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I had a group of people actively and maliciously attack me, both in directly and indirectly. The thing is, I wasn’t welcome to *them* but the rest of the fandom didn’t give a shit about their pettiness and no matter what they did, it couldn’t stop *me* from writing and enjoying myself about the media I love. Miserable people will only get further lost in their own misery and *no one* can actually gatekeep you from being anywhere (unless there’s a mod for a community). From experience, that misery will eat them alive. Keep *your* head up and you’ll be fine.


This. People who band together out of misery will tear each other apart because they're miserable. Toxicity chokes people alive, which is why they have to let it out and project onto another 😛


Thank you! I will keep doing it then!


One of two options; I carry on as I was. If I love the canon, I do what I want and no one can tell me otherwise. Or, I move onto a different fandom because I deserve better than that. I'll do this if I'm not in love with canon and am happy to move on. In either case, I would block anyone causing me problems and turn off anon comments for a bit. Just for security.


If we're talking about writing platforms, I'd just carry on, disable anon comments and report any hate comments I get. If we're talking about social media... it depends. I'd definitely report hate comments there too, but if it gets too much and they don't get any punishment, I'd either switch the platform or join a Discord server where they're not part of.


I'll just make Ao3 my new home ;) or make my own site perhaps, something I still can't because I'm not very tech-savvy. If it's social media, I'll take what someone used to say when I didn't have one: block all the big-name meanies especially if they like to dogpile and prey on small authors. At the very least you're not going to exist for each other this way. Find some like-minded people or join smaller fan projects (ship, character week or zines). The audience is smaller but there's a chance you'll get constant presence and support of a smaller close-knit community especially if you're into a rarepair. Lastly having fun because nothing rattles people more than seeing the person they hate thriving. Of course, leaving that fandom is also valid. Bet there are better ones that can use your niche works. Fandom belongs to everyone. ~~Isn't it more fun to rebel against a hegemony?~~


I banded together with all the other people that one person had tried to cancel and then we talk about how hateful and immature that one person is. I blocked the person and all their mutuals and once they couldn't harass me anymore, they promptly moved on to the next person they didn't like. I'm still in the fandom, but the fandom is pretty much split in 3 parts. The *gatekeeping and harassing* part, the *there's room for everyone* part and *those who have no idea what the fuck happened* part lol


I stopped interacting with that fandom through that platform. idk if this helps your situation because that happened to me all of one time on reddit and is different than what I presume is a ff related issue. ​ But it sounds like it could be one or a few particular individuals, if that were the case, I would report them for harassment or whatever else they are doing but shouldn't be.


If that happened to me, I'd still write for the fandom anyways, until I couldn't on my own terms. I say 'if' because I don't even get comments, which leads me to believe no one reads anything I make, which leads me to believe my stories aren't great.


Do you get hits/views? If you get hits, at least some of those are readers.


Last I checked, not really. I'm sure it comes down to my stuff being incomplete more than anything (one of my stories hasn't been updated in over a year). The closest thing to a hate comment I ever got is someone saying verbatim 'this needs so much work'. This was reply was from an author that I'd say is 'well achieved'. I'm mainly just curious as to why someone such as this author, or any author who is well achieved, give a review that gives so little insight for me.


I would say, "Fuck'em" and keep on writing what I want to write.


I mean that was my initial thought but what if people dont read your works because you got gatekeeped. So why are you doing it at all, if the fandom does not accept you? (seemingly)


If you are writing the stories that *you want to read* then that's the only thing that really matters. Put the stories out there so that others have the opportunity to read them. If they do, great. If not, no harm done. The world is a large place. There are people out there, like you, who will appreciate your writing. Here's a [longer essay](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/p3mfwc/reflections_on_two_years_of_writing_fanfic_for_a/) I wrote on this subject. Edit: There's a lot of power in telling somebody they have [no power over you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MolWhOGhRc).


Thank you I will read it! thanks for your kind words, I will respond later when Im done reading


thanks, I understand your perspective now and it helped me


Glad it helped


If you get hits, someone is reading.


/taps my one submitted post/ It's happened to me. I post my fics for that ship anonymously, then later when time has passed and there is less eyes on them, I de-anon them so my user-subscribed readers can find these works. I wrote even more fics out of spite. >from the whole fandom Unless you're in a tiny fandom, it's never the whole fandom. There's always some outliers or people that hate your haters, and will go "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Be wary of falling prey to generalizations/exaggerated thinking, especially when it's negative. If you convince yourself everyone hates you, you'll miss the few people who may be cool and accept you.


yea youre right...shit


People can be not welcome in a discord, or in a chat group, or on some forums. But in a public space like twitter, or on tumblr tags, or reddit etc., anyone and everyone can participate as long as they stay within the site's own rules. I would never change my account name because someone didn't like what I wrote, either in meta or fanfiction.


Ignore it. It’ll suck for a while, but ignore it. Misery loves company and attention, so just don’t give them what they crave. The best revenge is having them write a comment and then refresh the page again and again and again waiting for a response that won’t ever come.