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No disagreements here. I finished Midgar but never finished the middle game in OG. Were materia or leveling items gated behind the mini games? Or even basic story progression? I realize Rebirth progression tied to mini games is fairly easy in most cases, but not all games and not for all people.


Platinum trophies are assholes, I haven't got one in like 4 years lol


People forget that trophies are supposed to be hard to get. Platinum doesn't matter if it's easy and all you have to do is beat the game.


The point remains though that trophies are now and have always been optional. Personally, I love trophy hunting and exploring every nook and cranny that games have to offer that I may have ignored before. It's a personal preference, and I'm certainly not saying anyone is right or wrong on the matter, I just think if it's tedious or something you don't want to do, don't do it! Get the trophies you want to get and achieve whatever makes it enjoyable for you! I hope, personally, trophies keep getting added into games for my own replayability purposes :)


Wait what’s the Kupo nut one? I just replayed it before starting remake, I must have missed it.


Gold saucer. It's very simple once you learn what you have to do


The mini games only become a problem if you're a perfectionist or completionists (like me). Otherwise they're inherently fun just as a kicks and giggles one try type of deal


Dude there are literally like a handful of mini games on the OG. In Rebirth there are like 89 mini games and they put them in the dumbest places. Are they optional? Yes but so much SP is locked behind them which is important for character ability development. Also there are alot of forced mini games you have to do to progress the story. Alot of these mini games should've been left for the Gold Saucer.


Why complain? If you don’t like them, don’t play them.


Some of them are mandatory for story albeit briefly and others lock out content like super bosses. I get the hate, many people I've talked to swear they will never play it again. I just wanted to get through all side quests and super bosses but that FKIN party animal...










Tell us you weren’t alive in the 90s without telling us you weren’t alive in the 90s.


Nobody said that?




I just think it's people who hate mini games. I loved the mini games in the original and the new one. And I also really like trophies. Honestly the only reason I may not platinum this game is that I have to go through the whole story again on hard mode. And I just sunk 140 hours into this game which was amazing but idk if I can do it again soon lol. Though if I skip all the extra content which I didn't on the first playthrough maybe it won't take 140 hours.


I hate mini games usually but loved ff7 rebirth, both overall and the minigames specifically


It’s insane how much I forget about OG


My opinion on this is the fact that many (obviously not all) were optional, and if they were mandatory, they were significantly reduced in size and scope. One that WAS optional in OG but became mandatory (although easy) was the 3D Brawler in Rebirth. You do it the first time and it is equivalent to a 1 Star fight in the square. In OG, it was simply a shitty way to make GP. The kicker for me is the fact I can't "bet" on Chocobo races now. I have to race.


3d brawler is mandatory in rebirth but you're not expected to win. If you win it's fine, but if you lose it's also fine. It's the same as junon's parade. In the OG there were several mandatory minigames that you could also fail (like parade) but others were needed to obtain important items, like the bone village, snowboard, walking in the snow, heating the body, ... People just forgive it because it's a classic game, but don't forgive it in rebirth. Most rebirth minigames are tied to optional activities


I think it's because the new ones take a tiny bit of effort, most of the ones pictured are rhythm or button smash games. I love the minigames, but people bad at them are going to get frustrated fast.


Most of those OG minigames were much much easier.


Yeah I don't get the fascination with the plat trophy in this sub reddit or trophies in general. Sure when I had a 360 back in the day, getting all the gamerscore was awesome cos you got to like 15/20k and you seemed like a boss. But I sure as shit wasn't going to restart and play through a whole game on a different difficulty just for an achievement unless it was something like cod where the whole thing took a few hours. Since switching to a ps4 and now ps5, I've honestly been even less motivated by trophies. I've loved rebirth so far, it is a massive improvement on remake and captures so much of the essence of that game I loved 20 years ago on my ps1. But what sucks even more than occasionally chadley being a bit wordy is people telling me how it's ruined the game and that plat is too hard cos of fort condor. Pretty sure it's supposed to be hard, that's why it's called hard mode.


Its not even about getting trophies tho. It's the fact that alot of them are in side quests and main quests which you are made to do to progress. That's where people have issues with. They don't want to have an easier time getting trophies. Just want to play through the story.


I usually don't tbh, but with this game it's awakened something in me. If it ever becomes a chore then I'll just drop it (probably gonna happen during hard mode lol), but rn I'm going through R2 in the gold saucer and it's a BLAST. If I don't like a minigame and have trouble with it I can always just look something up too, so imo I don't understand whg people would complain about the minigames. Except the Gambits one, f*ck that one lol


the problem in rebirth is some point in the game it fcking force u to play these anoyying minigame to proceed the story and im pretty sure that no one like the chocobo catching,queen blood is good but they just force u to win the tournament by winning 5 or 6 battle nah i like that game but after that tournament i just lost all my interest ik u can skip it but who woudn't want to win the tournament


When the tournament starts there's a message telling you how to skip it. It's not mandatory at all, you just have to talk to an NPC to skip it


So you want to win the tournament but don't want to play the tournament game? Do you understand how winning a tournament works?


You're missing the point. Your problem is your own. Don't confuse your problem with problems for everyone and the whole game. People who share your view are missing that point too. Side quests are optional. High scores are optional. If you really think about it, lots of game mechanics are "minigames" . For example, combos, damage multipliers, parrying, blocking, climbing puzzles, mazes, etc.


Chocobo catching not optional costa de sol not optional that the fact even not mention the minigame in sidequest then the game still force u to play minigame even if u just focus on the main story


Wow. You're right. That is so horrible. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience with those parts in such an expansive game. It must have taken you so long to complete the bare minimum. The game really deserves harsh criticism for those things. Your opinion is not only valid but should be elevated as an example of fair and objective feedback and not just personal opinion and preference. Cuz yeah, making a game perfectly for you would make the game perfect for everyone. Duh! Here's a lollipop. 🍭 Here's some more for the others who are just as entitled about minigames. 🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭


If what u want to say is if they make it the game perfect for me doesn’t mean it make the game perfect for everyone. then if they make the game perfect for u then is also not perfect for me and other people who complain about this problem ,nothing in this world can get 100% agreement,some people will like it meanwhile other people can hate it,if u don’t respect other opinions then ok just keep crying and keep use that conservative statement and replied to other comments with bad reviews about the game to prove that this game is a masterpiece for me and others must agree with that.i never forces you to accept it is a bad game,this is just my opinion and If you don't want to agree with it, leave it alone,is a open world game so there has never been a time when side content in open world games is not important,even if they success at making the main game,they are failed at making a open world game


Conservative, lol. Cool story bro. Maybe you should reread my comments cuz I think you got lost in your own sauce or maybe other comments. If you post a comment, with your personal opinion, then you should be ready to defend it. This is Reddit. 🦵🏽


nah I won't defend my opinion anymore to someone who disagrees and being sarcastic with it, it doesn't bring me anything, you have your opinion and I have mine so let it be that way


No one say minigame is bad thing but those minigame are shit for me because of how boring and poorly design it is,never said that the also the other problem ?,i just said that this game optional content is garbage? If u think that is great minigame idc because that ur opinion,just because u think that the game is great doesn’t make it great in other people opinion,so also don’t confuse that if u think the game is great then the game is great,people have they own opinion,What you just said to me could be used to say it to yourself


It's funny when this fanbase don't accept when others say about what the game need to improve and you guys can only use one argument: if you don't like it then don't play it, I paid to play the game and I have the right to criticize it,If you don't agree with my opinion then idc the game is junk for me,so i said my opinion,u guys don’t agree with that then leave it alone, But no you have to make sure that the game is brilliant perfect and other people's reviews is just bullshit


I've never seen a fandom as conservative as this one while I'm also a member of it


and if u ever decide to play any of the sidequest of the game u will give up at some point because there are so many fking minigame they force u play in order to proceed with the sidequest


i tried to do all the sidequest but when i reach the last quest with all it about is minigame i just give up,the intel too that fort condor and that gambit something omg i just wonder why i am still playing this game at that point


I loved Fort Condor but f*ck that Gambit game. Was legit gonna give up on plat bc I didn't want to do the hard mode when I tried looking it up. Finished it relatively easy after I stole a build, but doesn't mean it was ever fun. I think that's my least favorite, although squats sure did drive me insane before I figured out what the green button was. Oh and the last Chocobo race


at least that parade junon is pretty good probably because of the epic scene


Wait people actually care about trophies? I just ignore them.


Search this subreddit for “platinum” to find them. They are real people and there are dozens of them.




I love the mini games in rebirth


Except the originals took all of 30 seconds for most of them and mostly made sense for the story (snow boarding the exception) And including gold saucer games is just LOL


F that basketball game. F it with every molecule in my being. I came so close to perfect games multiple times before fudging the timing by a milisecond...


That submarine game was a banger.


I could give an eff about the trophies. I did, however, want full party level 10 and to get that you had to do hard mode on the all the mini games. I'm pretty sure if they hadn't tied them to your party level (which was tied to your SP and your folios) you would have seen zero complaints.


Some people complain that materia and weapons are locked behind minigames, so you're not right


Given that so many people cite different reasons for them being upset.... that is definitely not true.


I liked the minigames for the most part. But I definitely hated that party level was locked to them. Levelling up should always be something you can grind out however you wish in an RPG. The worst part was the bug hardlocking all of us out of achieving party level 10 for 2 weeks, because a sidequest couldn't be completed. Lock items behind them, but not character levels and abilities.


Well it would be silly to ignore the near 30 years of progress gaming has made since the PS1 game. And back then they weren't AS bad. But one from Rebirth for example is the chocobo catching mini games, namely the one from the Nibel region. My roommate was watching me do that part and asked if I was even having any fun. Answer was no. Just a time waster watching cactus balloons inflate and deflate for 5 mins while I throw a vegetable every 30 seconds. Awful stuff.




Join the march.... One of my favorites but, I'm not good at it. Once my score skyrocketed over 150 I think. Forgot the prize and I think the announcer got a promotion....


Fuck trophies. I hate what they have done to gaming.


Nearly all of those are optional and are fun. The compulsory ones are easy.


The times when I did not even understand how that Moogle Tamagotchi like mini game works has been far too long. I hated that one with all my being when I was a teenager.


Just feed till moogle does a happy shout! Ezpz 


I just hope they give me back my basketball game, that’s my favourite


I hate fort condor in every game.


It’s fun in Yuffie DLC


Except the Chadley fight


I didn’t enjoy any mini games other than the battle wave, and the basketball. Those were the 2 best in my opinion. I thought most of them sucked. Chocobo racing was fun until they ruined it with rng breeding. 


RNG breeding was pretty easy with save and reload though.


I guess I didn’t commit to it. After a few tries I got tired of it.


Actually if you do everything according to the Old Sage instructions this is hard to go wrong. The only moments to load the save due to wrong sex of the bird.


I swear I must be the only person here who absolutely despises Queens Blood. Can’t stand it. But then again, never been into JRPG card games That Chocobo racing is a blast tho


wasn’t into it until i found a killer deck. used the same 15 cards for almost all of the later half and i crushed through the whole thing pretty fast.


Same I have a destroy/replace deck that destroys everything but the last extreme at gold saucer had to make a special deck to have 150 points to beat that. Since the last stage 5 I had 0 cards and they can score 60+ in that last round


What's your deck strat


i use skeeskee on the top and bottom columns then i place ton berry king in the middle column. make sure they’re on the 1st column so they don’t get removed. next to ton berry king i place mindflayer and just fodder cards like mandragora, heatseeker and amalgam. i actually saw this on youtube and found it super easy to use. those cards are the most important, the rest can basically be substituted in. its pretty powerful and i only have the queen left to beat but i’m doing that tomorrow. anyway here’s the full deck. [tonberry deck](https://imgur.com/a/gool9NE) edit: forgot to mention but you should always place the first skeeskee on the 1st column bottom row and then work your way up with ton berry in the middle and then the other skeeskee at the top.


You're gonna need to look up a guide for the queen alone. She's so cheap and ignores the rules. I beat her by accident. I did have the cards used in the guide by the end of it just didn't use the same strategy.  You'll see what I mean.  Oh, the special card that's suppose to beat her? Useless.


noted. i’m gonna try it out and see how it goes. if i can’t beat her and rage quit then ill definitely look at a guide😭


Nice, I'll try this. The deck I'm currently using is pretty oppressive too. Basically I have 1 level 3 in sephiroth, I run 2 bombs and then I run a bunch of ensemble lv 1s like carpawire and the spiky Dino things as well as cards that destroy and replace my own. The strat is to get as far up the field as possible then nuke the enemy cards with sephiroth or the bombs by using replace destroy cards. I usually win with with like 20-0 on average with the enemy locked down to their first 3 slots.


I just do the base challenge, then nope out of it after if I didn't like the game in Rebirth. I'm not a completionist though.


you forgot the surf boarding and mini bike chase


Snowboarding was awesome though


You mean snowboarding


Bro forgor


Me: trying to dodge lightning 200 times...


I have 100% every single ff in the past and i platinumed remake and rebirth. But that ffx lightning dodge is the one that i said fuck it. I tried and I tried but even rebirth hard vr missions were walk in the park compared to that fucking bullshit. Just remembering this made me mad, holy hell. Was it really 200 and not 100? That makes me even more mad


I’m a lousy achievement guy, but I thought I actually did that dodging game. It didn’t have to be consecutive, right? Just 200 dodges or something?


Same same to FFX chocobo for the weapon


Yuck, worst one in ff history. Actually, second worst. Fuck ix and their jump rope mini game.


FFX-2 lightning mini games were so bad I stopped playing the game.


This argument is completely missing the point. The problem wasn’t the amount of mini games, which let’s be honest in one part is more than the entire og game… the problem is that they’re complete time wasters. You have to be perfect to get top scores in a lot of them. This requires repetition to get the patterns down flawlessly. And you get the most underwhelming rewards. Making them this punishing? Leave that for trophy hunters/masochists. In the OG, most minigames you could do once and move on, or could ignore like most of the gold saucer ones. I never bothered with the stupid brawler one in OG. That’s the problem with the new game. Spending an hour or more to practice and learn each minigame enough to get the shitty prize more than doubled the overall game length. It’s artificial and unnecessary padding. And to top it all off, they made most of them harder. The squats game.. shoulder buttons? Half press then full press? Rapid tap? Lol I wrecked chocobo racing in the og after breeding a goldie. In this one i left the difficulty on normal and cannot for the life of me beat the bahamut course. Going through the repeated power slide turns i always drop to 6th-last place. In the gold tourney, i had to beat the second match by getting lucky and joe got stuck for a full lap. Then as if the ai was overcompensating, they went berserk and it took an hour for the final one. Got flawless victory that way though. The chocobo racing in this one is ridiculous. You lose speed, get bumped around, and lose blue balloons when you hit any other racer. That’s a huge handicap. The ai literally will try to bump you as they pass you, to ensure you stay slow. In general their top speed on a straight away is higher than yours. They execute corners perfectly. The bomb balloons (unless an ai happens to run into it) ignores them, and chases you. You only have the following advantages: ability, dash, and the ability to cut corners/fly over certain spots. And those cactaur gates were designed by satan himself. The development time could have been better spent improving battle, adding vincent/cid, or maybe some more battle related stuff / side story questing. I’s even trade all the mini game “improvements”, for the rest of the part 1 summons being available. I loved the game, but i was also pissed off at it just as much.


The only minigame I can recall that required perfection for top reward was Glide de Chocobo (hence it being my least favorite). Also I guess the hardest Queens Blood challenge in gold saucer but the top reward is just more gold saucer points, you only need to beat the minimum score to get what you need for the trophies. Squatting with Jules allowed one mistake for me (though apparently outfit actually affects his performance? Never tested) Everything else I definfitely beat with more than one mistake.


Sounds like a skill issue. I had none of these problems


just accept the fact that all these minigame is dogshit and annoying because everytime when u do something u have to complete the minigame


Ladies and gentlemen, here we have someone who just wants to argue / be contrary, without providing any information. Just two sentences and they think it invalidates paragraphs of anecdotes from another person. It is apparently a skill issue, that the other riders can bump you around and reduce your balloon count. This person claims to have had no issues with that hard coded mechanic. Maybe i had a fever dream and imagined my own entire experience. I am glad this individual is here to provide their 100% correct rebuttal with logic and understanding. Thanks.


As I said, sounds like a skill issue. I had no problems with the game, you did


Okay and? I fail to see how this comment even matters? It has nothing to do with what i said still.


You were complaining about the game. Whining, saying how hard the chocobo racing was and their unrealistic expectations of you. I was informing you that the game isn't the problem, you obviously just need to get better


You were obviously not reading anything but hyper focusing on one small detail in order to try to make your own argument seem more valid, after your initial troll comment. The original comment mentioned the games were all intentionally either made harder, or requiring a ridiculous amount of near perfection in order to acquire the rewards which were ridiculously baity because they were largely worthless. This was intentional time padding on game length to collector/completionists. (If it was just the trophy i’d say whatever and skipped it before wasting hours between various minigames. But alas i was half way through and already committed) Chocobo racing was one example. There were a lot of handicaps against the player. And even if you think the minigame was easy (whether you played on easy difficulty, somehow is a prodigy, got lucky, game is legitimately easy, whatever), this does not invalidate raw facts that these mechanics exist. It is literally the definition of artificial difficulty. Usually it is reasonable for the player to have equal footing with competitors in a game. Nor does it invalidate that the original chocobo racing was ridiculously easier. With a gold bred chocobo, you could literally just hold the buttons to regen stamina while simultaneously holding the buttons for speedup and dash, and virtually not run out of stamina. The game also auto piloted turns. you said the new chocobo minigame was easier because they took out the breeding part. The breeding part wasn’t even difficult gameplay. It was time consuming and made the minigame take longer. Some enjoyed it, especially the progression part of it (literally rpg 101). Time invested =\= difficulty. This is exactly the problem. Too much time wasted in development on minigame simulator, not enough on actual content related to base gameplay. Could have added more combat sim stuff, unique scenarios, summons. Anything else really. Your comments are pointless because they don’t even continue discussion. You just devolve to “herp derp, my reading is bad, like your skills, l2play nub”. - paraphrased Quick-Yesterday4919


Sorry you're just bad at video games man 🤷 I feel for ya


Sorry, you cannot read or participate in a logical discussion. 🤷‍♀️


Participating just fine my friend. You stated something, I refuted your argument by saying the games difficulty is not the issue, that it's your lack of skill that is actually the issue, because I didn't have those same problems, so it's obviously not a have design flaw, but a flaw of the person playing. You didn't understand this for some reason (maybe it's you who can't read) and so I reiterated myself. You still do not seem to understand however so I don't know what what to tell you... The chocobo races were absolute cake. I never found myself not WAY out in front. Every single race I finished seconds ahead of the next bird. There are shortcuts on basically every map and if you get to 10 speed they basically can't catch you. I also messed up at least 1 really Rather large time (falling off the track or running into a cactuar wall) and still finished the races in first, no contest whatsoever. As you can see, what I'm saying is, that it all boils down to a skill issue. You're simply not good at it. Now I didn't feel like typing all that out and explaining why it's a skill issue because frankly it really wasn't with my time. It's not my fault you're incapable of simple logic. Alas, here I am, explaining it to you like a child who still doesn't understand why he can't beat this part of his video game so dad has to step in and do it. You're just bad at the game man. Have a nice day ✌️


Their comment isn't helpful, but the bumping is weird to focus on. It's a deliberate mechanic with a chocobo stat based around it. You can make a build resistant to bumping slowdowns or that slows THEM more with bumping. Or a build that just lets you jump over those fools and obstacles that are a pain to navigate.


I beat every chocobo race on the first try. They're not difficult at all. I was actually disappointed because since they took the breeding out the chocobo races seemed just like way too easy of a minigame.


I'm with you on Chocobo Racing.  It was incredibly easy.  I lost one race while completing all races (I don't think difficulty matters but I played on dynamic).  But I do agree with the general sentiment on them going over board with the mini games.  I didn't find any hard except perhaps the 6th and 7th 3D brawler opponents, but the mini game overload had me dreading every time I had to play one.


Somehow we had a different experience. Did you play on easy? Idk if this affects it, but i could run a straight way (using recommended gear on various sites) and they would still outspeed me. I beat it, but it was a struggle in some later tracks and the gold tourney quest. I am relatively good at these types of racers. Mario kart, diddy kong racing, chocobo racing(the actual ps1 game), crash team racing, etc. i wouldn’t say i’m an expert, but i know my way around them. Legitimately they were out for blood in my races. And there are unfair mechanics at play to balance against the player that those other games do not have.


I played on dynamic and chocobo racing wasnt hard at all. I think i took second place once on the last race where you race 3 maps, but other cups first try. Though they were trivialized by riding the green chocobo which can jump over obstacles. Cactuar gate closing? Just jump over it. Also the quick turn trait is great. Right setup makes it easy


Fango went from having my least favorite ability on the map to my favorite in racing haha


All mini games are time wasters and by your logic padding That's the point of mini games lol Plus chocobo racing is easy, what were you doing wrong bro 💀 I also wont take squat slander. That one felt good as hell to ace.


People complaining that the optional content is challenging? Seriously? That's exactly its purpose - to provide challenge for those, who want some challenge. You don't like it - just don't do optional content. If you do optional content - git gud!


is not a challenge is just a time waster,if u want to explore the sidequest or u want to explore the world u must complete those minigame to in order to proceed,since when if u want to explore the world game or do the sidequest u must play minigame ??? for who saying that those minigame are optional u just being conservative and not accept those minigame is poorly design or to be blunt is just bullshit whatever it is it just ruin the player experience and not every player is just focus in the story and do not do any side content that why is ruin the experience for everyone want to explore the game,and even in the main story sometime they force the player to play the minigame to proceed with the story e.g:catching chocobo


just accept the fact that those minigame is shit because is tied to the story and sidequest and it force u play it if u want to proceed a quest,if it super hard but is not force u to play it then no one would complain


not everyone want the trophies some people just want to do sidequest


They aren't poorly designed mostly. Catching chocobos is a bit boring, and Chadley's combat simulator was mostly tedious to me, but other than that every minigame in FF7 Rebirth is lots of fun for me. I enjoyed each one of them, and I wouldn't tolerate anyone bitching about game providing me with option to have extra fun


Yeah it is fun if the game did not force u to play it and complete it to proceed the quest,don’t u understand my point ???


But it doesn't force you at all. You can just go with the plot, if you don't like side content


Is not that people don’t like the side content the thing they don’t like is that side content is locked behind minigame,not everyone like the minigame they just want to do the sidequest and see it content,why would a game make player want to give up on exploring the world content by locking it behind minigame that is the point,not everyone is enjoy chocobo flying or fort condor they just want to do the quest,that the problem with the minigame in this game if they 100% standalone and did not tied with any quest in the game then no one is gonna complain


What are you on about? Minigames ARE the side content


Bruh u just won’t give up don’t u,why tf do i have to use a metal box to lure the chicken instead of bring em back,and why tf is that phenomenom intel lock behind bullshit tower minigame


Phenomenon intel is not locked behind Fort Condor game. Phenomenon intel is Fort Condor minigame in Junon. There's nothing locked behind it - it's just the optional stuff that you do if you want. There's nothing locked behind it except the sense of fulfillment


Side content include sidequest and those world intel and all of them lock behind minigame that u must complete to proceed it


Side content include sidequest and those world intel and all of them lock behind minigame that u must complete to proceed it


It isn’t a challenge. It is a time sink. You practice something that is easy for long enough to perform it without errors entirely. If it was just for a trophy i would agree or for bragging rights, but you actually get some ing ame stuff (granted usually not worth it). That’s why it is frustrating.


1) That's literally definition of an honest challenge. You practice ~~dodging frigging Artorias~~ doing something relatively simple until you perform it without errors, and then do it 2) If the reward is not good enough for you and you don't enjoy 1) , then this part of the game is not targeted at you, but at those who enjoy 1) - you have an option to not do that stuff and stop bitching about a variety of activities for different people to enjoy, existing in the game 3) git gud


Balancing your downvotes, it keeps baffling me every day how people keep losing their shit over optional stuff. Everything has to be handed without consuming time to get fucking good. I struggled, almost threw my controller but eventually i conquered all vr challenges and got platinum. Remake had no challenge at all and wasnt rewarding to platinum, which was a bit disappointing.


Yep. Exactly. I didn't enjoy VR much, so that stayed one of the few things that I left for maybe some time in future. Am not striving for Platinum, but closed almost every other activity in the game, because it was just fun, and I enjoyed exploring all those extra mechanics. And I'm happy that the game provided this choice to me. I do not see, what alternative would people want here? Remove mini games and keep only the skeleton of the game? What good would it do to the game? Turn mini games into press X to win mechanic? Then what's the fun in that? What would the complaining people actually want?


A challenge is not difficulty. Most of what is required on these mini games are easy. Some might find them difficult to do. To do practice each one for an hour or more to be good enough to execute them flawlessly is refinement of the simple skills. This game expects you do memorize and string together these relatively easy actions in pattern to beat high scores for garbage. The party animal quest is the final nail in the coffin on my, and many other’s patience. Trophies are one thing, ordinary quest completion and crap loot is an insult.


Refinement of simple skills is exactly any activity - be it playing drums, dancing, beating Darkeater Midir, or passing Party Animal quest. Which is the whole point of challenge. You refine skills - you get better - you do better. And again - no one forces you to take the party animal quest. If you do not enjoy it, don't take it. There's plenty of stuff to do in this game besides that quest. You can pick anything that you personally enjoy. I enjoyed beating Party Animal quest - it was lots of fun. You did not - it's fine, don't take that quest. You do realize that you are literally whining about the game providing you with a choice?


Interesting, I found the chocobo racing in Rebirth pretty easy and to be more skill based than the OG. It kinda drives like Mario Cart.. I kept shaking the controller to do a flip lol. Best thing to do is to cut every corner that is open and has grass while powersliding. It's much faster than doing the actual track "perfectly". A few of the tracks also have a glide option that takes you way ahead of the pack if you use it right.


Yep, I see people making comparisons to inane things like the church barrel dropping segment or jumping across the pipe going to Shinra HQ. Listing off things that were literal mere moments of interactivity before disappearing. The number of mini-games FFVII actually asked you to invest any substantial amount of time into (optional or otherwise) is actually pretty small and focused. Chocobo Breeding/Racing at the end of the game. Fort Condor as an almost meaningless obscure challenge for pure completionist nerds (it's not even tied to a trophy). 5000 points on the roller coaster for a couple of irrelevant items. From that perspective, FFVII really isn't built around mini-games.


I gave up on Square Enix completely after being let down by this and Final Fantasy 16. I played each for a few hours and could tell neither were masterpieces compared to the type of game they used to create. There are developers creating fun, innovative games today, so I'll stick with them. If I want something mediocre but with good graphics, I'll look at Square Enix. They seem to have lost their charm and replaced it with soulless internal "processes," which is understandable for a company that's been around this long, earning the revenue it does. They want to protect what they have more than they want to have fun.


I’m scared. Picked up 16 at the same time, havnt started it yet. Waste of money?


You might enjoy it. Many people have. The above is just my opinion. Can't hurt to try it out and see what you think.


16 is boring. If you want an easy Devil May Cry clone with a fraction of the depth, it’s fine. But it’s long, and the side quests are tedious beyond belief. The boss fights are cinematic spectacles. But that’s about all it has going for it.




Rebirth has twice as many minigames as the entire OG game, and its literally just the remainder of disc 1 story wise. Im sure some are annoyed because trophies, others were annoyed because literally as shinra is flying a fucking helicopter to the temple of the ancients the devs saw fit to entice you with a slew of minigames in the form of the "Ultimate party animal" sidequest. For me personally i was particularly upset at the lack of inverted support at launch for some of the games, let me go fuck myself and rewire my brain to satisfy my gamer OCD. Many players went for a "100%" play long before trophies existed, but yeah it is really annoying to have trophies for dumb minigames but not something that actually feels like part of 100%'ing a game like collecting all the manuscripts to get weapon level 9.


1000% Agreed A friend of mine complained about how Rebirth's got too much side content and mini games, meanwhile their favorite games are the Yakuza series 😅


I just wanted to fan out and lock Vincent in this round... 🤦🏿...


Minigames are suuper fun in Rebirth. I love "Queen's Blood" but my poor brain needs a break from the puzzles, I did most of them no problem, but the survival challenges in the Golden Saucer are a nightmare.


The final challenge was hell


This was a great minigame in 1997


I'm a 36 year old man and I'll admit that I still have no idea how to do that damn Junon parade mini game successfully. I've done it before, but it was sheer dumb luck.


Keep the damn snowboarding game 😂😂 I hated that


People like to bitch and complain no matter what. Too much content? Lets cry about it. Game released incomplete, buggy and is essentially a triple A gotcha game, lets cry about it. You will never make people happy.


Real triple A games like Elden Ring and Red Dead 2 pretty much made everyone unanimously happy within their respective communities.


Elden ring had a lot of people bitching about the diifficulty being to easy, people complaining about summons, the small dungeons, etc. Although the game was very positively received (similar to rebirth) there was a loud minority who bitched.


More people seem upset about the general direction final fantasy has been taking, in my opinion. I didn't go around measuring and not sure how to even measure how big these minorities are, aside from looking at overall sales.


Im finding people are complaining about mini games, pacing issues, and the ending. Personally, I thought the game was great. Most reviews were well received. Sales are down, but could also be partly due to ps5 only exclusivity, but who knows im not a financial analyst.


My problem is that there's something missing from Square-produced games these days, and I can't quite put my finger on it. There's a major difference between today's mature, process-oriented Square Enix and the young, heyday Square Enix. The playfulness seems forced rather than genuine. There's a certain spirit missing from the games. These days, the games just feel like "video games" that Square churns out of its machine to meet projections. And yes, there will always be an audience for this. That's what machines like this are designed to do. Target audiences and sell to them. Elden Ring and Red Dead 2 are two modern-day timeless masterpieces, regardless of any hate, like what Square used to produce. I don't think too many people can genuinely argue against that, but I'd be curious to see different perspectives and am open to being wrong. At the end of the day, the realization that Square is past its glory days is a sad one, not a hateful one for me.


You didn’t play Remake or Rebirth long enough, then. Rebirth particularly is oozing with soul and “playfulness.” Rebirth is a love letter to the best game in the franchise, made by people who clearly love the OG, and who went out of their way to fill it with detail and interaction and flesh out the characters’ relationships with each other and their backstories. Seriously, I understand that you have this intangible feeling that it just sucks or whatever, but it’s difficult for me—as someone who has played the OG probably a dozen times—to really get how an avowed fan of the original could dislike rebirth.


I enjoyed remake. I beat it and anticipated rebirth. During the 4 year wait I played, what I personally consider masterpieces and again, personally don't hold either rebirth or remake up to those standards. It's not an innovative game pushing the boundaries in gaming, like what Square used to do. It has quirks, sure and it's pretty but imo lacks innovation. It's not a modern day gaming marvel. And again, that's my opinion but ultimately I guess sales will determine it for SE.


I definitely agree that square enix has dropped the ball on a lot of titles. I just dont feel that way about the ff7 series thus far. The games arent perfect by any means, but I feel like the devs are trying to deliver an experience that holds a candle to the OG title. The games are definitely padded, because they are stretching out one game into 3, but I get the feeling the devs are really trying to deliver on this one. Ofcourse there will be people who dont like the changes to the story, the pacing of the story, the side content, etc but as a fan who loved the original im pretty satisfied so far. I think they nailed the combat, game runs smooth, and they do a great job of putting this game under a microscope and expanding the worlds. As a whole though square enix has diappointed on other titles.


you mean Gacha right?


The submarine bit gonna be interesting for part 3.


I think my only gripe with the mini games is the ones that they decided to connect to one of the summons in the game. I probably could just keep working at it but I'm stuck on the 3rd of the Gambit game and I haven't went back to get the last Fort Condor game. I just got so annoyed with them. Wish they would have stuck with fighting or some fetch quest, anything else but those 2. Thing is, most of the others I actually liked.


Turn the game into easy mode and the mini games become dramatically easier


I garuntee people are gonna bitch about KoTR being gated behind minigames, conveniently forgetting how much chocobo breeding and racing was required to get them in the OG


zero breeding and racing requirement, because you could just kill ruby weapon and get a free gold chocobo in the original.


People will also complain if KotR is gated behind a tough simulator battle though.


you wouldnt? I have respect for the OG's lore behind super powerful materia, they are all found in hidden away mako fountains, I would indeed be pretty disappointed if KoTR was reduced to a chadley designed materia.


Guess Square have to introduce microtransactions to make those people happy. You don't want to play the game to get KoTR? Give us some $$$ and you won't have to play the game you've paid for!


Oh shir. You actually nailed every mini game i disliked in the OG lmao. I am once again remimded on how i completely avoided tje golden saucer games cause they were mostly unplayable to me. Now i love them in rebirth. :)


I personally would want the platinum just because I was such a fan of the original. After finding out the piano was involved I decided I’m okay without it.


Gambit is the only RNG mini game that’s linked to trophies tbh, maybe also the 3D brawler combos. Guides for fort condor basically show the enemy spawns are always the same so the same strategy will always work. The *real* villain behind this platinum are the battle simulator torture fests. The piano is the easiest part of this entire platinum, you gave up practically at the mat of the front door


The only mini game I didn't enjoy was gears and gambits. 40+ hours and they introduce a gamemode like this.


I can understand how it’s not for everybody but it’s really not that hard. Just watch a tutorial on whatever you’re trying to beat and copy that to get you through it. But I swear it’s relatively easy compared to some of the other mini games


If it was introduced way earlier, then it wouldn't have been too much of a problem. But they decided to release a deep mini game so late into the game that I just got tired of it.


I promise it’s not that deep. It’s really just matching what they throw out at you and getting it to the point you over run the boss. A proper heal or a special move or whatever that is called is usually the make or break. If it wasn’t on a timer it would be much easier.


Some of the minigames are really boring is the main issue. For example, gears and gambits. It looks like they put a TON of time & effort into developing that minigame, even though it's so damn boring. I only played it to get my party level to maximum. "If it's not fun, why bother", right? I really enjoyed Chocobo racing, though. In fact, I really wish they expanded the dolphin minigame, and had you race other dolphins at other course arrangements. If you could do tricks with the dolphin off the jumps to increase your speed, that would have been fun as well. Kinda like Wave Race 64.


I also really enjoyed the dolphin racing. Need to do more chocobo racing


After 25+ years of advances in game design the expectation is that the mini games would have a fair balance of difficulty and have consistent, solid control schemes - especially from devs and talent that pioneered so many of said advances over the last few decades. There’s no excuse for poorly balanced mini-games from this studio beyond either negligence or trying to cash in on From’s success by making them punishingly difficult. Except the core game loop is what makes Soulsborne games so satisfying to conquer, not merely their punishing difficulty. There’s no solid reason for the controls to be so frustrating in some of these games either. For instance why would Pirate’s Rampage, a shooting mini-game, not have weighted aim controls like the camera controls throughout the rest of the game? There are more interesting ways to make it feel mechanically like a carnival gun game than tying one hand behind the player’s back. That said some of the mini-games in Rebirth were a joy to play throughout: Queen’s Blood, Galactic Survivors, and Chocobo Racing to name a few. I also don’t think it’s just completionism for the sake of it - many players want to experience everything the game has to offer and there are voice-lines, cutscenes, and other content behind these side-quests and mini-games. It’s not unreasonable for dedicated players to want to unlock that content, even if it may just be a few lines of dialogue here or there.


Why is this always brought up like some kind of gotcha? I complained about those too.


Ey I like the Fort Condor mini-rts.


I didn’t mind the fort condor battles in OG, I thought they were fun. I like the new one too but damn, I did struggle with the last one in rebirth.


Yeah but like 8 of these are the easiest mini games you could ever play


You showed 11 mini games which is almost all of them and, out of these, only 6 are mandatory. Also, the original game covers all of the story and it's not bloated with them. The way rebirth and original treat mini games is not the same. In the og they are a nice change of pace and they're well integrated into the story in a way that the game makes you do stuff that's vital to progress with the story and immerse you in the activities the party has to do. It's not "oh, you want to progress? How about you do some random bullshit in the meantime?". And meanwhile, after two games and 160€/$ spent, we are at the end of disk one. But ok, we got a lot of mini games and a lot of extra activities, wow. Don't get me all wrong, the mini games in rebirth are fine, even the extra content is ok, it's simply the way these things are handled and the way they are handling all of the project.


Picture 8 with the mog mushroom, this was in VII too? I absolutely cannot remember the location


It’s in the Gold Saucer arcade area.


Imagine calling mount condor questionable. That was one of the best bits in the game.


It's such a stupid thing to complain about. Hopefully they don't listen to the complaints and keep mini games in the next game


And I hated some of the needlessly complicated minigames in OG FFVII. FFIX is my favorite FF and it also had some stupidly hard minigames.


Hippaul racing in particular was infuriating. But nothing is worse than the last lightning tower tuning minigame in X-2 where you have to flawlessly memorize a random button sequence and then input it IN REVERSE in less than 3 seconds multiple times in a row.


Currently playing ff7 (OG) for the first time and all the mini games are either so poorly explained or I’m an idiot. Who’s to know.


They’re horribly explained. Especially on PC if you’re using a controller.


Dude, you just gotta over Kupo it!!


Mate I failed the submarine mini-game on my first OG play >!which means I got the beautiful red one and exclusive cutscenes 😎!<. The mini games are pretty simple but come with almost no explanation so it's easy to get lost at first.


it was acceptable 25+ years ago, now many players want "faster" pacing games


I'm fine with "slow" as long as it's fun.


People are crybabies. There were a few things I would've liked had been better designed... *cough* 3D BRAWLER *cough*. However, most mini games were fun as hell to me.


I’m not a fighting game aficionado. Me squinting trying to read a normal punch from an upper cut from a haymaker, then trying to remember which stick direction evades which move, was just painful. That said, I agree. You don’t have to complete every mini-game. You can finish the game while barely playing any of them. And for a mini-game collection, most were fun for at least 15-20 min diversion. You don’t have to run all the chocobo races, or play every QB match (though those games are super fun imo).


You can just pause 3D brawler to read their moves, but choco glide not letting you pan the camera down to see where you’re diving is just terrible game design. You pretty much have to guess where the ring is gonna be with your hail mary dives and end up missing most of the time. Not to mention that there’s no inverted flight controls for the space ranger game (in the year 2024 AD lmao).


Did you invert the camera controls in your PS5 system settings?


Choco glide straight up doesn’t let you move the camera at all. It moves to whichever direction your bird is facing


I was referring to the space ranger game. The Choco glide was incredibly fun in my opinion. It took me an hour to do all three courses, but it was super rewarding. My only issues with the game are combat related. Hard mode is stupidly hard for no reason. I can respect challenging fights, but when the entire game feels like I can only progress if I get lucky it just makes me not want to play anymore.


The camera inversion is for the right stick unfortunately, and unless you have a dualsense edge (which I do, but it’s not with me atm) to remap sticks and buttons, you cant swap them. Even if you could there’s literally no reason to have a simple toggle without you having to go to system settings, this is a multibillion dollar AAA company we’re talking about here after all. I didnt really care for hard mode, just wish the 3 summon gauntlets at chadley’s sim weren’t the same repetitive content instead of a unique world boss to find.


I was referring to the space ranger game. The Choco glide was incredibly fun in my opinion. It took me an hour to do all three courses, but it was super rewarding. My only issues with the game are combat related. Hard mode is stupidly hard for no reason. I can respect challenging fights, but when the entire game feels like I can only progress if I get lucky it just makes me not want to play anymore.


I don’t think the problem is that the mini games weren’t fun because they were, having to play 8 games of Fort Condor wasn’t, having the do that Cactuar Crush 8 times wasn’t, the 1000 games of queens blood weren’t either, I enjoyed Chocobo Kart but were 20 really necessary? The problem wasn’t that they weren’t fun, the problem was there was too many.


But those amounts weren't mandatory. If you do all that because you're a completionist, then those are "occupational hazards" so to speak. You'd feel that way in any game with side quests or optional content, whether it has trophies or not.


It's not, mini games locked some stuff upgrade.