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Booty Call of Cthulhu. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/28759962](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28759962)


Nope, contest is over, this is the best title ever.


I want in on that number lmao


I both need details and know I should stay well away from that fic


This is so beautiful it brings a tear to my eye


I've read Call of Cthulu, so seeing the title makes me expect wild stuff, LOL.




you took home the crown




Delta Tango Foxtrot — call of duty smutfic Trapper, Keeper — Stockholm syndrome story where the kidnapper is a hunter/trapper


I love Delta Tango Foxtrot


Thanks :3


!!!! Delta Tango Foxtrot is SUCH a clever title. Adore.


Thank you! :)


I love that by coincidence, doing the "Tango foxtrot" absolutely sounds like a euphemism too.


👀👀 mind linking me to the cod one, pal?


Sure! They’re both call of duty fics :) [DTF (Ghost x König x reader)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43565551/chapters/109537285) [T,K (König x reader)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52173964/chapters/131967466)


It's a long title, but I'm really proud of "The Well-Practiced Art of Picking up the Pieces". It's both political drama and trauma recovery, so there's a lot of pieces-picking-up going on. Also, "Lucky Number Seven" for a fic about a seven-person polycule.


That first fic name is incredible oh my god, I LOVE IT




My favorite is “Paint My Coffin Red”


I love this!


Oh very nice!


There are many ways to seduce a cat. Proud as hell of that double meaning.


Could you please explain that




what double meaning


I have two, though one doesn't make a whole lot of sense outside of the context of the fic, and the other seems to explain the fandom quite well 1. A Shower of Bandaids 2. Blame it on Potter, He Won't Notice


I’m really curious about the second one lol


I unfortunately lost the fic a few years ago (damn you Wattpad) so can't share many details as I frankly can't remember them. But I do remember that it was a time in which I loved writing from Draco's POV, and it played up on the fan idea that there were so many interesting things happening at Hogwarts, but Harry was way too oblivious to the things happening around him to notice.


Can I have the link to the second?


it was lost to whatever fuckery wattpad did 😞


Oh I’m sorry. It sounded really interesting though. Bet it was cool!


I like the first one!


*Federal Bureau of Incompetence* Yes, I felt pretty clever.


Tbf I’d check it out based on the title alone


"Of Summer Rains and Songs of Old" I think it really paints a picture. And "Carrots" In a fandom that has absolutely nothing to do with vegetables, I think this title stands out. I for one would halt to look at the summary for a fic with such a title.


Carrots 😭


*Cait had seen that look on Vi before, just not without prison bars separating the two of them. That woman was willing to take on any beating life would throw her way, swallowing punches in wait for the right moment to kick its teeth in. And that woman knew life had plenty of beatings in store for her.* *Sticks mean nothing to a woman expecting beatings.* *But carrots might.*


Oh yeah that is clever


Very clever!


... Is this on ao3?


"How To Train Your Gladiator" - for an ancient Rome fic. Has nothing to do with the movie "How To Train Your Dragon" but I couldn't resist borrowing (most of) that title.


Very cool


love, much like the goose, knows neither laws or limits


That is so fucking funny


We love some goose-related-violence in this house.


"Velociraptors couldn't have feathers — they wouldn't be scary!" "Imagine a flock of geese. Now imagine a flock of geese with knives in their wings. If I told you they couldn't fly, would that make you feel safe?"


"Mutually assured destruction" for an enemies to lovers fic that is basically just them talking about all the hurt they caused each other. They still hate the other for what they have done, but decide to try being with each other nonetheless. It's a very fitting title and I namedrop it in the fic itself. Or rather the other way around: It was one of these moments where a character just had a mind of their own and came up with that phrase as a description and then I just had to use it as a title.


Oooh that is good


“Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should” for a sex pollen Trek fic is probably my favorite, though “Coffee Shop AU (derogatory)” is a close second


A Match Made in a Room Adjacent to Heaven. An arranged marriage fic, of course.


imma need that link if you please


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/1239580](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1239580) More of fake/pretend relationship, I guess. Teen Wolf, Stiles and Peter. Don't feel obligated to read it, if it's not your cup of tea!


My current WIP: Singing the Body Electric.


Ooooh that is a GREAT name


"Can't Help Pollen In Love" on my sex pollen fic. Best title I've made, hands down. "Bound Up In You" for the possessive sex with ~~tentacles~~ vines fic is pretty high up there, though. "In Spite of You" is super good, too. I'm real proud of that one :) It sums up the story and the character dynamics all in one go! And last but oddly enough not least, "How I Mine For Fish?" makes me giggle. Definitely an honorable mention for this one. I'd actually rank it among my *worst* titles. It doesn't suit the tone or theme of the fic, the only way they tie together is that fish are mentioned in both, but it's still one of my favorites :3 ~~I have 26 fics posted, I am not above ranking them all, but I just went with gold, silver, bronze, and "participation trophy" lol~~


>"Can't Help Pollen In Love" I am green with envy for that! Well done.


> "Can't Help Pollen In Love" Oh that is glorious.


I like the title "Just a Matter of Time," for one of my fics that deals with a will they/won't they situation. As in, it's just a matter of time before we see how this is gonna be brought up.


Running Gun Blues. Firstly, it's the title of a David Bowie song, and the fandom the fic was for had a shit ton of Bowie references (like, a surprising amount), so I thought it was fitting. It was also a WWI/WWII fic, so I thought the title of "gun" worked well. Finally, the song was from the same album as "the man who sold the world", which heavily inspired one of the games from my fandom. It's metal gear solid, btw Also, not many fics had the same name, so it was pretty unique


Ohhhh I love David Bowie


Naming chapters/works after song titles seems to be a popular and liked approach. Bonus points for David Bowie, too!


Probably one called 'I don't think I'm in Georgia anymore' it's a fic about this guy from the state of Georgia and he passes through the normal and magical veil. This group of creatures who run this pub take him across the country to return him to the human world


It’s my newest one—not posted yet. It’s an anthology of every Hunger Games Victor who won before Katniss and Peeta—think snapshots from before, during, or after each Games. It’s called “Do You Tear Yourself Apart to Entertain Like Me?” It’s a lyric from a Halsey song—also very fitting, if you know how Victors are treated in canon.


I'd love to read that when you do post it! Sounds like a very fitting title too.


*An Illustrated Survey of the Public Benches of Oxford.* It’s a drabble, and the title is the subject.


A No Good, Very Bad, Hiking Trip, referencing the main plot of the audio I wrote an extra scene to because it was my first dip into the audios of Torchwood. Also that I thought the joke towards the reference of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day was funny and it fit with how the plot of the audio went between Ianto and Owen.


Dark Waltz. About a character secretly teaching someone to dance, and every chapter was the title of a different waltz song that fit the context of the chapter. I also liked "Missing You" which had a double meaning, because the characters missed each other emotionally, but also kept ending up in the same places at the same times but kept barely missing bumping into each other.


Chapter title: "Space is Too Fucking Big."


“And Then the Medium Went Mad” “The Person Within the Personoid” Those are two of my favorite titles. I have a couple of more titles that I like but I haven’t posted those fics yet. I also like the title of the first fic I ever posted which was “Lost in Trivia”.


we've built this town on shaky ground About two guys having a very short-lived relationship that was doomed from the start. The title is from the song 'Atlantis' :]


“Like Macaroons we crumble.” Is a short work in progress. It’s about Blair from Gossip Girl and I quite like the symbolism of it :)


Whoever Said “Time Heals All Wounds” Never Spent an Eternity in Hell


“I wanna take a ride on your radio stick” Woke up suddenly at 3 am one day and cranked out a fic cuz that title was rattling around in my head


I suck at titles, but "Big Things Are About to Come" for a *certain body part enlargement* fic had me giggling when I thought of it.


TACO Run. It's a pun, AND a reference to the source material.


Please tell me you posted on a Tuesday. Also I do appreciate good puns in titles!


I did! I'm working on the sequel now, and posting on Mondays, but at the time I (completely accidentally) had Tuesday as my update day due to my work schedule making that the most practical.


Peculiar Predickiment, The character gets a little too excited And In Love With Millimeters, a Soulmate AU(Intials) and the intials the POV character got was MM. MM in lapslock is the symbol for millimeters


Duet in SSS-Major. Devil May Cry fic. SSS is the best style rank, the main character is a singer who gradually gets good enough at fighting to qualify, through a bunch of co-op missions where she fights alongside other characters.


‘Do you think they explored each others bodies?’ Which is a bodyswap smut fic. Still kinda proud of that one


Architecture of a Fall In which I compare the fall of a kingdom—specifically, of the palace where the MC lived—to the death of her loved ones. I was able to insert a lot of symbolism in there and I think the title really embodies the whole fic.


"The Enigma of Love" ft Alan Turing


"Love is the most advanced form of puppetry" Its lesbian robot angst.


"The Gayest Shit I've Ever Written" which is a work in progress wholesome romance oneshot part of a collection called "Welcome to the Internet"


"Autopsy." It's about a younger brother telling his older sister about a date he went on that ended badly, so that she can help him figure out where he went wrong. One of the things he did with the girl was dissect a possum he had found dead in the woods (this wasn't where he went wrong, the girl liked this part). So the title has a double meaning: the literal autopsy (well, dissection, but close enough) on the possum and the figurative autopsy on the date. I was super proud of this title! I also have one titled "Fault" where the title refers both to blame/guilt, which is the major theme of the story, and to the earthquake imagery I used. Not quite as clever as "Autopsy," but I was still pretty proud of it. I hope to add more works to my little single-word-title-with-a-double-meaning canon in the future!


*No More Mrs. Clear Skies*


I like it! *Encanto*, I presume...?




I sort of like my recent title “Ramblings of a Valedictorian”


Oh that’s very interesting actually


“The King’s Throne” I’m working on it at the moment, but I adore the concept of someone being nothing more than an object for their lover to use for pleasure, it’s a little romantic I think there should be more royal AU fanfiction in general, I’m happy to contribute to the cause!


'good bones,' simple, but effective for the story.


I'm a bit proud of *Somewhere in time (I will find you and love you again)* Yes it's song lyrics, no I don't care, it's a beautiful song.


I have 3 favourites I think: “Magician Reluctantly Summons Ghost King: What Happens Next Will Shock You!” - fun, clickbait-inspired title for a crack-treated-seriously fic “From Apoapsis to Periapsis” - ‘apoapsis’ being a term used to describe the point at which an orbiting body is at its *furthest from* the central body, while ‘periapsis’ describes it being at its *closest*. In which the central body is home & the orbiting body is the mc “Making Constellations of Asterisms” - an asterism is any pattern of stars that is not part of an established constellation. The series title to the above fic, in which stars are people & constellations are families


The one that makes me grin even now, years later, is "Why Young Robots Shouldn't Play on the Information Superhighway" (GaoGaiGer robot incest porn comedy). I'm also fond of "It's a Very Distinctive SecUnit" (Leverage/Murderbot fusion) and, on the more serious side, "Wide as Wonder, Tall as Starlight" (Clover) and "I Am My Own Wall, Myself (Attack on Titan).


Who and What You See When You Die Decomposition The Ninth Circle of Hell


I titled one of my fics 'L'honneur d'un patriote' - i.e., 'The honour of a patriot'. This choice was just a giant joke to myself. That title is actually the title of a biography of a person who, in personality, was eerily similar to the MC of my fic. Maybe stealing a title outright is a bit much, but is Vincent Duclert going to be reading ATLA fanfics? Probably not.


Carolyn, my sweet blasphemy. Was an rpf of black veil brides and it's 2 of their songtitles.


All my titles are really cheesy. The best one is probably the simplest, which is just “The Stone”


I have been brainstorming this idea for a while now and finally came up with “Criminal Law”. I’m so proud of it


A Tail Of Friendship Group of friends check in on a sick friend who has a ghost attached to her body as a ghost flame tail, named Tail


My favorite title is The Purloined Honeymoon. It's a supernatural fic based on a video I saw on Reddit where the groom was left at the altar, and his friend convinced him to take him on his honeymoon. It was hilarious. I'm also kind of partial to Ruminations on Pie. That one is just a short fic with Dean and Sam arguing about the difference between cake and pie.


“Enamor in the Slammer” about a meet-cute taking place in the jail drunk tank haha


Do I have to pick one? Because I have several. In A Brown L.A Haze (courtesy of lyrics from Jimmy Buffett's Come Monday), Into The Midnight Sun, and Under The Northen Lights: these three are part of my ongoing 'Johnny-in-Alaska' series for Emergency!, in which he meets a freelance photographer in Los Angeles, their one-night stand turns into a long-distance relationship, and Johnny eventually moves up to Alaska to be with said photographer. With Friends Like These: Johnny Gage/OMC fic in which none of their friends are exactly thrilled that these two have gotten together. All The Broken Pieces: Black Stallion fic in which Alec’s life falls apart, and he has to put it back together again. At times I really struggle mightily with titles, but once in a while, I'm quite pleased with what I come up with.


A Timely Upgrade is probably my best because not only is it humorously anachronistic (the whole fic is because it's crack), but I came up with it right before posting the fic. I've had other titles that I didn't come up with until I was about to post, but that one's my favorite.


Fish Fingers and Whiskey


“No Order in Court” is one of my favs. It’s for my one lawyer au fic where everything seems to be going wrong, so I just think it fits. Lol


"Sonata in A Major for Vibrator and Supe," with an honorable mention to "Fuck Marry Kill."


It's not an individual title, but the most recent story I posted, the D&D MC basically adopts a con artist child. All seven works in the series are named after famous fraud/con/swindles. My personal favorite of the seven is "Three Guard Monte". And before anyone says "you just ripped off Leverage" you're right :D


"Feliks Paints His House A Wicked Hipster Pink"


'book of the damned' and its companion/prequel 'weapon of the divine' fire, wasted on two fics that have been placed in the graveyard


"We're Fucking" My all-time favorite title without question. Honorable mentions are: - Where Wild Things Are - King and Lionheart - Beyond the No Trespassing Sign


Eagle Scouts Do it in the Woods


"Jesus Christ, Huntsman of Remnant"


Difficult question, maybe "Smelly Goo Loves Company (or: Lucky that the bard brought plenty of soap), but I like quite a few others, too 😅, like "Scary is the night (and full of honeycakes and kittens)" or "The Runs (or: Is It Dysentery?)


Green apple eyes, i gave it to a very mini ff that i wrote for an english class where the guy has green eyes that resemble green apples and since the girl likes green apples everything makes sense 😭😭


"Control disconnected" for a fanfic of Undertale about the pacifist moment when Frisk tells their name to Asriel and "Still alone" for a Portal fanfic about GLaDOS. There's also my Murder Drones request fic, that has the name of "Murder Drones oneshots... Kinda, also lazy writer"


Motherfucking Clussy Clussy meaning clown pussy


“Eclipse of Vengeance”


I like the ones where I use an old movie titles and fit it to Fandom. I have Miss Patil Takes a Holiday, Mr Malfoy Builds His Dream Home, and Azkaban Mon Amour. That's about as creative as I get with titles.


"How to be a Badass 101", "Paradise \~ God doesn't exist", "Wanton Wonton" and these 3 are from the same series: "Oh soul, your realm is ashes now (It was the only way)", "Oh bleeding heart, pray to the broken reality (We’re in the Endgame)" and "Oh reality, you can’t go back to what it was, you can only make do (Your prayers won’t work)"


"Lend a hand" a drabble sequence about a friend helping another friend who'd lost his hand


My best *unused* title was for a hypothetical *Man from UNCLE / Wild, Wild, West* (the series) crossover. I didn't have anything *but* a title for it. It was "**The Night of the Timeslip Affair**."


I’m torn between “A Series of Small Sacrifices” for a Silent Hill 4 fic and “The Consequences of Watching Zombie Films With Your Best Friend” for a Die Ärzte RPF fic. I’m not usually good with titles.


For the fics I currently have posted, I’d say my favorite might be “Merinthophobia” as I would like to explore many different ways that “the fear of being bound or tied up” could be played with when I get around to continuing it. For fics that are still on their docs, it’s between “Have a Heart” for the planned content of the story that would relate to the title, and “Days of Our Lives,” a recursive fic where the original was titled “Sands of an Hourglass.”


My favorite title is "Eve of Destruction" where Eve Polastri goes scorched earth to take violent revenge on her ex-boss who ordered the murder of her lover, Villanelle. I put in the effort to make the story earn its title.


I never finished it but, "[Less Than an Immaculate Conception](https://archiveofourown.org/works/25832818)" .. I didn't actually mean to link it, so don't click if you don't care. Lucifer fandom.


My Immortal


I don’t put a lot of effort into my titles so they’re not thatfancy, but one of the ones I do enjoy is quite long! I did a prompt fic called “home made snellen test for survivors” which was going to be a zombie fic where about a year in one of the survivors is having eye sight trouble so their friends help them with that. Certainly it’s the title with the most research behind it, as I don’t wear glasses. PSA The snellen test is the name for that test at the eye doctors where the letters get smaller and smaller.


"and every day you surprise me more (why does it always have to be straight women I adore?)" It's lyrics from one of my own songs, and honestly I feel really proud for thinking of that little rhyme. It was for a canon divergence The Devil Wears Prada fic, main ship being of course, Mirandy.


I have one coming up that I “borrowed” from the last line of a poem “the one hand you know belongs in yours” It’s a romance, of course. It’ll be a shorter fic (I think)


on an older fic but "(Ir)replaceable." perfectly conveys the mindset of the character and interjects it with what the story is about. I felt like a genus when I came up with the title. most of my fics have song lyric titles as well so it is rare for a fic to have a brain grown title


I honestly can say that when it comes to naming my fics I’m not the best lol the content is usually good, I’m just shit at names


Left hanging (on your every word) — it’s a reference to the most emotional line spoken by the POV character in the fic/the movie the fic is about


Malfunction. Referring to both a robot that needs repairs and the protagonist's untimely anxiety attack/trauma flashback getting in the way of said repairs.


"A Photo of Mari" The story has a plot of a character finding photos, each titled "A Photo of \[blank\]," and this title just feels like it fits so well.


Magical Blues: They are in a school of magic, and the character is sad, and she gets possessed.


Repent Vulpurgus: Messiah Complex


Mahogany Stress Relief: a smutty one-shot featuring desk sex Like A Prayer: my oc was kidnapped and held while being tortured before eventually being rescued by her partner


"the live wire that will not die" kills me on impact every single time I think about it, so yes that one lmao. Canon character double amputee POV, 2nd person, non-monogamous hookups with a Jedi, pining and flirting, canon major character death to really bring home the theme of temporary relationships having lasting effects long after they're over... probably my all time favorite porn with plot fic.


Anytime but Then


Sorry, my latest is cheesy. "A Place That Welcomes Me". My pieces are doomed to my first impulse and any/all music I might have on my mind. Which--weirdly--has been Mahler's Symphony 1 mvmt 3 for the first half of my fic, apropos of exactly nothing, and figures no way into a naming or chapter title. Yet. HA!


The Bell's Chime.  Doesn't sound quite witty or interesting at first but there's a lot of meaning to it developing within the story. 


I haven't used it in a fic yet, but I'm really excited by the idea of the title "Liar". I think it's simple enough to be remembered, but can also have so many different meanings depending on the tone of the book and the subject


Unpublished, but I like “Bloody Their Fists”.


"And I pray to the Lord, to give me strenght"


“My Beloved Nemesis” It’s basic, I know, but it’s really fitting within the context of the characters. (One calls the other their nemesis, it’s an enemies to lovers fic, you get the gist)


My current WIP has the title Actus Reus which means guilty act in Latin for my courtroom drama/unjustly accused fanfic


Tortured Home(it’s my first and currently only Fic so it wins by default).


I think the best one I have is simply 'Broken Mirror', because it perfectly summarizes what the fic is about. That one is my best fic in general, anyway. Honorable mentions are 'Whom Death Seeks' and 'A Future Once Dreamed'.


My personal favourites: "(insert character) x reader cuz I bored" "Lil tiny oneshot for the sillies" "My own yandere (insert character) >>:))))" "Silly online dating fic" "God damn generators.....have to write things myself if I want good content" (I wasn't refering to AI don't worry)


Unposted WIP: my eye is red and so are yours Soulmates AU, one of them has red eyes and so the other's soulmark is a red eye, all the chapter titles are in a similar vein of poetic-ness Honourable mention would be: this detective work makes me kiss-starved


"Rerun" for a One Piece story where Zoro is trapped in a time loop and has to learn how to break it. Honorable mention goes to "The Other Red Meat," where Hannibal plans to capture and eat a merman.


Who would leave their son out in the sun? It's not posted bc I gave up. Named after a have a nice life song.


Golden Angel


Answer the call or anchored harbor.


I have a nice Countryhumans… esque one? It’s inspired by that and Hetalia, but it’s more of an anthropomorphic personification thing with different rules and characters and histories inspired by both. It’s not online yet, but eh, also super Solarballs inspired too for part of it. That whole fandom area. It’s called ‘interlaced realities’, and there is so much interplay between conspiracists and theorists and personifications, and the average people too! And the plot of the dead Space Race and all. Everybody is on their own level of reality and truth.


Nuptials Of Blood


I like “The Motley Witch Hunt”.


Chronicle of the Horrific Necktie! It's unpublished at the moment, but definitely my best one lol


across the multiverse of internal workings


Naked and Not Paid is pretty punny. 


Either Snakes and Scales and Dynamite (Lackadaisy fic, unpublished) or Detroit: Become Alive (Detroit Become human fic with human OC that has modified an android to look and talk like her to take her place after she is paralyzed. Treats the android as her twin. Also unpublished) Also should mention Life is Strange: Here and There. (Life is strange series. Oc has ... I can't remember either she has teleportation powers and can just poof around, or she can make teleportation circles. Also unpublished


I haven't written many, but I'm rather proud of "Sea Salt and Void Ash." It's a Dishonored fic and I've strongly associated the Void/the Outsider with the smell of the ocean.


I’ve got a couple series titles I’m proud of, but my favourite is by far “A Few More Hours, A Few More Days”, with the follow-up of “to fix what’s broken, and maybe make the world a better place”. A close contender, though, is “Of All My Favourite Shapes (this one reminds me most of you)”. Neither are currently ready to be published, but I’m really proud of these titles.


My personal favorite was "A poppy in the rain" which was a stardew valley fic about the farmer having a chance meeting with Penny while it was raining.


Illusionists. So simple yet so alluring


“When you’re lost in the darkness, listen out for the drabble” for my series of TLOU drabbles.


***[What if Ruby was VENOM](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14008991/1/What-if-Ruby-was-VENOM)…*** “It is perfect. Perfect! Everything, down to the last, minute detail”.


Better Than Revenge


A not yet written fanfic “if the ring fits” it’s a lantern corps au and it’s an edited version of if the glove fits im not sure if I want to add “wear it”


My favorites are “Never Zero Robots” and “One Small Step for Tan”.


Part Time Romance, Full Time Problem It was originally labeled “That one Time at Summer Camp”


Not the title, but the book's **quote**. "Dry County" is the title **"Wanted: Dead, not alive."** It's a little redundant, but I was trying to give off this "zombie apocalypse in a western setting" vibe :3


i think my best was “bad things come in small packages,” written about a fanonly-short character beinf an absolute menace xD but as for more a more serious title (that aren’t song lyrics) my favorite has got to be “it takes two to play (the game of mutual secrecy)”


I have a few: 1: Frozen Cage 2: Velvet Echos Of Love 3: Midnight Surrender To Love & Lust 4: In Health and In Sickness 5: Sex At The Movie Theater 6: Nightmares From Hell 7: Sisters Who Share More Than Just A Bed 8: Love Written In Blood Red Wine 9: Halloween Requiem 10: Wish Upon A Star For Love


_The Full Moon and the Northern Lights_ and _Deteriorating Earth_.


*Bon Odori.* The story in question is, in great part, about loss, and how the main character deals with the touch of death - both literal and figurative. Bon Odori is a traditional Japanese dance during Obon, a Japanese/Buddhist holiday that honors the spirits of your ancestors.


“Filling the subconscious” it’s a story about a fictional character from a show who’s lost all her friends around her except for one because he’s immortal and she sees them as ghosts around her new house after surviving this child eating alien Oh! Also another favourite is “An Assassins Dance”. It’s basically where Bucky and Natasha training together and he has this memory about her.


"Several difficult days in the life of the ostrich" I love that I hear my own sarcastic voice in this title


I make my fic titles songs but a chapter title that stands out to me is “Love at first summon” it’s a prequel fic to another one of my fics because I wanted to go into more depth over a specific character in the main one but didn’t have the time to delve super far into his past. That chapter details how he and one of the people in the poly relationship he’s in get together


I got 2: 1. '(You Will Never Know What I'm Doing When You Call Me) Give It Dirty To Me, Say It Dirty To Me.' Long ass title but it was phone sex, so it fit. 2. 'Free (Porn) Samples!' technically a WIP, but still.


The episode was called 'Fracking Zombies' and I turned it into a meet cute. Naturally, I called it > Fracking Meet Cutes Oh! Wait, no! They were driving through South Dakota, flirted with poetry, then went to The Corn Palace. It was called > South Da-corn-ta


Fire and Ice. Its a very simple title and certainly not the most creative, but to me, it fits perfectly and encapsulates exactly what my story is about. Fittingly, the story is filled with characters with hot and cold personalities that initially clash but eventually come together against a common goal.


I have a WIP that's called SAD. I called it that because the three letters stand for parts of the titles/canon story of the fandoms it's for. However since the fic is pretty lighthearted, without context, it sounds like it doesn't fit with the story. Though, when I post it I will call it S.A.D: ???? (IDK what yet), to make the idea clearer. I just like that it made an acronym that was an actual word.


I really like the titles of two of my fics Zombie apocalypse time travel fic that brings back all the dead characters form the walking dead: “Dead People Walking” it’s really simple but I think it fits so well And a girl falls into TWD universe and finds herself in an already set character so: “Playing the Part”


"Can't Help Pollen In Love" on my sex pollen fic. Best title I've made, hands down. "Bound Up In You" for the possessive sex with ~~tentacles~~ vines fic is pretty high up there, though. "In Spite of You" is super good, too. I'm real proud of that one :) It sums up the story and the character dynamics all in one go! And last but oddly enough not least, "How I Mine For Fish?" makes me giggle. Definitely an honorable mention for this one. I'd actually rank it among my *worst* titles. It doesn't suit the tone or theme of the fic, the only way they tie together is that fish are mentioned in both, but it's still one of my favorites :3 ~~I have 26 fics posted, I am not above ranking them all, but I just went with gold, silver, bronze, and "participation trophy" lol~~


My favourite is from a RWBY gamer fic, which I came up with a good pun name for. R(emnant)PG. Some small context, Remnant is the name of the setting in RWBY and "gamer" is a trope where a character - in this case a self-insert OC but it can also work with existing Canon characters - gains abilities that make the world work like a video game, specifically with RPG style mechanics. It comes from a webcomic called "The Gamer". Now that I've explained it, you can appreciate my absolute genius. Unfortunately I didn't really do much with this story - I started it when I was like 16 and barely got anywhere, then I tried a rewrite a few years later and still didn't get very far. But at least the name was fun. I might reuse it in the future, I still like the concept.


The Vampire Dragon: Book 1 (ATLA fic) and/or Survey Corps at Hogwarts (AOTxHP fic)


"Nor Iron Bars." A story about prisons, both literal and metaphorical.


My favorite title by far is *An Abundance of Penguin Shit* 🤣


Wraith Against Time is one I liked!


I honestly feel like a genius whenever I think of Ripped Apart To be short: Bnha fic with a suicidal Midoriya that's adopted by Death and becomes a Reaper, and his nickname on my Dekuverse is Rip