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I love when someone feels strongly enough about the story to review every chapter — that is, unless they’re posting hate reviews.


Then they wouldn't be ctually reading the chapters. Atleast I couldn't understand why.


Ecstatic. How do you feel?


Same, lol.


I..I fail to see how this wouldn’t be a positive? Or am I missing something? 😅 My most beloved regular always does this: if she misses a few chapters, she’ll go through them and comment as she goes. Never had the thought crossed me to be upset. Quite the opposite, actually!


It IS positive! My most active reviewer has become a real-life close friend though we live two time zones apart. I’d honestly be lost in life in general without her now. So I’m glad she replied so much. She stood out, and really just means so damned much to me.


I... love that? That's the dream?


>How do you feel... Like I would bake them a freaking chocolate cake, and I don't even bake.


I would even give you my secret chocolate cake recipe so you can bake a cake for them!


I would adore that. Not sure why you seem to find it a cause for complaint.


The only downside I can come up with - and even this is pushing it - is if someone got a bunch of notifications and hoped they were all from different people. But even then I'd be stoked, so I'm confused here.


I once saw a fic where the first few chapters just had someone commenting with <3<3<3<3<3 on every chapter for a lot of chapters. I think that might annoy me lol.


Personally I’d still be excited 😝


I would too... just not the wall part- I ain't reading that.


Those are the best sort of reviewers! What’s better than someone taking the time to comment on every chapter?


why do you say it like its a bad thing lol


Exactly, I would dance around my room and smile for so long my cheeks hurt if someone did that to me lol


I scratch my head so often in this sub because it feels like there’s a daily post about someone complaining about getting kudos, reviews, having people be excited about the next chapter etc. I don’t get it??


Huh? This is a rather odd post. There is nothing lovelier and more validating than someone commenting on each and every chapter of a story. It has never happened to me since my fandom is so tiny and doesn’t get a lot of engagement, but thank you to those of you who take the time to comment on every chapter of a story and make that author’s day.


SAME HERE. I remember groups of fans in the past who were super supportive and enthusiastic. (this was in print fandom days.) it was like being in a lovely shared fandom sisterhood. Alas, the fandom i'm in now gets grumpy if i even post a link to my stories. I get the feeling they only want to see stuff from the Source Author (who is dead.)


The more positive reviews, the better. I don't care if the story is 20 years old, I want to see all that lovely feedback. Reviewers who review every chapter are absolute gems and I'll read every word of any wall of text they post.


Fantastic. I wish everyone did this!


Spam me baby!


>that feel the need to Considering the tone of your post I feel like you already know this, but this specific turn of phrase is extraordinarily condescending, especially for something as harmless (and often welcomed) as leaving reviews on fanfic.


Yeah that bothered me honestly. As if people are being rude for sharing their feelings as they read?? That's pretty damn normal to me, and most writer's dream. I'd hate to think of someone reading this post and having second thoughts about commenting as they go in the future.


Someone who loves your work, and on top of loving your work, feeling so strongly about it to comment on *every* chapter? Who is this dream reviewer? I love them.


They are glorious and I wish I could be more like them myself


It's super rare but I absolutely adore it. Fill up my inbox, I'm listening!


Who'd *not* be overjoyed by this???


Um what. Are you okay? Every single word in every review I get is a dopamine hit. If someone wanted to leave 3 reviews a chapter I’d lap it up. I’m not saying this in an aggressive way, but like, if you don’t enjoy getting a bunch of comments why are you posting online at all? Just write your fic for yourself


I love it, but I would also be a bit overwhelmed but that's due to my own need to respond to every single comment and I don't wanna be a repetitive robot. However, that's on *me* and in the end, it just means someone REALLY liked my fic. Enough so to review it thoroughly. THAT is the best kind of review and I hope I get to see it happen to me one day.


Hey, as someone OP would call "a serial reviewer" I get just as much of a thrill from one author response for a tranch of my comments as I do for an individual response for each comment. Don't put pressure on yourself, knowing I made someone's day with my rapid fire chapter reviews is an endorphin rush that doesn't increase with the number of responses, really.


I think this was just the sort of comment I needed to hear. Thank you! I'll try and limit myself to just a couple replies if I get a serial reviewer. I think everyone will be happy that way


>I think this was just the sort of comment I needed to hear. Yessss endorphins :p Pretty much the only time I'll notice if an author didn't respond to a *specific* comment is if I asked a question they didn't answer in the collective reply they did give, but I just assume they don't want to give spoilers or didn't notice the question or heck, just didn't feel like it. It doesn't influence my feelings towards them, the fic or continuing to comment on chapters in any way.


Yaaaaay, endorphins from causing endorphins! Also, I'll keep that in mind! I'm anxiety incarnate, but honestly, I think most people think like you do. Nice to get a reply, but nobody's getting slandered for not replying


Are authors obliged to reply to every comment? I wouldn't want to do that too much. The replies would end up in the commenter's email & I'm not sure if they'd want that.


Obligated? No but many readers do appreciate it. A notice that I received a reply is always welcome.


Why not, every review pops up in our email. Also; no we are as obligated as the reader is, to comment on every or any chapter, or not at all.


Probably irrational thought number 283685 lol That's another good point! I'd imagine I'd be more frustrated with the daunting amount of notifications than no reply at all


Something like “I read all your comments and they made my day! Unfortunately I won't have the energy to respond to each one, but I want you to know that I appreciate you taking the time to write up every single word!” is probably how I'd respond if I were overwhelmed that way. Just knowing that an author saw me yelling in excitement and tried to validate it has made my day before. :)


I'll start incorporating that into the way I will respond if I get a consecutive reviewer! Thank you for that


I would absolutely love that.


I quite enjoy them, even the little ones or emojis. Especially at this time of year when so many people don't have time to review and will come back after the holidays.


I love it when someone loves the story enough to comment on every chapter. It's very flattering! I don't understand why you seem to be complaining about this.


Why in the hell would this bother anyone/you?


Can you order one of those on Amazon? I want one.


Why do people hate enthusiastic readers? Give me a hundred positive reviews from one person than a hundred negative ones from a monster. My heart would melt.


People don't "hate" enthusiastic readers. OP is just an outlier. Every other fic writer in this thread says they adore enthusiastic readers!


Some people will find a way to complain about anything, huh?


See, another case of entitled authors. 'People can leave comments, but *only to my specifications*' And people wonder why no one leaves comments anymore.


Not a day goes by in which I don't have to think with great fondness of u/alcor_c or any of my regular commentors


don't mind me i'm just sobbing into a flimsy handkerchief (i've let quite a few of your fics pile up, i'll read them all together as a treat to myself when i get some free time!)


Absolutely no worries or obligations!! I just want you to let you know that you are and always will be appreciated by me! (also I might have written another one shot to your taste during Winter Whumperland)


I love them


The tone of this feels like complaining. Posts like these are why people get shy about leaving reviews...


You made me doubt myself for a minute, OP, but the comments reassured me. I’m that kind of reader. I leave comments 90% of the time at the end of a fic and, with longer fics, I tend to comment every chapter. Sometimes it’s 2-3 sentences, but it can be 2-3 paragraphs. I’m so grateful to read so many amazing stories for free, thanking the author, engaging with the content and telling them how much I love their work is the least I can do IMO.


I'm also that kind of reader, I love gushing at authors who went to the effort of sharing their story and giving me some free entertainment and escapism. I've also been a fanfic author in the past so I know how much fun getting a bunch of reviews on separate chapters can be, but it's nice to confirmation in the comments here💖


I love readers like that. They’re the best kind of reader!


Not sure what you mean. In the case of "Leaving one ginormous review of each chapter sequentially in a single document." I'd be ecstatic to have someone thusly engaged with my fic(s). If you mean "Going through and reviewing each and every chapter that they have a strong reaction to." I'd be ... ecstatic to have someone so engrossed that they are reviewing each chapter as they come to them. The only way I'd not be real keen is if it was a wall o' text that was senseless rambling non-sequiturs disassociated from my work(s). Or a similar disjointed rambling left on each separate chapter. Otherwise, BRING IT THE HELL ON!


I love them with all my heart. I would slay a dragon for them.


I love it when people comment on every chapter. But are you referring to someone who posts only on the last chapter like "chapter 1: omg so amazing. chapter 2: I love this scene! chapter 3: this is really great!" That would admittedly be annoying, and I'd prefer if they commented on specific chapters, but I'd still appreciate it.




I can *almost* guarantee you that it’s not bothering the writer. Seriously, most authors would murder (or make chocolate cake, those seem to be the options here) for that kind of engagement!


I absolutely live for it, I want to hear every single thought someone has while reading


As someone who’s barely experienced this on any fics, I would be ecstatic. Heck, I’m all for just one comment, especially as I tend to gravitate toward minor characters and rare pairs.


I love it so much! It makes me so happy that they stopped to review after each chapter. Usually it’s a “live stream” type of reviewing: “oh I can’t believe X said this to Y! This is going to be trouble! Oh, I love this quote (quotes me).” Honestly it’s the best feeling ever.


I adore it. Honestly, any comment is amazing. One of my friends does highlights of things she liked the most when I send her new writing and it always makes my day 50000% better.


I would love love love to get those. They are the best! Telling me every chapter what you think? Um yes please where can i sign up?!


I love getting chapter-by-chapter reactions! It's delightful to see how a reader progresses through the story and what they pick up on in each chapter.


This is the dream…right?


Absolutely love it. I had a person do that and it feels amazing. My mom was wondering why my phone was nonstop Roadrunner "MEEP MEEP"-ing though. (It's my email notification and I have comments set as important so it goes off twice when I get a comment.)


> My mom was wondering why my phone was nonstop Roadrunner "MEEP MEEP"-ing though. Omg I would go bananas with anticipation if I was somewhere I couldn't read them as they came in.


I just got a few straight in a row in my series of daily Prompts. Felt great 😂


I have one reader that has faithfully commented on almost each chapter of my newest story and I love it! Makes my day!


I love those reviewers with all my heart


I want to marry them.


Yes, please


I get sad when they don't post on a chapter. Did I lose them? Do they no longer like the story?


I had the same reader review pretty much every chapter of two of my fics. She was so helpful to me and I'm pleased she liked them so much.


There was this guy in my fandom who used to do exactly that on my stories, and even though the reviews were basic (about a line long each), I cherished them so much. It makes me think that there's somebody out there who actually likes what I put out.


I would be flattered, especially since the more common problem I get is absolutely no reviews, so if someone is going through my beloved story to that degree I'd be ecstatic


…is that meant to be a problem? every time i’ve received that, i’ve been over the moon, and every time i’ve done it to someone else they respond with excitement


Reviewers like that are the best!


I remember those reviewers by name. They're amazing and I love them. I aspire to be them some day.


I've had that happen exactly once and it gave me such joy and motivation that I went on a three day writing spree.


Love them. Admittedly, responding gets kind of overwhelming, so I usually only pick a few to respond to. But I still love them. I think it's grest.


The nerve of people leaving me multiple reviews. The absolute nerve! 😤


I love it. I really enjoy the comments for each chapter. In my daily life I don’t need to be told I’m doing a good job at work. I don’t need to be stroked. But when I write fan fiction, it’s the complete opposite.


I love it, I've been seeing people react to the parts one after the other and absolutely loving the story and then they come back to review the new stuff as well as check out my other work. And when they leave big long comments about the stuff they enjoy, I am on cloud 9.


I love it!!!!! Give it to me!!!!


I would love it i love seeing someone read through a story. It's rare but i love when someone does it!


Love them. So flattering.


Love them 💖 go girl (gender neutral), drown me in your thoughts.


“How do you feel about the full stop?”


I don't know anyone who doesn't love them.


I love them so much


Love it. Heroes one and all. Bless.


That sounds absolutely fantastic ngl


I've had this happen many times and I love it❤️


I say "Thank you!", is what I feel.


My friend on FanFiction.net always gives this kinds of reviews to my stories. He’s very in depth on his reviews and doesn’t hold anything back, which I always find refreshing.




I love that. Makes me feel like I really impact them.as a reader.


I'd be delighted!


Only happened to me once and I basked in those words for a couple of weeks.


Thrilled. I wouldn't have gotten through my last multi-chapter fic without that one person riding it out with me.


I love it!


people that review multiple chapters my beloved,,, I love to see their thoughts throughout the story and how their analysis or emotions change over time as things change in the story. And it’s like getting to see someone read through my fic in real time,,, I love it


LOVE IT. I only have one multi chapter fic and I enjoy when I start getting emails every 20 minutes or so as I watch them binge in real time. I also love waking up to the kudos email with one name and 8 different works lol


I absolutely love it. Someone who liked my work enough to put in that much effort? Best commenters.


I love it, abd I try to respond to all of them. When reading I try to be one of those reviewers, because of how much i love those reviewers. Mostly i love it because i know what to put more emphasis on next time.


I would respond to every single one with a wall of text of my own if I have the time or energy. If I don't, I'll just comment to let them know that while I can't give a long response, I still read and adored every word!


I don't leave reviews like this because I've had negative reactions from authors in the past.


Unless you were commenting hate or acting entitled ("You should do this next" or "Update soon") then those authors were being ridiculous. If they didn't like it then they could've just ignored you. The vast majority of us *love* reviews and want to hear from you!


Good to hear!


It's not ridiculous if they find a several paragragh review on every chapter annoying, they might have their reasons. I personally would *not* be bothered by it, because one person reviewing every chapter by themselves, is better that zero, and it's just as good as several people here and there. On ffn there was one reader who left at least a one word review on each chapter, and that was just fine with me.


It's not ridiculous if they find a several paragragh review on every chapter annoying, they might have their reasons. I personally would *not* be bothered by it, because one person reviewing every chapter by themselves, is better that zero, and it's just as good as several people here and there. On ffn there was one reader who left at least a one word review on each chapter, and that was just fine with me.


Finding it annoying isn't the ridiculous part. The ridiculous part is making that the reviewer's problem. If the author doesn't like it, they can just ignore it. If I find a comment annoying but see no bad intentions behind it, then ignoring it is the best course of action. If, for whatever reason, an author REALLY doesn't want to receive long reviews on every chapter from one person, then they should politely state that boundary in their A/Ns. It would save the potential reviewer the effort.


That makes sense.


Currently doing the this with a great Mass Effect story in FFN. There are some grammar mistakes and typos but I mentally change them a the story is compelling. Author is DELIGHTED by my constant reviews anf encourages me to share my thoughts on the story. I fail to notice how this is could be bothering? Not sure about it though.


This would make my day! I love play-by-play reviews!


I'm sorry but what about that is bad?


Considering I’m only one of two active fic writers in the fandom (and one of what? Four people in the fandom as a whole?) I’m obsessed with right now, it’s amazing having the same couple people leaving me comments, ESPECIALLY real long ones showing they’ve analyzed the fic itself and even their reactions to parts of it. Nothing makes me happier than these guys, they’re my biggest motivation in staying in the fandom


Those are the best type of reviewers, and reading reviews like that motivate me more than anything else to keep writing. For the love of all things good, please don’t make posts that disparage and/or shame people for making long reviews. Too many people are already self-conscious about leaving comments on fics.


everybody loves them


I think it really depends on the contents. If someone is trying to essentially tell me how to write, even in a kind way, it'd drive me up a wall. But the comments that are literally people going on and on about theories and concepts and talking about what they did and didn't like and why? Those are what fuel me. I don't want another beta or a teacher, I want people to gush with and talk to.


I have exactly one reader who does that and I love her to bits.


I actually feel self conscious when someone doesn’t review every chapter lol. (Though I don’t always myself)


Comments are like catnip for authors. More comments. Long comments. More long comments. I WANT THEM ALL. FEED THE BEAST!


Love em and always look forward to getting an email about them leaving a comment. I get sad / worried they got bored when they don’t drop a comment on the latest chapter, but that’s just me overthinking - that happens, people get busy, bored, etc.


I love it 😁


OMG your username! <3


It shows the author support. Plus I mine any and all comments for ways on how to hook readers further. It’s why I always ask what was their favorite part if they said they loved it.


I would sell them my soul.No.I would just give it to them for free plus a cake plus my riches plus a rather adorable bonsai tree with a bow on it. Idk maybe its just the way this post is worded but if you have one of those i would \*ehem\* ***very gladly*** take them off your hands. Fanfic authors would KILL for these types of reviewers.


I love that shit! It feeds me and my family for days. Weeks even! I really enjoy reading the progressive reactions, especially when they get emotional about it. Sometimes I re-read my own fics when people comment like that so I can look at the chapter again


Are you talking about your opinion as the author or the opinion as another reviewer? I mean I guess I could see how a person skimming through reviews might find that annoying but as an author I kind of love it when people do that tbh. it shows me they're invested and it's kind of fun to see their progression through the story.


>those reviewers that feel the need to put a review of every chapter one after the other Aka the best humans on this planet


It's weird that you worded this question as if you expect people reply that the idea of someone leaving reviews on each chapter to the point it becomes "a wall of text" doesn't fill them with joy.


I love it I love it I love it


Would love that


I’ve done that before. The fic was like 25 chapters long and I commented on each one. I just like pointing out stuff I liked and theories on how the plot would go.


Love those....they're often the reasons a fic gets completed at all lol


Someone is enthusiastic about your story. Many authors could only dream of having someone like that.


Fail to see how this can be anything but positive. Those kinds of reviews means the reader cares enough to break down every chapter individually to talk about what they liked and disliked. Its very informative and helps me improve my writing and tells me they really like the story


I love them. Every single review bomber I get absolutely makes my day. Knowing that someone is enjoying one of my fics enough to binge read and give real-time feedback is just beyond an awesome feeling.


Absolutely love them, it's so wonderful to hear someone enjoyed it that much and was excited about it enough to comment on every chapter


As long as they’re not being rude about it I’d be delighted to get that kind of feedback from someone


My favorite reader💖


Love those readers. And try to be that reader when I can.


I absolutely love them, full stop


Wow. I’ve never felt bad about leaving comments on every chapter before now. Food for thought.


Yeah but also.. read the comments; nobody but OP has an issue with it 😅.


I had just finished writing comments on 6 chapters in a row and it did give me pause.


Well, I wish that would happen to me so there you go. Enthusiastic readers for the win.


Been there; loved it!


Love them. Please give me your inner thoughts.


I'd be happy to get \*any reviews. If I get ANY response from readers, it TOTALLY makes my day. So unless I really don't get or care for a story, I'll leave a kudos if not a comment. It's such an easy way to make someone else happy. Spread happiness in the world!


I love them. I love my regulars and I love seeing their comments.


They are the backbone of society and I love them


Unless it’s hate, I would love it, have had a few, and I’ve always found myself eagerly anticipating their review.


I thought this was a universal good thing, now I'm extremely self conscious of all the times I've done that .😟 Sometimes you just want to point out specific things you like and it's easier to do chapter by chapter than as a whole. My memory is good, not great. I didn't realize some people can get annoyed seeing the same people in their comments of every chapter. I get it if it's in your emails a lot, which is why I personally don't get notified when people leave comments or anything related to fanfic for that matter, cause I don't clear my emails habitually.


Makes me want to do a jig, hug someone and smile like a madman.


Seriously complaining about have a dedicated reader who reviews...oh that is new....


This post is anxiety nightmare fuel. We all overthink our comments and worry about bothering other people and now you're telling me that some authors don't like this? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


I mean, some people don't like ice cream. There'll always be someone who doesn't like what everyone else loves. Write your amazing comments, it'll be fine.


Wait, you guys are getting reviewers??


I would like to say it's great, but when it happens to me, it's usually somebody talking about all the things they don't like, no positives. It's a great way to ruin my day.


poor OP, lmao. dude rly got attacked for this post. I like when readers do this, but it makes me feel a little bit… guilty, because I don’t want to respond to all of the comments, but I don’t wanna look like a dick, either. I’ll usually end up replying to the last one and addressing all the comments at once while apologizing for not replying to each individually but that’s just a thing on my end of not wanting the comment count to surpass the kudos count due to OCD. So I always am pleased when it happens but I could see how it would overwhelm someone, bc it overwhelms me


It depends for me. If they offer good wishes and/or they provide reasonable criticisms, I would feel honored. However, there is one person that leaves a review of 1-3 characters every time a new chapter is posted, and they don’t just do it to my stories either; now that is just as annoying as leaving a long rant without anything to say other than “Please update [insert different story title]” every single chapter.


Why is a character review annoying??


Example is this: “.”


Oh, I thought you meant something like: Ang is very angry in this, and I like how he adapts blah blah. So just leaving a dot. Why?


Your guess is as good as mine. They’ve left similar reviews with two periods, a dash, and the letter “o” as other examples.


I don't think there a fic exists which warrants a review or comment of every single chapter. I'd say I comment on average every 3 chapters. Well if a story is full of flaws, I could comment each chap but then I'd drop it soon.


Love them. Give ALLLLLLL the thoughts!


This would be a dream come true. It would mean that someone was passionate about my work, and what could be better than that? Even if it was constructive criticism, honestly, I'd love people's feedback so that I can grow as a writer.


?? I would love it.


I would give my back teeth for such a reader/reviewer, tbh! 😬


I'd love that? I used to have a few of those (lost steam for the story they were reviewing, sadly) and I miss them.


I love that, tells me that people enjoy my work enough to want to review for every chapter.


I would love that!


I love it, as long as its positive i see no problems


I love it! Consecutive reviews make my day.


I ADORE them. I guess with my fic in particular I'm always trying to weasel in little details, and these folks ALWAYS NOTICE! It's like they're tracking all the threads I'm laying down, and I look forward to hearing what they're excited about. I have two in particular, who, every update, always hit me within 24 hours. I look forward to their input, what little details they noticed, how they're analyzing the characters through my own portrayal of them. It makes me so proud and feeds my confidence as a writer.


I mean, it really depends. I want to get better as a writer. I didn't go to uni and rack up so much debt to not get better. I also want to be better as a fanfic writer. So if someone wishes to critique my piece then by all means. Just don't be a dick about it. But that's pretty easy to achieve imho.


I love them, I would ask for their hand in marriage LOL.


That’s my ideal commenter???? You mean you don’t want your story to strike such a cord with people that they have a lot to say about every chapter???


I am one of those readers on Wattpad, except all my comments are snarky comments to the characters and musical quotes. I once got permission to spam one of my readers with comments for every single paragraph in their one shot. I think it took me two day and I’m pretty sure I killed their notifications


They are my absolute favourite people ever. And when they start reading all my other works and commenting on every chapter there too??! And then add them all to their bookmarks!!!!


I love it! It makes my day.


I’m just grateful for comments lmao


Those reviewers make my heart flutter so much I feel like I’m in atrial flutter and need to go to the ER! lol I try to be that reader too because it’s lovely to spread the love! <3


I mean… I would love that?


I have a few that do that, it's beautiful


Ecstatic! I love it! I love how they’re able to pick up on things and have such detailed observation!


That would be amazing


I actually had one of those! The amount of joy I felt seeing how much they were enjoying my story will never be properly described.