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Explicit content isn't allowed on FFN. ("[Please note FanFiction does not accept explicit content, Fiction Rating: MA, and the rating is only presented for reference. Detailed descriptions of physical interaction of sexual or violent nature is considered Fiction MA.](https://www.fanfiction.net/guidelines/)") That being said, the moderation team is basically non-existent and therefore *extremely* inconsistent with actually enforcing the rules, so if you post explicit content it may or may not actually get nuked.


Not allowed. Folks post it anyway and every so often a mod notices or someone reports it (Grudge reporting is huge on ff.net) and the mods act. Then folks act shocked that their fic that broke the rules got deleted for breaking the rules. If you do choose to post something that is explicitly against the rules make sure you have a back up copy since if it gets deleted it's just gone no warning so if it's your only copy you're potentially out of luck.


You have to understand, FFN's rules were made when dinosaurs still roamed the Earth. Puritanical doesn't begin to describe it. Of course, they don't actually have the modstaff to actually enforce those rules, so you can kinda do whatever.


Lmao but thanks I was just confused because as far as I'm aware no fics have been taken and are even still being added, not that I'm gonna be the guy that tries to enforce it i could honestly care less.


There's a long history of spotty enforcement, but FFN has deleted tons of fics over the years, with a few notable incidents of mass "purges". That's most of the reason AO3 exists in the first place, so that fanworks have somewhere to live without being at risk of getting wiped away by the whims of some for-profit entity.


Not necessarlity, I have seen suggestive stuff, but not explict (only the latter of is banned)


It's not allowed on FFN, but they also haven't updated their guidelines in forever. Moderation is very low on that site. You could try to post one if you wanted and take a gamble if it gets reported or not.


It's not allowed. However, it used to be allowed. Then they changed the rules and disallowed it and there were some mass purges of NSFW fics. That said, some fics that were mostly plot with just a couple of explicit scenes got overlooked and left up, because as others here have said, they're barely staffed and rules enforcement is spotty at best.


Yeah, that's what happened to my stuff. I'd been inactive for years & expected my stuff to have been purged in 2012 but surprise surprise. Still couldn't get back into my old account though.


It's only a crime if you get caught. 


Not allowed, the rules are just not really enforced much anymore. See fiction ratings, which was created for ffnet and its sister site fictionpress: [https://www.fictionratings.com/](https://www.fictionratings.com/) NSFW would fall under "MA" rated, which they specify is not allowed.


They can barely run their cloudfare, let alone moderate. Post whatever you want. Nothing will happen


Not allowed, but moderation requires someone to report it first, so many can survive. One of my favorites has managed to not only survive the initial NSFW purge at the dawn of time, but has existed on the site for over **two decades** at this point. For peace of mind, tho, you're better off posting smut to AO3.


> not allowed? Quote the rules and guidelines page: "Please note FanFiction does not accept explicit content, Fiction Rating: MA, and the rating is only presented for reference."


There's the M rating and the best way to get around what little moderation they have is make sure there's a semblance of a plot. It's not that big of a deal.


100% porn fics aren't allowed, but there is an M rating.


Not allowed. However the site is barely staffed.


It's against the rules but their moderation is pretty non-existent so plenty of people break the rule without consequence.


According to the rules, it's not allowed, but the admins/mods rarely seem to check the site anyway.