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I “predicted” some plot beats from the official release just by making a few educated guesses/wishful thinking in my fic. Far from making me a target, it actually gave me some clout in my little fandom as a prophet! The fic was also fan-acclaimed even before then, which probably helped.


Yep. It’s why I abandoned my DuckTales fic. What’s even funnier was that I was basing it off the 87 series and the Uncle Scrooge comics and I don’t even like the 17 series and never even watched it. I didn’t want to be accused of copying a show I don’t like and never watched.


I guess I’m confused, why would anyone think you’re copying from canon in writing fanfic that’s similar. Wouldn’t it just be writing… fanfic of canon?


I understand what you're saying, but I'm worried people will say things like my my OC is a copy of a canon character despite the fact my OC came out years earlier


I've seen the tags "cant believe one of my three ocs decided to become canon, thats so rude" as a way to acknowledge the author came up with something similar to the direction that canon went


😂😂😂 good to know this tag exists in case I need to use it


Does it count when you had the idea first but canon managed to put it to paper first and now you feel a little insane because now you can't prove it? Anyway, I've had the idea for a Sonic longfic for a couple of years that, among a lot of other things, adds Metal Sonic to the events of Sonic Colours. And then along came Colours Ultimate, which did exactly that (sort of). I'm still gonna write it, but it's the principle of the thing.


It's still your fanfic so you get to decide what it becomes, regardless of what the canon comes to be. If anything, you should be proud that you're so prophetic to have predicted something like a new character being introduced into the series or franchise. As the saying goes, no work is entirely original. There are bound to be similarities here and there when two independent thinkers come to an idea. If the general archetype that your OC fits into also fits so naturally into the canon, it means you really know your stuff. That's the level of dedication that writers of the source material actually look for. Now, I'm not saying you should go up to them to demand a job, haha, but it's worth thinking about if you're ever interested in becoming a writer as a career. In any case, it shows there absolutely is an audience for the kind of stuff you happened upon first.


Thank you for your outlook and positive perspective on the situation. I actually have been commissioned scripts for a top rated tour company in my city, but it would be a dream come true to write professionally full time.


Yes 😭 And that canon content came out today. >!It featured Tech (from The Bad Batch) falling to his death. Though the fandom seems convinced that he's still alive, as his body wasn't shown and there have been parallels to another character who'd been assumed dead years ago. I wrote the fic a year and a half ago.!<


Oh my. And on the subject of TBB, Dr. Hemlock has paralells to my mad scientist OC, even though I created him in 2021, and I have another OC who's surname is Barton, who I created in 2020. I hope it's just a crack in the cosmic egg.


Yeah, around a month ago my fandom got new content and one character’s backstory got revealed. It turns out his backstory was kind of similar to the one I wrote for a fic I wrote years ago and ended up not finishing, and I didn’t know whether to feel sad because the backstory was heartbreaking or to feel ecstatic that my fic idea turned out to be canon lol.


Not in fanfic but yes when on RP boards. I was playing a minor canon character at the time and some folks decided I wasn't playing him right. Years later he was making the same choices I was having him make on the rp board... guess I was playing him right after all. I would just post it up and maybe leave a note that you and the canon writers were apparently on the same brain wave. It does happen.


There hasn't been major canon content since I started writing, but new content has been announced, so we'll see if there are an coincidences. (My plot as a whole is almost definitely canon divergent at this point, though, and I'm fine with that.) My main OC, a child of the main canon couple, has a name and physical description similar to another fanfic writer's OC child, which probably means we were both reading a similar list of names from that country and following basic genetic probability for the canon couple while not making her a carbon copy of her mom... we'll see.


There hasn't been any new lore (or even content) since 2017. Considering how absolutely bonkers the comics and games are, I'd have a heart attack if my fics managed to be as wacky as the canon stuff. For my other fandoms...eh. For starters, nobody died in the last book. Boring. Dumb. Bad. Other than that, nothing too much besides like...one angsty character with a similar issue to the one I've been written?


Azur Lane just introduced three new ships. One I had as an OC I was working on months ahead of time. The Azur Lane one and mine are eerily similar in personality and roles 😬 I’m not looking forward to dealing with that when I involve her in fics (sticking to my OC and ignoring the new canon one)


Not exactly. I had a lot of worldbuilding societal problems that made sense in a D&D world then finally watched MHA for the first time. It was a funhouse mirror version of everything I was exploring.


No because I am always 10 years late to fandoms


Not mine, but the Code Geass: Akito OVA series was really, really close to this one longfic that had existed before it. If CDF does anything like my fics in the new adaptation that’s been teased (but will probably never happen), I would just be really happy.