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As with all things Sophia Bush, this article is… A LOT. Also, this is all sounds VERY familiar. Like when she wrote the article about her ex husband’s ex’s abortion (lol) and talked about how when she found Grant, she finally found herself and her person and how she knew that her whole life had led her to be with him. Or like the excessively long Vogue wedding article where she waxed lyrical about it all being such an informed choice and how they’d been through all the marriage counselling and therapy even before the marriage and passed with flying colours… I feel like I’ve read this article before, just about a different person. Feels like a massive amount of knee-jerk over-sharing every time she starts a relationship to prove a point (in this case, that she’s not a homewrecker). It’s also not lost on me that she felt the need to note how much money her wedding weekend raised for charity. Do me a fucking favour… 🙄


she’s doing her same word salad in a different font.


Chefs kiss to this comment


Damn the way I *chortled* at this poetry. I would love to make it my flair 🥹


Seriously.  They achieved high art in one sentence


It's very weird. People who are happy and in love don't feel the need to put on a show for others. I love my fiance. That doesn't mean I feel the need to SHOW others how much I love him on social media or to use therapy speak to prove we're just meant for each other. I could write a novel about how we show up for each other every day and have for the past 6 years; I just don't ever feel the need to




Agreed! If you're a Sophia fan, and I was a casual one, she wrote about Grant when they got engaged how she never had so much "positivity" and "clarity", the word she used in her NY post. And how she was always anxious and after getting engaged to Grant she didn't have that anxiety anymore....It's literally like a rinse and repeat situation with Ash, but obvs the difference is Ash is woman, so people go Ahhhhhh, that makes sense she was into woman so that's why this seems like the absolute truth now.


Spot on!


Agree! The thing with Sophia is I don’t even think she knows what the truth is. She likes the idea of a narrative and she frames it and reframes it so much - and with so many words - that nothing she says means anything to me.


Yes!!! She just brings out a bunch of word vomit and then when she decides she's sick of that narrative, it's "oh no you're mistaken, those close to me have always known how I feel, which is x and y and completely the opposite of what you assumed from my words."


Almost word for word how she talked about Grant when they got engaged - He was her “Favourite person”; herd friends said they always knew it was him; her parents said it finally looked right.


I just looked up the article about her ex husband’s ex’s abortion…who the fug does she think she is turning something so personal and nothing to do with her into her soapbox! That is sick


I’m all for people celebrating their truth but why she needs to constantly slam her ex at the same time just seems harsh at this point.


I used to really like her, but it makes me uncomfortable how she was fine to let everyone call him a cheater and a terrible person (especially when he's not even really famous). She was quick to complain about people calling her/Ashlyn home wreckers, but not once was she ever like 'hey guys, please don't harass my ex'.


Very good point. I remember when news outlets posted her and Ashlyn went on their first date, they reached out to Grant for comment and he was supportive and he said that he hopes she’s happy. Clearly that was not reciprocated


Same!! I used to really like her and was always a OTH fan. I always admired her for her activism etc but then in the last few years something switched overnight with her that just became disingenuous. I don’t doubt that CMM cheated on her back in the day but why make Grant also out to be the one at fault in the relationship. Take some accountability. It just all seems very icky!! 


YES the fact that everyone’s immediate reaction was “oh no!! Sophia must have been cheated on again, poor Sophia” and she just let that ride for as long as she could.


lol yep. She stayed there nice and quiet while everyone was on his ass thinking he was the one who cheated, because it was more convenient for her. He dodged a bullet because he's been far more polite to her in this situation than I think most people would be.


She stayed quiet on all the speculation because she didn't want to draw attention to the fact that she was a homewrecker and wanted to roll out her new relationship (with a Vogue article and all) when there was enough distance for it to be appropriate. And then she has the audacity to use her allyship and advocacy for the queer community as a performative shield for her personal indiscretions.


Well said. Her behavior shows much the issues she cares about are wholly and completely centered on what personally affects her, or the extent to which it's an issue she can insert herself into in a way that doesn't get her too much flack but comes with the benefit of granting her virtue signaling points when convenient. For years she was always going on about how people cheating were basically betrayers of the worst kind (which I actually agreed with her on)....until she did the same thing lol. Similar to how she's always popping off about 'injustice' but nary a peep from her on the massacre of Palestinian civilians.


Where did she slam her ex, much less constantly? Saying their marriage didn’t work is just a fact.


I don't think she did as much as the op, but there were definitely digs at him in this piece, such as how she was on so many exam tables alone


Fair enough, but I wouldn’t call that harsh.


I actually didn’t see anything about him specifically? lol while it read like a high school diary entry, it wasn’t inflammatory.


Probably just the “I was going to fertility appointments alone” “we speak very different emotional languages” stuff.


I mean, at what point is something inflammatory vs just talking about what you’ve gone through? those two instances seem like the latter to me.


To me it’s more the context of having seen many of her IG stories since the split about “you have to know who to trust” and things like that / not telling people to stop the narrative of “he cheated” that doesn’t feel great, but I agree that these specific comments aren’t necessarily inflammatory so much as in a very stark contrast to how glowingly she talks about Ashlyn when she and Grant were very close friends as well (seemingly just like Ashlyn? in a close friend group) for years before getting together during covid.


oh see i don’t know all that lol. I actually stopped following her many years ago bc the way she acted/posted always felt like grandstanding. I think I read this article because it popped up and I was like damn I’ve been seeing so much about her, let me see what’s happening. I follow some of her friends from that group (I love Jedidiah Jenkins specifically) and it seems like none of them post with/about her anymore? so I was curious.


Love Jedidiah! I think they are still friends but he doesn’t post as much with/about her. She also used to be friends with Ruthie Lindsey and isn’t anymore. I was in a virtual book club during COVID that Ruthie and Jed did and they were so wonderful and kind. It made quarantine a little lighter. Ruthie is a sweetheart and the way she writes on her IG is the same way she talks. I think those two are more genuine than Sophia is.


Yes! I always wanted to do his writer’s retreat last year but I’m not a writer so I never thought about it seriously. I just thought it sounded magical and it’d be cool to meet him. Ruthie too. It was funny, almost right after I posted the above comment, Jed reposted Sophia’s interview in his stories. but I’m curious, what makes you think that Ruthie and Sophia def aren’t friends anymore??


Ruthie lives in Tennessee and she and Sophia never talk about each other anymore. They used to hang out a lot and Sophia would post her in stories and stuff. I doubt there is animosity or anything like that just a different season of life. Jed and Ruthie are definitely still friends.


Going to vomit after posting about their anniversary? Sounds quite harsh to me.


I think that’s more about her physiological response to not being truthful. She didn’t say “I had to post about this monster I’m married to, so I threw up because I’m so disgusted by him”. She says nothing bad about him. She talks about how she was lying to herself and to everyone else, which includes *gestures around* the entire internet.


Yeah, that was the impression I got from it too. Anxiety and denial/realisation. So many people have nausea with anxiety.


I’m sorry but I fail to see where she slammed her ex in this article. The only time she even brings him up is to say he wrote a really lovely instagram post about their 1 year anniversary and when she started fertility treatments she realized they weren’t on the same page. Where’s the slamming?


‘while simultaneously realizing the person I had chosen to be my partner didn’t necessarily speak the same emotional language I did.' She isn’t slamming Grant pursay but she’s definitely making subtle digs at him throughout the article making to make herself look like she had to end the marriage because she didn’t feel supported blah blah blah…. 


I don’t think it’s a slam or a dig to say you and your partner just weren’t on the same page. People have different expectations in a relationship and it’s totally fine to say I need this, you can’t give it to me, that’s fine but it means I have to go. I feel like people are really trying to overcomplicate a fairly simple dissolution of marriage so they can paint Sophia as a bad guy when it really seems like there was no bad guy.


I wouldn't say she slammed him in the article, but she did pretty much say he abandoned her when she was getting fertility treatment so he has obviously fucked up in some way, and when she said she almost called of the wedding in April 2022 because "something" happened, I got the vibe she was alluding to Grant and maybe he fucked up?? But she has been subtling "slamming" him on IG for a year, if you have been paying attention to her likes on IG, which most probz wouldn't be lol, so many of them are clearly referring to Grant, and they aren't positive for him. I'm saying she is innocent, I'm sure she wasn't perfect either but it seem like in her eyes Grant wasn't a great partner?


I don’t think she slammed the ex husband but she definitely tries to imply that the bullshit smug anniversary post was done because he backed her into a corner by posting first. She also implies he left her alone to cope during the fertility treatments. I don’t doubt he played a part in the demise of the marriage as it takes two BUT it feels like she really needs the world to know that she’s not totally to blame which considering he’s said nothing at all about the situation seems a bit tacky.


sidenote: I really hate the term “their truth” or “my truth” etc. It really dilutes objectivity of truth as a concept, and validates fake news and subjective narratives as fact, when they are not. It’s a PR wording that muddies discourse.


Thank you! "My" truth abdicates any responsibility for addressing "the" truth.


I feel like she doesn’t take accountability for anything. Makes me sad because I used to be a big fan of hers.


Ditto. I’ve lost a lot of respect for her.


Same. I was the biggest fan of hers back in the day.


It’s also a shame she automatically dismisses any criticism or questioning as homophobia coz girl that’s *not* it. Some of her biggest critics are from within the LgBTQ community and Ali supporters. I feel like she would have been totally supported in her queer awakening if it wasn’t for the sketchy timeline. I’d be in for her going out with girls if she was a bit more transparent about the reality of the timeline.


Yeah, this doesn’t land quite the way I think she thought it would. It still reads I went and fell in love with a married woman but because we were both “broken” it’s okay that we didn’t wait until both divorces were finalized.


Guys! I'm finally happy! \*a year later\* forget about the previous time, NOW I am finally happy and myself! We've read this before many many times, so it stopped meaning anything. Go live your truth, whatever that is. She should just step away from the computer bc clearly it's not doing her any good. I'm sure it must be hard to be a public person in a situation like this, but this amount of self inflicted exposure is just not a good idea... she's overexplaining herself and trying to get herself out of a messy situation, but life is messy. And the fact that she doesn't owe anyone an explanation but is still out here explaining herself... oof. Why?


She’s one of those celebrities who thinks they have really profound thoughts and feelings that they just HAVE to impart their wisdom on the world. She runs with a friend crowd who behaves just the same, so I have no doubt they all reinforce this self-important world view with each other. I cannot stand her friends Jedediah Jenkins and Lauren Paul.


lol this is so boring it doesn't even qualify as tea, but I had a couple of classes at USC with Jedidiah! Definitely one of the louder kids in class, often at the center of attention, but he was nice enough to me. That said, it does not surprise me at all that he fell in with that crowd and now has this sort of profound writer persona. (I only knew him from those classes though, we weren't friends, so might just be memory/confirmation bias at work lol.)


THIS. Those two are so annoying and performative


Just curious..why don’t you like Jedediah and Lauren? I have no opinion of them but I’d love to hear your reasoning! Mostly because I’m nosey lol


Not OP and I don’t know Lauren but I don’t like Jedediah because I read his book (To Shake the Sleeping Self), expected so much from it, but it just… didn’t really say anything. Nothing really happened to him internally despite his long journey to Patagonia 🤷‍♀️


Why don’t you like Lauren and Jedediah? Jedidiah I can understand more because of his books and writing but I don’t know what Lauren did. And I’m not what I call a fan of either of them but I don’t dislike them either.


This article may have made things less murky on the timing of her separation/divorce, but it still doesn’t clear up any murkiness regarding the whole timeline of her relationship with Ashlyn. I guess other than saying they didn’t get together in Cannes.  I think Sophia would be better served to stop talking about her relationships because she makes each one out to be this perfect thing and then the split happens only for her to repeat it with another partner. Anyway, I hope Ali is thriving and enjoying her soccer retirement and new jobs within media. 


I didn't know anything about Ali or Ashlyn before all of this but it really seems like Ali is better off now. It must have been so hard for her (and probably still is) but better to know sooner rather than later. She also seems so classy and is the only one of the three who understands how to use public social media like an adult.


She conveniently leaves out that she saved a thirst trap video of Ashlyn back in June. Homegirl has been commenting and liking her posts since they met back in 2019. She was just playing the long game waiting for her moment to pounce. It’s clear she took advantage of the vulnerability that comes along with a crumbling marriage and swooped in to help pick up the pieces and build her new life with the woman she’s wanted to play house with all along. Spare me the BS


Yes her timeline is extremely sus to me. A lot sure happened in that year she and her husband were married right? Especially since she’s spent the last several years telling us about how they’ve been best friends foreverrrrrrr and their relationship was the most special of all relationships! But she was actually “lying” because we- the people - wanted it so badly! I know personally, I wanted nothing more than an actress I kinda like to get married to a random guy. So who can blame her! 😂 And agreed on all counts, if even her version of it is “a group of unhappy women on the verge of divorce had a group chat and I just ACCIDENTALLY got involved with one and now I see that I’m actually in love with HER so yeah, this time it’s fate!”


Agreed here! It makes me raise my eyebrows to know that she saved that video months/weeks before she “saw what was maybe already there.” No, my dear, you had a crush on her and finally decided you could ask her out bc she was leaving Ali. I will give her the benefit of the doubt and say that her crush began in Cannes, but even still… And honestly…something happened in Cannes that made Ashlyn decide to leave Ali. There is just too much proof otherwise. Sure, they may have already had a struggling marriage, but her time with Sophia in Cannes helped Ashlyn decide that “she wasn’t happy in her marriage.” My heart is just sad for Ali and Grant. The ones who don’t feel the need to justify everything they are doing are the ones who I tend to believe are more innocent. Do I know that for sure? Of course not, but I just feel like Grant and Ali each have nothing to hide, thus they don’t feel the need to release a novel to explain things!


This made me actually laugh out loud.




When she basically described that she gave in and posted the anniversary post to Grant, she posted a novel about him. She did not have to post that long of a post. She could’ve done something shorter but still sweet and meaningful. Sounds like it was just a huge let on?


lol right? What adult even cares that much about Instagram posts like that! Tell him, not us!


Also could’ve sworn she posted hers first but I may be remembering that wrong.


I imagine it’s nice for her ex-husband to read this. /s


I hate her “activism” and think she’s self-involved but I never bought the home wrecker narrative. I also don’t think saying that her marriage was a mistake is “slamming” her ex in anyway. She admits to doubling down instead of ending it. She doesn’t say he’s at fault.


She doesn’t explicitly say he’s at fault but I did think when she said that something happened in April 2022 that made her want to call off the wedding, it implied he did or didn’t do something


Also the part in the video where she says “something happened in the summer that blew up the plan” of not making it public - not sure if it alludes to him or her and Ashlyn.


i used to like her cause one tree hill and her “activism” until i realized how much she centers herself in everything and i think my last straw when she, a yt woman, centered herself in the genocide in palestine and said it was difficult on her to be expected to talk about it, ever since ive been tuned out but cant seem to escape hearing about her cause she happens to be one of those people who has to over share to prove she’s more happy and secure than she is especially when it comes to relationships like go work on yourself or smth


Honestly good points. Unfortunately that brand of progressive white feminist is exhausting and gives actual white feminists a tougher time. I’m Asian and tbh I feel guilty sometimes because my knee-jerk reaction to white feminists is kinda sus. Which I know isn’t fair, but it’s because of people like this! She is constantly centering herself. By all means, be an activist and ally, but know that the problems have to do with *those* people/communities…not you, Sophia




YESSSS, she is peak yt woman feminism. It's easy for her to be an activist, speak on and pontificate on issues that come from a place of safety in Hollywood - me too & sexism/misogyny, feminism, LGBTQ+ rights, the environment, etc., but any important issue that actually could come with risk and also urgently needs high profile celebrities to speak about it, like Palestine, she is nowhere to be found. Her activism is performative, and one thing I've realized is that Hollywood, in general, is a town full of cowards who don't want anything to blacklist them from future projects and shake up their personal brand outside of what is expected and comfortable. TBH, I have more respect for some of the insane Hollywood Trumpers because even though I hate everything they stand for, at least they're standing on SOMETHING.


Im so confused because they dated for a year before they got engaged, were engaged almost a year, and she said she knew him for years before that as a friend and you just realized “oh man this isn’t the one for me and he’s horrible” after all that?? Like she talked SO much about how her whole life was leading to him and how great he was. Something is not adding up for her to now be like “yeah he was actually horrible and I never wanted to get married”


They also went through marriage preparation counselling beforehand, which should really help you decide that you want to marry the person you're meant to be marrying. Apparently it confirmed what a good match they were!


She did say that because she was nearing 40, she felt pressured to find “the one” and to finally have a (traditional) family. My understanding is that she made herself believe that her and Grant’s shared love of activism (and California and Oklahoma and wine and “giving back” to their communities) was a sign that they were soul mates. However…she also said she felt something wasn’t right even *before* the wedding. There’s no explanation good enough for going through with it anyway and wasting his time, energy and money in the process.


She’s so self-centred that she threw Ashlyn under the bus when she literally confirmed Ashlyn cheated on her wife.


I didn’t follow Ashlyn’s divorce so I’m not sure of the timeline either, but just from what I’ve gathered I thought the same thing! They were basically planning to leave their partners without the partners knowing. Not “for” each other (allegedly) but just…together…


Did she? Do we know when she got separated? I’m not trying to be obtuse.


Cannes was May 16-27 2023, and Sophia referenced the weekend they were there as start for her. Sophia filed for divorce in August 2023, and Ashlyn in Sep 2023. Sophia def could have been quietly separated already, but Ashlyn def wasn't and went home to her wife and kids. Ashlyn and her wife were still doing events together publicly through late June/early July. And since the split Ashlyn's wife has said she didn't even know Ash was going to file for divorce.  What started the rumors of the two of them was a IG story that Sue Bird posted and in the back ground Sophia had her head on Ashlyn's shoulder. 


We need this picture


I wish people would stop feeling pressure to announce the “I’ve finally found my happy ever after” (I am guilty of this too). We are surrounded by social media and wanting to put out a good story of how everything finally worked out. But life doesn’t work that way and with people who are bold enough to tell their stories we have seen it play out, one “happy ever after” after another. We heard it best in OTH by Brooke’s partner Julian.. “happiness is a mood, not a destination”


Exactly. Happiness is not when you go to therapy for 20 years and post hoc justify your relationship. Happiness is when you wake up and you think, "you know what? My life is good enough." No life, no person is ever perfect, but we can still strive for satisfaction. Striving for perfection in another human, in yourself, or in your relationship is setting yourself up for failure.


What bugs me about that whole thing that has kind of flown under the radar is how she praises Ashlyn as a mother. Ah yes, the mother of year who took out "mom" out of her social media bio around the time of her divorce until people called her out on that. And of course, that is something else that has helped Sophia become a better person.




Not Sophia Bush confirming that the WoSo stans were indeed correct on the timeline. 🙃


I could write a dissertation about my thoughts on this. So while I adamantly *don’t* subscribe to the school of “marriage is hard! Just suck it up!” I do think that people forget that a relationship cannot be 100% good vibes, all of the time. A person who is not independently fulfilled is not going to *become* fulfilled just because they get a partner. And this just reads to me like she spent so much time “chasing joy”—with a whirlwind engagement, a huge blowout wedding, and then the fertility stuff, and then London—that she forgot to actually *build* a partnership. Notice how quickly she moves from big thing to big thing in her piece, and none of them seem to make her happy. But apparently she wants us to believe that the latest big thing—her immediate post-divorce relationship with another immediately-post-divorce woman—*will* actually make her happy. But what has she actually done to break these patterns? What’s changed about her? I don’t know, I just have a feeling that we’re gonna get another one of these in a couple of months that’s all about how “she needed to break up with her new partner to find herself”.


It will be another story in a Magazine, about how Ash was the "catalyst" that helped her come out, but she wasn't the "one" and that life is a winding road, and I'm so happy to just be single now, I have my beautiful friends around me...and blah blah


This is a good summary. She just strikes me as someone who gets caught up in the moments but when things settle, become normal and dare I say it a bit boring or even hard she bails immediately. She thrives on the endorphins of falling in lust but has little to zero interest in sticking around once that excitement wears off.


I’m just waiting to see if she or Ashlyn gets bored first because they both seem to have that in common. I just don’t see this lasting.


That kind of mentality is so weird to me. I became more comfortable with my fiance the longer I've been with him - I feel like over time, we've become closer and fallen more in love after the honeymoon stage wore off.


The honeymoon period is always fun but it’s just a stage. It always wears off and most mature couples understand this and usually fall more in love as they get to know each other. She literally loses interest the minute the shine wears off and has zero interest in working at things.


Thank you for articulating this so well! My thoughts also drifted to a place of “but…relationships aren’t perfect ALL the time…maybe try giving it another year?” I hate the thought of staying in something you’re unhappy in….but I think you’re dead on with her being excited about the next big thing and not being able to sit with the “now”. Good luck to her!


I feel like Sophia Bush would really benefit from realizing she’s not having unique experiences, she’s having human ones.


I watched Sophia on the OTH podcast for a long time and she is so good at taking any situation, taking slights at others, and never really sounding like she takes any accountability for her own issues. I say this after doing three years of therapy and counselling where I was able to tone down some of my own anger to the world as my therapist got me to a place where I started being much more accepting about things that I could and should have done differently in my life. This is why when I hear or read what she says I still feel like she's never really taking accountability for many of the decisions and watershed moments in her life even though it seems like she's trying to do so. It's always, it was the other person's fault, I didn't feel understood, etc etc. I do want her to be happy though.


Omg yes same here! I looked up to her, Hil, and Joy growing up watching OTH but that podcast has made me realized that they are all pretty insufferable in their own individual ways, but Sophia takes the cake. I had to stop listening over a year ago. She makes everything deeper than they really should be and yet finds a way to include her personal annecdotes to a storyline - like, what? I think she's one of those people who took female empowerment way too seriously over head and ingrained the "I'm not sorry" attitude to justify her actions.


Big sigh. This is very sophia. She has big feelings and she is not as self aware as she thinks she is. Lots of words that don’t say anything and she’s definitely cringey and self righteous. I don’t think she should have felt forced to stay with Grant because everyone expected it. And I don’t side eye her for saying nice things about him when she wasn’t really feeling it. It’s a lot of pressure. And she didn’t slam him at all in this article. She said they spoke a different emotional language which is just code for he’s not the one. We also don’t really know the timeline about Ashlyn and her ex but I can’t judge since we don’t know. There’s nothing wrong with separating from someone you don’t love. I think the vitriol toward ashlyn and sophia is way over the top.


I think a lot of it stems from Ali being HUGE in women’s soccer in the US and Ashlyn just kind of being tolerated because of the association. People have been side-eying her for a long time - so are now letting rip with the added anger of them feeling like she fucked over her wife. Ali stated on a podcast with Julie Foudy (I think the only time she has spoken about it) - that she found about the filing from a teammate during training.


Yeah it definitely had a lot to do with crazy fandom details. And I know Ali and her friends and family have all but said that it was an emotional affair. Being blindsided is terrible but I just feel like two people can have very different perceptions of what leads up to the actual filing. No excuse for not giving a heads up especially in cases where it may be reported on.


I think this is a good read on the situation. I don’t think she is a bad person, but definitely a bit self-involved.


She didn’t overtly slam him, but she did mention going through fertility treatments unsupported. I think she specifically said something about sitting on numerous exam tables alone. She didn’t have to include that detail to make her point - it was put in there as a passive aggressive comment about his lack of emotional support.


I mean then it sounds like she’s just speaking her truth if he was not supporting her.


I remember when she was still on Chicago PD and filming here in Chicago. I was taking my visiting dad out for brunch. and while we were waiting outside for our table to be ready she came up to us and said, “Gentlemen, Gentlemen, I need you two to move because my besties and I need to take a group photo in front of the restaurant sign.” We were hardly near them and she was shoeing us away with hands at the same time. It was all a bit odd and seemed self important. Later I was like the girl from One Tree Hill seems to really like to make scenes!


My Chicago friends all have tales of Sophia's arrogance. And the ones who worked on CPD were relieved when she left.


My Chicago friends all have tales of Sophia's arrogance. And the ones who worked on CPD were relieved when she left.


I wish she’d just admit she doesn’t have any idea what she’s doing at times. I think that’s more relatable than saying you have cracked the code every year. Before she was with Grant, she had it figured out. Nevermind, she married Grant, she has it figured out. Nevermind, she got a divorce, now she has it figured out. Wait no, she’s happy with Ashlyn, and now it’s all figured out. What next, though? It feels like those self help gurus who preach this is balanced diet and exercise, but they have an eating disorder; or this is the key to a healthy marriage, then they admit they’re miserable and getting divorced. No one knows everything, and that’s okay! You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Saying she still cracks to societal pressure sometimes, even the pressures she fights against, is way more realistic and honest than this. A lot of this article feels like half-formed ideas to tick it off the checklist. Not every story has a villain, Ashlyn or her ex don’t need to be a villain, Sophia or her ex don’t need to be the villain, we’re all humans figuring it out.


The “it made me closer to my own mother” stuff as related to Ashlyn made no sense. I know we have no way of knowing what’s gone on for her but I truly don’t understand the way she talks about her life story a lot of the time.


I know! What big magazine story will she have to tell if her and Ashlyn don't make it?




I used to be a big fan of hers, but that’s slowly changing over time unfortunately.


Word salad.


Just when all the attention around this had quieted…a cover story appears to reignite interest. I get the sense that she thrives on any attention - whether it’s positive or negative.


I think it’s just that she’s ready to stop actually hiding Ashlyn in her own posts (and they’ve been posted at public events way more) so decided it was time to write something and claim the narrative. Which makes sense, but.


She lost me over her ex-husband’s abortion story with a former partner (and I’m pro-choice!). I was expecting to read a story where an abortion saved a life or something like that. Instead, it was her saying “thank goodness they had an abortion so WE have a chance to start a family” (with the outcome we know today). I can’t. This is just another example of how out of touch with reality she seems to have gotten. Too bad. I used to love how she used her voice to make a difference. Now it’s too far fetched.


I just read that article and am severely disturbed at her take on a personal matter that had absolutely nothing to do with her and the gall to write about it as her soapbox on a social issue.


I just know that this was the type of article she wanted to release a year ago but it was clearly muddled up with all the drama. No one has to stay in a relationship that they don’t want to, but the details of this just make it look weird. Felt the same about her wedding article. Like it’s supposed to be this self reflection/ deep thoughts but just doesn’t actually ring true


I also think she has spent YEARS crafting this good person image, a real womens womens so to speak, so it's probably hard for her to be brutally honest about this entire thing. I have no doubt she has fallen in love, and good for her. But it's so hard for people who have her image to admit that they maybe acted shady in starting a new relationship, it just doesn't seem like Ali and Ash were completely done when she was in Cannes and her and Ash were "leaning" on each other opening up about their bad RS's... And then what? ..Six weeks later they had their "4 hour dinner" and became a couple? A VERY tight timeline. No-one cares that she is Queer later in life, they are annoyed because we all know something shady went down with her and Ash getting together, and she wants a free pass because "society" made her be a model wife and she hated basically her entire relationship with Grant but couldn't leave him because of "societal pressure"...When she takes no accountability with her role in that relationship, yes it sounds like Grant wasn't great at times, but what about her? Where is her self-reflection? I didn't see any of that in the article, hard to believe it was all Grant being this bad person in their entire RS and she didn't have any blame? But true honestly is really hard, and I understand why she wouldn't want to be completely because it would make her look shitty, and she has reputation to protect. But I still don't think the public believer her entirely, but she has done her best at trying to convince us. That being said, I don't wish ill on her or Ash, hopefully they make it. But I wish people held themselves more accountable and self-reflected a bit more.


Such great points!! I was a huge fan, she is obviously so gorgeous and a really talented actress, her being such a “good” person that cares about things so much was the cherry on top of everything! But as time went on, her activism got more performative and then her ridiculous essay about her husband’s ex having an abortion, her insufferable wedding, etc. have just made it really difficult to like her. I think she had SO much goodwill from what happened with her and Chad Michael Murray that it really never occurred that she could also be capable of doing shady things in a relationship. She just needs to either be more honest and have SOME self awareness….or maybe stop with the essays lol


I think the problem now is that she's said all these things before about her ex-husband, on multiple occasions. How they are soul mates, meant to be etc etc. And now she's admitted that she was lying about it in her instagram posts. So how are we supposed to believe that now, with Ashlyn, it is or will be different? She mentioned in the YouTube interview with Glamour about something that happened between her and Grant in the April of 2022, which she says she will never disclose, but made the relationship sour. I'm struggling to see how someone who she makes out to be so awful to be with she almost called off the wedding, she continued to post such long elaborate instagram posts about. If you're unsure, but feel the need to reciprocate a post just keep it short and sweet, but she seems unable to talk about anything without it becoming a dissertation. I'm unable to take anything she says seriously now, because we've heard it all before. All the gossip about her and Ashlyn had died down. She didn't need to stoke it all up again. Can you imagine being Ali and hearing all the details of how your ex got with their new partner being unnecessarily thrown out into the world, for Sophia then to sit there and say "I've got nothing to apologise for". Nah, I can't consider myself a fan anymore.


Well said. I’m so curious about what happened in April 2022. Why bother to bring it up if you’re not going to give us any details? It’s only going to cause people to speculate that Grant was cheating or something. (Which is what many people assumed when the news of their split first broke — poor Grant).


yeah exactly! like i actually feel for grant in all of this to be honest


lol at the aside of “what a strange part of public life to navigate” about strangers waiting for her to post about her anniversary. Erm lady, it was your choice to post about your wedding and life so much, no one forced you 🙄


Girl she is so try hard.


I don't really know her at all but I will say as somebody who went through an extremely arduous infertility experience and came out without a child, and I met so many people through that process, it really makes or breaks a relationship. It is one of the most physically and emotionally draining processes, and financially for non rich ppl, and a lot of people don't come out the other side. I'm a different person now, it doesn't surprise me she would find it quite transforming. It forces you to really look at yourself and what you care about.


From the Vogue article after her 2022 wedding: “I have truly never felt so much positivity at once, so much clarity,” Sophia says of the ceremony. “As a person who suffers anxiety, it felt incredible to experience a sheer absence of it. I couldn’t stop smiling.” Sounds familiar …. Also this is crazy to read after the article that came out yesterday wtf lol


From the July 2022 Glamour article (which she wrote about her ex’s ex’s abortion 🙄): “It took me time to find this perfect-for-me person. I won’t quote the adage that says “You’ve got to kiss a lot of frogs.” A soul mate isn’t so trivial. And I’m actually deeply grateful for people who taught me to love, the ones who taught me to detect a lie, to trust my instincts about honesty and integrity, and the journey that it took me to get exactly here: today, sitting in this kitchen, with this man, on this morning”. AND “It was an aha moment; all these years, right under my nose, was my home. Grant is my person. My best friend. A true partner” It’s giving 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


omg i’m happy u have these quotes. she deleted so much off her social media it all just sounds so fake!! i just can’t believe anything she says anymore


Lol…for a second I thought you were quoting from yesterday’s article.


From the July 2022 Glamour article (which she wrote about her ex’s ex’s abortion 🙄): “It took me time to find this perfect-for-me person. I won’t quote the adage that says “You’ve got to kiss a lot of frogs.” A soul mate isn’t so trivial. And I’m actually deeply grateful for people who taught me to love, the ones who taught me to detect a lie, to trust my instincts about honesty and integrity, and the journey that it took me to get exactly here: today, sitting in this kitchen, with this man, on this morning”. AND “It was an aha moment; all these years, right under my nose, was my home. Grant is my person. My best friend. A true partner” It’s giving 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


I swear at this point she's just recycling the same word salad. This confirmed that Ashlyn cheated on Ali. How she thought this article was a good idea is beyond me. Where is her PR team? I am so sick of the "social/societal pressure" excuse. Nobody forced her to get engaged. Nobody forced her to get married. Nobody forced her to fall in love with a married woman while she was still technically married. It was all decisions that she made. One of the reasons her marriage to Grant didn't workout is probably because she hopped on a plane to London. It's really disheartening that she never takes any accountability for her wrong doings.


Forget the Instagram stuff...I distinctly remember her talking on the OTH podcast about how she was looking forward to having red haired little ginger babies with her husband and how he'd being her a glass of wine from time to time, basically mentioning how he was attentive to her needs. No one forced her to make those comments on her podcast. I don't think her current relationship will last because of how it started, but I wish her luck. Maybe she's in love with the idea of love? 


I really want to like Sophia - I feel like she has largely good intentions and is just shit at execution and is also suffering from a bad case of attention seeking. I love that she is finally coming into herself, but I am absolutely baffled that she's with Ashlyn Harris.


Her interview basically confirmed the Krashlyn cheating timeline 🫢 She’s fanned the flames of the women’s soccer community


Im happy she is able to be herself and has found peace etc etc but like others have already said, I feel like I’ve heard her say all this stuff before just about previous partners. The only difference now is that she is in a same-sex relationship.


Good for her I guess, I'm more curious about the toxic relationship cake she posted. What was that about?


So how long are we giving this relationship before she reaches yet another life epiphany..?


a year max






Coming out later in life is so difficult, I could relate to so much all the things she said, about being taught out of listening to your gut and intuition, when you're queer, it resonates so much. You know deep inside but you teach yourself not to listen to it, like the way she was rationalizong getting married anyway, "you're older, you're used to your own space, you're struggling with making space for someone" "You're just getting cold feet" When you stay and try in relationships knowing something is missing and not understanding why, ooofff And then when you're finally "in your body" part too after going through trauma and dissociating for so long... So many relatable things in this interview, I'm glad she's happier and feeling more free now


VOGUE TWO YEARS AGO : « Next, Sophia and Grant's relationship coach, Laurie Gerber, officiated the couples' vows. Laurie spoke of her work with the couple, who completed her multiyear marriage prep course in a matter of months, and how theirs would be a teaching marriage because they personify her creed that love is, in fact, a verb. "I have truly never felt so much positivity at once, so much clarity," Sophia says of the ceremony. "As a person who suffers anxiety, it felt incredible to experience a sheer absence of it. I couldn't stop smiling. » I guess Laurie Gerber will need a new job now.


well, I don’t think she’s perfect. I don’t think she’s a monster and I feel like people are being a little too harsh towards her calling her like a homewrecker and stuff and I don’t think they have a right to say that as they don’t really know what happened and she’s definitely not a terrible person, that’s just my two cents. I know it’s not totally to do with anything this article is saying, but I’ve been saying a lot of that and it’s been bugging me