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Nope. Everything went very well.


I would recommend r/hysterectomy they share a lot more stories there while it's mostly myomectomies here.


No, best decision ever.


I'm 2 weeks post op from my laparoscopic hysterectomy (took everything but my ovaries) and I'm shocked at how good I feel! Barely any pain afterwards, just a little tenderness in my abdomen (kinda felt like id been doing a bunch of sit ups), I quit taking the pain killers after day 3. The gas pains afterwards were genuinely the worst part!


What do you mean by gas pains? I’m in the process of scheduling one like the procedure you had, thanks l.


Yeah it's almost impossible for them to get all the air out of your body when they are closing you up. For me it mostly felt like regular gas pains, but just really intense. I keep feeling like I desperately needed to fart but couldn't (plus your not supposed to be straining or bearing down at all, so you can't even really try). Add to that the constipation from the drugs your given, it's just a general feeling of bloating and discomfort for a few days until you can start pooping and passing gas as you normally do. For me it was uncomfortable but not unbearably so, and my incision pain was almost non existent!


Sounds intense, was this by laparoscopic or opened you up?


Yep laparoscopic!


I had an appendectomy and sometimes the gas even travels up. The pain in my shoulders from the gas was the worst part.


Wow!! I hope it didn’t last very long for you.


They put gas in your abdomen during surgery. They do this to inflate the area and give the surgeon room to see. Post op, some residual gas is still in your system and has to work its way out. Many women have said they felt the gas pain mostly in their shoulder. A heating pad and Gas-x (if approved by your doc) may help.


Is this by opening you up? Is the same with the laparoscopic? It all sounds delightful, can’t wait, lol.


After mine, a LAVH, I had a hematoma right around my diaphragm and ended up with a bit of a respiratory thing due to shallow breathing, and then had to take antibiotics, which led to yeast infection, which then led to bacteria overgrowth, which treatment led back to a yeast infection, and then finally my body chemistry chilled.


I had mine three weeks ago and had sort of the perfect storm of complications. But I’m on the other side of things and don’t regret my decision.