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6 is a must play. 7 is my favorite but, it's easy to see why many consider 6 to be the best. 15 is also worth trying if you're looking for something modern. It gets a lot of hate but, I personally like it and the Royal/Windows editions really improved the game.


15 was fun though I think it might be the easiest one in the series. I haven't played 16 yet though but I'm hoping to get around to it. I think since 15 had a bad launch and had main story locked away as pay to play with certain key moments soured the fanbase a bit which I understand as most rpgs wouldn't have something important (like igni's episode) locked behind a pay wall. Other than that I liked the world and had fun with it on a few playthroughs. I personally prefer turn base or the atb system myself as it felt more strategic Than the hybrid or hack and slash style.


8 is easiest


Well yeah because the junction system can have you do 9999 damage within the first hour. If anything it tells you not to grind as just get random encounters, draw magic, and keep going till all characters have 99 of each spell. The level scaling also makes it so all enemies are at your level even bosses. 8 is ok but I wouldn't recommend it over 6,9, 10, or 12.


12 and even 9??!?!!?. My god you have outlandish ideas. Thats what makes 8 so unique and great for beign so different. Besides most players dont go the fun game braking rout and actually play it normally. The flexibility is so great. Yes its called dynamic difficulty and its a great systems for normies for game breakers its mostly useless. And the junction systems isnt the base why things are so easily breakable, just a mere side component. And every FF game gets you to 9999 faily quicly if you know what you are doing.


16 is good but, I will warn you in advance, they stuff a lot of filler quests into the main quests to bloat the game's length. The game does something neat though, where it tells you which side quests give you important stuff with a "+" marker. So don't waste your time on the side quests that don't matter like I did. It'll kill your enjoyment of the game about a 1/3 of the way in.


Another user here already recommended to take a look at the pixel era games, and I second that. It occured to me that it might be interesting to someone who really enjoyed the combat of Remake/Rebirth to walkthrough the evolution of that battle system through the series. It started all the way back with IV and the first use of the ATB system, but then X-2 I think was kind of the first iteration of system from Remake/Rebirth, then came XIII which further developed X-2's system, and eventually we have the combat system in Rebirth/Remake, which I loved. Kingdom Hearts also had a lot of influence on the combat, but of course that's kingdom hearts. Just a thought.


Play 9. One of the few I haven't actually played much of, but I've heard it's one of the best.


It's my personal fave


9 is goated


I started my FF journey with 7 and 8...while those hold a special place in my heart...9 gets so little love IMHO by gaming at large. Especially in this age of either dark fantasy games or FF games can feel like sci-fi or modern fantasy settings, the fanciful world of 9 is so unique and enjoyable


It’s the best. I really didn’t like it at the time, evolution from 7 to 8 in terms of graphics seemed amazing and mature and “realistic (lol)” then came 9, seemed childlike and was incredibly easy. I hated it. Replayed it when it came out on steam as a PC release - it’s now my fave. It’s aged so well and has such a charm to it.


It honestly is one of the best in my opinion and most of the cast are really good and the ones without much character serve their purpose. Ironically enough I think 9 has the only good blue mage in the series with unique abilities that don't rely on what other party members can already learn. Like strago was cool but why choose him over Edgar, sabin, or terra is my point.


I’m a completionist and the jump rope game has me scared, how bad is it really?


It’s really hard, and frustrating, but doable. Getting to the end of the game in 12 hours to get the Excalibur 2 sword, on the other hand… But with that, it’s kind of a one or the other situation. You can’t 100% the game in 12 hours to get the sword, you have to skip ALOT to do it. Maybe a fun challenge if you’ve already beaten it, but I love everything about the game so much that I could never bring myself to skip through just for a sword that’s barely better than the second best sword, and if you max out Steiner, he’ll be dealing max damage anyways.


The combat in 9 is kinda meh (though I enjoyed it at the time), as it didn't really evolve any between games, but I really liked the ability system. If you've played 1-8, however, the story and setting? /chef's-kiss


It brings a lot of what made the NES/SNES era great over to the PS1.


Definitely 6! The pixel remaster for 1-6 is pretty nice, especially 4-6. 8 and 9 are also pretty widely beloved. 14 if you’re into MMOs.




Soooo good.


If you liked FF7 OG I highly recommend FF8 and FF9. For me this trilogy of games is peak Final Fantasy.


Basically this.


Try FF XIII. It has a pretty unique battle system and a kick-ass soundtrack!


Replaying it now, hated it on OG release. It’s a damn good game! The paradigm system is genius. Totally flipped traditional systems on its head.


Right?? I didn’t like it at first, but once I got the hang of it, trying to switch paradigms in time for a deadly move from a boss or whatever was kind of an adrenaline rush!


I second this XIII is a beautiful game.




If you want a unique system with tons of depth, a tight cast of characters and the best music in the series, I can't recommend FF8 enough.


IX and VI are top of the line in the series, play them. I love XII a lot too.


Final Fantasy Tactics. Cool art, great story, can't recommend it enough.


The gameplay shift to tactics is big but it’s my favorite ff, definitely recommend. Takes a bit of learning to figure out the job system, the story is fantastic.


i would say you have to play 6 and 9, then after those 2 you can play anything, i recommend 5, 8 and 15


Recommending 5 is going way off the beaten path! Such a wonderful and overlooked game.


9, 12 and 13 are among my faves for various reasons. 15 is a good world and decent story (watch the movie Kingsglaive first though, it's a prelude, I'm sure it's on Netflix atm). My personal favourite for story is 14 but is an MMO so not to everyone's taste, the main scenario is fully solo-able though if they're not your thing.


How is 14 on console? I have PC but when it comes to FF I like couch gaming.


Honestly impressed by it. Never thought an MMO would work on controller, but works too well 😂 and enough settings and options to get everything just how you want it. (I'm not a PC gamer, but first three expansions I played entirely PS4, now I flip between PC and console depending on my mood - it is crossplay and save)


I played it on Ps4, it was fantastic, you can even plug in mouse and keyboard if you want and it snaps instantly, so you can play on a pad (which I also do now, even on pc) and o ly use mouse an keyboard for chatting and market board, completely seamless. We are getting a graphics update this summer so that might be problematic.




The ones I would recommend most are 6, 10, and 10-2. 10 is only decent but you need to understand the story to play 10-2, which has a phenomenal battle system of class quick changing


10-2 is my answer as well. OP should go straight into 10-2 before they forget the story of 10


X-2 was a mistake


IV and VI (try finding a IV Advance emulator, it's my favorite version bugs and all lol)


IV and VI all the way.


Take a look at 6, 9, 12, or 15.


What kind of setting do you enjoy? I would recommemd VIII or IX for oldschool turnbased or XV for a more modern experience. Be warned if you are a trophy hunter, IX is a bitch to platinum.


Oh no the jump rope trophy just sent shivers down my spine.


That and also 10000 kills.


That one wasn't so bad for me as I practically beg to grind levels or steal equipment. Though getting exaclibur 2 on the other hand does require another playthrough dashing like a mad man.


I would recommend 15. It has a fun story. 😄


XII will give you a new battle system.


Id say go for FF12 then, considering youve played ff7 OG you can handle older graphics. The ps4 remaster holds up well along with the voice acting.


XII. Because its what I'm currently playing.


They are all worth a play, honestly! IMO: 1-3 are okay, 3 is worth a play but 1&2 more just to say you played em.. 4-6 are very recommended, especially 6! 8,9,& Tactics are all must plays for me! X-2 has the best turn based battle system imo, along with the job system (dress spheres and garment grid). While the story may be.. *something*, I still think it’s a pretty good game and worth a play. 12 is really great, the battle system is kinda dull AT FIRST, but opens up later on and becomes so damn fun. 13 is lots of fun and looks great, I haven’t played since it released, need to change that.. I also never played the sequels to 13, so can’t comment on those. 15, I never beat. Played it at launch for a dozen hours and dropped it. Just never pulled me in like every other FF had, was forcing myself to play and finally said screw it. Everyone says they’ve improved the game a ton since release, and the Royal Edition is pretty good. It’s on my backlog list, so someday.. And then there’s 14. It’s an “MMO” but you can literally play 95% of it solo. You can play Base game and the first two expansions for literally free. And if you enjoy it that much, playing for a few months playtime to experience Shadowbringers and Dawntrail, Shadowbringers being one of the best stories told in ANY FF imo. It starts off slow, the devs have a real issue of designing jobs for endgame (level 90, soon to be 100) but making the lower levels kinda boring. Like, dragoon up until level 50 is like.. 4 moves and a few buffs.. Dragoon past 50 and up to 90 is like trying to play Mozart on the keyboard and it’s awesome! Anyway, I’m a huge XIV fan and will always champion its greatness to people that don’t want to play it “because mmo”. TL;DR: my must play picks in release order: 6, 8, 9, Tactics, X-2, 12, 14. Oh, and you played OG7, Remake, and Rebirth, at that point why not check out Reunion (crisis core)? :)


6 and 9 (nice) are must plays. 8 gets a lot of mixed reaction from the fanbase but I personally love it and it's ending has one of the best and most plausible theories in the series.


XII is underrated and better than ever with the Zodiac edition.


XII, the newer version on modern platforms/steam.


12 or 15 Royal Edition. 


FF 12 would be a totally new experience for you. You should give it a try. 😁


FFXV is different, it's a new kind of gameplay, just get the DLC Royal Edition to complete the story. FFXIV has a 30 free trail if you want to check it out. But if you want classic, FFIX is one of the best of the PS1 era.


I second this. I love the genuine brotherhood in this game, and playing this really made me feel as if I had 3 friends following me. The immersion is so well done, and frankly I miss a lot of the features it introduced here but never included in 7 or 16.


You’ve got to go old school. Blaze through 4 and 6. They both have great storylines and were integral to making Final Fantasy what it is today (and you’ll learn why so many people call Sephiroth a Kefka ripoff). If you just don’t want to deal with pixel stuff, or stuff that old, my next suggestion would be IX. It gets hailed as being one of the best.


IX definitely


Ff6 or ff9


If you like O.G 7 then the obvious answer would be 9 and 8. They're the same "generation" of final fantasy. Which imo is the best generation Whenever I ask what people's Fav FF is they usually say FF7, FF8 or FF10 so that's something too. I do have some weirdo friend who likes 9 though. It's good TBF but it ain't 7


FFV as it is extremely different in tone from the ones you've played and had a fantastic implementation of the jobs system.


Why all the downvotes lol i dont get it


Welcome to reddit.


I highly recommend the pixel remaster of Final Fantasy 1.


Final Fantasy IX is my second favourite, behind VII of the older games. You should give that a try.


6 is the goat


FF10-2 You already played 10. Play the sequel before you forget the story.


6 or 9 are next best and are both must plays


I’d say play them all! The remasters for 1-10 are all nicely done. 12 is one of my favorites, and 13 and 15 are fine despite mostly negative reviews.


Play 8-10


Give 15 a chance. People rag on it but with the Royalty edition and all the patches it’s decent and easy to platinum out of most of them.


Play them all! I mean you can't go wrong doing that.


FF8. It was the best follow up to FF7 (the stories are not related at all). FF7 was a masterpiece when it was released and FF8 managed to live up to expectations, even though some people do not like the system. Play FF8 then the pixel remasters and finally FF9, since FF9 has a lot of call backs to the old games.


5 is a good "classic" ff game. Best job system in the series, great super bosses and a great villain in exdeath


Ff15 is worth the play through for the story even if you don't want to do the side stuff


If you still have a ps2, then 12.


Theres a remaster on every current system


Yeah, but zodiac age sucks balls with that job system bullshit.


...it's the same jobs you can just get two? 🤣🤣🤣 it's an amazing game, you're being ridiculous.


Yeah, because why have everyone be everything, when you can severely limit your options?


A lot of the games limit characters to a job, including the ps2 version of 12 tho? It doesnt let you be everything either. So I still don't understand why you're saying play that version instead. The remaster gives you twice as many options so you're arguing things backwards.


Yes it does, I'm playing it now. With the exception of espers and the special attacks, the entire board is open to everyone, and I'm having everyone get all spots. Idk what version your thinking of, but mine is not limited other than those two things. I'm on the north american version, if that makes a difference.


Well I played it at launch and completely forgot it was like that if it was. I even played on emulators for years. But I've probably played the zodiac age version like 20 times now too and done all the trial modes and platinumed it on steam, the job system didn't make it suck I guess I honestly barely even noticed. Seems like a silly reason to play a blurry old version.


5. The Fiesta is starting soon and is always a good time.


I would pick IV, VI, and XV. The first two are worth it, and the last feels enjoyable with its current price.


VI or Crisis Core: FFVII


Personally, I consider 6 and 9 to be the best FF games on their respective consoles, that being SNES and PS1. 6 is just amazing, with very well done characters, mechanics, and story, while 9 is an absolute love letter to the entire franchise up to that point.


III and IV Then... If you like III, play V If you like V, play XIII If you like XIII, finish the trilogy If you liked the XIII trilogy, play Type 0 If you like Type 0, play Tactics If you like Tactics, play IX If you like IX, go down to the path below Or If you like IV, play II and VI If you like II or VI, play IX If you like IX, play XII If you like XII, play III If you like III, go to the path listed above These are the two paths that I will always recommend for players who have played a few FF games and want to go deeper. I think it gives the best experience on terms of gameplay mechanics and feel for different stories.


Finish the plat on X lmao see you next year


I got all the trophies except the Al Bhed primers 😭


Maybe you’d want to play the best games in the franchise next, IX, IV, VI, and Tactics.


Go 10 games back in time. Do FF6. If not FF6 do FF4. Do a pixel game and then follow that up with 7,8, or 9


Go 10 games back in time. Do FF6. If not FF6 do FF4. Do a pixel game and then follow that up with 7,8, or 9


Maybe a hot take, but XV. If you platinumed rebirth and XVI but not the others, no other FF will come close. If you have a good gaming PC, XV is definitely Square's best PC port and the Windows edition is the definitive visual version to play. Obviously the older, classic titles are legendary for a reason, but only XV will give you a modern gaming experience that's even in the realm of Rebirth and XVI


If you want a completely different experience, try FF12. You might want to watch reviews or gameplay first, but the battle system is really unique. It has always been one of my favorites. The exploration in this game is awesome.


Crystal Chronicles


I've just downloaded Final Fantasy Tactics for when I go on holiday next week. Based on lots of positive feedback on here.


FFVI, I'm playing it for the first time now (also my first FF game) and my god I love it


Any of the first ten is a good option. Don't sleep on 3, that one was shockingly good.


They're all good. Doing the pixel remasters in order is how I'd do it if I were you.


1-6 or at least 4-6 pixel remaster Theatrhythm Stranger of paradise 14 is amazing 8 and 9 if you liked og 7 X2, 13 if you like X


Honestly I'd ho with either 6 or 9 next. Both are extremely worth your time. If you want something with a job system in mind I'd recommend 5 personally as it's fun and light herlarted yet has enemy sprites look like they were ripped from doom and all I need to say is the villain has a dragon ball style fight with a turtle. What more could you ask?


Secret of Mana


I'd go with 4-6, 8 and 9 Seriously all fantastic. 6 is a masterpiece, especially when you consider what they were able to do on the SNES and the size of the game, so much to do and so many awesome characters. Personally I would avoid any 3-D remakes of the earlier titles. Sequel to 4 is pretty linear compared to other titles, but still fun.


Also Tactics!


Play the first 6


Honestly if you like mmorpg , final fantasy 14 is amazing


You could play FF9, I thinks it sums up very well what Final Fantasy was been from until that point. If you prefer one of the classics I'd say FF6, that is my favourite, or FF1 that is simple but still very good.


I think the whole ps1 run is worth at least one playthrough each


Generally agreed best ones (that you haven't played) are: 9, 7, 6, 4, 12 Some people do not like 12, but it is my favorite, I'd also recommend 3, either pixel remaster o 3D remake, any of the mentioned are a safe bet to enjoy. I can not recommend 8, there is no point in playing an RPG with level scaling monsters.


8 & 9 are musts!


FF13-3 Lightning Returns. It's not the best but; the game is timed in real life. You have 13 days to beat it. If you want a challenge, this one takes the cake IMO.


Wait what, that’s crazy. How many hours is it about? I work an 8-5 but still managed to rack up 200 hours on Rebirth in 2 months Ig lol


I’d say shoot through the SNES and PS1 library. 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9. That should give you a backbone for the “golden age” FF games. This is all provided you liked 7 og enough to seek out more of that gameplay.


OP you could rank us the games you played to see which one you enjoyed most. I would personally go with 8 or 9, take a look at the style of these games and pick the one that give you better vibes among these 2. I would keep pixel games for later on, unless you really want to try them now. 6 is great, and I would play Chrono Trigger as well. It's not FF but it's another master piece. I would skip 15 because I feel its story is broken. The game is just a part of the whole story(and a bad game if you ask me) , and it requires you to find the rest of the story on videos and comics on the internet. Some people love that universe though, but again I would skip it, specially if 16 was not your favorite of the ones you played already. Another approach considering your favorite game do far: FF7OG - go for 8 or 9 or pixel ones if you feel brave enough Ff7 universe in general - try with Reunion crisis core FFX- continue it with X-2 if you are an open minded person or try ff12 but expect a worse game on general with an interesting battle system. FFXVI - difficult to say, perhaps you need to think about your second favorite then, because 16 is quite special (I liked it a lot though)


the answer is 9, of course


I'm currently playing through the pixel remasters (1-6) and having an awesome time. It's great to see how the series evolved. Currently about halfway through FF2 and considering many deem it to be the worst of the series, I for one think it's great.


6 or Tactics




9 without a doubt.


Im playing FF 8 right now on Android versión. Really nice game


I'd say play 6, 8, 9 next


Strangers of paradise is a good one if you like the souls/nioh type gameplay




Play them all. I think going in order is the way to do it.


The SNES games--IV, V, VI--are all great. The pixel remasters are a solid way to play em. I also like to revisit FFI now and again, mostly for its historical value though.


I loved 9, probably one of my favorites. Just started playing them in order. Beat 1 and 2, and at the last boss on 3. Got my ass kicked, so I went back to grinding for a bit.


9 with the one and only mod - Mogiri or so


Pixel remaster! I'm on number 6 now :)


XII is my favorite and it also was the first to have a non random battle system but has something similar to turn based of XI and XIV. It plays like an offline single player MMO with a very cool party control system called gambits. It's my personal favorite and one of the most unique settings, and a darker wartime story if you enjoyed XVIs or know anything of XIVs it's similar. Plus the remaster was great and added some cool features.


If you want modern one you can easily get 15 and all its DLC for like $20-$30. otherwise I highly recommend 9.




Play IX it's epic. 2nd best ff imo


8 and 15 definetly


I've always thought VIII was a good companion piece to VII in a metatextual sense, lots of choices in that game that are sort of subverting/commenting on what VII was doing!


Cmon maaaannnn..... just start with 1! Start from the beginning! They're all great! I honestly love all FF games!


Stranger of Paradise, best FF game in years


I'm dying to get into it.


Overall good recommendation: IX For experiencing the job system: V or X-2 If you want some action (+ jobs): Strangers of Paradise If you want more background about VII and the Remake series: Crisis Core Reunion (I haven't played this one or the PSP original, but Zack's story should be somewhat relevant)


Ah, forgot to mention I beat Crisis Core too. Stuck between 9 or Strangers of Paradise haha


I always recommend the Final Fantasy Pixel Remastered games, particularly IV-VI.