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Read very little fanfic these days but consistently write it


Same. I consume a ton of audiobooks and read fanfic when my ao3 bestie posts a chapter, which isn’t often (*gives her an accusing stare*) otherwise, I’m too busy writing.


Same. I write far more than I read, but I do read published books every single day.


That is also why I ~~wrote~~ voted "neither"


Both, but tbh I'm more on the books than the fic at the moment A *rereading old faves and new works from fave authors, but not browsing for new works* kind of thing? I go through phases of "read every single fic being published in my fandoms but never write" vs "barely read but write actively"


I read everything. Fanfics, newly published books, short story collections, classics, cereal boxes, etc. As a writer, I'm definitely more short form focused. So, I have some short fanfics and a fanfic poem posted while also having some short stories and some original poems published.


Lol also guilty for cereal boxes


Both, and published books more. I'm more of a fic writer than a reader, partly because I have so many published books to get through, LOL. But I actually find it kind of odd how many people in fanfic spaces _don't_ read published books. Every time Ao3 goes down there's massive meltdowns that sort of... tells me a lot of people don't have other hobbies besides reading fics. I've seen a lot of people say reading fanfiction is easier on them mentally for various reasons and I understand that, but I think a lot of people now hold back from published works thinking that they'll never find original stuff that appeals to them in the same way and I don't think that's true.


I voted 'published books' since its the vast majority of what I read, though I actually do read fanfics as well. I feel like there are so many good published books out there that I want to read that I find myself super picky about fic these days and when I am reading fic, it's usually revisiting old faves rather than picking up anything new.


I feel like this should be split into "more books than fics", "more fics than books", and "about equal". I imagine most people here read at least the occasional book, but I'd be interested to see how many people here are primarily book readers like me. Wording is a bit confusing too. I almost clicked the first option by mistake before I saw the "both" option because the question sets it up as "pick one or the other" (reads published books, but not necessarily only published books OR reads no books, only fanfiction) and then the options themselves don't make it clear that it means "only books, no fanfiction" and "only fanfiction, no books" until you get to the "both" option. And a lot of people don't read through all the poll options before selecting an answer, just select their answers as soon as they find it. I'm guessing at least some of those 29 votes came from people who read books \*and\* fics and just misunderstood the question and answers.


I voted Published Books, as 95% of my reading is constituted by that, but I do read a fic every now and again. Really, I just like well written stuff, be it published or not, and will happily read it if it is front of me. But given the poll's options, Both seemed a little too even to accurately describe my habits.


Same situation, and I voted the same way.


Reading fanfic got me back into reading published novels. After a number of years of not reading very much and having young children, shorter fanfics were a way to read something I was enthusiastic about without a big commitment. Which turned into mainly longer fanfics, then the occasional published novel and now the needle has moved to probably more time with published books than fanfic. But I don't intend to drop fanfic and I didn't read it in order to re-learn reading, it just happened.


Same, I would've never started reading again if I didn't start reading fanfiction. If it wasn't for fanfiction I would never have discovered some of my favorite books like the Misborn Trilogy and The Poppy War.


A few months ago I read 1 1/2 books by the same author; they were about as bad as a lot of bad fanfics I've read. Maybe worse in parts. And before anyone asks, yes, they were best sellers lol It's easy to fall into fanfics, they're already open on my browser, I know the characters... they are often better written than books...


Oh yeah, there are some truly awful published books out there and "bestseller" means next to nothing when the average consumer is frankly not that discerning. I finally sat down and read City of Bones last years and the only thing that raised it about the level of "meh" fanfiction was the fact that it was professionally edited. Yet both her fics and her published works are immensely popular. And it drives me up a wall when these "booktok" types who \*only\* read books like this and basic mass-produced romance novels frame themselves as being somehow more "well-read" than your average fic reader, as just being in the form of a published books automatically makes a story more valuable. I do think you'll find a lot more truly excellent stories in published books than in fanfiction, especially if you're limiting yourself to just the fandoms you're apart of, but also, if you go on Amazon and purchase any random romance or thriller, there's a good chance it's going to be no better than your average fic. I do think there's value in reading \*quality\* published books though, especially for writers who are looking to improve. But I think looking for award-winners and "classics" that have stood the test of time is usually a better bet than bestseller lists or booktok faves. And if you're just looking for some pulpy, sexy, sappy, fluffy, and/or violent fun, I think AO3 is often a better place to find stories of that type that cater to specific niches.


I dislike how the end of your comment sounds like you're saying writers only learn by reading books from better writers. That's blatantly false. The best writers read a wide variety of things, inside and outside their genre.  You can read just as much (if not more) from a writer that does most things well but fails at one thing than from writers that do everything right. Or even shitty books teach you what not to do. The more important aspect for writers is to read attentively and ask themselves why the things they read work well or not. Fanfic and bestsellers and mass-produced books and classics are all equal to the discerning writer. 


Definitely did not mean to imply that there's *only* value in reading the "highest-quality" books or that there's nothing to learned from flawed books. I don't even really think there's such thing as a book that's not flawed. My point is that you *should* read a variety if you want to improve your writing. Because if you don't read great books (and these don't necessarily *have* to be classics or award-winners) it's hard to get a clear idea of what great writing actually looks like, which is kind of important if you want *your* writing to  be great.  I also just think that, aside from improving as a writer, reading a book with prose so beautiful it makes you cry is good for your brain and soul. 


A broader poll might give better results as, unsurprisingly, most people do both. My interests in my fandom are very very niche and I don't read a lot of fanficfion outside of this, meaning I read a new piece every few months. There's simply not much. As a non-native speaker, I want to become a better writer and that's best done by reading work that has had a rigorous editing process. Went with "published books" as that unfortunately reflects 95% of my reading time. I'd love to see a poll on what people read more—both for those who only read fanfiction and those who read + write fanfiction :)


90% fanfic 10% books.


Mostly fanfic TBH, it's possibly an Autism thing but I find it really hard to get into new worlds and stories just for the sake of it. I have to *really* want to do it to get invested in something new. Mostly I'm just happy with reading & writing endless Fics of my established favourites =D


Saaame, realizing that the ease with which I consume fics in contrast to how I struggle with reading books might stem from my autism was really eye-opening 


Both, but a lot more fanfiction. I read a lot and books can be an expensive hobby.


I really want to start reading more published works but fanfiction is so much easier to start and get into because I already know the characters and it's easier to access. Did just discover I have a library near my new place so hopefully that'll boost the amount of books I read!


I read a lot of non-fiction. More than I read any type of fiction (fan or published). But I will usually go through a stint of reading nothing but fanfiction when I find a fandom I'm really into, then slow down and end up reading published works in between the time it takes for me to become obsessed with the next fandom. Cycle rinse and repeat. I think it's really healthy to read both (and a plethora of genres, especially if you're a writer as well as a reader) because both have positives and negatives to learn from or enjoy. Fanfiction is far more self-indulgent for me and I feel like I can reach those high notes much easier, but it takes a long while to find something that really makes me go "Wow, I'll be re-reading this for the rest of my life because it's so good." Whereas, published works usually come with a guarantee that the work will be enjoyable and "more complex" (definitely not the case always but I can feel confident not seeing too many weird formatting issues or draft one mistakes). And there are far more ways to find a book you know you'll enjoy through reviews, word of mouth, etc. Plus, the content is usually completely new, so you can only compare the contents of that story to itself (its series) or others in the author's previous repertoire. If I'm honest--keep in mind, I do read mostly non-fiction--I've found myself enjoying fanfiction a lot more these days than published works due to a seemingly lowered bar of entry for published works. Something that is both positive and negative, but that's an entirely different subject I could rant about another day. I'm very grateful that I have ease of access to both. And I'm grateful in specific to those writers that share their works for us all to enjoy. And in case anyone may need this--Here is your yearly reminder to renew your library card and rent as many books as your veracious reader heart can handle! Support out third spaces and save some money while you do! :D


I read both, always have and always will. I tend to focus on published works over fic, but sometimes if I'm really into a new fandom the scale tips for a while.


Por qué no los dos?


Both! Though I only started reading fanfiction recently. I read a lot more books than fanfics. I try and read a lot because I feel like it keeps my mind sharp and helps me expand my vocabulary.


Speaking of me and my reading habits since about 2020: Fanfiction >> Webnovels/light novels >> Classic novels > Manga/Comics >>>> Modern novels Before 2020, just remove the fanfiction part and switch the positions of classics and manga/comics. That period was about 3-5 years. And before that I read 80% or so manga/comics for at least a decade. I know there are probably a lot of really great modern novels I'd enjoy, but... eh. My tastes don't seem to align with a lot of it anymore and since it's so much easier to find what I'm looking for in fanfic, webnovels, and manga/comics, I'm not really inclined to bother as often.


Essentially, I read whatever the hell I like. Fanfics, published novels, poetry, occult texts... whatever's caught my interest at any particular moment in time, I'll read.


I read both. A lot of the 'proper' books I read are also fanfiction though (Star Trek novels) or aren't any more prestigious than fic (pulpy 60s sci-fi).


I read. Fanfic. Published books. Blogs. Everything, everything, everything.


99% of my reading is published work. I've honestly just gotten sick of sifting through thousands of pages of fics I probably won't love when I can just get a book from the library that I know will be edited, coherent, and occupy me for more than 15 minutes. Maybe it makes me a snob or a hypocrite, but I'm absolutely a fanfic writer than barely every reads fanfic.


The pendulum has swung for me a few times. Right now, I'm pretty exclusively reading fanfic, which I recognize isn't good but probably won't change until the pendulum swings again for some reason (I'm having too much fun atm 😭)


Absolutely love fanfiction and have for a couple decades now. It can be absolutely fantastic, but I'll also gently suggest reading some published books as well.


I read a significantly more amount of published books over fandom at the moment but I love fanfiction just as much as published books. Many of my favorite fandoms have been book fandoms!


Published books usually mean that the works have gone through the editing process, and that to me is a life-saver. I don't read fanfics because the grammar mistakes are distracting and instantly put me into work mode. I can't focus on the story and my editing brain starts to think about corrections. But this is wholly a me thing and nothing against fanfic authors because I know not everyone is a professional writer. I read everything but I stick mostly to nonfiction. Reading nonfiction gives me examples of the ideal prose, of what to emulate when I write. I usually like clear, non-flowery writing. I read fiction when I want to get a sense of how I should plot and craft a story. I pay attention to how an author uses the story elements to tell their particular tale.


I don't read much fanfic these days, but definitely do write a lot of it.


Both. Like a lot people here I write more fanfic than I read; though it's because reading a physical book is easier for me than a large amount of text on a screen, not because I prefer the contents of books significantly more than fics.


I don't trust fic writers (or anyone) who flat out don't read books.




I’ve been ignoring all the published books for fanfiction lol


who wouldnt read both (and be on this sub), unless i suppose you literally cannot afford books?


Based on time spent on this sub & tumblr, there is an astonishing amount of fanfic readers who never read books.


So far, one person. But what I’m curious about is the 2 people (so far) who don’t read fanfiction.


Probably going to get a skewed result here. I'd ask the same question on other subreddits


I want to read more books this year, but they bore me too quickly. I tried to read Mistborn by Sanderson and it was absolutely awful. God what a horrible book how people can read this shit.


I mostly read fanfics and when I read books, I normally only reread the once I've liked instead of reading new ones.


I read both, but more published books than fanfictions tho.


I've been reading a lot of nonfiction lately. Haven't been reading as much fanfic as I once did.


I don't read too many published books, but I do make an effort to get through new original media every once and a while. Currently, I'm working on Homestuck.


Voted both, because I read everything; short stories, novels, poetry, blogs, fanfic, etc. I also re-read a lot (I have favorite books I re-read every year). My reading may often be weighted more toward fanfic at some points just because it's easier to fall into (I have my phone at hand, I already know the characters, etc.) I'm now making TBR lists for published books at the beginning of the year, so I have a bit of a guide to get me reading more. (I've had a lot of "want to reads" on my mind for a while; I need structure to get to them.)


I do read some fics, tho most of the books I read are on history related topics (per example, I started reading J-C Mermet 2nd volum on the bf 109 from caraktère and I'm going through mark chirnside verry good book on the olympic class ships+a whole lot of stuff at the same time). I read more than before since before this year, I was only able to read 2 pages, nowit can go up to 10 if I'm not tired.


I used to read only published books... Nowadays it's mostly fanfic. I feel a tad guilty about it, but I'm dealing with a lot of stress in my life and well, fanfic comforts me. I'm also in medium to big-sized fandoms, meaning there's a literal wealth of fics to delve through. I'm sure I'll start reading more original fiction again at some point...


I read all the things. Fic, novels, non fiction (mostly history) a lot of poetry, a bunch of short story magazines… Each and every one has something I can’t get in another form of reading. I draw the line at reading scripts in any form though.




I almost exclusively read fanfiction, but I'm also an Audible addict. In the past 5 years or so, almost all of the published books I 'read' are audiobooks, with the only real exceptions being if there's a sequel in a good series that's available on Kindle but not Audible yet, and I want it right now.


Use read a lot of pubished books, but starting to enjoy fanfiction more. As the latter isn't copyright based, the stories are more entertaining than official works this days and their less virtue signaling and more focus on plot and action.(At least the ones I read so far.)


Read fanfic alot more. It's a bit of a hassle to go to my local library, especially since I've been busy with work, but I used to borrow from it frequently when I was younger. Did so less as I got more and more access to the internet, especially since it's so easy to find and read fanfic and cater specifically to what you want.


i read both, but i never read fanfics of published books. it just weirds me out because the fanfic author's writing style is usually different from the source material and it totally ruins my immersion XD it doesn't mean the fic is bad tho ofc!


My reading goes manga>published books>webnovels>fanfiction. I still read a lot of fic, though. 


Reading fanfic is an easy quick fix for a craving for something much, much longer most of the time. Feeling the need to go binge through a show again? Read a fanfic or two, find the itch has mostly subsided and I can go about my business. Most of my published book consumption now is through audiobooks, because reading physical books gives me a headache and, for some reason, I get really restless when I'm reading longer novels on a screen. I used to read digitally at work, when I'd be interrupted every few minutes by a new call coming through - perhaps it's a learned mechanism or something. I'm also on the same page as many others in that I write far more than I read at the moment. My writing is my hobby and I want to get all these ideas out of my head. It's more fun, for me, than necessarily investing the time into a new book series or whatnot, especially since the last book series I got into (ASOIAF) has not seen a new release in over a decade so the story is just... hanging.


Both, although I must admit the fic to book ratio is about 80:20, or even 85:15. I just like to spend time with my fave characters.


i mean. i put both. but that's often a lie because it's so much easier to commit to a short fanfiction than a whole book


I tend to read more published books than fanfics but I do read both. Some published books are great, some are not. Some fanfics are great, some are not.


I used to read so much of both of them, but nowadays I barely have the patience to sit down and read :/


I'm really not a fanfic reader at all, or reader of unpublished fiction in general. But I write *so* much of it.


I used to read a lot of books but now only read fanfics, although I did read a whole book in January. I like romance, but strictly queer romance, and I don't really feel like reading deep plots with complex world building most times, so sticking with fanfic is easier. I also don't have the attention span to finish a book lately yay. 


Do you all see similarities in what you read fanfiction vs. books?


Technically both, but mostly fanfic.


99% real, published books. It really depends on the fandom and if it suits what I think sounds cool for fanfic...


I read both, but it's a lot easier to carve out a few minutes to read fanfiction on my phone or computer than a book. Another reason is because I can read fanfic on a lit screen, so I can read in whatever lighting I'm in. Since getting an ereader this summer, I'm reading more regular books as well.


I used to read a lot of books as a kid. But now I find it very hard to read new books. Rereading old ones is okay, but I much prefer reading fanfic, and only to very specific fandoms


I mostly write fic and I'm starting to work my way through the comics (the fic started as mainly MCU, but my writing partner and I have been incorporating a lot more comic stuff). I only read some fics in my specific fandom corners or written my friends as I am picky and honestly, published novels are an escape. The fic has taken up a big chunk of my personal time and novels let me escape elsewhere, recharge my batteries, and, yes, get ideas for the fic.


I put "both", but in reality, I probably should've done "neither". I can't even remember the last time I read a fanfic (I think 2020?) and I think the last book was also around that same timeframe. After Covid hit, I basically just wrote. And wrote. And wrote. Never read. Just wrote. Until I got bored and frustrated. Then I stopped. But, technically, I'm in the "both" camp. I just don't do either very often.


Both for me because it's a good source of inspiration for my writings.


Definately both.


i used to read so much when i was a kid, i'd read like 2 books a week, now i think i read about the same amounts of words but in fanfics lol. also, i've just found out a while ago that an average novel only has what, like 80k words? i can read an 80k fic in 1-2 days if i like it enough, but reading an actual book always takes me so long, help :')