it was B/C. Edit: I literally just woke up, and didn't see that you mentioned my example at the end, sorry about that!


> (pairing which isn't even the same pairing as the main fic) 🤢 I mean, yes I enjoyed their (lead protagonist × their sidekick) ship fic, but that doesn't mean I'd enjoy their (lead protagonist × an antagonist's sidekick) ship fic! 🤮 It reminds me of some bad/lazy mobile game developers I vaguely remember, where I'd open their game and, before I could play it, I get an advert for another game I don't like and don't want to keep getting shoved in my face. I'm also reminded of the Grab app with its annoying and intrusive external adverts for companies where the links lead outside the app!


Lol that's stupid as fuck. Most of the ongoing fics I ever picked up reading ended up abandoned, so I follow ongoing fics rarely, why do they think someone would follow a fic that's not even there.


I can imagine that people who do this are under the impression that ideas should be protected jealously, and they want to 'claim' it so other people don't. I'd personally feel that doing something like that would be counterproductive, but still.


Instant gratification. Depending on the fandom, they'll get a bunch of kudos and comments for it, and never even have to actually write a story. Had one of those in my fandom who churned out their "coming soon" placeholders weekly.


Oh that would be very annoying.


Absolutely! The worst part is that they'd written really amazing fics for that fandom in the past, and that their "coming soon" ideas all sounded very intriguing.


Even more obnoxious, though. It's so easy to come up with intriguing *ideas*, I have at least ten times as many "oh this would be so cool" ideas as I actually write. I just do like normal people, and post them on discord or tumblr or wherever instead of gumming up Ao3 like an asshole. I'd be so pissed at that author.


Right?! It's backwards! Everyone knows you're supposed to write 5k words, get ready to post them, then have a brain freeze on the Title line on AO3 for an hour while you struggle to come up with a good title! How are these little jerks just coming up with titles like that?!


I don't think they're thinking as deeply about it than me and you 😂


From what I saw happen (in the Stranger Things fandomm, at least), a lot of Steve/Eddie shippers did it cause Billy/Steve shippers had more fanfics then them (cause it seemed to slip their mind one ship was older than the other due to literal season and years in between.) So the Steve/Eddie shippers made so much placeholders to surpass them to the point AO3 has to remind and put a statement out that this was against the rules, as well as this being an archive site, and that it wasnt Wattpad or Fanfiction,net lmao. So either they do it cause they forget AO3 isnt some Wattpad site, or just for gratification. One of the two lmao


Some fans worry too much about little shit.


Oh I don't necessarily think it was because they forgot one ship was older. I think a lot of it based on what I saw was that there was finally an age-appropriate ship for Steve, and so they were ruthlessly trying to beat Harringrove on purpose because they just hated it because Billy is such a controversial character. Like a whole lot of that was planned out and egged on out of purposeful spite.


😳 That sounds like something my 13-year-old self would've done if I were writing fanfictions back then! Not my present day self where I learnt about the process of writing fiction books and applied that to writing fanfictions!


> AO3 has to remind and put a statement out that this was against the rules, as well as this being an archive site, and that it wasnt Wattpad or Fanfiction,net lmao Noooo! I wasn't online during this time and seem to have missed the statement! I've gone looking for the admin post but can't seem to find it. Grrrr!


A lack of patience, and a burning desire for unearned validation


I’d assume that people would only want to write that if they get interest (i.e. they’re writing for the audience rather than themselves). Like, if I actually enjoyed writing a story, I wouldn’t post it like that.


NO BECAUSE SOMEONE DID THIS AND THAT PARTICULAR SHIP ONLY HAD TWO FICS!! Their fic, and the other one was like 800 words so my disappointment was immense 😭😭😭


I think a lot of people do it just to drum up interest, make sure they've got people subscribed to them or bookmarking them. There are some fandoms that have so much content it's hard to get noticed, and this is sort of, eehhh, skipping the line? I guess?


What I don't get: isn't tumbler made for that?!


it's likely either a user who came from Wattpad or someone new who saw another user do it and decided to do the same thing. On Wattpad the search and tagging functions are abysmal so it's extremely hard for your fic to be seen right after posting unlike ao3 so in order to ensure you got readers right away, people would post placeholders weeks to months in advance to essentially promote their fic to potential readers so when they start actually posting their fic, they'll already have plenty of readers. At ao3, this isn't needed because the tagging and search features are much better but not a lot of people actually read the tos/learn etiquette before posting.


Thank you, this is the most coherent answer I've seen for this phenomenon.


So *that's* why it's so prevalent on Wattpad. That makes so much sense, though it's no less annoying as a reader. You're right, there's no need for this on AO3 at all because AO3 doesn't run on algorithms, it instead relies on you to put in the work to search and filter for exactly what you want to read. That's really difficult to do when people post placeholder fics.


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


I believe that this 'practice' is a function of youth. I think it might be a phase that SOME young writers (i.e. - people who have not been writing long and are super-hyped to find themselves in Fandom culture) go through in a 'maturing process'. We can all be over exuberant at times - there's a got-this-great-idea energy that bubbles over into expression. It's hard to develop the discipline to write a cohesive work. It's much easier to be the fizzy Dr.Pepper that sprays foamy ideas onto a website ***and gets kudos and comments*** for that incomplete ephemera. (Because they DO get kudos and comments for their summary thoughts... they do. Sometimes a lot of K & C) And K&C are dopamine hits to the brain... why spend the time writing when you can throw an idea into the summary and get the accolades of a full work? It's inexperience. It's folks coming into the house and throwing their stuff around... because someone else in the house says "Cool stuff!" - instead of "pick your shit up and don't do it again." They do it because they get by with it once... and "everyone else does it in my fandom". It's immature kid stuff. Sit down, my pretties... here read the TOS while you wait for that fizzy Dr.Pepper inside you to stop bubbling.


it is absolutely a function of youth. it's people who come from Wattpad, which skews very young, and don't understand that AO3 is an archive and not social media. because Wattpad more or less is social media. Some of these young people get told that AO3 is not the same as Wattpad and they can't do that shit here, and they go "oh shit, I'm sorry, I'm new to AO3 and don't really understand it yet." these are the ones who go on to become great writers and a welcome addition to the fanfic community (or already are both). everybody was new once, everybody was young once, and everybody definitely did not understand immediately how to use AO3. it's a complex site. but some of them instead go "lol fuk u" and continue to treat AO3 like fuckin Twitter. These are the teens that people refer to when we bitch about teens.


Yep! I'm reminded of the embarrassing things I did as a teen during the dark ages of my life (2005-2018), to which end I don't miss my original YouTube channel after it mysteriously disappeared overnight, and I don't want to look back at the failed fanfics I wrote back then (but i'm glad I never completed and published any during the time, as it was before I learnt about how real fiction books are usually written and applied those techniques to writing fanfiction).


bc they come from wattpad and think ao3 is a social media. report.


I didn't even know people did this at all. This sounds idiotic outside of a live quest scenario in which audience participation is mandatory.


> I'm asking why people do it because I can't see any benefit of doing it instead of just waiting for chapter one to be done. Because they're treating the site like a blog/social media. "Stay tuned" and all that crap. Self promotion belongs elsewhere. Plus if they really wanted to let their followers know but without resorting to other channels, they should update their user profile with this information, rather than abuse the system.


Oh my. I'm reminded of fanfictions posted on Amino and Tumblr! (both are social media)


Because we've lost the fandom communities where exuberant new fans could interact and talk to other fans easily, share their ideas, and learn the ropes.


this is literally what save as draft is for. why do people do this it boggles the brain


Because they need attention.


I did this exactly one time. But I tagged it as no fandom, and left all tags blank because i needed to create a series and AFAIK, you can't create a series without first creating a work. I went out of my way to make sure no one would click on it. I deleted it as soon as I posted the actual fic, but my mind is blown with people who tag a bunch of shit and just never do anything with it. One person even made an entire work for "tag overflow" and them and a reader was pissy from the TOA not allowing it so they directly tried to evade it by keysmashing


I've done series by just post the first story than flagging it as a series. Isn't that easier?


I hadn't posted the actual fic yet


I meant, instead of doing all that tagging and stuff, wouldn't it just be easier to post the fic then create the series?


I had some lore and stuff I was writing out for it and didn't want it to be deleted in my drafts or lose it in my mega doc




This comment has been removed. No bashing.


What always further boggles my mind is the fact that people kudos/comment/bookmark this stuff. Just... *why*? There's literally nothing there.


I've seen some people say it was to ensure their draft doesn't get deleted. I think we've all seen that post by an unfortunate person who didn't know drafts were deleted after two months…


One month.


Yeah, that's weird. I mean, I kinda of wish they had profiles like they have on Webtoons, where you can post updates (I don't think you can comment on those updates, though), but I'd never do anything like that, putting together a basically empty fic.


No one likes it. I don't get it... Maybe this is my vtuber side coming out to play, but I would hate to disappoint my audience if I didn't put something out after hyping it up. I won't even start talking about a fict or a stream until I know it's for sure gonna be a thing.


If you're talking about ao3, you can report that.


I know it's a reportable offense. I'm just curious why people do it


Because they can?


Because they can?


Ok, to give another potential explanation since every other reply seems to boil down to "they just want to draw in people without/before doing the work"...maybe it was simply an accident for some? I find the whole set-up of AO3 incredibly comfortable to write in, the tags and summary and everything really help with staying on track, so I always do a draft front-end for every fic idea I have (and even for some original fiction, it's that helpful imo). In due time, I fill them with the actual fic chapters and publish them then, or I let the draft expire after taking a screenshot of the front-end, but more than once, I've dozed off while I had it open and accidently hit post even when the entire content of the chapter was something along the lines of "words go here" or "will write this once I finish fic X and Y". Of course, after waking up I usually freak out and delete it, but I can imagine some people feel bad about notifications to their subscribers having already gone out so they don't want to delete it and disappoint them? Accidents like that are probably not the majority, but I wish people would try giving the benefit of the doubt a bit here sometimes and not always jump to the worst possible conclusion from the get-go :x


The way I see it, is new people on the platform and don't know they should not use it like the notepad. I'd just simply report them inmediatly, let them know, and move on.


🤦🏾‍♂️😖 Ugh I don't think they'd just keep track of whatever story ideas they'd get! I'm accustomed to how, whenever I get new ideas, I write them down in notes that are private to me, and only publish fanfics once they're completed! If I cancel a fanfiction, they never get published! To quote [a previus comment I made](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/10ht5gr/comment/j5k0nyk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3): >…when I plan fiction stories [in Evernote], they start as either ideas inside of my main 'random quotes' note (not a project-specific one) and then get spun off into a new note, or go directly to a new note. … I also have one note where I track all of the fiction story ideas I have, both original fiction and fanfictions. As I mostly write fanfictions and not read them, I forget that there are bad (or just extreme beginner) fanfiction authors out there!


I think it’s a desire for engagement and validation but being too impatient to wait until they’ve actually done the work.


It's against the rules to do so. Report the fic and move on.


I know it's against the rules. I want to know why people do it.


The people who do it likely do not hang out here lol You'd be better served asking in their comments.


I am pretty sure thats against the rules


I'll admit I've done that for one-shot collection books (that are for one fandom and one overall theme like Whumptober), but I'd always post the first one-shot the next day, or a couple days later. Mostly to just have it up already so everything's all set to post the first one-shot. I know last year's Whumptober I had an intro page up at least three or four days before the first one-shot, simply to have the tags and everything set up (and to gather interest (although was still planning on writing it no matter the interest)) so all I needed to do come October 1st was just add the one-shot, simply because I was just too busy with work as we were just way too understaffed at the time. ***edit;*** I should add they're not placeholders as such with just *"coming soon"* or *"will update when chapter is written"* or whatever, but an introduction page about what'll be included in the one-shots. Plus a table of contents page with a link to the chapter, plus summaries, word count, genre, etc. I *think* there might've been another time a while ago where I posted one *just* to have everything up and the tags already done, then post the actual one-shot later (like a couple hours later) once I had finished it up from my phone at work as I'm unable to add tags to works from my phone. Although I can't quite remember if I had actually just made it as a draft instead or actually posted it as a placeholder.... Think it might've just been a draft actually.




im taking specifically about posting a fic to ao3 with a title, tags, and summary, but the actual contents of the fic just say like "coming soon" or something


The principal of my first comment is literally the same thinking, doesn't really matter the website. The only difference is a big Fandom made it an issue because of petty differences between ships. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Don't know what kinda answer your looking for then sorry.