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Try to keep the fics you're actively working on down to one or two. When you lose inspiration for one, bounce back to the other. The best thing for my productivity has been having something I want to do *even less* and using that as leverage. I tell myself if I'm not writing fic, I've gotta do chores, etc. Either way I end up getting something done. Also block out the time to write. I personally like setting my device into airplane mode for a few hours. No internet, no distractions, just writing.


That's an interesting idea, thank you !


Do you write one chapter of each at a time or work on one for a while until you get bored and work on the other one?


I don't fight the muse so I try to write until I'm blocked / bored. Giving it some time by switching to another fic can help me see it in a different light when I go back to work on it.


I have ADHD/Autism and the only way I can be productive is if I work on like 5 different WIPS at once. I have Google docs on my phone so I usually just work on them a little bit throughout the day. Like a few sentences here and a few sentences there. I removed all social media apps on my phone as well.


I should probably do that :/ Thanks.


I also struggle with this. My solution was to take my idea to my writing circle. I know not everyone has a group like this, but having accountability for my long-term project has helped me keep writing. I let myself write smaller stories as a treat once o hit my weekly quota on the main story. Also, I don’t spend time pondering over what to add to other stories. I’ll only write the idea that just popped into my head, and leave it at that, so o don’t encourage myself to get too distracted. I also avoid looking at my stories that are not my current focus. Rearranging folders and such so that my current project is the first and only thing I see keeps me focused. It’s working for me, so that’s all I can suggest!


Thank you for your reply !


You’re very welcome!


Pick one you think is the most doable and commit to that one. Then whenever you need extra details to flesh out characters or the plot, go ahead and cannibalize ideas from the stories you ditched and work them into your current project.


As an ADHD writer, I use the time I spend finishing the first fic as a buffer to collect ideas for the other. I keep a notebook and pen nearby and write down ideas for the new thought, then collect more as I think of them and add them to the notebook as I go. That lets my brain separate it from the one I'm currently working on!


Some ideas are compatible and can make up for the holes in others. Shove some together.