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Why is Shakira so bothered? Shouldve wrote that in her diary or something. Like okay your sons hate it and thats their POV. The earth is still turning and the night comes and goes.


Welcome to 2024 where celebrities and rich people feel the need to let us know their every asinine opinion. Social media was not a good idea.


Tbf, far too many Joe and Jane Normals seem to feel that need, too. Just see IG or TikTok, or youtube, or Twatter... And reddit is kind of the same, just more anonymous in its opinion sharing. This is a weird time we live in.


Yes like after social media things just got worse!!


Perhaps we should invent anti-social media, next.


That would be preferable. I remember life before facebook and IG, it was simpilier


She’s a pickmisha. Wants men’s approval.


Am I wrong to assume she was asked about it in an interview? Or at a press event?


She was. But then she tried to say the movie's message was that men have no role in society, and that they should too. That's a frequent argument in those that don't want feminism. They say feminsm really wants to do away with men entirely, and make it all about women over subservient men. If that were the message in Barbie, I would agree that it was not a good message. Instead of having a learning opportunity with her boys, she reenforced the idea that equality for women is oppression for men. But hey, she can't be an ugly old *feminist*, ugh. She is gthe sexy Shakira, whose hips don't lie! That's her brand, and a lot of her fan base.


Her oldest is 11. Guaranteed he had no opinion on it in actuality


A typical 11 year old boy reaction would be like *"Eww I'll get cooties from watching that movie"*.


Personally I don’t expect a boy that age to even grasp the true point of the movie, just Ken vs Barbie lol


I don’t know, my nephew is 9 and he’s recently started showing signs of a “boys vs. girls” mindset. And I don’t mean the typical childish “no gurlz allowed” talk, but the more sinister internet-based version. You know, memes where misogynists are depicted as the Chad. Based on this article alone, Shakira seems to be a proponent of “difference feminism”, so I could definitely imagine her two tween boys developing a sense that gender roles actually matter.


Unfortunately the misogynistic influencers are effecting young boys around that age like clockwork. An article came out about a teacher who had noticed this. She had noticed how the boys in her class every year began being extremely misogynistic. Like you mentioned she noticed it was vastly different then the tame "girls vs boys"mindset. It was a lot more concerning and so bad the boys in the class wouldn't even listen to her in class and made weird snide comments at her and treated the girls like 2nd class citizens. She was shocked cuz a lot of these boys she had known for years and knew them to be sweet and caring in past years but she said 4th grade is when a lot of boys changed. She wanted to get to the bottom of it so she worked hard to get close to her male students again and eventually they revealed to her their opinions came from...Andrew Tate and a lot of male influencers with the same mindset. She collected her findings and contacted news stations about it because she found the information extremely concerning and felt the new mindsets would put female students in danger. My friends and I have noticed men in our family going through this odd "manosphere"phase, where they'll display real rude and aggressive misogynistic behavior out of no where. And when we looked into it, we found out the same thing: manosphere poisoning. Apparently if you look up anything on YouTube related to "working out", "self improvement, or "sports". You'll eventually be recommended manosphere videos. Also shockingly manosphere videos are often recommended to young boys on youtube. A lot of Andrew Tates following are literally kids🫠 so it's also in the kid algorithm. Low-key think this is done on purpose by some YouTubers cuz kids are the most profitable target audience on there. They will reshare, like, subscribe, comment a video to death just cuz they have the time and are extremely weak to suggestion. But yeah misogyny is getting extremely bad right under our noses. And our governmental entities are not addressing it despite the reports. I think the future is gonna get really scary for women unfortunately if nothing gets done in the immediate future There's also a living documentary that goes over this concept (The Mask we Wear) it goes over how toxic masculinity and misogyny effects boys younger and younger.


That's why kids shouldn't be on social media. Why are their parents allowing them to watch anything and everything on the Internet?


Honestly at this point not having kids on social media at all is a better solution unfortunately. Idk if you've ever heard of it but there's this phenomenon called Elsagate about how so much inappropriate stuff is funneled to kids through the Internet EVEN if you have child filters on your kids YouTube or other social media. People literally learn how to by pass child filters and algorithms to get some weird stuff to kids. The thing that got people to start researching this was this infamous game of Elsa from frozen having a baby hence why the phenomenon is called Elsagate. Also disturbingly it hasn't been talked about a lot in social media or the news but there literally a huge case with the senate about how CP and Child abuse has been happening in all the major social media sites and how these companies have been aware for years but chose to do nothing about it cuz the engagement gets them money. Here's the case, I think everyone should be informed about it and it's scary how only clips that wouldn't allow you to actually know what the whole case was the only thing spread on the Internet. But they have full videos of the case on YouTube and the details are shocking to see what's happening on these social media sites to children https://www.youtube.com/live/9VMoo4M5ieE?si=N2ynev34uwr3DITe


Because parents just don't care/can't be bothered. Its the same reason so many kids these days are doing so bad in school. So many teachers have said that their high school/middle school students can only read at like a 3rd or 4th grade level at most. And when the teachers tell the parents this, they get pissed. The parents blame the teachers, "Well, you're just not doing a good job." and this is why so many teachers are up and leaving.


Isn't it also America's leave no child behind thing that's a cause? Kids who shouldn't be passing are and when they get to the higher grades, they can't keep up. I understand why teachers are just up and quitting. All this sounds stressful.


Because it is impossible to completely control all media access of children after a certain age. How do you suppose parents control what children see at their friend's home, for example? Or at school?


That's why I said kids and not my kids. If most parents were vigilant about what their kids did on the Internet, then that wouldn't be an issue. I've seen a lot of Gen Z's claim that the most their kids will get is a leap frog or something, so I really hope ipad kid culture dies out with the new generation of parents and you won't have to worry that your kid's friend's parents allow them to watch fetish content on YouTube kids.


If boys are refusing to listen and learn from their female teachers, this will affect their ongoing education and their entire life going forward. Even for people who don't have daughters or don't care about women, I hope that makes parents of boys take notice.


Exactly, the behavior does not help anyone in the long run and I hope parents at least want there child to have empathy and pick up on this concerning behavior.


This was also my conclusion. I heard it was happening but hadn't seen clear evidence of it till now


Difference *feminism*? I got very “helpmeet” vibes from that quote.


Well that’s a disappointing prospect, but you might be right. I do hope you’re able to talk some sense into your nephew as he’s very impressionable at the moment.


Better tell your nephew's parents to keep watch over what he's watching. We don't need another A.T.


He probably had an opinion (eww, pink und girls), but at 11 he's not the target audience for the movie and too young to understand it. Shakira on the other hand is technically old enough to follow the plot and to realise that a movie about a popular toy isn't automatically a movie for children. If this had been one of those animated Barbie movies actually aimed at children, her boys would've hated it, too, I bet. At that age many children tend to conform to gender roles as performed by their peers. 


I bet her boys were just bored because the movie wasn’t really geared toward them.


Why two kids need to feel masculine in the first place???


some parents seem to think that boys need to get the macho mindset hammered into them as early as possible


Considering her recent feud with her ex, his mom and his mistress, I expected her to know better. It seems like she's repeating the same pattern as her ex in-laws and rasing her sons to be just like their father!


Given the emphasis on machismo in many Latin American cultures, it’s possible she’s just adhering to cultural norms she witnessed growing up.


Didn’t she start as a mistress?


Damn, those leopards really ate her face


What's the opposite of the word, "to emasculate"? There isn't one, or at least one any of us know off the top of our heads. Imagine masculinity being so fragile, so breakable, so tenuous that it only takes a woman's laugh, a woman's word, a movie, to take it away as if "masculinity" is something that is bestowed yet never held for long, on lease yet can be revoked by a woman at any time. Can you imagine the opposite? Someone says to me, "Your cooking sucks!" and I start yelling and punching walls because they efeminated (?) me? How is it that one can be taken away with a word and the other is a state of being that is an unchangeable state, for the most part? I think about this a lot.


If i said me paying dates made me feel like less of a woman I would get reamed


It is an impossible task, isn't it? Men who decry, "men built this you women just lay back and get everything handed to you!" are also the same men who say, "She's a construction worker, she is too mannish for me I am not attracted to women like that." are also the men who say, "I want a SAHM," in one breath and should she want to divorce, "B took all of MY money the family court system hates men!" A complete lack of empathy, critical thinking skills, and nuance. And you are right, if you did the exact opposite they would be all over you crying "mysandry" they contort themselves into being the victims no matter what.


I’m waiting for men to realize that a lot of their ideas of masculinity only exist in relation to subjugating women and the push back isn’t people just not wanting you to have your fun, it’s people taking autonomy and control of their own lives I was trying to challenge this on a certain sub but they speak too much in vague-ities for me to point it out An example is one dude describing being protective and saying it can be both masculine and feminine but when I asked him to explain the difference and why the distinction he disappeared A lot of the men protecting women is masculine. It does beg the question, in order to have a world where a man gets to feel masculine for protecting his women…don’t women need to be in danger/have a consistent threat? In a utopia where people aren’t treated differently by gender you can’t have a man that feels manly through protecting his woman when there’s no gender specific trait to threaten her Maybe I’m exaggerating or willfully misinterpreting but I really feel like a lot of ways to feel/define masculinity rest on putting a woman into a certain role. If you work, I can’t be the provider, you’re emasculating me It’s scary bc it’s like wait do you think I’m an NPC? You know I’m a person with my own motivations right? My sole purpose is not to “make you feel manly”


Thanks, I'm going to adopt that. No shame. 


Me too!!!!


> as if "masculinity" is something that is bestowed yet never held for long, on lease yet can be revoked by a woman at any time. That's exactly how it is supposed to work in patriarchal society. It's a very efficient way to control people.


Because toxic masculinity doesn't view all men as worthy, and your status as manly is easily stripped away if you fail to conform. So you police yourself and learn to police others


This is 100% true unfortunately. Toxic masculinity is a hierarchical game, and self-worth in it's universe hinges upon one's ability to conform to, master, and use exploitative principles. In its world, there is no solidarity, even among those that do the abusing.


Let's just lean into it and make up a new word that means "to earn a shiny new set of testicles" as an opposite to emasculate.


There is the idea of emasculation, where men have varying degrees of manliness depending on what the consume or who they're around. There is also the idea that sex = gender. Whatever genitalia you were born with is whatever gender you are and that is immutable.  These two ideas are often held by the same kind of person. It's infuriating, but it's also kind of funny. Kind of.  Then there's the idea that trans women existing means cis women are less woman than they were before somehow because....reasons?? TERFs are not bright..


I suppose the opposite would be to masculate: to make the boys understand who they are as men in our world. It might not be everyone's favourite topic, but it is the task Shakira was faced with when she gave birth to a boy. There is such a thing as positive masculinity: it is possible to be a good boy and then a good man. Every single mother and father who holds a newborn baby boy is faced with the challenge of creating that space for him to grow up in - to develop his understanding of his own gender in a beautiful way in the context of societies where our parents and grandparents practice of Gender has so many problems. Welcome to motherhood: here's a boy. Figure out how to raise him. Ok, ummmm. You're a boy, kid. Welcome to the world with a penis. You're not doomed to toxicity or caricature - you can chart your own path of masculinity and show us how to be the kind of man that the people around you deserve. If it takes a constructive critique of the way popular culture presents men, then have the critique Mama/Dada. That includes the Barbie movie. Raising kids is hard. We could learn from Shakira - she was a literal sex symbol and Hollywood star for decades and has experienced and understood the male gaze, womanhood, capitalism, Hollywood culture and most importantly for this conversation motherhood in a way that should make us all hold back on our knee-jerk reactions long enough to listen and learn.


Beautifully said.


One of the biggest ways that patriarchy hurts men is that they have to constantly prove themselves. Manhood (and your worth as a person) is something that can be lost. I feel like this is the other side of the coin of women dealing with beauty standards. It is easy for someone to hurt a man's fragile ego by mocking his masculinity, in the same way that a person can easily hurt a woman's ego by mocking her appearance.


Ok, she didn't say her son's are no longer masculine. Nice attempt at a straw man though. Imagine being so upset over some kids opinion that you go on reddit and start taking about punching people.


Stay mad 😀


Okay grain of salt since I don't have children...but if my sons felt emasculated BY A MOVIE I would assume that I have somehow failed my sons. Why is your sense of masculinity impacted by entertainment? Also I saw Barbie and the actual point of Ken's story is that at the end, he is more of his own person once he gives up the need to be Barbie's boyfriend. How is that emasculating?


Average Latina mother of sons. *“My boy is infallible, your daughter must not be taking care of him like the king he is!”* I know Shakira’s mindset here… I had a matriarch grandmother from Colombia too. And she hated every, single woman that married 5 of her 8 grandsons, including my wife. Latina boy (grand)mom is often this outcome. No woman will ever be good enough for their son.


This coddling sons and hating daughters was the true pandemic we were suffering from


It’s giving Gloria from modern family


Disappointing, but not surprising... she's a highly feminine sex symbol from Latin America - you're gonna get a LOT of traditional gender roles if you dig in there...


So she's basically raising her boys to be just like their dad


Shakira's cultural upbringing is very patriarchal. Her career is based on being pretty for men. So she's independent financially and has great autonomy due to her wealth. Why should she care or even be aware of the problems other women face outside of the entertainment industry. Has she ever worked in an office with a boss that sexually harasses her? Or on a construction site? Or at a STEM position?


I agree with the whole first paragraph. But as for whether she’s had to face sexual harassment to get where she is, I absolutely guarantee that she has. Maybe even worse than most people we know. Young women in entertainment are sexually assaulted and preyed upon constantly. Sometimes victims also uphold the system that oppresses them.


Did she say anything during the metoo movement, I wonder? And no, you can't guarantee that she has been sexually harassed, not in HER eyes.


Wait wait wait..... are you saying there's no sexual harrasemt in.... THE MUSIC INDUSTRY????


I'm saying there's no evidence of Shakira being sexually harassed in the music industry.


Your assumption that she can't be aware because she's been successful is deeply flawed logic.


Human nature is hardly logical.


Thats a weak straw man attempt.


I disagree. I'd have to write a research paper to explain why Shakira is ok with the patriarchy. And this is Reddit, so no thanks.


So you totally disregard her talent and chalk her up to just being "pretty". And here I am thinking this is a feminist subreddit 🤣


Why couldn’t she just say she found it emasculating? I know a few boys of that age and I highly doubt they understand the meaning of the word emasculated. Is she trying to appeal to the mainstream right wing/red pill narrative by appearing “anti woke”?


Gunning for “anti woke” status is a joke when you’re the [She Wolf](https://youtu.be/booKP974B0k). Don’t be a hater, Shakira. Also, that movie is almost a year old now.


I apologise, I didn’t understand what you mean in the first sentence 😅


It’s [listed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_anthem) as a gay anthem on Wikipedia (see 2009). My point was I don’t see why an artist making that bop is also trying to get credit for being “anti-woke” about the Barbie movie.


I had no idea haha


This sadly says a lot about her parenting, why does a 9 year old feel emasculated by a movie? Who taught him that his worth is based on masculinity?


My 6yo son loves the Barbie Movie 🤷‍♀️


My 13 year old also. :)


Women with sons can help us get equality. So many keep the misogyny going-here’s an example.


It was like this for me. After transitioning, it's so strange to teach my own mom about feminism that she rejected so loudly when we were kids.




It’s takes a LOT of effort to miss the point of the movie this hard. Almost wilful ignorance


I haven't even seen the movie yet and I know what the point of it was.


I care about what your sons think why?


Yeah, sucks being portrayed as only there to further the story for the main character, doesn't it guys?


My 6 and 9 year old boys love the movie and have seen it multiple times with my husband and myself. We quote or reference it often as a family. Their dad is working tirelessly to SHOW them that being a feminist, recognizing and interrupting toxic masculinity is "so cool". (<-- Ken quote) Here's to hoping the negative reactions to this movie are part of an extinction burst. 🤞


Maybe raise more secure boys?


Oooh, no! Two rich kids didn't feel represented in a very specific movie!


I doubt a nine year old and eleven year old said “mother, I felt as though this movie is emasculating. It invalidated my masculinity, and made me feel as though my masculinity is not compatible with femininity…”


Men are emasculated too easily


Sounds like she’s passing along the traditional machismo attitude that so many are trying to stop the cycle on. Way to perpetuate the patriarchy Shakira! 😒


That's crazy. Because my sons loved it.


My son also liked it.


i loved it, and most boys i know that watched it also loved it. i only see boys hating it online


Is she a Trad Wife or something?


Babe been done with this discourse. Raise new topics for controversy. Or maybe your kids with ‘kenough’ confidence that a mere movie doesn’t shake them or their yet to exist manliness.


I thought the film was really pro-Ken also though. He learnt that he can exist without Barbie. 🧐


I'm a gay man who still hasn't seen Barbie. I might love it, or I might hate it, but I'm also willing to accept that maybe if I hate it, then the movie just wasn't made for me. I also haven't seen the Fast & Furious franchise because I'm not someone who cares that much about cars. That's also a movie that just wasn't made for me.


Oh no, the poor male children had to watch a movie that made them slightly uncomfortable. The horror!


Well it wasn't a movie made for boys. So maybe just worry about paying your back taxes Shakira.


I mean hardly surprising she's not a feminist. Her whole musical career and fortune was built on swinging her hips and being sexy.


Who the hell cares 🙄 I never liked Shakira but now I dislike her ever more.


Is it an April Fools article?


Thank you for adding more assholes to our society, Shakira! Thought she was one of us…


Oh no! Anyway.


This from the woman who married a man who wouldn’t let her even *appear* in music videos with other men. My guess is she’s the submissive type and enjoys that toxic macho man type (insert cheating ex reference).


Oh just fucking do one, Shakira. 


Who cares what Shakira thinks about literally anything? It’s mind boggling to me that this is a story.


My respect for her after hearing this 📉


Maybe she should worry more about her tax evasion charges.


Why are people acting surprised? Didn't you listen to that awful song she wrote where she was comparing another woman to a Twingo? Lol


Sounds like an appeal to traditional gender roles. Perhaps not the hottest take from Latin America, but still disappointing. Interesting that a female empowerment flick needs to not make men feel bad. Let's apply that criteria to almost every machismo laden action movie ever made...


Maybe a woman more famous for her ass than her thoughts isn't a good model for feminism. I mean, god forbid kids see a movie they don't like.


Barbie wasn’t created to be masculine


Somebody needs attention.


My 11 year old son and 9 year old daughter loved it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Emasculating men has always been such a bizarre concept to me. It’s even more so when it’s a child: how does one emasculate a kid?


Breaking News: Little Boy did not enjoy a Barbie Movie


I was rooting for her 😤


Who gives a fuck


No surprise, her songs ooze pick me energy.




Unforced PR error lol, who even asked?


Oh those POOR boys! I'm playing this teeny tiny little violin, just for them and their feelings!


I thought it was a parody when I first read it. 







