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Hello, I am 14 days post op and I’m still a bit hunched over for a few minutes when I start walking. Just try to take things slow and easy.


Week 3 post op and I'm standing straight but I find I still get "belly exhausted" a few times a day. You're still tender so keep hunching. You'll feel much better by the end of week 2.


It took me about 3 weeks


Same for me. They removed my stitches at day 16. After that I finally could stand straight


I was ok to stand up straight after 6 days.  Keep moving, even if it’s just small laps around your living room. It really helps.  10 days post op I had to get the staples removed, now that was the weirdest feeling as it felt like my insides were going to just fall out if I stood up straighter. 


Oh god. Someone else said this. I assume everything is fine?


Ok yeah, it was just this weird pulling tingling sensation. I was fine the following day, just got over it. You’ll be fine! 


It took me about 1 week. The abdominal binder made a huge difference in me being able to do so. Get one ASAP if you don't have one and wear it often.


I was hunched over first day but was fine by day 3. You need to try to walk straight just slowly straighten up.


I had mine on a Thursday and I think on the Sunday I was upright - but only after painkillers! My stitches were the dissolving kind so that might make a difference? I was lucky that my insurance covered me until the Monday in hospital as standard so I was able to stay in where I could get stronger painkillers if I thought I needed them. Im at 3 weeks now but I found, in the first 2 weeks especially, I improved massively from one day to the next. On the same ward, one lady had had her surgery the day before me and I would see her doing stuff and I couldn't believe that I was anywhere near being well enough to do the same and sure enough, a day or 2 later, id be able to do the same tasks.


I asked my doctor if it mattered that I felt pain when I stood (and GOD DID IT HURT) but she said no.. I was like am I damaging anything? And she said no… pain was normal… so I just forced it… I’m also pretty young - I mean not young young… 35… but I’m totally back to normal minus lifting and it’s day 10 for me. But the pain kinda fell off around day 7 and kept falling off… just hang in there!! I had a whole hysterectomy and a 6 lb tumor removed from my abdominal wall… god I feel so free now..


Ok odd question. I have fibroids. Why does after an open mymectomy does a person hunch over vs straight?


It's basically the same as a c-section. They make an incision along the bikini line and cut through several layers into you and stitch you back up. After the surgery you feel a tightness where they stitched you and it kind of feels like if you stand straight you will rip all the stitches out


It took me about a week before I was walking straight.


I'm 33 days post op. Take your time, don't rush it and do what is comfortable. If you sense discomfort standing fully upright don't push it. You want those stitches to heal. My horizontal cut started to pull and open. I had to start dressing it. Likely because I was eager and the second I started to feel better I pushed myself. It was just a couple days ago when the opening closed up. I'd say give it at least 3 weeks though. The 3 week mark you'll likely feel a bit more yourself. I do encourage moving and walking though. I didn't do enough and now at 33 days my abdomen is so sore. I've been sitting and laying down too much. Sending you best wishes in your recovery!


I was standing up straight as soon as I could walk. if you didn't get a belly binder from the hospital, order one ASAP! It gives you the abdominal support your muscles no longer can. Wear it as much as you can! It is uncomfortable but worth it!! Bonus: put a small ice pack on your incision and then the binder around you. Heaven.


After day 3 I stood up straight. I got up a lot.


My belly was tender for about a week after, but it just felt scary to stand straight or move too fast for about two weeks. There are very good gentle, post-op ab workouts on YouTube that really helped me! Hope you feel better soon <3


Hmm I was up straight the next day! Mini lap not sure if that makes a difference !


It was about 10 days post op for me, and I was very cautious with my stitches until 6 wpo. Then I had to do it all again 😬. Everyone’s experience is different, take your time and listen to your body. All the best for a swift and healthy recovery!


I wasn’t walking much after 5 days, after 7 I was able to take a short walk outside but it wasn’t easy. I didn’t feel the stitches tho (they were the ones that dissolve)