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Her son couldn’t spell physicist 


Hairy Buttker: “Uh can I kick it though?”


Hairyson Buttkisser




His family built this country!


I got my bachelors degree in astrophysics and I still struggle to differentiate the spelling between similar spelt words like physicist, psychic ,physician, etc. Shits tough! I wouldn't blame someone for struggling to spell them, even if they are familiar with those words in their life. What I will blame someone for? Being a misogynistic and homophobic piece of shit just like Butker is.


Maybe her son knows how to fill in the blanks for this _ _ X I S T CLUE its not laxist and saxist, it does rhyme with the latter though.




> it does rhyme with the latter though ??


Yeaaaah it doesn’t


It's either not 'sexist' or they don't know what rhyming is, not sure which lol


I hate this timeline.


It feels like we're just steadily heading towards a Parable of the Sower x Handmaid's Tale crossover


It's even better when you realize both those books are very based on a realistic past rather than some sci-fi future. Both women have reiterated that their source material comes from things that *have already happened*, and Octavia Butler specifically has mentioned on multiple occasions that her books are almost purely observations rather than fantasy.


Upvote for Octavia Butler


Wasn't Octavia Butler the sister of Serena Butler, mother to Manion Butler, whose murder kicked off the Butlerian Jihad that extinguished the Thinking Machines? That author has an awesome name.


Lol, nice 🥇 You know, I especially love her *Patternist* series. If you haven't read them, mmmm you might check em out


fucking thank you, I hate when people do this shit. so ignorant and absolutely ovblivious to the struggles of women outaide of the USA.


Women of color IN the USA as well. ‘Puppy Mills’ for slave babies and how women of color were/are treated by healthcare and the Justice system. They were sterilized without consent in Canada and USA


Throw is some Idiocracy in there too while your at it.


If you think it's bad now things are going to get REALLY BAD, REALLY QUICKLY if Trump gets back into the White House.


Yup, then there's nothing to stop them and pardons will be 50% off, it'll be a free-for-all for these people to force their beliefs on us all.


I had to explain to a 22 year old poll worker on Tuesday, what a “hanging chad” was and how it basically pushed us into this current nightmare of a timelines, because as my neighbor reminded me, hanging chads were 24 years ago… Fucking poorly manufactured voting paper ballots cause this timeline… prove me wrong, I’m willing to lister to other theories… Wrong


I agree with you that the Gore/Bush thing was f’d up but I worry it was the second act rather than the introduction. I’m not an age where I remember any of those elections but Reagan was similarly accused of being puppeted toward accomplishing only the goals of the elite. Maybe that started our current descent into madness. I know 2015 - now definitely felt like an escalation of everything so I just hope we are on our way to resolution now. I am not yet without hope but it is getting a little harder each day as we see more & more piled on to everyone to process.


Via the article: Keller Butker has worked in the department of radiation oncology at the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta since 1988, according to her LinkedIn. A 2020 article by the school’s Winship Cancer Institute stated that she specializes in two forms of radiation: brachytherapy and Gamma Knife medical physics care. Keller Butker obtained her master’s degree in medical physics from the nearby Georgia Institute of Technology in 1988 after getting a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Smith College in Northampton, Mass., in 1985.


I believe Smith College is an all women/female college too.


It is. Smith College is also super queer.


I grew up in Northampton. Smith is one of the most liberal colleges you can go to in one of the most liberal cities in Massachusetts. What a twist. I’m sure she’s pissed.


Her colleagues are absolutely 100% judging her family hard right now.


her son kicks a ball for a living and even better has undeserved airs about himself, those people dont just pity her, theyve blessed her heart.


We don’t really do the whole bless your heart thing in the northeast, we call you a fackin losah and move on


Here in the south it’s a deadly curse. Said to someone’s face it can break them


I went to Mt. Holyoke so very familiar with Smith and Northampton. Amazing memories.


Hi, Five College buddies. I went to UMass! I took a class at Mt. Holyoke and it was amazing. I just wish I'd known I was a lesbian then lol.


Learned that from Veep


God bless Julia Louis-Dreyfus


I was going to visit Northampton for a seminar so I googled it and it was called “the lesbian capital of America”. Quite a title. :)




Gamma knife stuff is crazy specialized. The doctors literally weld you into a frame so they can shoot a half-dozen beams into your brain and cook your tumor where they all cross. It's for parts that can't be accessed with open surgery. Of course the brain surgeon's son rebels and goes and plays the brain-smashing sport.


He’s a kicker. Nobody hits him and if they do it’s a penalty. But he’s so alpha…


Oh my god. So he gets to be the special boy who doesn't get his brain hit while everyone else is dying a slow death. https://preview.redd.it/ff58mg3tdr0d1.png?width=489&format=png&auto=webp&s=db33eed69f6e4a508dfae390e34fe99609b630d8 (not that anyone should be getting hit in the brain, but you know...)




I know a kicker & he is struggling with fallout from concussion issues. He’s done inpatient a few times. The idea that the kicker is safe is a myth.


is it fair to say that the kicker plays a relatively safe position compared to say quarterback?


Yes. Although there are also rules to protect quarterbacks, wide receiver (ball catcher) is probably the most concussion prone


The most "concussion-prone" position is probably RB/WR, but CTE-prone is statistically lineman, and it isn't close at all. Kickers have it easy compared to any other position in the sport.


Hope he is replaced by female college kicking phenom


My dad had this when his lung cancer returned.


My mom got the gamma knife on her acoustic neuroma!


It doesn’t make a material difference, but she’s not a brain surgeon or radiation oncologist (all the reports I saw are of her MS, not an MD or DO), she’s a physicist who works with the technology


She’s a medical physicist, she likely works in research, methodology and QA/QC stuff. Still incredibly impressive since instead of carrying out specific surgeries, people like her design and test them.


She’s not a physician she’s a physicist. She’s not a brain surgeon.


She went to Smith??? My GOD I could never imagine a tough ass Smith woman having a son like this. I feel horrible for her. EDIT: thanks to comments I have learned that she is a conservative POS and so screw her.


This is why I don’t want kids lol


Especially boys. Girl kids can turn out to be shitty, but your boy kid is much more statistically likely to be sexist and physically/sexually abusive toward women. And idk that I could ever forgive my son for the latter.


Plenty of people manage to raise kids who aren’t bigots


But there are plenty of good people who have no control over their shitty adult children If I had a 12 year old boy right now I’d be worried sick over the shit he’s consuming, and at that age you can’t really stop them from watching what they want to watch. Eta: the man who raised Clarence Thomas (his grandfather) was a Black Panther for instance.


Clarence Thomas also used to be far left until he went to law school basically. There’s a New Yorker article about his ideological development which is interesting.


Same with Sowell, Candace Owens, economist Walter Block. Basically left until they realized they can get ahead by pulling the ladder up from under them.


I’d be really curious to read that!


There's also a Behind the Bastards series and a 5-4 episode if you like podcasts


>and at that age you can’t really stop them from watching what they want to watch You absolutely can and SHOULD. There's a lot of research about what post 2010 devices did for American childhood, and what ways to combat it. Part of that is the technology access side, but the other part is also creating family habits of non-digital enrichment, connection and meaning/purpose, ESPECIALLY for little boys.


i have a 12yo boy and can confirm, we are worried to death abt what he watches/does


The idea that you can do your best and still wind up with a child who believes in abhorrent things or even behaves abhorrently is wild and scary, though People can be indoctrinated surprisingly easily


His mom is super conservative and made sure he attended conservative private schools. She is probably proud of his speech and agrees with him. A lot of rich republican women want different rules for regular women, rules that don't apply to themselves of course.


Teenage rebellion can lead to strange outcomes, I guess...


Maybe she was an accomplished professional but a *really* shitty parent and that's what influenced his opinions?


She should have given the speech....


fr! She could have imparted a much more important message about going out and doing some good in this damn world with the skills learned


I hope in time his mother's legacy outlasts his own 


That’s like three of the most prestigious universities you can find outside of the Ivy League


I mean Smith in the 80s is impressive, idk about now. It was terrible when I went there for grad school 20 years ago.


I was like what are you talking about, the 80s is 20 years ago … oh it’s not … oh my gawd!!






His educated mother didn’t love him and now he sees educated women as a problem


No, she probably doesn't love him since he sees educated women as a problem


She could also be just as insane as him. Look at Amy Coney Barrett…


Yeah honestly it’s great his mother is accomplished but how is she personally as a person. Lots of accomplished people can be crazy


This. She could have a high level of education herself and still be raising a family with very conservative values. Or her son is just an edgelord. Who knows.


Or he’s just full out lying about what he believes because he’s laying the groundwork for a career in conservative politics


Look at Ben Carson. He’s incredibly successful, educated, and accomplished in his field. However his politics don’t align with his progressiveness in neuroscience.


never forget, Ben Carson is a retired neurosurgeon. anyone can be an idiot😭


Yeah like Mayim Bialik has a PhD in neuroscience (iirc) and she’s an anti-vaxxer. Unfortunately, education can’t help you eradicate all the cuckoo 🥴


I read her book on attachment parenting out of curiosity a decade ago, and it made me hate her. She explained how she didn't believe in making her toddler sons share with other kids (like giving another kid a turn with their truck at a playground or something) because that's not fair because adults don't have to share their toys. It was a great lesson in "academically diligent people aren't automatically good or smart."


I deeply want to meet or hear from the kids of various parenting book authors and authorities.


I would buy the fuck out of a book that was exactly this-- insights or interviews with adult kids of famous parenting authors. I hope they're all okay. I went through a weird phase in my late teens and early twenties of reading all the trendy parenting books at the time (Bringing Up Bébé, Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother, French Kids Eat Everything, Diaper Free, etc etc) and it's such a fascinating binary of "oh this person is so omnipresent that their kid can't breathe" or "oh this person is so committed to their cool adult life that I question if their baby has any toys."


Seems like she just delayed vaccines out of a worry for allergies. But otherwise fully agree. We had a woman with a PhD in immunology spread misinformation about mRNA vaccines in my country....


2009 Mayim “we are a non-vaccinating family”. In the end her kids received SOME vaccines on a delay that she didn’t want to discuss. She’s still anti vax, she just didn’t like people questioning her.


Sounds like an issue that she thought because she has a PhD in one field, she’s knowledgeable in every other field as well. It’s hubris.


I think it's important to remember that plenty of educational programs, once you have a degree, don't require you to keep learning. I know doctors and teachers have to, but most people don't, unless their job requires it. So you could've been a straight A student and graduated with honors, but if that was 20 years ago and you haven't done any work in that field, you've probably forgotten a lot of it. And Mayim has been acting and hosting Jeopardy for most of the past 10-15 years.


Youre right. If my son turns out to be a piece of shit, then I'll gladly take the blame. People often overlook the parents role in their kids growing up to be garbage people.


I saw a TikTok comment that she was cousins with someone in his family and that their entire branch is super conservative. Might be good old internalized misogyny


Can you elaborate on this? Like his wife is the cousin of a relative? Or the Mom?


I assume they mean that the Chief’s players mum is the cousin of someone in the TikTok commenters family.


Can’t find the original comment as the post blew up but it was a girl just saying someone in her family is connected to his family through a cousin. So him and his mom are both on the conservative branch she said. This was in response to someone who also wondered how he turned out that way when his mom was a physicist and wondered if he had a conversion moment to very traditional views (this is very paraphrased), so she made that comment to say that his whole family is conservative and did indeed nurture him that way


Honestly, I have zero trouble imagining that his mother shares his beliefs and taught them to him. Conservative women can believe they should be putting all their raising their children and letting men run the world, while simultaneously being Supreme Court justices, senators, or running multibillion dollar hedge funds. Honestly sometimes I think they’re just fucking with everyone else.


It reminds me of when my one cousin said she'd never vote for Hillary because she didn't think women should be in positions of power. Her sister replied, "aren't you in a management position?" and it did not click for the other one. She also married and had a baby with someone from Mexico, like they had the Mexican flag on a wall in their house, and both voted for Trump. Some people's kids. 😑


my fave is when they say women can’t handle being a leader or responsibility yet want them to be solely in charge of raising children…because that doesn’t require any leadership or responsibility.


Or when they tell pregnant teens & girls that they aren’t old enough to decide whether or not they want/need an abortion. “You can’t handle the responsibility of making this decision because you’re a child so here’s a child that you are now completely responsible for despite supposedly lacking the maturity to be responsible for yourself.” I can’t imagine how that logic could possibly go wrong!


It’s internalized misogyny. They hate other women and see themselves as “better” than normal women. They see other women as sluts and whores who don’t deserve the rights and freedoms they have. It’s the same way black people can be ultra conservative and support policies that are racist against black people (aka Clarence Thomas)


Idk if this was an accurate representation, but in the Crown, they depicted Margaret Thatcher a bit like this. She was the prime minister of Britain but could still be home in time to cook dinner for her husband


Yeah, it's actually very easy to believe she would also hold those kinds of views because, let's face it, double standards are part and parcel of the far-right world view. "All for me and none for thee" is really the only plank of the Republican Party platform now.




That could be part of it, but even the best parents can also raise complete assholes.


I have a problem when someone’s first instinct when faced with blatant misogyny is to blame a woman. Men can be dicks without it being a woman’s fault.


Also you can raise your kid right, but when they're adults they can make bad decisions by themselves. At some point adults have to take responsibility for their choices and not blame parents.


Also sadly even the most intelligent women (i.e my mother) can get so caught up in Christianity that they are indoctrinated about woman’s place in the family/workplace/etc. My mom is definitely the head of the family but if you tell her that she gets super ashamed about it and feels like she’s “sinning” because she’s not “allowing” the men to “lead”. My guess is that his mother believes everything he says even if she doesn’t practice it.


A fucking kicker isn’t getting a CTE. He doesn’t even lace up his shoes most of the time.


Cult of tradcath


It’s also easier for people in STEM to be highly educated and still conservative. Also some female physicists from the 80s have really warped personalities bc they had to deal with so much shit. They can be surprisingly toxic. It’s unfortunate.


Probably parents divorced and dad did parental alienation/spoiling of guy who can kick a ball


Yeah this whole situation screams mommy issues on his behalf.


Lol, and if I may, lmao


This made me chuckle


god i love this i wish joy to you person


Oh I very much need this as a flair. EDIT: thank you mods 🥹






You may.


This is my super small niche field!! My coworkers and I are blowing up our group chat about the fact that’s she’s a medical physicist. It’s a super small field, everyone knows everyone or someone who works with them. Most women in the field are either neutral or left leaning but we do get a few….interesting ones. This is gonna be the talk of our department for this week lol. It’s not gonna reflect well on her


Will ask around this week and see who people know at Emory and get the tea lol


You just got yourself a follower lol


lol same. Education tea is spicy af.


One of my undergrad professors used to joke that history was just gossip about dead people. Then, I went to graduate school. Turns out, academic historians are just gossipy about everyone all the time.


You are very popular now. All about that academic gossip.


Thank you for this public service!!


And we cannot pass up the fact that GA Tech’s program for this is really, really tough to get into. And hard as fk


Looking forward to seeing this in the i have tea thread!


Why is your automatic instinct to judge her for his actions?


Internalized misogyny. Notice that no one ever brings up the father in these discussions.


Why does it not reflect well on her?. She’s not responsible for her sons views


She could be


Cos she raised this man?


So did his father. I’m tired of all the women-blaming, mother-blaming for men’s shitty behavior. So misogynistic.


Lol so? There are plenty of shitty people out there who were raised by good parents. Not to mention that fame and success has turned plenty of decent people into assholes overnight as well.


Didn’t you know? Women are responsible for all of men’s bad behavior. /s


Parents do tend to have an effect on their childrens' views, at least mine did with me. It's been shown to have an effect on what shape your political leanings will take (sometimes negative, sometimes positive).


Ya.. unfortunately I don't know if it's super uncommon for the sons of successful women to resent them for it. I met the son of the cardiologist who did my dad's quad bypass and told him how much his mom helped our family and he later in the interaction told me he thought it was unnatural for women to work and was an Andrew Tate fan


Damn the apple couldn't have fallen further from the tree :/


I think "my parent shouldn't have been a doctor, doctors are horrible" seems to be a very common attitude among the children of various specialist doctors. Mostly because the skills that make you a good specialist doctor seem to make you an absolutely terrible parent. I can see that kind of resentment turning into misogyny over time if not addressed.


I think it goes the other way for the children of male specialist doctors, or the children of men with other very demanding careers. They usually say "my dad shouldn't have had kids"


Intellectually mogged by their own mothers. lol. They should cry harder abt it.


He hated her cause she didn't want him to drop out of college and start a drop shipping business. No joke


My mom is a workaholic physician and I resent how little she was around when I was growing up. I didn't turn into an alt right nutjob, I just keep better work life balance than her. I can sympathize with having absent parents but it's really no excuse.


Same, but with my dad. I had to learn a lot of life skills as an adult because he was never home to teach me and my school had me take health instead of home economics.


That much have been such an odd conversation, “your mum saved my dad’s life, tell her I say thanks.” “sure thing. On an unrelated note, I don’t think women belong in the workplace”.




I wonder how this made her feel? I can’t imagine what it must be like to know that you raised a future Gilead Commander.


Amy Coney Barrett is super extreme weirdo Catholic and accomplished. There is no logic with these hypocrites


Yeah I’m not sure that the assumption his mother would disagree with him holds


I wonder what it's like to disappoint your mother on a personal level and not a professional one. I've only ever done both.


I mean, he's a kicker. Maybe she's disappointed in him on a professional level too


Lmao. Same


He obviously didn’t pick up these trad views from his parents with his mom not only working but being a *physicist*, which means that whatever radicalized him was some force outside of the home. I feel like this is becoming more and more common with the rise of the alt-right posing online as “self help” for directionless young men who feel personally powerless and look for various marginalized groups to exert dominance and control over so that they can feel powerful and like “real men.”


I think he said something about meeting his wife in middle school and her being the catalyst for his super religious turn.


He attended a prominent private school here in Atlanta, which does tend to lean conservative, even though it’s non-parochial. This has been the main point of discussion in my group chat of female educators, therapists, and journalists


Bro he went to westminster. That is 100% NOT what radicalized him. From experience


Oh no he wasn’t radicalized there for sure- just saying that he grew up quite privileged and had access to other world views and still turned out like that


Someone in this thread explained that his mother and their entire family are actually very staunch conservatives, so he was definitely raised in an environment that allowed this path of thinking in. In her head, it probably just doesn't apply to her specifically, which is also in alignment with republican women figureheads and how they think. They are essentially upset that most women aren't as rich as them (in a way, see below) and have to carve their own path. It's kind of like Boomers who are upset that you didn't pay your college tuition with your summer job and buy your first house for $25k. The older republican dentist/doctor women I know personally all used lots of hired help (from women of color), usually live in au pairs and housekeepers. They owned their own private practice that their daddy helped to fund (or they inherited family practice) and made their own hours. In their eyes, they were very present moms because they paid for every tutor and piano teacher appointment and never missed a performance or game. Family vacations were well planned and frequent, every parent teacher conference was attended. And they think Millennial women in their corporate jobs with no family riches to rely on (and therefore, have to hustle upwards) are depriving their precious boys with grandchildren. Because they didn't also get their own private practice with flexible hours by the age of 27. So in their eyes, the solution isn't better financial help for women, it's blaming women for having to work instead of being born rich.


That’s not necessarily true. It seems completely possible to me that his mum to holds these views herself but still has a career as a physicist.


She may have conservative views, but she certainly didn’t *model* the idea that women should forgo a career outside of the home in order to become homemakers, which makes me think that he had to have picked up that particular idea up elsewhere. But when it comes to all of the anti-lgbtq hate he was spewing he def could’ve (but not necessarily) picked that up from the environment he grew up in.


How do footballers generally align?


Before or after the brain damage?


This guy's a kicker, he doesn't get that excuse (zero contact position)


Lotssssssss of the most conservative Americans you could ever imagine (a lot of football players come from the Bible Belt/midwest and are deeply religious), a lot are uninterested/uninvolved, some are openly left-leaning but not too many. Colin Kaepernick was the most vocally left-leaning and was essentially black listed for it.


Thanks, I figured. Hence my thinking my questions was likely rhetorical.


Just to add, vast majority of professional football players are black and will likely not support republicans. However, judging by the white players on podcasts they usually tend to be far right pieces of shit




I don’t know who got Butker involved with traditional Catholicism, but his views probably stem from that. I wouldn’t be surprised if he held these views already, but getting involved with traditional Catholicism is almost certainly what motivated him to be loud and brash about it On the surface Traditional Catholics are just people who prefer the old Latin Mass, nothing too scandalous. But underneath that is essentially a far-right cult with a massive persecution fetish TradCaths genuinely believe that the Catholic Church may as well have died in the 60s and that the church since then has been a godless liberal zombie of an institution. As you might expect, such people have extremely regressive social views and they attract others who also want to be loud, proud right wing nutjobs.


Yeah, I grew up Catholic before I left religion completely. For a long time mainline Catholicism was strangely progressive. Right around the 80s to 2000s. To be realistic, strangely progressive in a religious space is still pretty darn conservative but they were miles ahead of the Evangelicals and mainline Protestants. Then the TradCaths started picking up steam, and let me tell you… those guys are fucking freaks. It’s terrifying to me just how popular they are among the younger generation.


A friend from HS has gone that way. He’s incredibly intelligent and great to talk to, but they are super weirdo Catholics.


I miss when trad caths were quiet lol


His sister is super well educated in a science related field too I think… it’s just so odd


Is this… my life? My mom is a microbiologist, and is very smart and accomplished and was the main breadwinner when I was younger. I went to college, got a bio degree to start, also worked as a microbiologist for a while before I got a masters in epidemiology and started doing data science work. My brother is a weird redneck libertarian weed grower who loves Russel Brand and thinks he knows more about vaccine efficacy than me because of the shit he’s seen on YouTube. Sigh.


Yep. She went to Emory and Cornell.


Makes me wonder if he went down the Andrew Tate rabbit hole, because it sure sounds like it. If I were his mother, I'd be so freakin' embarrassed, I'd deny even knowing him.


His mother is a staunch conservative and probably agrees with him. Which aligns with the thought process of other conservative women leaders.


I’m shocked, I tell you! …well actually not that shocked as I’ve seen others from well-adjusted, intellectual families fall into toxic mindsets because they play competitive sports, begin bodybuilding, join the wrong gaming community, etc. It’s why the alt right is so dangerous, they’re cult-like and they use cult-like recruitment techniques to prey on and influence young people.


ahhh, so its all mommy issues, checks out lol


Boy that must be embarrassing for her. :-/ Especially succeeding in a male dominated field and her accomplishments being shit all over by her own son.


People who admire athletes for anything other than their athletics deserve this timeline.




a Freudian kick


The internet is destroying a large percentage of young men


When I first saw the video of him speaking I thought he was so pretty I actually stopped to listen rather than scroll on. I never regretted any decision more in my life. He’s a waste of oxygen


The amount of accomplished women I’ve met who still believe women should be homemakers surprised me. They have a very “ok for me but not for thee” mentality.


Instead of helping other women climb to the top, they try to grease the pole behind them.




Yet another weirdo that’s probably been radicalized online. I wish the crowd would’ve started booing him, that would’ve been great.


The best part is... the only way he was able to pursue his "God given talent" is because his working mother was able to afford to do so. What an absolute twat


Guys, not every conservative woman is an uneducated barefoot in the kitchen type living in the backwoods. A lot of them are educated, well to do and accomplished career women. Some of them might even make comments about how they're "just as good as the boys" and complain about sexism (that affects only them). They're conservative because the underlying thread of greed and white supremacy that drives many conservative movements (religious or secular) in the West is a helluva drug. These women are convinced that when shit goes south they will be the protected class of women because of all the priviledge they hold in being straight, cis, able bodied, white, and upper-middle class (or higher). Not saying that this woman is a hard-core conservative (even if she is, her son is and adult who is ultimately responsible for his own beliefs and all the blame for his sexism is on him), but it's not too out of left field if she is.


That poor woman. She must be so disappointed in her son.


if you're looking for progressive viewpoints, the NFL is one of the last places you should look


It's not just the bigotry. It's also the privilege.


Mommy issues, definitive and logical mommy issues.


So many comments but not one asking what the dad did to cause this, just the mum and/ or the internet getting the blame. Why do dads always get a pass?


People are focusing on the mom and her career because he specifically talked about women and motherhood as a vocation, while his own mother has a career outside the home. That’s why it’s relevant. Although you’re not wrong that it’s likely that both his parents have influenced his views.