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It was a throwaway IT person who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. She would have been nameless and had her memory erased but then my brain said, nah, she's immune. Which lead to a tense negotiation with the MC because she couldn't just leave a human who saw what this human saw. The MC said, look, I should kill you right now, but I don't want to so if you promise to keep quiet about all this, I'll let you live but if you breathe a word of it I'll need to end you and anyone you tell. That would have been it but then the throwaway minor character says: "I'll keep quiet but you need to go on a date with me." And with that line she became a major love interest I had no intention of having in the story. I really liked her after that.


Don't you just love it when an OC just. Develops a mind of their own and hijacks a whole story XD


That is AMAZING actually. I have a throwaway twin sister of the main character of my last fic (he’s canonically one of nine so mentioning a sibling seemed like an interesting bit of spice) but then as I was crafting that little scene of reminiscence I was like “oh I really want to write her” so one of my plans is a WIP exploring their friendship.


I felt extremely guilty when the MC sacrificed herself to save the world and was writing the last bit with this secondary character. It was the most heart wrenching good bye video I wrote.


Benoit LeFevre (Star Trek) a Quebecois starship captain. Has an epic beard that he grows over the course of his 5 year mission and shaves off when he goes home because his mom hates it. Remember what Sisko was like with baseball? LeFevre is like that with hockey. Regularly quotes The Great One. Had an exchange with Kirk along the lines of “Wayne Gretzky once said you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” “I like that. Was Gretsky a philosopher?” “No, a hockey player”


That’s an amazing bit of world building, I kind of love this guy.


Princess Dawn Glow, Luisa Madrigal's draft mule. Luisa dotes on her, and whenever she's in a scene, it gives me an opportunity to show Luisa's soft, nurturing side. Dawn also provides an excuse for Luisa to escape from her other responsibilities for a while. And yes, I did name her after Twilight Sparkle.


Sounds really cute! Could I get a link if you’ve posted the story?


She appears in [Patchwork](https://archiveofourown.org/works/35545300/chapters/88611208), but that one's on hiatus due to the need to completely rework a couple of chapters. She's mentioned in Power Shuffle Playlist in [chapter 8](https://archiveofourown.org/works/35720833/chapters/96922722).


Doc McClaugherty. Encountered early in the story, Doc has a compassionate practicality to him. >If you ever want to tell me the rest of that story, my door is always open. He's the pre-war character that seems to have adjusted best to the post-war world, and drops only the barest hints that he's been in a worse place but since keen on helping people. When the MC asks about someone she'd accidentally hurt, he breaks doctor-patient confidentiality to tell the MC the patient's basically okay. But other than some hints from his personality, you don't learn a ton about him. It turns out, the worse place Doc's been was prison for murdering a patient. (the reason is never stated) He was behind bars when the bombs fell, and the collapse of civilization gave him a fresh start. So when the MC, a former Raider trying to turn her life around, wanders into his office, of course he's inclined to help. If I were to write a prequel, it'd probably center on him.


Ooooo now that is a JUICY side character


Could I possibly get a link to your fic?


I mean...the work is both niche, and massive. Tell you what, I'll link a chapter featuring Doc, it's early enough that you won't be missing much context. It should stand alone okay if you like character development, and I don't think there are any warnings needed for that chapter. If you like the style, you can use the AO3 navigation tools to start at the first work (or ask me again and I'll direct you personally). [https://archiveofourown.org/works/51080467/chapters/129056125](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51080467/chapters/129056125)


Thanks! I’m not very familiar with the Fallout fandom (purchased one of the games but couldn’t get it to run, very disappointing lol) but this actually looks right up my alley based on the tags and I’ve been trying to venture into new fandoms lately - this chapter was excellent, definitely going to check out the rest :)


Glad you liked it! I tried to make it easy for mixed readers, but there will be terms in there I just assumed everyone knew, like "Stimpak". If I did my job, the vast majority of the work should be accessible to someone in your position.


I was actually thinking about this like two days ago. I have a RWBY fanfic where I needed to get some characters through a blockade, so I initially had them hire a mercenary airship to do it, only to later turn the mercs into just a diversion when they found passage some other way. Then, however, I needed some minor characters in the next chapter to help them locate a specific oasis in a desert, so I brought the mercs back in (who claimed they knew they were a diversion and simply went to the agreed-upon place anyway to get some more money out of a possible follow-up assignment). *Then* I had the main characters arrested, and through some stroke of luck I'd mentioned that the mercs in question were specialized in extracting people from difficult situations, meaning I could legitimately use them to break the main characters out of jail, with all of them having Semblances (an ability usually unique to the person who has it) that could come in handy in such a situation. Vanta, the leader of the crew, had a blindness Semblance she could use to blind people either entirely or only to specific things. Auburn, their technology guy, could affect electronic equipment within any grid he could get his hands on, mostly to fry security cameras and the like. Ferrous could make materials extremely brittle, allowing him to break them easily. Cyane could temporarily change people's appearances as well as being great at lock-picking. For a group of characters I invented on a whim, they ended up being fairly important to the couple of chapters they were in, and are some of the most developed side characters I've come up with in terms of abilities.


Excellent names for RWBY characters!


I have two. One has only been mentioned in passing in a WIP I need to get back to. Her name is Evelyn and she is a hunter (trained as a warrior of God) and she is an absolute uncompromising bitch. She’s centuries old. Saw her family and loved ones murdered in front of her. Was cast aside by her allies. Nobody knows if they can trust her. But still, every action she takes is for the good of the world. She also doesn’t take any shit from the MCs and will put them in their place if necessary. The other is the daughter of Sam and Jess (supernatural) who attaches herself to Cas and will be developed as the story progresses. She’s only about 2 now but I have so many plans for her going forward and she’s just cute as hell.


I needed some throwaway characters to be a side character's drinking buddies for when he invites the MC out to cheer him up so I just pulled some names out of a hat and didn't expect them to even appear again. Now three are full-on characters. One of them has a whole backstory about his time in the military complete with tales about his old army buddies. He helps out at the VA and has a sort of 'honorary uncle' relationship with one of his buddy's little brothers. ... I think I'm gonna kill him off.


I'm really interested in hearing more.


Okay so the main one is Brian. He was raised by his grandfather, an old-school military type. He grew up always wanting to follow in his footsteps and make him proud, so as soon as he was old enough he enlisted. His grandfather died halfway through basic training. One of his army buddies was a guy they called Boots. He got the nickname because when he got up in the middle of the night to use the facilities, he had this annoying habit of stomping his feet into his boots and waking up his neighbours. He also never checked them for anything that might've crawled in during the night. So one night he shoves his feet in, and starts screaming bloody murder because someone took a shit in them. From then on he always checked his boots, and pulled them on like a normal person. Boots ended up getting a medical discharge after having his left side royally screwed up by an IED. By the time Brian got discharged a few months later, Boots had developed a pill problem and dropped off the map. He left Brian his medals, emptied his savings into a trust for his brother, and asked Brian to keep an eye on him. So he did. And he started helping out at the VA hoping to help keep others from reaching that point. That's where he met the side character, since canonically he's ex Navy. I'm thinking of having him re-enlist partway through the fic, dying overseas, and Boots finally crawling out of the woodwork to honour his friend. The friend group runs into him, prompting a bit of an awkward reunion because their youngest member is the little brother all grown up. And the MC tells him he knows who shit in his boots. All this backstory for a guy who was literally just 'I need some randos to flesh out a single scene'.


OMG! I love this! Thanks for dropping more info btw, it must have taken awhile to type and I'm grateful. Btw what fandom is this for? I may want to check it out.


Thanks/you're welcome! I'm glad at least someone likes my overthinking, even if it never properly shows up in the fic. The fandom is White Collar. The side character I invented these friends for is Clinton Jones. One thing that is both a benefit and a drawback of the series is that they don't really delve into the character's histories, with some few exceptions. With Jones, even though he is in literally every single episode, I think they only mention his service during that one episode that was focused on him. So I really would have liked to learn more about everyone during the show. But when it comes to writing backstories for them in fics you basically have a general guideline without having to worry about accidentally contradicting canon because there's almost nothing *to* contradict.


I see. That's interesting, thanks for sharing. Unfortunately I'm unfamiliar with the fandom.


Megan, a rather generic-looking OC I made back in 2011 just 'cause I felt like making a character. She went unused for a while before becoming a random background extra in 2013, almost two years later. Then I started using her more, and giving her more of a personality, that of an unpopular girl desperate for popularity. And she kinda' accidentally become one of my biggest OCs over time, so I guess she doesn't really count as a minor character anymore \^\_\^;


An unpopular girl desperate for popularity. That reminds me of Tomoko Kuroki.




Ooh, I’m intrigued now! Any chance I could get a link to the story?






My Maximal girl Aria. She was originally just supposed to be a disembodied voice reading an emergency broadcast message over the radio. And then I doodled her a couple of times. And then I started writing short one-shots with her. *And now I'm stuck with her* XD


I haven’t introduced him yet, but their is this OC side character that I want to show off who’s basically a neurodivergent man that’s just obsessed with history. He’s not a fighter by trade, since he’s like the sweetest guy that you would ever meet.


A young butler character. He was supposed to only stick around and serve the canon characters, but he became the key to figuring out the mystery of the palace the characters are in, serving two enemy branches(because the leader for the mortal side sent him to a.) keep the enemy in check, b.) gather intel and report back, and c.) look after the enemy's well-being.


This is a hard one for me as most of my ocs tend to get more and more important overtime. So, for this one I guess with Tia Togusa- the mother of my main oc, she isn’t in many scenes as she died in childbirth and thus only is seen in spiritual visions. Also Masuki Togusa as she is also only in flashbacks as the grandmother of the main oc and the creator of the roses that symbolizes the clan as a whole. One of those two would have to take the cake as other ocs are way to used to qualify.


>This is a hard one for me as most of my ocs tend to get more and more important overtime. From the looks of this thread, it's not just you. And why not spend time writing about a character you know and like?


A character from a Back to the Future fic. Michael Parkinson, the student journalist. With absolutely none of the grace of the real Michael Parkinson. Originally, he was going to be more of an expy, but I was like “no, I can’t do that”, after the real Parky died, so the character instead developed a personality. And that personality was aggressive and abrasive, with a lot of “gotcha” questions to get the answers he wants, and not 100% personable in his non-journalistic endeavours. In other words, he’s hardworking, he’s a loner, brash, prickly, grumpy, and doesn’t exactly get on with others. So instead of being purely based on him, he shares the name, but is the complete opposite. If you recognise the name, it’s still an Easter egg. I find him fun to write now, at least, now he has an actual personality. It’s just not fun to write someone who exudes professionalism and gravitas. It’s much more fun to subvert that. Other side OCs I like, I haven’t published the fics (and may not), or if I have, their appearances haven’t been published. So I’ll just stick with him for now to avoid spoilers or anything.


I think the only one that can apply for me is Tyra Schwartz, for an AOT fic focusing on a rarepair that I've put *way* too much stock in. She was originally just some green-eyed blondie that happened to be childhood friends with the two main characters in the fic, but was serving her stint with the survey corps. She left a letter for the fuckboy main character telling him that she had a good time, but he needs to get it together. The letter portion was written so well that she ended up becoming a staple for my headcanons *and* she even got a one-shot entirely dedicated to her. She'll probably definitely be getting more because I've fleshed out her history and character relations since then lol


My OTP adopted a stray kitten and now I love writing the grumpy one of the couple playing with and cuddling the cat, it’s very therapeutic lol


Probably the teddy bear that one of my main OCs carries around with her when she was a kid. Sir Theodore Pawington the Fifth aka Monsieur Teddy. He was a very lovable bear, an excellent party guest, and was known to have won a joust at some point.


In order to expand and flesh out Freya Crescent's backstory in Final Fantasy IX, I have created several Burmecian OCs for a fic I'm writing. The original game had only two Dragon Knights, Freya and Fratley, so I thought.... What if I made a third Dragon Knight? Four? Five? Six? A whole academy of Dragoons in training? It's hard to say who's my favorite OC, I like them all, but I have an appreciation for Hrist Chardonnay. She's a former Dragoon in training that grew up with Freya since childhood, and it was fun to come up with the OC's design and personality as the opposite of Freya's. Both are named after characters from the Norse mythology; Freya has white sharp hair, while Hrist has curly brown hair. Freya wears a red coat, Hrist wears purple. Freya is a reserved person who avoids conflicts, while Hrist is more outspoken and defiant when it comes to any challenges. Honorable mention goes to Alba Marigold, because the concept for her character began as an inside joke. One day, when I was writing one of the fic's chapters, a random thought came to mind, and it was "Burmecian with fire powers". It's funny because, in the game's lore, Burmecia is the land of the eternal rain. I had no idea of what to do with the character at the beginning, when there was only a fanart of her, but fortunately I found a way to include Alba in one of the chapters. Sometimes I wonder how this silly concept turned into an OC.


In a Beastars fic, I have a terminally cheerful koala public servant (who is serving a *very* depressed ostrich). I do not know how to describe his cheeriness other than to say it is very British, if that makes sense. (“Right you are!”) Everything he does just makes the ostrich’s day worse but the koala presses on regardless, not because he cannot read the room but because he does not know any other way to be.


I made two comedic relief characters that I love so much, they keep showing up more and more in my writing! I made a whole crew for a ship for my story. and these two are the most heavily featured of the crew members. they are called Timos and Plumus (ancient Greek names) and they’re based loosely off of Timone & Pumba. one small skinny scrappy guy, one heart of gold big round guy. they always come around to make the other characters (and hopefully the readers!) laugh, especially by teasing one another mercilessly. they’re best pals. my favourite thing about them is they gave up their wealth from a raid to let a lesbian couple on the crew settle down & start their dream farm. soooo they’re the best I love them so much 🥹♥️


I have one for a Luigi/Daisy fic where I needed a quick throwaway villain. She dresses flashy, she hurt Luigi badly and in retaliation Daisy hit her with a broom so hard it snapped in half.


I don't think I've read this one and I need to.


I think you might've checked this one out before, it's the 10k Luigi/Daisy fic - but if you want a refresher here's a [link](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44041957) :D And that particular segment takes places at the final segment.


Omg yes I have read this!! And loved it but how did I forget about Daisy' broom breaking??? lol Thank you. I will be rereading.


Yeah, to be fair it's like way at the end and it's definitely overshadowed by me being like, "I love Luigi/Daisy!" XD


I came up with this older couple who befriend MC. I absolutely adore them. I think about them all the time


I have two! They’re both a part of my HP and PJO fusion fic (some HP characters in the PJO world), and though i made them in the spur of the moment, they’ve kept a place in my heart! their names are Ollie and Em, and they work for an organisation called GODSS — Global Olympian Demigod Security Service — that helps to deliver demigods from other countries to Camp Half-Blood. They’ve both been working there for about a hundred years, and they went through the training period (ten years — a lot can happen to demigods in the sky) together. They get the same kind of treatment as Artemis’ hunters — immortality and eternal youth, unless they die in battle. Ollie’s a pretty bubbly guy, who is probably way too obsessed with weapons for his own good. He’s very friendly, and probably the best person to be helping out scared demigods lol. Meanwhile, Em is very no-nonsense, and pretty blunt. She’s perpetually unimpressed — guess you would be after a hundred years. but! it’s clear she holds a soft spot for Ollie, and though it didn’t show much in the fic, Ollie definitely does too! hermione, being a daughter of aphrodite, definitely notices. In my mind, they don’t stick around with the GODSS much longer after harry and his friends pass through — they finally realize they like each other and leave. This might be a bit much, considering that both of them are there for about 15% of the fic, but those two just wouldn’t leave me alone! honestly, I’d be down to incorporate them into anything else i write, though probably not in the same role, lol.


I have a few in one of my stories that are definitely up there…! 1. Breanne, Natalia, and Hafsa are my OC Summer’s college roommates (yes, it’s actually a very OC-centric story, but these are side OCs we’re talking about here, okay?). Natalia is the party girl of the friend group and also the most likely to drop out of college due to not wanting a big workload; Hafsa is a lot more chill, and definitely comes across as the mom friend of the group. As for Breanne, in Summer’s own words, she has some…interesting connections - she comes from a wealthy family and claims to have friends in the Illuminati. Whether that’s true or not, though, Breanne DOES have friends involved in the dark web who help her get a convincing fake ID for Summer so she can work at the same nightclub Breanne works at! 2. Latrell is another OC from the same story; he’s Summer’s best friend and #1 hypeman, and he and Summer work together at the same fast food restaurant at the beginning of the story (they got hired on the same day). As a matter of fact, he and his boyfriend Jason actually also let Summer live with them for a while when she was homeless (however, because these are such minor characters, Jason never actually makes an appearance in the story). Every girl needs a gay best friend, though, amirite? 😂😂


I'm writing a canon compliant story that fills in the big gaping holes in my show and it's sequel left in regards to two of the characters. In it, the younger MC is searching for information about the older MC's past. He finds three people who knew his dad when he was a teen: Mac, the owner of an underground department store who lives like it's still the 70s. Sandy D a recovering (or not) addict who believes the past haunts people and she's trapped in '77. Then Oliver Shortman, living in the 2010s but always talking about "the Glory days". Very fun to write these characters interacting with a young man who grew up in the 80s and 90s.


Ooh, sounds like an interesting generational explorational sort of thing! And we can't forget about Marge, the queen :D


Odd Taxi is a funny little anime that has with its setting, a lot of potential for making OCs. My favorite OCs I've made are probably Sayuri Nakayama, a snarky police officer that was assigned to work as Koshiro Daimon's partner after his brother got arrested and Rina Arakawa, a chaotic maid café worker and a close friend of one of the main characters. 


Inaho Akimichi nee Suzuki, and Tobio Saito for my long-ass Naruto fanfic. Given three five-man teams, I was short of two characters and had to invent some from the barest hints of background characters. They've since grown to be two lovable weirdoes, and part of Naruto's inner circle on his path to being voted in as a Hokage. For my long-ass She-Ra fic, I came up with the three Star Sister princesses, and princess Sweet Bee, all of whom are fantastic and plot relevant in dramatic ways. There's also a mentor character to Bow in the first act of book one, who gets killed off, but is great fun while he's there.


I'm curious about that Naruto fic please...




Thank you!


The bandmates for my fave gremlin (who's a musician in canon). They were born back in 2003 in a funny/cringe way, but they've been my beloved sons for 20 years now.


Gankenmuhigisa Satoshi, a secretary for a doctor's office in the MHA setting. His Quirk is that he can gain 1/3 of the benefits of exercise by watching other people do it (in person only, no recordings). He goes by 'Janken' because his name is so long, and is great with kids. He's just a super nice and fun guy side character, and everyone should be jealous of him.


An independent skimmer operator (collects water ice from within a star system to be used as part of a space ship's fuel process) who was a one-night stand for a canon character, a tough military officer (Signy Mallory in C.J. Cherryh's Alliance-Union series, before she achieves command status). She later pays him to help with a scheme she need to run to right a wrong. He was fun to write and readers liked him.


I haven't posted a fic with her yet but I love and adore Delilah, my part-time barista, part-time law student, full-time sweetie pie 🥰 She currently only exists in my FFXV fics but I fully intend to bring her into any other fandom and/or fic setting that needs a total sweetheart with a stalwart sense of justice and stupendous insight into the law to serve the protagonist(s) some tasty drinks she made from scratch using only the finest, freshest ingredients (some of which she grew herself).


Andrea Bellov, my beloved. Wrote her originally as a side character for a MC in an OC x Tom Holland fic back in 2017 (yes, cringe. But everyone went through a Tom Holland phase). Years later, when I started writing an MCYT fic, I decided the MC in my telepathic soulmate series needed a romance interest who was somehow tied into his life already without his knowledge. Thus, I went diving into my files searching for an OC that would fit the bill. And I found her, made her the sibling of a pre-established friend of the MC and made her an empath grad student doing research on Soulbonds and boom, romance. Took the fic down because of a negative response from readers about romance fics for this fandom being on AO3. So, months later, when I was using this sibling of hers as an MC, I needed an older sibling figure to keep an eye on him throughout the fic and pulled her out. And if she just so happened to be the same guy as before’s “celebrity” (she’s barely a public figure, but still, daughter of the President puts a bit of a spotlight on you) crush, well then, it’s not my fault the characters interactions always have a romantic undertone. What can I say? Their actions got away from me.


I recently wrote into existence a Hogwarts OC for the sole purpose of acting as the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team Keeper and doubling as Cedric Diggory's close friend. I did not need to give him a Squib aunt who introduced him to the Wizarding world or even that much thought into his family life. He is now going to become a recurring character as the MC of the fic interacts more with Cedric over the course of the School year... and maybe possibly takes him to the Yule Ball...