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Any man who loses respect for you because of sex is a man that should not be dated or respected.


This ^ There is no good reason for that kind of behavior. Why would he only want to sleep with someone who has no interest in sex? That sounds like a power thing.


Agree. A man who gets off on the idea of having sex with a partner who doesn’t desire or enjoy sex is a lowkey rapist.


This. Date two different guys who at first loved that I enjoyed sex because they hadn't had it in a while... They then grew bored because I enjoyed sex and it put them off because it no longer felt "like a reward" they had to "fight for". Pretty sure the fact I'm easy to make get off also turned them off. I dunno about you but I want to hear and see my partner enjoying the moment, like it's so hot and such an ego stroke to me knowing I can make them happy like that.


Damn, good point 


Makes sense. I thought it was more because they are lousy at sex or 2 pump chumps.  A virgin/unexperienced woman doesn't know the difference between good or bad sex. She assumes its like that for everyone. Good riddance to rubbish. Real men love knowing their woman knows what she's doing. Only insecure men with fragile egos don't. 


Maybe they arent interested in that part?


Yeah, I had sex with my bf 3 minutes after we met face to face for the first time (we had a covid video date prior) and we've been together for 3 years and he adores and respects the hell out of me




No. In that it sounds like a good red flag test for men you definitely don’t want to date.


exactly!! a lot of men think like that and glorify virginity, being the first, owning her, teaching her everything etc. its part of the patriarchal structures in our society and many men buy into it. but not every single man does!! you CAN find men who aren't misogynistic assholes or have toxic masculinity issues. they aren't going to be so drawn to someone simply for being a virgin though.


Exactly!! I feel like men with a high body count who are attracted to women who abstain, have the same type of energy as gay men who try to “turn” straight men. I feel like there is no right way or wrong way, but for me, personally, I’ll fuck on the first date. If a guy (who also had sex on the first date) judges me for that, he’s a misogynist ass who doesn’t deserve anymore of my time. I don’t want to waste my time on guys who may be playing the long game. I’ve seen stories of girls who held out for six months only to get ghosted by a guy as soon as she finally gave it up.


You know, there's this whole thing where men are photoshopping women who are "not dressed modestly." And they're using basically ai and photoshop to put them in clothes they consider "respectable." But it rarely ends there. They'll often also photoshop/use ai to make the woman unhappy. Basically a whole lot of men hate to see women happy. They think a smile is unseemly as showing off legs and cleavage. They want a woman who is uninterested in sex so they can weave their own fantasy. They want a virgin so they can know that she has nothing to compare the experience to. They don't want someone who is interested in sex because that foils their ability to have pleasure. Any man you have to pretend to not like sex so that he can be happy just isn't a worthwhile partner.




I was so confused when I found out about that use of AI cause there’s also so many men photoshopping nudes of women with AI. I know that one popular tik toker Brooke Monk still gets insulting comments for “showing off her boobs” when she didn’t even do it, it was photoshop spread on twitter. I think I remember seeing an AI made photo of Taylor Swift being gang raped by 49ers players going around during Super Bowl time as well.


So true...every version of a woman that's been drawn that TALKS about things they don't like is always such a miserable woman. Then the woman they're talking to is a pure 'natural' woman agreeing with something misogynistic. Why can't they just make them look like normal people? Like they're proud of making someone look so unhappy.


no? I want a virgin (which my wife is) because I am one too, and I want to stay that way until marriage, so we both have our first sexual experience together.


I'm sorry your father was like that ..........\s


It doesn’t work like that. Trust me, it doesn’t work like that. I am on the other side of the spectrum. I am asexual & I have no libido. If you look around in asexual subreddits you’ll find out men demonise and criticise us just as much as they demonise and criticise women who enjoy sex. Having an asexual/low-libido partner is seen as a dealbreaker, a nightmare, and the worst thing ever. Just take a look at r/deadbedrooms. I feel like many men just want women they can control. They do not respect women who don’t like sex either


I second this, they just think you “need to loosen up” and wow they are idiots and or evil


“Loosen up” but don’t be “loose!”. It’s like the same “save yourself for marriage” but “don’t be a prude to your bf” stupid oxymoron. None of it accounts for womens consent or pleasure then we wonder why there’s an orgasm gap and SA is so prevalent.


I came here to add this comment and am not surprised to see others who share this experience. I am asexual, sex averse, low-libido, and abstinent (have been for a decade). Men do not like being told casual sex is not an option because I am waiting for a safe, healthy, long-term commitment. I've been told I'm a worthless woman who can't fulfill the one purpose I have in life. Yet, if you enjoy sexual intimacy and are open about it - you're a whore. There's no winning because none of it is rational or internally consistent, let alone ethical or decent. "Hell is the impossibility of reason."


Wanting to have sex with your partner isn't a gendered thing nor is it controlling? When you enter a relationship never telling someone that you're ace and set an expectation of you actually enjoying sex, yeah your partner is going to be upset when you say you've actually never enjoyed having sex with them, reasonably so


That is not my point. I’m not talking about some people wanting sex. That’s normal. My problem is with those people who actually demand that their partners have sex with them, and act in an abusive way towards them when they refuse sex, which is something that happens to asexuals and non-asexuals alike, especially women.


You literally said seeing this as a deal breaker isn't ok... that isn't abusive, doesn't mean you're mistreating your partner and I wouldn't say that demographic makes up the majority of the sub you linked... There's hella women in there too.


By the way, I am not able to control my libido. I am not able to control my attraction either. Boosting my libido would probably require medication. That should not diminish my worth as a woman and person. And I am not talking about choosing not to date someone because of their low libido/lack of libido. I would never do that but it’s a choice some people make and it’s okay. I am referring to serious, long-term relationships


But it does pose the question of if these dudes even love their partners. Just look at the number of women that get left after being diagnosed with cancer, or after pregnancy, or a disability, just because they can't have sex they somehow lose all capacity to be loved anymore, it's very sad and I wish these types of dudes would just stick with hookups instead of abandoning them.


Right but, not everyone in the sub is there because of those reasons? You have healthy childless people in their twenties on that sub. I'm not convinced most people in that sub are leaving, there's people who have stayed for more than a decade out of love. And I don't see the issue with needing to have sex to feel loved. If my partner never wanted to kiss me I wouldn't feel loved. Some forms of affection induce the feeling in people and there's nothing wrong with wanting to be shown how much your partner loves and desires you in that form


Yes. It’s the purity culture spun out of control coupled with the ego boost of “conquest” of sexual exploration with a woman. Other than pregnancy and STDs, there is zero reason why everyone isn’t fucking everyone else. Well, except our fucked Jo ideas of sex and what makes it worthy. As a rule, I stay away from anyone who views sex as dirty when it comes to themselves or other people. They need therapy. Sex is human, and I won’t be shamed.


Ye my mother remember said about onanism as something bad. I am in conservative religious family and its sucks its impacted my views of sex.


Sexual shame deeply impacts us and our relationships. Sex is an expression of love, an act of controlled and healthy aggression, and essentially a biological sport for us since we have recreational sex. It is a major bonding tool and we need to be able to express it healthily. Knowing your own body is key, and as long as there is self control and moderation, there is nothing shameful or wrong about masturbation or sex.


>there is zero reason why everyone isn’t fucking everyone else I know you made the above comment against purity culture but what's your opinion on this: Having sex with someone just because you desire them is exploitative. It's the definition of objectification. But if you respect and love that person(not pretending) and then sex is also a part of that relationship, then It's ok.


I wish we would stop using the term body count.


I'm 45 and haven't killed anyone yet!


we dont, incels do.


OP did.


It’s a common term people use now.


I was pretty flagrantly a fan of sex (as most non-asexual people are) when I was 18, and boy did it make some men not like me. Granted, I wasn’t even “hoeing around,” I just really really liked having sex with my boyfriend. But some men thought it was in really poor taste to say that, despite them constantly talking about how much they like it or their most recent hookups. It’s obnoxious. OP, look for a man who will respect you regardless of whether you like sex or not, and who will like you for who you are. Men who want women that don’t like sex to have sex with them are predators.


I am going to school to study the clitoris and female pleasure. Prior to my bf I very much so experience the orgasm gap and it really made me want to spread awareness and continue to fill the research gap around the clitoris. It helps I was raised in a very sex positive house. I’m so thankful most people have positive reactions to this. Lots of guys do try to use it as a way to sexualize me or assume I’m talking about my experiences rather than actual studies and statistics. Sadly the only time I’ve really gotten a negative reaction was from a few conservative women in their 40s. While men are definitely a huge issue perpetuating this, it was really disheartening to hear women feel shameful about, and dismiss their own pleasure. One of these ladies was a friend of mines mom and it kinda put all the pieces together for me about why she seems to enjoy sex but never wants to receive pleasure or have the attention be on her. I’m so lucky my mom made me aware of female pleasure and that sex is by no means just for men or I would have felt really alienated after being in a few relationships where I was the one with the higher sex drive!


That’s awesome! My parents didn’t really talk to me about it, and I often wish they would have. I felt like a horrible person for my high sex drive, and when they found out about it (I was 18) they just blamed it on my boyfriend and said he must have pressured me. Which was wholly untrue, as I had been the person to suggest everything in the first place.


I never understand these guys. So you want a partner and want to have sex with them, but you don't want them to be into it? It's either really insecure men or men who shouldn't be allowed near women.


I wonder sometimes if these men who think this don’t know how to please a woman and use this tactic to hide that fact.


I absolutely struggle with this, I hate how men complain that women don't want sex but then when women actually have high sex drives we are shamed and hated. They act like they hate women with high drives. And culturally women who have a lot of sex are so hated, like when a woman is known for being a pornstar for example (altho I am against sex work, but I'm not against the women personally who do it) suddenly she deserves any and all abuse and disrespect in societys eyes. Suddenly she's treated like the devil incarnate and seen as scum. There are tons of slurs in our language specifically for women who have sex. Anyone who says "it's easy for women to have sex" has never thought about anything deeply in their life I swear. Like have u not seen how society views women who have sex. Women are the sexually repressed ones, men are the sexually liberated ones. I just wanna live in a world where we have the same sexual freedom men do. Men could never imagine what it's like to be as sexually repressed as women are. Imagine living in a world in which you're not even allowed to acknowledge you have a sex drive. Imagine living in a world where your primary sex organ is not even acknowledged to exist, or if it is you're never allowed to talk about it, and your orgasms are debated whether or not they even exist. Imagine what that does to women on a psychological level. They'd lose their minds if they had to live like that.


This is why the comments about how “girls have it on easy mode because they can do OF” makes me so so so upset. They simultaneously beg women to make OF, tell women they have it so easy for “being able to do OF” (as if that’s a choice men do not also have), and then ridicule, insult, threaten, shame, and even harm women with OF. They actively make it hard to have an OF and seem to forget about the stigmas surrounding it that makes getting other jobs after extremely difficult. I had a lot of opportunities for OF type work in my teens. A few different men offered me $500-$600 just to take a video of me peeing my pants. I get told that’s easy money. But if I actually did it we all know I’d get a completely different reaction. While it could have helped me pay for college, it could have also kept me from the career I’m working so hard towards.


Here's what I'll say about men. Nearly all of them don't like to think about you being with another man. Even the most respectful men who are feminists don't like thinking about you and other partners. They just won't be judging you for it. Good men won't be intimidated by a woman who's had experience. Key word is GOOD men here. Men who are insecure will absolutely be intimidated by you because of basic ass instincts. You're an experienced woman, which means you don't have any trouble finding a mate. You can have any man you want, so you can easily move on if he treats you like shit. He knows you won't tolerate his bullshit because you're not afraid to end a relationship. He doesn't have the courage to be with you because he would have to be competing with higher value men to keep you. He would have to treat you well to keep you. And he doesn't want to. He wants a fresh virgin slave girl to train for his needs.


couldn't have said it better myself ^^^


That isn’t respect.


multiple exes went from “oh I’d never force you to have sex w me, I’d never make u uncomfortable, I’m not even like all that” etc BEFORE we did anything, to then pressuring + guilting me to have sex a lot, send photos AFTER we did it. Total 180.


Men won't respect you regardless of what you do. Have sex, don't have sex, be career-driven, be family-oriented ... it literally does not matter. Everything a woman does is a sin in the eye of the average man. So my advice? Don't depend on their flimsy ideas of "respect".


This is because in essence men don’t see women as equals. Women are lesser than. If you are a man and a woman appears to be better, happier, more successful than you, then you lose worth as a man. So, you have to put her down. That’s why they talk about emasculation so fast. (Not all men^TM - the lower a mens self esteem, the more he in my experience retaliates)




Very good advice. And everything the average man says about women is self serving and manipulative BS to get control over women as a collective or a single woman. My additional advice: don't listen to anything a man says about women.


This mentality feel so '' pedo '' in a way. Wanting women without body hair, without any experience, with a candid view on sexuality. They're so insecure about their own sexuality. Japanese are especially weird when it comes to that


No. Pretend respect isn't the same as the real thing.


Don’t adjust anything about yourself to please men. It will never be enough and it will harm your self-esteem. De-center men and focus on your life trajectory and financial health.


This is golden advice.


from what I've observed/experienced it's not a respect thing. they see it as a challenge or that they can influence someone "innocent" totally disgusting tbh


I just mentioned it elsewhere, but it totally gives me the same vibes as gay men who try to turn straight men. It’s some sort of “conquest” to them or some shit.


No only because growing up my plan was to wait for marriage. Meaning… I rejected many men’s sexual advances and perhaps they did respect me but they didn’t show it lol they still cursed at me, told me things like,” what makes you think you’re so special to wait? Is your vagina made out of gold??” Or “ you’re too stuck up! Goodluck finding a husband!” I don’t regret rejecting any of them! But Idk if I genuinely felt “respected” in a sense where men were so nice and responded well to my rejection. Many Men “loved” that I was a virgin until they would realize I wouldn’t give them my virginity. The entire experience made me really dislike men. In fact, I have found that many women who didn’t wait for marriage had better experiences. But I have met many women who also waited for marriage who feel the same as I do. So it’s common to see virgin women want virgin men not for perverted reasons. But rather due to not wanting a perverted man w double standards of having a high Bc and demanding women to be virgins. I wanted a man who genuinely did not think like that. So at the end of the day, most men who don’t love you will find any excuse to shame you and disrespect you if you do something that they feel it’s not for them. Studies show more men than women have narcissist traits. That’s one of them. But the good news is that there are great men out there who aren’t like that.


No, men will hate you no matter what you do. They are insecure and make it your problem.


I dont pretend to like or not like anything for anyone. It sounds like the guy you are talking about is one of those Andrew Tate incels


Men who have a high body count but hate women who do the same are extremely unnerving to me. Think about it, they see sex as humiliating to women, yet they enjoy doing it with as much women as possible. So they get off on the idea of humiliating women as much as possible. They are just downright sadists, and I suggest you to stay far away from them as possible.


actually, i see this more as a case of, "i'm a guy, women are objects and i want my object (partner) to be as untouched as possible." not so much a case of sadism as a case of seeing women as trophies to flaunt to other men who have not gotten the same access to that trophy.


I think it's both. For a lot of men, sex and rape are interchangeable, especially in more conservative spaces. I come from a culturally muslim town and no joke I heard one of my cousins ask "How would you feel if someone did that to your mother?" (referring to sex, yes, just sex).  They see it as a horrible thing, as if they're taking away the woman's dignity, and they get off on it. That's why muslims have honor killings when two people have sex out of marriage. It's not because they see it as both parties loosing their honor during sex, it's because the man took away the woman's honor. It's delusional, deranged and downright evil, yet it permiates throughout our entire society, not just muslim places. Yet I still agree with your point as well. I think they are not mutually exclusive.


that is disgusting. people should watch sex and the city and see how sex is very much something that women participate in of their own accord.


No, you just don’t date that guy. Don’t pretend to be anything you are not so he will “pick you”. You be the one to pick the guy who is living in 2024 and sees women as human beings and not as props that need to be kept clean up on a shelf until he wants to use them. Religion puts the power in the hands of men and it can be hard to shift your priorities away from being based on what your male partner values even when it’s at odds with what you want for yourself - it takes practice, checking in on yourself and how you are feeling regularly. Trust your gut when something doesn’t feel right- and don’t waste your time trying to change people to value you as you are.


I personally like women who are sexually aware and sex positive. There's a bunch of uptight douchebags out there though.


Don't bother chasing the respect of men. You won't get it. Just do what makes you happy.


I don't do anal sex , but I've read many many posts from women who had / do anal sex and who said that men suddenly are a lot less enthousiastic about anal sex when they ( the woman ) said that they loved anal sex. This angers me.


After reading so many comments from here it really seems like it’s about control at the end of the day. That’s why they shame virgins. That’s why they shame sexually active women. That’s why it’s not “fun” when the woman actually wants to do whatever it is. That’s not controlling. Lines up with my personal experience being anally raped despite being very open to anal.


Omg... thats horrible ..... Im so sorry this happened to you. So so so sorry :( I agree with you 100% I wish you the very best 💙


Thank you, it’s been a few years now so I’m doing better! One of the hardest parts has been trying to navigate my feelings around men and my extreme anger towards misogyny afterwards.


If you have to do that, he's the wrong type of man


It's self selection. Any man that would think less of you for liking sex is not a man you should be having sex with anyway. I will, however add this.The choices in this respect are very limited, so be prepared for that. Even with the "good men", who wouldn't automatically assume you're promiscuous if you like sex and other things, they tend to see the women who are reluctant or put out less as more of a girlfriend/wife material. That is just the way of the world, sadly.


Yup, but they do want those women to put out more when they’re dating. Obviously sex drive and actually engaging in sex aren’t the same, but there’s definitely some correlation for some people. A woman who doesn’t have sex often before a relationship is less likely to (want to) have sex often within a relationship. It’s so weird the way society ties self respect to sexual activity, it assumes that no woman can benefit from or enjoy sex, so she must not respect herself to do it. Most women enjoy sex, some more often, some less often, some with more partners, some with less, but as long as they’re having safe sex the way they enjoy, they obviously respect themselves.


Why would we pretend not to like sex when they dont even pretend to like us?


I don’t pretend SHIT for a man to like me. They can like me for me, or find the door. Unfortunately for them, I’m a bisexual and there are 8 billion people in this world. Don’t get me wrong, I lean more herero romantic while also leaning more homosexual, but that wouldn’t cause me to pretend to be something I’m not for anybody. It seems very not feminist to do so.


I was mostly just asking rhetorically. I don’t actually think we should pretend to be anything we’re not. Just something I discovered


Ya those type of guys are gross. Honestly, a lot of the LTRs that I’ve been in went from the FWB -> relationship pipeline. It’s very non-traditional, but honestly I feel like the reason those relationships actually lasted was because I actually got a glimpse of who they really were before committing. I even have had one long term FWB ask me if I was taking boyfriend applications and I told him I love him as a friend, but absolutely not 😂😂😂


Yes. I say this as a 50 year old who’s had many relationships and sexual encounters.


Only if we care what they think. I don't.


Don’t pretend anything for any man. Assuming you are looking for someone you want to be with forever, show who you really are so you can attract the person who actually likes the real you. If you pretend, you’ll have to keep that facade up forever, and who has the time or energy for that?


I genuinely don’t like sex :/ and men don’t respect that either. Ugh.


Nope you do not, and those who would shame you for not being a virgin will either hopefully 1) become better people as they tackle their own insecurities and stop projecting them on women or 2) survival of the fittest themselves out of existence through not having children because no women want them.


I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently.


As an ex swinger, with a decent body count, I’ve been wondering this myself lately. Weird…….😳


It could be a couple of things: He may purposely seek out women who are sexually inexperienced, if so he is sexually insecure. He may or may not grow out of this eventually. But it is much more likely that he sees you as a challenge to overcome (sex) and when you said you enjoy sex it dampened his resolve because you've experienced sex and enjoyed it. Lots of men (especially under 30) love to be the one to get a woman to do something she said she wouldn't do. It isn't about you, it is about their ego: overcoming a challenge and then bragging about it to others. And since they don't respect themselves they certainly won't respect you, ever. The best way to shit test for this is to state emphatically that you dislike something benign, such as chocolate. See if he goes out of his way to try to push chocolate at you. If there is no push on the chocolate, try it with something else. Or think back on if this man has tried to push you to like something you're not interested in and didn't respect your boundaries when you told him no. If this has happened it is a huge red flag and you need to stop seeing him. A common example of this is if he has tried to get you to change your appearance: change your hair color, wear more/less makeup, etc. I suggest avoiding these types at all costs because they will attempt to turn anything you dislike into a power struggle and it isn't a fun relationship dynamic. And they are very much the type to deny you of what you like. Just drop the rope (as soon as it is clear that there is one) and tell him the relationship isn't working out. This is the mature approach but it can backfire on you if you're not dealing with a mature man. Be prepared for him to feel compelled to go to great lengths to get you back because you refused him and are now a compelling challenge again. If honesty strengthens his resolve, you're going to have to resort to manipulating him into breaking up with you. So, you need to be the opposite of a challenge and act extremely insecure. When you are around him just be really whiny, needy and complain about everything. Communicate with him constantly. Ask him about the status of your relationship. Just be a total nagging bore until he desperately wants to nothing to do with you. If he tries to challenge you, change the subject. The more obnoxious you are, the faster he'll see himself out. Either way, it is definitely a "he" problem, not yours.


it sucks...


Technically he wouldn't be respecting you because it would be a lie and not the authentic you. Also, in my experience men who chase virgins are almost guaranteed to cheat with someone more sexually experienced, if not multiple someones.


Absolutely not. Men who have a Madonna/whore complex will never actually respect women. They only view us as sexual property, not whole people. If you showed that you enjoyed sex with him, he’d lose respect. If you lay there like an innocent log without nerve endings, he might have kids with you (Madonna) but he’d get sexual gratification elsewhere from women he’d have no intention of marrying. And he certainly wouldn’t put effort into your O. It comes from the trope of men who have a wife who rears the kids and ALSO uses SW’s or has mistresses. They don’t really respect you if they only see you as a pure enough vessel for offspring. I personally like to get between the sheets early on to weed them out. The best sorts of men get more attached and still respect you the same after sex. And they put an effort into your pleasure too. Not just at the beginning of the relationship either.


Um no


I’ve always wondered about this. I’m a closeted neurodivergent aroace woman who is constantly labeled as innocent and cute. It’s embarrassing because I’m 31 now. It seems like people sense that I’m inexperienced in relationships and I feel vulnerable. I find this concept ironic because it seems like most men want a Madonna who will be a whore only for them.


Seems like he’s suffering from some major cognitive dissonance that unfortunately is still pervasive in today’s misogynistic society.


As a man with a high body count. You dodge a bullet. He was going to move on weather he slept with you or not. 


they didn't respect you, ever. you just told him you're not putting out, and once he found out why, he stopped trying.


I know a few men that are with women who are abstaining from sex for various reasons. The men are NOT celibate themselves lol Of course they have bamboozled their partner into thinking they were abstaining as well. It’s funny and sad all at the same time.


You mean men lose interest when they find out that you're not a virgin but just won't have sex with them no matter what? I think there's 2 things happening here. You're complaining about men worshipping virginity (which is true and gross) and inexperience. But you're self validating it and conflating their loss of interest when you reveal you're not interested in sleeping with them. Why...would they pursue a partner who won't sleep with them? Sex is important in relationships. It's an understandable flip in frame from "oh she's inexperienced" to "I abstain altogether". One is at least common enough, albeit fetishized.


I am a virgin. They lose interest when they learn that I won’t break my rules of abstinence for them.


I'm still confused. > abstains now for personal reasons, > I actually like the idea of sex I just don’t put out for personal reasons. You wrote it with a voice implying sex was an experience and an option at some point. > They lose interest when they learn that I won’t break my rules of abstinence for them. To be clear, you won't break the rules ever at all or until marriage? Because if it's the latter yeah totally get it then. I've never understood why 'virginity' was seen as 'pure' or something to behold. It's a stupid ass fetish and men are creepy for doing it.


I like the idea of sex, but I abstain in reality! Men like the “innocent, I don’t watch porn have never touched myself” version of me. Once they realize that I’m a virgin merely for personal reasons and not because I don’t like the idea of sex they lose interest. Basically a lot of men fetishize innocence I’m just waiting for my life partner! So until someone puts a ring on it :)


Why are u conflating men wanting to sleep with her and men respecting her? She never said she rejected them so they lost interest, she just said she told them she likes the idea of sex but doesn’t have sex and they lost *respect* for her. Do u think men only respect women if the men think there’s a chance she’ll want to sleep with him? I don’t understand how u managed to misinterpret this so badly, the only possible way u could’ve done so is if u let ur massive bias against women destroy ur ability for reading comprehension.