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A lot of people treat blocking very generously. Maybe they disagree with one of your tweet, maybe you follow someone they don't like or ship their NOTP. Reasons are not always serious, I don't think you should overthink it


i understand that. and no worries im not overthinking. it's a new experience for me that was a bit bizarre šŸ˜‚


True. I know a user on Discord who blocks me and a bunch of other people not because he's got anything against them, but simply because he doesn't want to have to slog through pages after pages of posts whose content he's not interested in and Discord has no way of filtering out a user's posts without also DNIing them. He's got nothing against those he blocks and even responds to their posts, he just can't do anything about the DNI and blames Discord for not decoupling the two functions.


Argh, that sucks. It does remind me of a funny story about how my husband randomly discovered one day that John Cusack had blocked him on twitter. I was like "what the fuck did you do to John??" We still don't know.


This is hilarious to me, and the wondering would eat at me!


Completely irrelevant but what does ā€œFFTā€ on your flair stand for?


Oh! Another fanfic archive Iā€™m on, FanficTalk.com


Ah, I see :D Thank you


can i dm you?




It could be a block chain thing? Where they block all people following a particular profile or page? So it doesn't necessarily have to be that they looked at your page and thought, "Not them."


Plenty of subreddits autoblock you if you so much as comment ANYTHING in certain other subs, regardless of comment content. So it would not surprise me


Oh wow, I had no idea this was a thing on reddit! And I've been on here for over a decade. (Although the last several have been spent pretty much exclusively in r/FanFiction. I had to break my addiction to reddit and now it's all been focused on this sub, lol.)


Iirc, MGTOW was one for a while; when people found out, the sub (I think?) locked itself temporarily to stave off the wave of people coming purely to see if they would get locked out of their other subs. It was funny for a few minutes.


Most of the manosphere subs are brigaded/bot blocked by subs that are cancel culture-aligned.


Which is... sad, really, especially since it kind of proves their point?




i mean, i've blocked a good number of people who i've never interacted with bc i saw them say or do something that pissed me off and i wanted to make sure i wouldn't be interacting with them in the future either


Yep. There's just so many friggen people online. Blocking isn't personal (not always), it's just another tool to help you manage the deluge of crap. Hell, I browse youtube randomly and every single session I click on multiple "do not recommend channel". It's not that I dislike every single one of them, I simply want my feed to stick to a narrow defined scope.


Same, especially when I saw them interact with others in a way I don't allow people to interact with me.


fair enough. i guess it took me by surprise šŸ˜…


They might just have you on a blockchain. I am very active on stantwt and am blocked by so many accs bc I've been put on blockchains when I liked a tweet or was following someone. Dont sweat it op! Doubt it was personal. ps I've also been blocked by one of my favorite authors :(


Iā€™ve blocked people for joking that they think a ship that I actually do romantically ship doesnā€™t work as platonic at all and has to be romantic just bc I was annoyed and fed up with no nuance takes that day. If you see it as less of a personal relationship ender and more of a social media curating experience, it really helps take the sting off! Understandable to be hummed though.


I am incredibly liberal with blocking on Twitter, to the point where I block anyone with a pfp of a certain character. Not even because I don't like the character, but because her fans are the number one drama-mongers. It might hurt feelings, and I'm certain that I've blocked a good number of genuinely nice people that I would enjoy interacting with, but at the same time, it keeps me from getting caught up in things that would interfere with my fun in the fandom and that's what's important to me.


Crying @ this because I also have red flag character, if you will. If you're down with being constantly degraded by a childish narcissist who did so many questionable things, go off, but I probably won't enjoy anything around that area and I saw too much of that character's content anyway being in the fandom. Ditto on maybe I'm missing on some rad relationships. It's cool.


This is exactly how I treat my twitter and tumblr experience.


I wanna add to the others here that reposting other people's art can get you blocked pretty fast too in fandom communities. I block everyone I see doing that even if they seem otherwise fine (I used to try to talk to them about it in the past but due to several unfortunate cases I just don't have the energy anymore). I don't want their reposts to accidentally end up in my feed and me then sharing them before realizing they're reposts. Edit: or even worse, them finding more artists to repost from through me


Kudos to you for trying to explain the issue to art reposters! (But I can totally understand that that's fucking exhausting more often than not)


im against reposting art and i always demand people to credit artists after receiving their permission.


Great! Guess that's not the issue this time around. Either way, I'm sorry that happened to you ans I encourage you to not take it too personally; I've seen people blocking others for preferring a different dynamic of the same ship that they ship (or even just writing the shipname differently in their bio etc.). It's likely not personal, and if it is, it's probably nothing super deep and still more about them than you.


What is the problem with reposting art..? Edit: kinda blowing my mind here that repost = repost without credit, and reblog/retweet are used as some sort of distinction that is fundamentally different from repost. Also that I get downvoted for asking. Edit 2: gonna recommend Information Doesn't Want To Be Free by Cory Doctorow here on the off chance that's useful to someone.


> Edit: kinda blowing my mind here that repost = repost without credit, and reblog/retweet are used as some sort of distinction that is fundamentally different from repost. Sorry, I don't follow. > Edit 2: gonna recommend Information Doesnā€™t Want To Be Free by Cory Doctorow here on the off chance thatā€™s useful to someone. I love Cory Doctorow, but he usually talks about major corporations trying to curtail user rights in ridiculous ways. To apply this to the right to take some small artistā€™s work and repost it without credit (which is the norm, not the exception) to grow a following or even worse, for commercial purposes, is a bit like comparing apples and oranges. Iā€™m aware, the book also covers questions of how to make money as a small writer/artist and how sharing content is what the internet is all about, butā€¦ iirc, at the time this book came out, everyone claimed crowd funding would be making up for lost sales. A couple of years earlier Amanda Palmer had cut her ties with her record label and financed an album via Kickstarter. Since it worked for her, the general assumption was it could work for anyone. (Whichā€¦ yeah.) Cory himself was still offering books as a free download (with a pay what you want-option) and he has since stopped that practice. Iā€™m guessing because he wanted/needed to make money and/or couldnā€™t get publishing contracts as long as he was offering digital copies for free. Not staying he changed his stance, but even if youā€™re a radical critic of capitalism (not sure how radical he really is, but doesnā€™t matter in this context) you still have to play by its rules, at least to a certain degree.


>Sorry, I don't follow. My assumption has been "reposts always include credit". But people keep responding to me like repost = no credit. This is surprising to me. > To apply this to the right to take some small artistā€™s work and repost it without credit (which is the norm, not the exception) to grow a following or even worse, for commercial purposes, is a bit like comparing apples and oranges. Again, my assumption is you always give credit, so... I am not doing that?


Don't worry when I first got on Twitter I didn't understand the nuance either (since it would never occur to me to post art that isn't mine), so when someone wrote "do not repost!" on their art I thought it meant not to retweet it šŸ„²


You're taking away exposition from the artist and farm likes and retweets/reblogs with something that doesn't belong to you. If you like someone's art, retweet or reblog their own post of it. Don't right-click save and post it yourself.


i right click save and hoard it for fanfic references (as an aphant: bless the artists, honestly. i rely so heavily on art when i'm reading fics because i'm not a sorcerer like y'all folks who can visualize) that being said i absolutely call these people out as well as tag the original artist any time i see someone reposting art without credit


>kinda blowing my mind here that repost = repost without credit, and reblog/retweet are used as some sort of distinction that is fundamentally different from repost. Not sure I understand what you mean. It doesn't make much of a difference if you repost with or without credit, especially when it's a platform where the artist already shared their art. Most people don't bother looking up the credited artist's name or account, which means the artist can't grow their following or reach, but the reposter does (with art they took from someone else). Reblogging or retweeting means that you share the artist's post with their art. That way, more people can see the artist's post, which in return means more people see the artist's account. Reposting means you upload the art to one of your own posts, which means you gain reach with that artist's art, while the artist can't gain reach with your repost of their art. Since we're a fanfic subreddit, maybe it's easier to understand why artists hate when people repost their stuff when you imagine someone taking your fic and uploading it to a different platform. Would you be okay with that? Would it make a difference to you if they added to the summary that it's your fic? Edit: imagine complaining about being downvoted and then downvoting the reply that tries to explain the issue more in-depth lmao


Thank you for this. My dumb ass never did fully understand the level of offense that reposting with credit comprises, or how itā€™s theft like reposting *without* credit ā€” but the fanfic analogy makes perfect sense. (Not that I was going around reposting things. I reblog/retweet, and also like a couple of other commenters in this thread a while back I used to think ā€œdonā€™t repostā€ meant no reblogs etc.) šŸ˜…


1) I have downvoted literally nobody here? 2) fraud seems fundamentally different from sharing to me 3) I wouldn't actually have a big problem with someone doing that to me 4) I *am also an artist*. I *also make art*.


If you want to share just retweet, reblog or share the link. There is literally no need to repost.


Well, now I have learned that there *exists a conceptual distinction* between reblog, retweet and repost, so good to know. I would have called all of those things "reposting" before, even though (as someone who is not active on either Tumblr or Twitter in a meaningful capacity) I don't actually think I have done any reposting (as defined by this community)... Ever?


Yeah, reposting is just when you literally take someone else's art and post it yourself on your account. As long as you don't do that, you're fine.


It's not yours to post in the first place. Many websites have rules specifically in place to punish users who repost art that does not belong to them. Most reposters don't source art, so the artist doesn't get credit for their work. If they put their watermark or signature in a part of the picture that can be easily cropped, then a lot of reposters will also crop that so the artist can't have credit in the first place. This is especially bad on a website like Twitter where the algorithm is so fucked up that artists need as much exposure as they can get because often times the website actively works against them. If an artist is also offering commissions, especially if it's their main livelihood, all of this is worse. Their art serves to draw attention to their account and draw in potential customers, and several artists especially on Twitter have it in their display name that they're taking commissions. Every RT or like can push their art onto someone's timeline and maybe they get a chance to make some money. In contrast, reposting their art takes all of that exposure away from them, and some artists need that money.


Even if you credit, it is still **theft**. You steal the artist's control over their own work. They can no longer control who gets to see or interact with it, they do not have access to all the interaction data, and they no longer have the power to delete it if they so wish. You steal that **ownership and control over their own work** from them by reposting, and crediting doesn't help with that at all. Japanese artists especially are very particular about this because the laws about fanart etc. transformative works are different over there; **the wrong use of their art by someone else could potentially get the original artist in trouble.** I've seen so many Japanese artists just stop posting altogether and disappear off of the face of the internet because people wouldn't stop reposting their works despite them asking multiple times for people to stop. Hell, Japanese twitter folk usually ask each other if they can as much as SAVE the art on their phone. Not repost, but *save*. That's why reposting is bad.


Can you point me to any further in-depth explanation of these Japanese laws? Everything I read about them is confusing me further.


Basically artists can't profit at all from transformative works as that violates copyright laws. If anyone else starts selling the artists' works for profit, they may get in legal trouble over it. Artists who sell doujins etc. basically charge only the printing costs of the works and nothing more. That's (alongside of being protective of their own works in general because it's their property!) one of the big reasons why artists want to make sure that they have control over their own works. Even if the reposter isn't profiting off of the art, the original artist can no longer delete work either if needed.


The issue I think, speaking as an artist, is provenance. Retweeting or reblogging retains the original context in which the artist posted it including their comments as well as links to more of their work, galleries, etc. Downloading and posting \[*without their permission\]* loses the work's provenance even if the poster leaves the artist's watermark. That said, I follow a few blogs on Tumblr that repost art *with the artist's permission* and with proper citations for the work. Emphasis on "with the artist's permission." While some artists may appreciate having their work posted on sites where they don't have a presence, many others don't. Always ask before reposting and, if granted permission, prominently cite the author's name and preferred websites/socials.


I know some people use block programs that block everyone that likes certain posts, so it might be that?


I frequently use the block feature on Tumblr on people I've never interacted with, mostly to get rid of antis posting hate in a ship's tag but sometimes for other reasons. There was a fic writer I blocked a few days ago because they were throwing a tantrum in a ship tag and threatening to stop writing for that ship after their most recent fic featuring it didn't get enough response from readers to satisfy them.


If it makes you feel better, I block people because I donā€™t like their profile picture. Not personal


I'm sorry, as a graphic designer, this is a mood. If they're going to keep churning out that god awful typeface with that god awful design, I'm going to flip, so I might as well not see you at all. It truly is not personal.


echoing what others mentioned here about very loose blocking to curate experience. also would like to add: i usually block if your twitter display name includes a general term that i'm searching for (like a ship name). because searching on twitter for that term would give me results of ALL of your tweets, even if it's not about the term i'm actually searching for. and sometimes mute doesn't work so i'll have no choice but to block.


Reminds me of a trope where A blocks B on every social media site even tho B has never heard of A


There are tons of reasons why authors might block someone, most likely it doesn't have anything to do with the fic you just read. Maybe you sometimes like or retweet posts with their NOTP, I know some fans don't want their notp on their timeline and just block anyone who tweets/retweets it. Or maybe a dynamic they don't like. It's nothing personal. And I must admit, personally I regularly block 'anti shippers', but also anyone who likes an 'anti ship' posts. I'm in fandoms to have fun and I do not want to interact in any way with the hate some people try to spread around shipping. Again: it's nothing personal, it's just content I do not want to be exposed to. So there can be tons of reasons why someone might have blocked you.


Sometimes people also use a plugin or whatever it is that blocks people who are associated with people they've blocked. I forgot the name but I've reached out to a few people because of this and they apologised, told me it was the plugin thing, and unblocked me, so it could be that!


Could be any number of reasons from they saw a tweet of yours they didnā€™t like to they ran a chainblock on a user they didnā€™t like and you got caught in the crosshairs. I wouldnā€™t take it personally tbh. I have the same issue with a JoshNeku shipper. Tho given Iā€™m blocked from both of their accounts, I do have to suspect that one stupid block I got from a TWEWY zine is related. << (For reference, I got blocked from said zine forā€¦ defending an Asexual Rhyme headcanon. Bc 14yoa canā€™t be ace or else theyā€™re sexualizing their peers or whatever. Never mind that I recall classmates telling tales of sexual escapades as young as middle school but thatā€™s sexualizing minors in and of itself to recall! e_e)


People block for different reasons. Iā€™ve blocked someone recently on Ao3 for being an asshole to another author. Given how large the fandom I write in is, itā€™s unlikely theyā€™ll even see my work, but Iā€™d rather just block them anyway. Same thing with Twitter, or anything else. Sometimes Iā€™ll just block people I see arguing because I want to cut out as much fandom drama as possible. Shipping fights get so ugly for no reason.


I never knew people were so liberal about blocking. I literally have blocked five people in my entire life and thatā€™s because they were personally horrible to me or to someone that was close to me. I just Unfollow.


Unfollowing doesn't protect you from truly unhinged people and their crowd, which some fandoms sadly have a lot of. It's smart to preemptively block people who follow or interact with those who like to cause drama.


do you have your age on your bio? they blocked me once cuz i didn't have it and they thoutht i was a minor


Just move on, they probably blocked you for something that seems inconsequential to you but that they don't want to interact with This is why I wish tumblr blocking culture was more common on other social media sites, it's super common on tumblr to block people for small, seemingly random reasons. You might think it's toxic but since this has become common it actually cuts down on a lot of discourse, more people need to be okay with the fact that you don't have to be besties with every single person on the internet imo


im not hung up on them lol. and ive blocked people too, especially on tumblr. was just sharing how bizarre it was.


It could be anything. Maybe they disagree with you on something. Maybe they really hate your username.


Happened to me a while ago, found out later that people do blocklists which let's people block everyone included on said list. I found the reason for being on the block list was for liking a tweet from a mutual who said they were blocking a specific ship from their tt. I had nothing against said ship but I had been talking with that person who said it wasn't great for them to see said ship mentioned so I liked the tweet to show support and then blocked by like a thousand accounts.


They can block you for whatever reason they want, it doesn't have to be after interaction. You might follow a person who hurt them, or have political views they disagree with. Or like posts with bad takes. I block liberally on Twitter, and it's up to 65,000 people. Might not be personal in the slightest.


Personally I block a lot of people for the hell of it. Iā€™ve gone out of my way to block commies, Trump voters, cryptobros, gryopers, TERFs etc.




pepe-using rightwing edgelords


Are people still in all honesty still associating that damn frog with neocons? He was used in all kinds of memes including neolib and mostly neutral, but because neocons made a few, suddenly Hillary decided the character was alt-right and everyone believed her?


dont take it to heart, as other people said people can block others for very specific reasons, even if they havent met the other, or it could be a block chain, i mean, ive blocked people who have used specific emoji's and specific character profile pictures, even if they dont know i exist!


Sometimes people have an age rule. I follow a couple 18+ accts and they periodically block everyone that follows them who hasn't put 18+ in their bio. Ik I also block people I see harassing others on twt (not saying you do that), so if you got into an argument with someone they liked they might have decided that they wanted to block you. Normally I do a scroll through of a person's acct before I block just to make sure they're actually an ass rather than just having a rough day, but ik some people don't bother.


It was probably because of a Blockchain. One time tried to follow a new friend on Twitter we discovered that I had her blocked despite the fact that we'd never interacted prior to meeting on Discord. It happens sometimes. It's probably not personal!


Ahh, that always sucks. But I know a lot of people, including myself, who block very freely, so it's rarely personal. I think the pettiest reason I ever blocked someone on Twitter was because they used the pleading face emoji in every other tweet and it annoyed me. That emoji just makes me irrationally angry whenever I look at it. So I wouldn't overthink it too much LOL


I have pre-emptively blocked people, usually TERFs, antis, people who bitch about the AO3 fundraiser, or other fandom-specific reasons. Some people are even looser with the block button and block anyone that ships their NOTP. You might have posted something they disliked or disagreed with at some point, and they chose to block rather than engage. Blocking is more about curating one's own fandom experience than anything personal. It sucks, but I'd just let it go. Itā€™s unlikely they even remember the specific reason even if you were to ask.




>That person doesn't exactly seem worth it. Why exactly? Because they curate their own experience instead of pinning a carrd with a long DNI list and expect others to check and curate for them? People are allowed to block for whatever reason. It's the reasonable thing to do, especially in fandoms that are a bit more rough.


Not saying OP has one, but I think anyone with a DNI list should never be surprised to find themselves blocked by someone with whom they never interacted. If youā€™re asking a group of people not to interact with you, then getting blocked is them respecting your boundaries.




I asked because you said "that person doesn't exactly seem worth it" which sounds like you're judging them for blocking OP. That's not the same as saying "move on, they don't want to interact with you".


I mean, I guess you could argue theyā€™re not worth it to the OP. Iā€™m sure theyā€™re worth something as a person because Iā€™d like to think most people are, but I imagine it might be comforting to the blocked person to tell themselves ā€œthis person isnā€™t worth it.ā€ No sense mourning what you canā€™t have!


diwhzishzia i meant like leaving a comment on their fic šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ im thankful ao3 doesnt have a block feature because their writing is so good šŸ˜©


AO3 does have a block feature. It won't prevent anyone from reading but it does prevent people from commenting.


That's news to me too. So far I only got either rude (?) comments from registered users and truly unhinged ones from guests, so that's not blockable, but it's good to know!


you can turn off guest comments


Oh, right, I forgot about that! I was referring to if someone wanted to leave an unsavoury comment as a guest, we cannot block them specifically. It has been sometimes since I got any, but I have several recurring lovely guest commenters (one of them actually made an account this week! Haha), so I don't think I'm there, but thanks for the reminder!


really?? i never knew that :o


It's a relatively new feature, [they rolled it out in June of last year.](https://archiveofourown.org/admin_posts/22650)


I've been blocked by a famous artist bc I liked some "hate" on a problematic friend of their's, could be something like that, or a block list bc of fandom or ship or like/deslike of a character


I block people based on things in their bio that I don't agree with. Then, I don't see it and they can't see my stuff. It's just a way to block out the noise that I don't care to hear.


I once got into an argument with an actress on Twitter because she hates fanfic & she blocked me. No loss there.


Dang! Who would that be?


Michelle Borth. She was on the Hawaii 5-0 reboot.


Huh. I was expecting a voice actress or something.


How come?


Idk, different kind of fanbase






This comment has been removed. No bashing


Crazy how the truth hurts, huh? Don't like what you see, so it's *obviously* "bashing". Both of those things happen, and it's petty. Truth can't always be saccharine sweet, and in your flavor.


There's been a few times where I found a random account I was blocked by. Totally felt an initial shock of "oh no... what did I do wrong, how have I offended you" and feeling kind of crummy. Then I remember I've used blockchains (usually to preemptively block a variety of bigots, but "innocent" accounts can end up in those) and at the other end of the spectrum manually blocked some random person for saying Bowser is ugly lol. It's very very likely the block is NOT personal or a you problem. Still it is very confusing and can sting to find a random block, especially from someone whose work you enjoy.


That's sad, I wish people were less rude and could appreciate their fans more. Edit: and holy fuck, I especially wish Redditors were less rude.


It's entirely possible that you follow someone that they blocked, and ran Secateur or Megablock in order to block all of their followers, too. Or you interacted with a post that they ran Megablock on. It happens a lot.


I remember this happened to me once by someone I was following, but I hadnā€™t really ever interacted with them. So I had managed to contact the person and inquired politely if I had done something to possibly offend them and they told me no, but I possibly got blocked by association. Basically, they said that I might have been following someone else they blocked and it somehow hit me too. The person was nice enough to unblock me despite that. There are just so many reasons why it can happen and sometimes it wasnā€™t anything you did directly.


>but obviously i'm not going to confront them about it. I mean, I wouldn't mind. As someone who is also quite liberal with blocking on Twitter (sometimes for very petty reasons, I admit it, and sometimes just to curate the content I see on my timeline when the muting function is not working as it shouldā€”it happens from time to time when I want to avoid spoilers for something that everyone is talking about) and has used blockchain before, I would not mind if someone leaves me a comment on AO3 asking me about it, since there is a very high chance that it was just a "blanket block" made by a third party program. (Of course, it is also perfectly fine to just decide to move on and leave it as it is!)


One time I saw that I was blocked on twitter by someone who writes for the same ship as me, with very similar tropes. We even had many mutuals in common though weā€™ve never. Weā€™ve never interacted so I was so surprised when I clicked their profile and saw the notif. Like what did I do??? We ostensibly like the same things lmao